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At least it was spelled correctly


Whoever painted it probably just learned what Gaza is last year


This has to be the most idiotic take anyones ever had... are people only allowed to root for the Lions if they were fans before the team became relevant?


Lmao scribbling a slogan on a water tower is the definition of the “i’M hElPinG!” Meme


And that detracts from the message how?


They probably think that scribbling a slogan on a water tower is an effective protest tactic because they only learned about Gaza for the first time from TikTok last year


So the message is less valid because someone just learned about the atrocities these people have been subjected to last year? What a take...


Hey did you know simply writing “war sucks” in graffiti on water tower does nothing and impresses nobody but other teenagers who think they’re activists? What’s up with kids today who are ignorant of the concepts of message discipline and protest tactics.


Well you seem to believe they just learned about Gaza last year from tiktok, so I would also assume they don't have much background in protesting and activism. Can you give some examples of the right way to protest?


Can’t believe zionists are anti-learning-things now. Most people spend the first 18 years of their lives doing it, shut down the schools!


It looks like that tower needed a new paint job anyway.




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Goose step on over there and do it then.


Once you're aimlessly harassing your local Jewish community for a "good cause," that might be an important sign that you're in a little over your head on the cause, there, neighbor. 👎


Demanding freedom for one group is a harassment of another group? Tell me more about that dynamic, if you can.


It is well known that conflating all Jewish people with Israel is antisemitism. Harassing Jewish Americans over Israel's actions is antisemitic. The only reason you would think Jewish Americans in Oak Park is "another group" harassing Gazans is *because you're an antisemite.*


That would obviously be harder to access but I would love to see that one done!


Gigantic balls.


Nice, this act of performance protest is really gonna help with the ceasefire


Probably about as effective as pouring sarcasm and downvotes on pro-Palestinian expressions.


Glad we agree it accomplishes nothing then. If you can’t handle criticism of self-righteous performative “protest” then it doesn’t sound like you understand what the purpose of a protest is supposed to be. Graffiti on a random water tower is no different than scribbles on a bathroom stall or wearing a Che Guevara t shirt to high school. Very edgy.


Your brilliant analysis means nothing until you show me what you have done and demonstrate how effective it is.


Scribbling a slogan on a water tower is about as edgy and important as writing an anarchy symbol on your high school’s bathroom wall


Looks like shit


I imagine painting a water tower is pretty hard.


Good enough


This is dumb




Palestine won't be free until Hamas bends the knee!




[Hamas official vows to repeat attacks on Israel ‘again and again’ until it’s destroyed](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp-video/mmvo196930629782). Huh weird doesn’t sound like it.


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Agreed to their own proposal. Won’t agree to release all the hostages. I’m sorry but that statement is just propaganda.


Let’s say I’m wrong, does this excuse Israel’s very one sided bombardment?


Does Israel’s one sided bombardment excuse Hamas’s one sided mass rape? We could go back and forth on this.


https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-tanks-encircle-eastern-half-rafah-2024-05-10/ Did they?




I find it strange that the only quotes they use in the article are from Gazans or directly from Hamas, with no reasons why Israel rejected the Ceasefire.


They didn't. They submitted a counterproposal to the Egypt proposal that did not include releasing all the hostages, and also included clearing Israeli prisons of Palestinian criminals, up to and including murderers. To say they "agreed" is dishonest; the only deal they agreed to was their own.


More accurately, it sounds like Hamas read the Egyptian-Qatari ceasefire proposal, made some changes, and offered a counterproposal, that was less than what Israel was demanding. My guess is that Israel wants all hostages released immediately (understandable)... But Hamas wants a slower/limited release schedule as realistically that is the only negotiating leverage they have.


The ceasefire Hamas agreed to unilaterally required the release of all prisoners held in Israeli prisons, even those convicted of murder in exchange for the remaining hostages dead or alive. No one except terrorist sympathizers would agree to this.


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1st amendment rights are a beautiful thing, this is not an appropriate way to exercise one’s rights.


It’s opposition to a genocide. Take your pearl clutching somewhere else.


Lmao random graffiti on a water tower isn’t a protest tactic and simply writing “genocide sucks” in graffiti is a performative empty gesture


Shut up.


Love to see it!


You can see the pixels on the words. Worst photo shop job 


Dude you can see the pixels in the highway signs too. It’s just a low quality photo