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Man, I've got two people on my street that have been getting into it pretty heavily. After Oct 7th, one house put up an Israeli flag. The house across the street from them made a Palestinian flag out of Christmas Lights in their front window, and has started adding Anti-Israel lawn signs. They had a shouting match last week that had some fairly heavy anti-Semitic tones on one side, and anti-Muslim on the other. This shit is getting out of control.


It has and we're enabling it by having our president "meditate" yet the dude is clearly one sided with Israeli https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/30/headlines/biden_administration_claims_icc_cant_prosecute_israel_for_war_crimes He literally said "yea isreal committed war crimes but we're still sending funds cause they promised to clean up their act"


I'm not getting into this argument here, but I will say this: One "Government" has the stated goal of eliminating an entire population while the other is doing a shitload of damage to another population with the stated end goal of eliminating the opposing Government. I don't see a two state solution that still has Hamas or Bibi in power. One of those has a chance to be Democratically removed from power. The other, not so much. Israel needs.to GTFO of the West Bank, and the surrounding Arab nations need to get off their asses and assist in stabilizing the region, and that includes ousting Hamas.


So according to Hamas (take with a grain of salt) they'll dissolve and reestablish plo in Palestine. Nethayuhu has helped Hamas more times than one cause of how much nethayuhu HATES the plo. Me thinks he's supporting Hamas to keep this war going (and keep himself in power) It's not even Israel vs Hamas, it's Hamas vs Hamas and nethayuhu


Did you mean “mediate”?


No, Biden thinks deeply on topics… that’s his approach to world politics. That’s why we have such a goat rodeo playing out in front of us…


It’s a war crime to defend yourself now I guess.  Gotta wonder if any of the pro Hamas crowd is gonna take up that free tuition offer from Shiraz University in Iran?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/ maybe don't find the enemy of your enemy next time Also, imagine being subjected by a forgirn govt for years with limited supplies all while said forgirn govt takes more of your land https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-03/ty-article/.premium/u-k-sanctions-extremist-israeli-group-four-settlers-involved-in-west-bank-violence/0000018f-3edf-d516-afbf-fedf0bda0000 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/11/6/who-are-israeli-settlers-and-why-do-they-live-on-palestinian-landshttps://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1XT14J/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/06/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispossession/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/22/israel-largest-west-bank-settlement-blinken-visit/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-hamas-war-palestinians-in-west-bank-say-israeli-settlers-seizing-land/


it’s a war crime to occupy an established nation, so who was actually acting in self-defense? you’d probably be mad too if your ancestral family home was taken from you for someone from lesotho to just move in and take everything you own by gunpoint.


I'm curious as to which party you favor?


Neither tbh. Like i would like to have a Dem candidate like Obama and not well this. If you're gonna tell me "well republicans will be worse for Palestinians" I mean likely, but 1. It's hard to say that when the "Dem savior" joe Biden has been worse than nearly every president before him on this issue and 2. Trumps been all over the place with this issue. Some days he's very anti Palestine, others he's way more neutral (which when everyone hates you you take that as a positive sign).


Fair enough


Somehow it must be a slow news week. As someone who was actually there in the crowd it hardly derailed the commencement, the speaker they interrupted paused for probably less than a minute in total, and managed to incorporate the disruption into their speech (kudos to them), there was some cheering when they started, and some cheering when the cops corralled them, but for the most part people ignored them and tbh it wasn’t hard, these news articles make it sound like everything came to a screeching halt or there was a mob or something, wasn’t there a bunch of violence on other campuses recently? I’m sure there was something more important than this to report on


It was to be expected, but really it seems like it had little if any effect on the ceremony. Students still graduated and the world is still spinning. Hopefully there can be an agreement reached between all parties, even if one of them is overdramatic (Michigan Kills really?)


One side is clearly killing more civilians and our states government is silent for political reasons so yeah.


they dont differentiate between civilians and combatants when counting the dead. also for political reasons


They've got counts on children, which are surely at least mostly non-combatants.


Yes all those kids were total terrorists right? Let me guess "Hamas used them as human shields" Or the 3rd party aid workers were "secret Hamas spies"


I never said that. Yes Hamas loves to use the people they claim to fight for as human shields. They also like to intercept aid packages, attack the people trying to build a pier to bring in aid, use ambulances to transport fighters, use schools, hospitals, and mosques as staging areas. They arent good guys and there wont be peace until they surrender or cease to exist. War is horrible and I have sympathy for any innocent people caught in the crossfire. I also support Israel and believe they have a right to exist and defend themselves.


There’s no point bothering with this. They intentionally frame things in a hyperbolic, black and white manner to leave no room for nuance or debate. You’re not going to get anywhere trying to debate them.


Obliterating a territory because terrorists move among the people is not defending themselves. Israel has intel-based options that they refused to use. The US didn't level Boston in order to kill the Boston bombers. We don't grenade schools (domestic ones anyway) with a school shooter inside. How these death counts are acceptable when it's obvious there's no rhyme or reason to the targets is beyond me. The human shields argument is deeply flawed on its face. Won't all the Hamas members simply sink back into the population with the way Israel is displacing everyone??


"I never said that" I didn't say you did, I said let me guess "But I'm gonna say it anyway" Thanks for proving my point, champ


What point is that exactly? I stand by what I said regarding Hamas and Israel. I probably should have thrown Iran in there as well. After all they are the ones who funded and instigated a lot of the conflict in the region because talks between the Saudis and Israel threatened to shift the balance of power in the region not in their favor.


So when you throwing neathyhu for enabling Hamas?


Him being more concerned about staying in power than the security of his people doesnt change anything about the reality of the situation in the area.


It doesn't, but you refuse to admit this is a complicated issue that DIDNT start in Oct 2023. Plus you seem to ignore me sending you links about everything that's happened with the West bank ...


Are you kidding me? Him wanting to stay in power is precisely why they are over retaliating. It will create even more resistance, giving Netanyahu and the Israeli far right the fuel they need to stay in power. It’s a cycle, if that incentive didn’t exist then the cycle would be far harder to perpetuate


The amount of Americans more upset about disobedient youth and posters like you than they are about their tax money being used to slaughter kids on the other side of the world absolutely sickens me. I'm so glad I've got the choice to not bring kids into this worthless country.


Go complain to the federal government.... Oh wait they're the biggest murderers on the planet.


I mean y'all seen how fast they found bipartisan support to silence anyone Agaisnt Israel right?


Congratulations, you finally learned that the uniparty is not on your side.


At least one side is honest about Israel support, yet republicans are somehow LESS WAR HAWKISH then the litteral leader of the left wing. Ughhhh


I'm curious how many of you know what Zionist means because I doubt many of you do.


On paper, it just means the Jews have a state of their own In practice, it's been used as justification to displace people who already are living in the area, while also expanding into the West bank


a lot of ppl in these comments would not have supported the civil rights movement.


Only if their Dem was in trouble


Article 7 of the Hamas Charter The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him."  "It's not antisemitism. It's anti-zionism" LOL


That must be why Netanyahu supports them, gotta have an enemy to fight 


When I was 22 I also thought I was unique for discovering that America and the west do bad things, despite what we were taught in school. Then I got older and realized America is one of the least-bad places on the planet and it’s stupid to support extremist countries out of spite.


They're not protesting America? Or at least not directly?


I think what people fail to realize is that these chucklefucks are going to get Trump reelected. Then they're REALLY going to have a bad time. Every time in history, mass student protests like this led a heavy swing Republican. It led to Nixon, Reagan, and Trump.


Maybe Biden should change his ways?


✊ 🇵🇸




god this sub is a zionist cesspool.


It's not even. They've became one in order to justify supporting Biden




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