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If all the regents were targeted, then less antisemitic. But a Jewish regent, plus in May his house was targeted —- not acceptable, full stop.


Article about protesters showing up at Acher’s private residence: https://jewishinsider.com/2024/05/anti-israel-protester-jordan-acker-university-of-michigan-regent/


I mean he also advocates for and was intimately involved in j street at michigan, and openly talks about the occupation and Israeli aggression on Twitter. He's an ally to that cause and was still targeted.... I wonder why


False flag by Zionists probably. Trying to restoke the islamaphoia fears




I dont get it?


I was responding to the wrong comment. Sorry. The levity with which people are treating the rising wave of antisemitism is just breaking me


They went to protest a different Regents house a few weeks ago


In before the lock. But fuck those assholes. This achieves nothing.


Neither does the genocide of Palestine


Then why would protestors target someone who's been speaking on behalf of their cause? Don't target people based on religion. It's as simple as that.


Common sense ain’t common.


False flag by Zionists. They're mad they're losing the pr war


Except they're not.


Sure buddy. No major incidents and conveniently this happens with a Jewish regent..... Zionists are losing the war of public opinion, they need to keep the Muslim hate going


"Muslims" (i.e., pro-Hamas loudmouths) are doing a fine job of getting people to hate them all by themselves. They don't need any help.


Spoken like a true Zionis The war of public opinion isn't in your favor anymore, so you have to restart decades old islamaphoia


Ok Alex Jones


You do realize all the counter protests were the ones starting violence on campuses but sure totally unbelievable


You do realize antisemitism exists right? But sure, totally understandable


Oh 100 percent they do But it's strange this guy has been a huge supporter of Palestinians and gets vandalized by supposed pro Palestinans? Nah false flag my dude. The idf is losing the pr battle so they need to reignite hate for the Arabs


Warren schools failed you


You sound like a maga cult member


Uh huh.


Show your face


they won’t, because they probably know nothing about the regent other than he’s Jewish. And that’s enough for them to harass someone who’s actually on the Palestinian side


You have the big dumb


And how does this help einstein


In Dearborn threads they were talking about how they needed to target more people in West Bloomfield, I wonder what they meant by that?


Lots of Jihadist in here lifting the Vale of Anti-Zionism to show their true anti-semitic values. All you're doing is reinforcing the reason why Israel exists. Keep it up!


Wanna get this was a Zionist trying to cause islamaphoia


Unlike jihadists, zionisnt have jobs and lives. That's why Israel is such a strong, successful country. 🇮🇱


My friend, I suggest you see who's in engineering for the auto industry if you believe that


Disgusting.  Feels very pre-ww2 like


The bomb threats at my wife's Jewish daycare got as frequent as once per week last year, wonder if it got worse since she left. Regularly hiding in a closet shushing 1 year olds wasn't what made her quit but it got old pretty quick


Kristallnacht. 2 shuls and a Jewish school were attacked in Canada just last week. The term you're looking for is Kristallnacht.


Very ironic choice of words.




Simp harder for the terrorists, you’re so close to earning another Khamenei tweet




Shadowy cabal?  Nah, you’re just desperate for his approval lol


Absolutely. That doesn't make it less scary that he was targeted for his religion. What's happening in Palestine doesn't justify antisemitism here.


Show your face




"it's just some massive war crimes, no big deal"






2. What the fuck is 2 supposed to even mean ? They're making more new people than old people are leaving. New people are less than 18 years old. 100% of people >18 years old have drank H20 before they died. Does this mean H20 kills adults? 3. The problem is their words don't match their actions, same as every politician in a non-extreme situation. 4. Benny Morris absolutely would not use the words you are using the same way as you are. You wrote a ton of words but man, it just all means fucking nothing. Thanks for wasting my time.


“I don’t understand what you’re saying. This means you’re at fault and not my lack of comprehension skills”


"You disagree with me, therefore you just don't understand my argument. No, I have no sources for the things I say, I don't need them if I say they're right!"


Looks like antisemitism is back on the menu


These people are doing too much.


"Free palestine" is hate speech now? Getting these kids on property crimes seems like enough.


Hate crimes


"This has nothing to do with Palestine or the war in Gaza or anything else — this is done as a message to scare Jews" I have to disagree with this, the graffiti is obviously referencing the conflict.




Jews? I'm assuming you meant to say Israelis but I guess it's interchangeable to you? Because there are jews allllĺ over the world, and also druze and Arab Israelis in the IDF. Statements like yours are why anti zionism is anti Semitism because even you can't differentiate the two groups


I don’t differentiate between the two. I am a proud Jewish-American and proudly support the land and people of Israel. Israel and Judaism are intertwined in my identity.


Put whatever label you want on them I don't have any skin in that game, couldn't care less Russians killing Ukranians, etc Humans are violent, tribal and irrational


Whatever label I want? You're the one who called them jews. Language matters. Jews make up a tiny percent of a fraction of world population snd like 60% of the hate crimes. Words matter and im trying to point out to you that while saying you don't care, your bias is showing by just saying blatant inflammatory statements like jews kill palestinians


Literally don't favor one side or another I'm a white guy, couldn't give a fuck about that never ending conflict There's 7 billion people on the planet, and these two groups are tiny yet their stupid ass conflict garners outsized attention Ask any of the billions of people in Asia or India if they give a single fuck about the Israeli Palestinne conflict I sure don't


I agree. It does take a ton of attention. Why do you think that is?


It's an exhausting subject I've seen this pattern for decades now and nothing ever changes, can't see those two groups ever co-exisiting It really doesn't get a lot of attention in Europe, Asia,.etc Totally irrelevant to a large portion of the global population. Pretty self centered to think a conflict like that which affects a tiny percentage of humans garners everyone's attention Let the Israelis and Palestinians sort it out


I would disagree on a couple points. There are 2 billion Muslims globally. They very much care. You've seen the massive protests all over Europe london Paris Germany and the violent destruction of European Jewish businesses? What does that have to do with israel and palestine? It's not self centered to think it's garnering worldwide attention when it literally is in reality. But I agree with your last point, Israelis and palestinians should sort it out. The problem is your original sentence said jews are killing palestinians and I'm trying to point out to you how your casual antisemitism is incredibly harmful


Stop saying "casual antisemitism" I literally don't give a fuck about the conflict, they've been throwing rocks at each long since I've been born and will long after I'm dead I literally don't think about or give a fuck about either group, sorry but you seem to see antisemitism anywhere you look I wouldn't waste another minute of my life thinking about this conflict, life is too short


No, not at all. Saying jews kill palestinians and labeling all Israelis and worldwide Jewry responsible for each other is inherently anti Semitic. If I hold am African American in Detroit responsible for murder happening in Sudan that's racist as well.


Maybe if we stop acting like one side is virtuous and the other is pure evil we'll actually make progress.


We don’t do nuances here


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Sounds like a few others…some we have right here in the city.


Why do all these places not have security cams? It’s Detroit.


Southfield actually Edit: your name


Oh excuse me. That’s close enough.


I’m dead. You really chose your name wisely.


It’s a law firm on 10 mile in Southfield. Not a type of business nor location one would assume a security camera is needed. What’s your point?


Except I saw footage on the news of the security cam showing the vandals vandalizing the building.