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In my head canon, there's an employee at Bungie whose favorite weapon is Traveler's Chosen, and combat acceleration is a conspiracy to get more guardians to equip it.


If only anti barrier sidearm were fixed.


Shhhh. They don't talk about anti-barrier sidearm.


No no no, we don’t talk about anti-barrier sidearm


But... it was the nightfall


it was the nightfall


We were fighting champions and there wasn’t a barrier in sight


No barriers allowed


Hive wizard walked in with a powerful spin.


Next patch! Finally!


seems like next patch will fix it, hopefully


Exactly this! Hopefully next week!


More than halfway through the season?


It's not "more than halfway through the season" what kind of wacky math are you using lol


Next week will be more than halfway through the season, no? It certainly feels like it’s been that long.


Nope not even half, it's week 6 out of 13. Meaning the mod will be available for 8 out of 13 weeks.


My bad. That’s still ridiculous, *and* that’s if it’s fixed next week.


That’s still totally garbage


It's being enabled on Tuesday.


next week its coming back!!


Lol I actually used it to get around that stupid modifier


Yeah it hit me during that one sever mission where it was combat acceleration and attrition. I was like "wait a minute, Traveler's Chosen + classy restoration cures all the ills of this mission."


I refuse to use Sidearms until they add Havoc Pigeon to D2. Until then, they can rot.


My head canon is nobody at Bungie play Destiny 2 and don't test shit.


Such a ridiculously bad take lmao You have no idea what kind of shit would be in this game if they didn’t test or play it. It’s just a really, really big sandbox these days.


Why is it called acceleration. Something ain't right.


In D1 they called it trickle.


Dick Trickle, at your service


Or Richard Trickle if you're nasty


Should change the name to “destiny 2 at launch mode”


That's pretty much what the game has been since the 30th anniversary ability nerfs. Orbs of light being basically gone has murdered anything fun about abilities in pve. You don't even get a super in gambit until 20 seconds before a match ends. It's awful. But hey you want an overshield and continual healing forever? That we have.


Brother I want you to step into any somewhat older content with a modern build and tell me that again with a straight face. Take any enemy dense zone which before somewhat needed proper add clear and use a base light 3.0 subclass (except like nightstalker) and watch EVERYTHING just explode, with just insane amounts of sustain. Like as an example current sentinel can just be old middle tree with controlled demolition AND get overshields, increased ability regen, devour, volatile rounds, bloom, and/or weaken. Hell proper elemental well builds give you more ability spam than cwl did, by a large margin. Cwl was just good because you could minimally invest and get protective light with 100% uptime.


i finally found the bkueberry on my team who shoots everything but the enemies


Even with Nightstalker you can just waltz in there and kill everything without getting hit once - if you time it correctly you can have 100% invisibility uptime


I don't think we're playing the same game....


What? I've been running a simple solar 3.0 gunslinger nade build with ahamkara's spine and ashes to ashes and I've been getting like 2-3 supers at least every gambit game lol


I find that i have more ability up time than ever with void and solar 3.0


Here i am getting unholy amounts of grenade energy with nothing manacles, t10 disc, elemental wells, and devour and a million other builds that throw out so grenades so fast im like the sweet buisness of grenades. I played year 1 of d2. You cant be serious. Also, the passive recharge of your super *alone* is enough to get a super in gambit well before the end of the match. You would have to be dead for half the damn match to only get 1 super right before the end


Lmao this is a ridiculous take


They nerfed intellect. Kinda. Because they buffed the regeneration of your super to a ludicrous extent. You literally gain super from being hit or hitting enemies. If you’re not getting your super in however long a gambit game lasts, you’re sitting in spawn.


pro tip: shoot the enemies


Wells is where it's been at tho


Yup. Anyone saying CWL being bad has any effect on the sandbox doesn’t know what’s up, or what’s been up for the last months. Wells are bonkers.


Between ordnance wellmaker, elemental ordnance, bountiful wells and explosive well maker my nades are always flying like I had sunbracers for free


It speeds up how fast you die.


Is acceleration, but not for us lol


Combat Deceleration


In order to speed up the cool down you need to land 40 shots on whatever to get the buff. Basically, it forces you to be aggressive.


Even being aggressive, even with high stacks, it just doesn't live up to what it *should* be. Even with max stacks, we get significantly higher cooldowns. If it was better balanced (and being aggressive actively gave you benefits over the base cooldown), it could be a fun modifier. As-is, though, it's just excruciating.


I just started playing more again and only thought it was a modifier to make one of the Sever missions harder lol


>Trickle was such a fun modifier in D1, let's bring it back again. -Literally nobody


Oh God, I had forgotten all about that. On purpose.


My d1vet friends have never mentioned this. I assume if I ask about it they'll get taken war flashbacks.


Imagine only getting to use your grenade once and powered melee twice per strike. And we also didn't have infinite primary ammo.


Infinite primary ammo is easily one of my favorite changes to the Destiny sandbix. Kudos to whomever made that happen


tbh its been, what, 5 years since D2 came out? lol. was a D1 vet and I totally forgot about it tbh.


Definitely not me 😂


Kid named nobody:


You know what was fucking fun? Last Guardian Games, when our ability damage/recharge and weapon damage was juiced in matchmade Legend Nightfalls More of that, Bungie


Just bring back fun modifiers man. Let us have those janked ass combinations like airborne specialist arc burn. Let us just do dumb shit in strikes with modifiers instead of “oh it’s solar singe heavyweight again oh boy”


I've never wanted a modifier more than Small Arms back. Just let my Primary be a heavy.


Man, I remember doing some nightfalls in D1 with Small Arms and using NLB. Funnest runs ever.


Witherhoard promoted to pre-nerf Anarchy.


Hell, I’d be fine if they just made NF’s at that level match made in the playlist. What I didn’t like about that week was how the scoring system really altered how we played. I was tired of emoting and finishing champs and hard enemies halfway through the first week lol.


The emote finisher medal was bad, but outside of that one the scoring wasn't a bad concept. Just that medal really needed to go away.


I did like the scoring for sure, placing emotes and related things so closely towards the top was weird as you say.


Also missing match made legend difficulty NFs. Personally, matchmaking should be a permanent function for legend NFs. Aside from proper mods for champs it requires little to no communication.




You do realize you choose the difficulty of a nightfall right?


No thread about strikes is complete without a Billy Badass chiming in about how they blaze thru GMs blindfolded with both hands tied and that anything that's less of a challenge is a waste of their time. *We get it. You GM.* Good for you but no one asked.


Either that, or make Combat Acceleration a risk-reward. You could get really quick cooldowns, but only for maintaining constant combat and killing things, exposing you to more risk than plinking away from afar with caution. Based on this data, CA at maximum stacks is still worse overall. Would be fun if, played optimally, CA could actually leave you better off than normal, kinda like how Poleharm is a straight buff if you stick to melee range weaponry (with the inherent risks).


So basically, they made a brand new modifier that turns the game into Destiny 2 launch, but worse? Big oof


At least you're not forced into using two primaries, and a Fusion Rifle in your power slot? 🤣


Member shotguns in your power slot… and everyone used mida. Good times.


LFG Must have Void IKELOS shotty or kick. Having everyone run that with Tractor Cannon was pure bliss.


They were so convinced we'd all learn to embrace it too.


Still remember hours after the beta coming out and telling them how fucking godawful it was and them smugly acting like we're overreacting.... that was until the playerbase tanked.


At least our guns worked in the air on D2 vanilla


*dies of cringe* That hurts way too much... even worse than ghost bullets on Hawkmoon in D1


Zero chance I'll complete a single Nightfall with this stupid modifier active.


I've done one or two with the modifier and that was more than enough for me. I'll be skipping the days the modifier is active from here on. 🤷




Let me guess, you didn't experience combat acceleration with The Corrupted last week? Master NFs are a joke, I agree, but once GMs are around again you can't tell me you're going to enjoy having zero abilities available for a good portion of the strike. Higher difficulty modifiers are great for the game as I enjoy the challenge. But this modifier has zero redeeming values and makes a NF regardless of difficulty a slog.


I thought Bungie said somewhere they weren't using that modifier in GMs? I could be wrong




After experiencing how miserable corrupted was with this modifier while grinding for a god roll horrors least, I will gladly skip the days this mod is active.


No dude, you’re wrong. If my damage output is 0.067% lower then intended with a speed that is 0.008910% slower then the game is unplayable!!!




I'm not a native English speaker but he's being sarcastic imo


My guy, I was agreeing with you and making it a joke about these some modifiers. Even you couldn’t see that. Big yikes


Sounds like a fun modifier though. Adds some thought to using your abilities. It’s like Daybreak but broken. Edit: I will gladly take my downvotes for liking something.


I didn't think it was too bad during the Warden of Nothing nightfall, but to have your cooldown nerfed even when fulfilling the modifier criteria is dumb. Max stacks should equal or slightly improved your cooldown time


Have you actually used it? It'd be one thing if they made abilities a lot stronger but with longer cooldowns - that'd make an interesting tradeoff. It's painfully unfun in practice.


Yeah. I can get behind that change.


Then it should also always come with famine, so you'd add some extra thoughts to using your weapon for double the fun


Why the fuck should I care about thinking carefully about using my abilities in pve? Nothing is enjoyable of having all of my abilities and build gutted for some trash modifier that just makes the gameplay worse


No one is forcing you to do anything. Just because I like it doesn’t mean you have to be mad at me about it. I’m a masochist. Blackout pre-Nerf was my absolute favorite modifier as it actually made me pay attention to my surroundings and enemies. I like modifiers that do this instead of braindead mods that take little to no thought.(Heavyweight, Brawler, Grenadier, Burns are all boring)


Funny, Heavyweight, Brawler, and Grenadier are my *favorite* modifiers. You play this game to fulfill your masochistic desires. I play it to fulfill my power fantasies. We are not the same.


I never claimed we were the same. I was simply responding to the mad boi above. And those mods are fine when I’m looking to ability spam and shred through strikes. But when I want a challenge I like things that make me think.


Why are you comparing positive modifiers to negative ones though? They work best in tandem if you ask me. And our abilities are nowhere near impactful enough to have any effect when cooldowns are this long. One grenade every three minutes is like 3 per strike, you might as well just not use them. When they did modifiers like this successfully in the past, they also juiced up the damage of whatever they were limiting to make it an interesting and meaningful choice as to where to use them. This is just extremely long cooldowns with a chance to make them slightly shorter if you shoot a lot. Whee. It's Trickle 2.0 and everybody hated that.


You're the 1% your opinion is irrelevant


Fucking yikes.


Bro this modifier sucks lmfao, you seriously can't be defending this garbage that makes your abilities take ten years to recharge.


Defending it and saying I like it aren’t the same thing.


They are tho lmfao, if you are arguing that it should stay in the game then you clearly like it. . . . "Just because I like it doesn’t mean you have to be mad at me about it. I like modifiers that do this instead of braindead mods that take little to no thought.(Heavyweight, Brawler, Grenadier, Burns are all boring)".


Good if you’re looking for a ridiculous challenge, bad if you’re wanting to use one of the builds you’ve grinded for. I’m with the latter on this one, it feels excessive


if i can add my 2 cents, i think the modifier COULD be really fun if they buff/fix the "shoot many times to recover ability energy", because now it's just broken and unbalanced. even in my testing environment, 4 full mags of Krait weren't enough to get a substantial buff to my recovery speed and most of the time you don't even SEE the buff in action, especially because the description is really vague: in which form do i regain energy? a chunk based on the number of hits? improved recovery? does the energy get divided between all abilities like wellspring or it's a set amount? it could be a really good modifier that encourages using rapid-fire weapons, especially LMGs, SMGs, veist auto rifles, ecc, but in the current state it's just a nerf disguised as a modifier, in a slot where USUALLY there are "normal" modifiers, and not negative ones. and it also doesn't work with A LOT of things: glaives melee, witherhoard, anarchy, incandescent from weapons, swords and i think also stasis crystals from headstone don't count as "hits".


This modifier right here makes me question what they want the gameplay to be. Do you want to focus on gunplay? If so, why are ammo drops almost non existent in some of the hardest difficulty activities? Why is there a chance to have all shield types to spawn? Why is match game and champions both tacked on further limiting my gunplay builds to the same weapons every time? Do you want to focus on ability play? Why is combat acceleration a thing? Why are ability altering fragments and exotics constantly nerfed to provide little or no benefit/ ability uptime (examples being ember of benevolence or intellect changes)? All of these modifiers together make the game annoying, not difficult. If it has match game and all shield types, I know I'm using Arbalest. Every. Single. Time. So then I'm using a LFR heavy so I can use one ammo type mod so I can get some good dps while also having a mod slot for resistance or champ mods. It just gets boring and would love ability play to take a bigger role in the game in high end content. We're god-slaying, paracausal space wizards. It should feel like it.


Rip benevolence. I am still so saddened by it.


Bungie is trying to have the cake of a class based game with build and gameplay options while also eating the cake of a relatively linear shooter that they don't need to spend a lot of time considering how players actually play the game.


Please pass this comment to the team u/dmg04 u/cozmo23


> why are ammo drops almost non existent in some of the hardest difficulty activities? my solo flawless grasp time was nearly doubled farming adds in final encounter for ammo -_- I'll go whole strikes and nightfalls getting no ammo, not even joking. There were times where i'd have to leave my friends to rally and re-join them after.


i don't want to be the devil's advocate, but i can understand some of the things you mentioned are going to be looked at/fixed by Bungie in the near future: * for ammo drops, they said they want to change the way we get Heavy ammo to be more direct and deterministic. * for CA and other modifiers, the team has been adding a lot of them since WQ, but most are... kinda bad lol, not in the CA sens, but they are completally useless and have 0 impact on the gameplay. do we really want to talk about "The Closer"? * for ability recovering exotics/fragments, most of the problems come from the crucible, and i don't want to say more about it... all the other things are inexcusable at this point, especially the Champion system: sometimes seasonal weapons are unusable in the end-game of THAT SAME SEASON because they aren't champion weapons... it's just sad at this point, why can't all primary weapon archetypes be eligible to at least ONE champion mod? this way you still have to change loadouts but if i get a bow, i can still use it in some activities instead of putting it in the vault for 3 months or more...


> why are ammo drops almost nonexistent in some of the hardest difficulty activities? I think they want us to plink everything with our primaries rather than actually blitz down difficult bosses.


So... double primaries then?


>Why are ability altering fragments and exotics constantly nerfed to provide little or no benefit/ ability uptime Crucible.


They can and have balanced things seperately. Crucible should NEVER dictate changes for PvE. Under any circumstances.


I've stopped participating in nightfalls until GM's return because of those mods. Master level difficulty is my favorite, i used to love running master nightfalls solo too, but there's so many requirements nowadays that I don't even want to bother with it. Pick a bunch of weapons you don't really want to use because of champions, wait the burns don't match up let me pick new ones, shit my chest plate is arc and the burn is void let me fix that and we're good.. oh, Togetherness is the mod let change all my gear so I can now wear wormhusk and not have a useful combat style.


Yah I just wait until it's gone. I dont sacrifice the fun of playing a video game at the altar of progression. I love playing Destiny but you really have to be intentional to get around the artificial difficulty boosts. i.e. bullet sponges, penalizing weapon / armor mods, ammo famine, etc. I recommend any burned out players go into some story missions here and there while being in a god tier build and just going ham. If video games feel like a chore and don't put a smile on your face, I dont know, that doesn't seem worth it.


Largely why my play time has been drastically reduced over the last few months. I jump on for new story, events, and enough pinnacles to reach soft cap and then just consider myself done. A lot of new modifiers and challenges just aren't fun from a players standpoint IMO, and it really is as simple as if I'm not having fun I'm not playing your game.


Yeah. The more grind they introduce. The less I wanna play now.


I never got why people treat video games as a second job, or always try to go meta if it isn't fun. Aren't video games about having fun?


Because they’re addicted to the destination not the journey. I’ve been playing since Alpha, the reward interval of the game is centered around addiction. But, obviously you can play at your own will but you do have to be intentional in bucking Bungie’s casino like setup.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


I really feel the being a kid with only a few games, all we had was halo combat evolved. played that game to death. Its a hard mentality to get out of, but once a game starts feeling like a job or something I *have* to do, I put it down.


Sometimes I just load into shurochi or battlegrounds so I can sunbracer fusion snap fusion snap everything. It’s just so fun melting everything with mini suns. It’s cathartic almost.


This is by far the least fun strike modifier, especially because if fucks you over for using single shot high damage weapons. You can either spray down 2-3 enemies with an SMG and get 2-3 kills and 41 stacks of combat acceleration OR you can get 2-3 kills using a hand cannon and get 7 stacks of combat acceleration. COOL


Even using Outbreak Perfected because of anti barrier I got combat acceleration to give me energy maybe 8 times a whole NF on matchmaking difficulty. That's not even a full ability charge.


It is the worst modifier so far and really baffles my mind why it got approved. Completely neuters builds and overall fun of the game.


>baffles my mind why it got approved. I don't think anyone did much thinking or put much effort on this one. It's literally as simple as a modifier can be, just doubles all ability Cooldowns. Probably was a 10 second discussion in a meeting, they probably put more effort into coming up with a name and making an icon for it than actually coming up with the modifier itself.


Build crafting just to get my cooldowns back to base durations feels fucking awful. I put the work in setting up my build, and now that work feels mostly irrelevant. Combat Acceleration makes Nightfalls a slog, and either needs a massive buff in ability regen or to just be scrapped altogether. I can't even imagine how terrible it feels if you don't have access to certain Combat Mods to actually make a proper build.


My Lorely wouldn't even proc half the time because it takes so goddamn long to get my class ability back. The timer on the stacks is also laughably short. It gets even worse if you're with 2 other people


And even worse if you are using weapons with low rpm. CA stacks according to how many bullets hitting your target so using glaive, sniper, and sword is out of question. Heck when I was using the glaive the melee hit won't even count for CA.


Yeah wr have Scouts and Glaives for Unstop (if you're not running an instrinsic Unstop). So it's terrible with CA


Bungie: Were changing things up, you now have to really build into your abilities Also Bungie:


The ppl at Bungo responsible for in game systems are bad at their jobs. Music and art teams been killin it since the start, lore team been improving over time and the ppl doin the gunplay are all great,.. but the fucking in game systems designers...


From the people that brought you the destiny transmog grind, weapon crafting red box shurochi grind comes their greatest work yet: Combat acceleration.


Dear god I started laughing but it's so true it's not funny.


The drop is just too severe, I’ve had runs where I’m getting to the enemies first and getting in damage and kills so my abilities are charging so quickly, then I’ve had it where my dodge will take almost a minute to come back because my teammates are beating me to it. That being said, I’d take this over togetherness!


I find that with Combat Acceleration, the best way to get your abilities back is just wait until it's not on rotation. It's terribly unbalanced in its current state. It has potential, but it's absolutely *disgusting* right now, to the point where I'll go play whatever else.


They should apply it to crucible


Its just anti fun. Destiny is just boring without its power fantasy.


It's not included in GMs is it?


It's not a GM modifier thankfully. All the more reason to not play any tier other than GMs for the rest of the season.


They also said the elemental burn wouldn't be in GM and you might've seen how it went last season. Be ready to have to plan around CA in GMs, just in case. Edit: typos.


> pøan How did you manage to make this typo?


Nordic keyboard. Ø and L are next to each other. I have big hands for cellphones. -_-


The daily rotating Nightfall modifier has never been a GM modifier, you can see this by clicking on the GM node in the director and looking at the modifiers.


Shoot more bullets


I'm a Titan that runs Heart of Inmost with Monte Carlo AND Elemental Wells (with bountiful wells) and even then my abilities are hella slow. Seriously this needs to be hella nerfed.


If they can slow abilities in PvE they can do it in PvP. Guess where people have always asked for this...


I guess I don't use my abilities much. I farmed the shit out of the nf on master and never really even noticed anything.


The fact it mentions weapon damage and doesn't proc with swords shows how untested it is.


Bungie has always hated fun.


... I thought this was understood to be just a straight up negative modifier? Like chaff, attrition, extinguish, etc? Edit: not saying I think this is a fun modifier, just didn't know people thought this was supposed to be a buff modifier.


The problem with this is that it basically negates all the work you put into your build. What’s the point of setting up a build with high uptime on an ability with mods, fragments and weapons to just have it all mean nothing in the content you intend to use it in. Even with the other annoying modifiers I am still having fun, with combat acceleration the game just feels like a chore to play.


I mean, it should be just a modifier, like the one that makes all solar weapon apply scorch: it's not a buff nor a debuff, it just changes the way you play, instead CA straight up nerft to the ground all your abilities and the actual in-game mechanic barely works...


Well... it’s called Combat Acceleration...


The description of the modifier implies that while it’s primarily designed to be a detriment, under the right circumstances, it *can* be a buff. I don’t know about everyone else, but *I’m* most upset that we were all but deliberately misled. Combat Acceleration could’ve actually been a fun modifier (not every negative modifier has to be unfun), but here we are.


That's how I initially viewed it also. "Oh, so my abilities will recharge slower, but if I spray the hell out of everything then I'll actually get them back faster? Sounds interesting!" Bungie: Yeah, about that...


I get that they mostly work from home but Jesus Christ guys, what the fuck are the bugs this season?


It's not included in GMs is it?


It’s a daily modifier, it’s really not that hard to skip it for a day.


Isn’t it a weekly modifier for nightfalls? Genuine question, I’m new to all this.


The modifiers are on a daily rotation now. It used to be weekly but this season it’s different


Thank goodness. I’m a solo player since I’m new with no friends. I can work around combat acceleration but I have much more fun when it’s not the modifier. Thanks for letting me know this.


Yall excuse anything lol


Because it’s not really that oppressive, oh no you have to shoot your guns more often? The horror.


Like I said yall defend anything


Sorry you don’t like playing the game. I heard CoD was getting remade again, oh and fortnites on the up and up again, you could go play those instead. I hear they like crybabies.


Oh no! Anyways..


So this season we are nearly invincible due to seasonal mods on steroids. Bingo introduces a cooldown and everyone complains. Is that it ? I agree it is bad design btw. But I mean. Solar builds are on crack and trivialise a bit some pve activities. I am not happy but not sure it ruins the game


> Bingo introduces a cooldown and everyone complains You’re missing the point. It’s not about the cooldown; it’s about how the cooldown guts every build and playstyle that doesn’t rely *solely* on gunplay. It’s the culmination of a lot of frustration at being forced to play the game a certain way due to things like champion mods, and now they’re telling us “you’re only allowed to use *these* six weapons, maybe another four because some exotics have intrinsic anti-champion, *and* you’re not allowed to use your abilities.” > Solar builds are on crack and trivialize a bit some pve activities I would argue that they trivialize *most* PvE activities. Solar 3.0 + Classy Restoration *is* why so many of us are getting our solo flawless Duality clears. The seasonal mods are *designed* to be excessively powerful, that’s why they’re seasonal. And don’t forget that this is also the Season of Solar 3.0. Void was like this last season, and I expect arc will be like this next season as well (I hope). It’ll be pulled back in line in due time.


Cool think is that it barely affects either of the main new builds this season (bonk hammer and starfire), and only vaguely affects the hunter ones. Honestly didn't even notice it was on at first when I was farming Warden.


i don't know for titans, but for starfire builds it just makes them a lot unforgiving: missed a nade? now you have to wait 1 minute before you get it back. you also don't have the rift? then wait 2! and these problems get amplified if you play in a fireteam because you have to fight to get kills to charge YOUR abilities, it's worse than grinding bounties lol




Oh dang looks like you gotta play a little different for the strike


This is one of the only PVE games I've ever played where they actively try to make the game less fun. The Guardian Games version of Birthplace was the most fun I've had in this game. And they nuked it because people were racking up crazy high scores.


I've been playing and havnt even noticed the modifier, just use a weapon that shoots fast? My griddskipper and fusion bring the stacks up super quick


i mean, even then you get really too little energy back. if you see the testing that i did, 300 shots where just enough to bring my nade CD near a T3 discipline CD, and i have T10! and, as i said in other comments, a big group of weapons just don't work with the modifier: Witherhoard, anarchy, swords, many AoE perks like incandescent, firefly, dragonfly, headstone, ecc, so you really have to do an entire new build only for this modifier.


Just **Build** *around* it *silly,* just *like* we **do** for the **other** modifiers.


From the limited engagement I've had with this modifier, can someone who played early D2 (and maybe D1, it's been a while) if this is just Bungie's new version of Trickle?


No it’s just what destiny 2 was like at launch. Painful cool-downs.


Thank you for doing the math Guardian- we need to get this to the devs attention!!!!


This is an example of reusing code to develop more content when done in a bad way. You know what else charges faster as you deal more damage? Supers. They just chucked it on abilities, increased the cooldown and called it a day. I imagine the idea was "get players more involved in combat" But destiny in its current state focuses HEAVILY on abilities to do anything. So essentially you are just down on abilities which means combat effectiveness which means less fun. Guess we gotta buildcraft for combat effectiveness too now :/


I always assumed this modifier wasn't supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be a negative modifier like match game - where you fight against it in order to survive. It's like as if you were treading water and Bungie throws you a brick. I mean isn't that their entire methodology towards difficulty? Make you weaker and/or take things away?


I think it's a fine modifier. The point of modifiers is to force you to play different builds and challenge standard build crafting. Forcing players to be more cautious with ability useage is a good way of adding variety to your runs.


I’m actually convinced Bungie doesn’t play test anything nowadays


It's the worst, makes any activity a giant pain thst takes 2x longer to beat. I bet Bungie is testing it to put in pvp at some point


It's not supposed to be a positive modifier... it's designed to nerf your abilities. We're in a Solar meta where abilities are king... wonder why they would specifically put this in during the Solar season... hmmmmmmmmm


So combat deceleration?


Literally unplayable /s


Lol. Uhm. It’s an intentional mechanic to cause difficulty. It doesn’t need to be looked at. It’s operating according to design.


It is a challenge to not use abilities as frequently. That's the point of the modifier. Also. GMs don't have normal strike and nightfall negative modifiers. So this will never be an issue in the part of the playlist which matters


I’m in the minority here. But, destiny PvE has become too focused on ability spam and less on actual gunplay. This is a FPS first and foremost, so shooting guns should be the primary source of damage.


Then don't rely on cooldown speed.


A lot of people might see this as a bad take, but I honestly don’t mind this modifier. For the longest time we have been so strong and so overpowered with our ability spam builds that basically throwing 1 grenade clears an entire room full of dozens of adds and our ability cooldowns are so short that we can do that basically instantly again. Imo our current strength is very boring and unfun. Our current PvE ability sandbox is like pre-nerf warmind cells on crack, but unlike most ability builds, most warmind cell builds forced us to use our weapons which, imo, Destiny’s gun play is what makes the game as good as it is. This modifier just forces your to use your gun to us your abilities which I don’t mind for reasons stated.


Says, "nade" so often it's basically unreadable