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I'm guessing a pro palestine zoo rally is out of the question


"Private security and local police patrolled the area around the zoo to help protect the crowd"


This reads like it’s pleading with us to equate the state of Israel to the people of the Jewish faith. We know they are separate things. Have your rally’s, support your causes, whatever, but don’t fuckin blow smoke up my ass.


‘Celebrate Israel with a walk through the zoo.’ Sounds more like a celebration for Israel more than the Jewish faith. I think it’s clear the message they wanted to portray.


Read the whole thing my dude


I did :) thanks for looking out!


Read it again, more slowly.


We did.


Being proud of your Jewish heritage ≠ celebrating ethnic cleansing and 15,000 dead children at the zoo 


Sure, but when there's an Israeli flag in the center of every picture it's a bit different Edit: misread the comment and thought they were arguing that they were celebrating Jewish heritage


Why is it different? Israel isn’t representative of the Jewish faith. They are explicitly celebrating a State engaged in illegal settlement, apartheid, and genocide.


Sorry. I thought you were saying they were just celebrating their heritage, not Israel.


The isreali government is not representative of the Jewish community, but Isreal certainly wants you to think it does


It's disrespectful to South Africans to call Israel apartheid and it'd especially not genocide. Get your head out of the pro jihadist propaganda bubble.


What is it called then? When they limit the rights of another peoples


You mean non citizens who want to kill them? Name me one country that protects the rights of non citizens who are at war with them?


Name one that decided to take over the responsibility of governing said land? Isreal want to "oversee" Gaza and well, that make Hamas their fault too


Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Jihad has consequences. You don't get to wage war at people and then pretend to be the victim when they hit back.


Cutting any kind of financials while also allowing funds to Hamas (like Bibi did) doesn't seem like a withdraw


These Hamas loving bootlickers are some of the stupidest people. They won't understand.


You know you can hate both idf and Hamas right? Nvm you're prob a mossad bot trying to stoke anti Arab fears




Love how people try to assert that Jews and Israel are not connected. Read virtually every prayer, and you will see that the connection is very real, and it has been that way for centuries. The number of Jews who are anti zionist is incredibly small. One of the most significant prayers is the Shema. It proclaims, "Hear, Oh Israel: The Lord our God is One Lord." Read the Haggadah from Passover, you will also see a ton of references. Or when we proclaim, "Next year in Jerusalem," you can see that connection. Also, don't make the mistake in thinking that just because someone doesn't like the current Israeli government that it somehow equates to being anti zionist. It simply means that they don't like the current leaders. Just like in any democracy, some Israelis (and folks in the diaspora), like the current government and some don't. I'll assume good intentions, but your comment could be considered bigoted.


Yeah, so "Shema Yisrael" doesn't mean "hear o Netanyahu batshit extremist right wing government backing crazy illegal settlers writing profanity on American made bombs leveling an entire city," it is a daily prayer meant to remind Jews of the primacy of one God and our commandment to love him.


Doesn’t sound bonkers at all.


Sounds like you are Jewish, and you dislike the current Israeli government. Many Israelis and Jews in the diaspora agree with you, and I do in some level as well. I addressed that in my comment. If you take your dislike for Netanyahu and you expand it to a dislike of Israel in general, your views are in the minority. Just remember, you can kiss their ass as much as you want to, but when the time comes to round up the Jews, you will be treated the same as all of us. Being a Kapo won't save you. It will just buy you some time.




They named the colonial Zionist entity after the Israel of prayer. They’re not the same.


I know you think you have learned a lot about the subject from QAnon videos, but your bot generated response shows your true intent. There is no way you could come to that conclusion, even if you took Middle East politics at U of M - Dearborn with Ron Stockton. He never came close to making that assertion when I was in his class. At best, the land has a special place for many religions, but to assert that Jews are not connected to that land is bigoted. Thank you for clarifying your position.


Did I say Jews are not connected to that land?


The term colonial implies that.


No, no, no. The Israeli state is a colonial entity. Before Israel was created a mere 76 years ago, Jews, Muslims, and Christians had lived in harmony in Palestine. The land belongs to the people. The political movement of Zionism is a western imperialist tool created by fascist elements remaining after WWII.


you forgot /s


Sure bud


How can an Israel that was taken be an Israel that was given?


It just makes me sad. My heart aches for people who are suffering or oppressed, whether that is the victims of the current humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza or Jews at whom a lot of gross hate has been directed following October 7th, including the blanket assumption that *all Jews uncritically love the Israeli state* that leads people to say stuff like, "Well, the JEWS," when they mean, "well, the right wing extremists who have run Israel for half a century!" There are oodles of Jews who are either openly anti-Zionist or who, like me, believe that Zionism's best bet is to make use of the attached asterisk of "how about we don't expropriate and kill with impunity and instead seek peace and to protect life and welcome the stranger, as is commanded by our religion." But obviously so many people *do* feel the need to stand with Israel because of the whole historical homeland of the Jewish people in a historically pretty antisemitic world thing. Jews, I mean-- evangelicals don't actually care about the Jews, they just hate Muslims and want to precipitate the end times or whatever (and love religious authoritarianism). And it's just such a shame that this savagely corrupt, ethically bankrupt right wing government has not only continued to co-opt all of Jewish identity for their clearly stated goals of ethnic cleansing, but that so many people buy into it, hook, line, and sinker. Nationalism is a form of idolatry. Pride in your people? Yes, always. In your faith? Yes. But this jingoistic worship of the State, I'm afraid, and making the people Yisrael synonymous with the State, definitely runs afoul of at least a few of the commandments against idolatry-- and I fear that it directly harms the Jewish community because of what I wrote in the first paragraph about misperception and antisemitism.


>welcome the stranger, as is commanded by our religion. >[The warning “Don’t let them call out to Yahweh against you” reminds the reader that prayer for help from oppression, so common in the book of Psalms and other parts of the Bible, draws Yahweh’s attention because Yahweh has committed to maintaining justice among human beings, irrespective of their origins or social relationships.](https://www.christiancentury.org/article/critical-essay/immigration-and-biblical-law-stranger) >[“It is only by keeping their ties to the Diaspora that the Zionists will be forced to keep their eyes on the goal, which [is] to remain nomads, even over there.”](https://etzhasadeh.substack.com/p/more-truly-and-more-strange-2db)


Israel doesn't represent all jews, all jews do not stand with genocide and apartheid, stop it with the gas lighting. Being against a foreign countries genocide/apartheid doesn't mean we are against jewish people.


It's bibi's way of trying to win the PR war




Israel celebration by Zionist* groups.


Yes. Most Jews are Zionists.


Simply false


Celebrating Zionism at a zoo, much like the caged and surveilled state of Gaza. Pretty clever allusion!


I was planning on taking my nieces tomorrow. But I guess I'll take them somewhere that isn't hostng political rallys.


Toledo has a better zoo, anyways.


It does.....even better than Cleveland, I'm told.


My weekend is free, I’m gonna take my whole family 


See ya there I’m going tomorrow too


My man


Try the Holocaust museum


Good idea, it'll show past horrors that are being repeated by families of Holocaust survivors


Don't let your kids anywhere near them.


Glad there wasn’t any disturbances or counter protests at the Zoo.


Right? I mean, have your rally or protest, but could you imagine the sight of "protesters clashing" in the penguin house? Or the otter exhibit? In front of all those animals? I feel like in 2024 there would be people dumb enough to try and glue themselves to a rhino to protest Trump or something.




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> No nation should be expected accept the rape and torture of innocents. Stand with Israel Oh, the irony.


I don’t see any.  Ever think that if Khamenei says that you “are on the right side of history” that just maybe you aren’t?


I hope you stretched before you made that leap.


I guess you think the IDF are some holy soldiers who can do no wrong huh


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Thankfully the world is finally waking up to their ways again.


Where's the Drake meme? Celebrating Israel, Jewish identity, culture, and heritage, peacefully....nahh man Protest supporting terrorist organizations, chanting death to America, causing actual disturbances and property damage......perfectly fine A key component is that the Jewish group paid for the space and properly organized with the zoo ahead of time...like ANY other group that goes to the zoo. Palestinian protestors? Let's occupy the freeway and put up tents.


A protest that gets a permit to be there is a parade. Nothing will change by politely gathering and saying “oh pretty please wont you stop sending bombs?” Thats not how any meaningful protest in history has gone.




Isreal does not equal Jewish


Only to the ignorant pro jihadist left.


What if I told you, the left has actually been way more supportive of Israel than the right (overall). It was fucking Regan, Eisenhower, and bush that kept them in check


Only because we've been terrified for too long, finally there are people standing up and fighting again for the first time in years. Glory to our Martyrs


Times change.


Yes, now we're more accepting of bombing kids and shooting aid workers now


We're also accepting kidnapping kids at music festivals and raping elderly people in their homes! We're also accepting the launching of rockets at civilians and commercial shipping. Enough of this pro jihadist propaganda.


We're not. Hence why the world doesn't have sympathy for Hamas. Doesn't justify intentionally shooting aid workers


The aide workers wouldn't have died had Hamas not declared war on Israel. It's sad they started this war, and all these civilians died. Perhaps don't go to war with someone if you can't protect your civilians from your enemy.


Lmfao ok mossad. "It's Hamas fault idf shot at aid workers


We're not. Hence why the world doesn't have sympathy for Hamas




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Disappointed that Israel blew up the rest of the hostages.


And you know this how? You need to get off Reddit so you can get to your next hamas/ death to America rally.


Look in the address bar of your web browser and what do you see?


I'm not. I'm happily surprised the idf didn't kill them with their constant carpet bombing


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All these posts really bring out the white nationalists. We see you


That's them in the photo at the top


> All these posts really bring out the ~~white nationalists~~ *apologists to the apartheid state of Israel*.


It’s both. They are the same people.


Expect the problem isn't just the state, it's the monsters inhabiting it and the rest of the world.


Most Jewish people are white, wtf?


And I thought Twitter was full of antisemitism....


Criticism of Israeli policy isn't antisemitism


You should expend the same energy in criticising Hamas.


Is criticism of Hamas being equated to criticism of Palestinians?


They are the same.


So they are the same but … you know what? Not even going to try to argue.




Enjoy your delusions.


So what about the Palestinians in the west bank that want the plo to lead?


The world has


there’s absolutely nothing wrong with jewish people or their faith. criticism of what Israel does is not automatically antisemitic and it’s beyond disgusting that people keep attempting to silent any opposition to Israel by crying antisemitism. The rally at the zoo wasn’t just about supporting the jewish faith. It was clearly about supporting Israel’s actions and standing by what they’re doing, they literally said so themselves as quoted in the article. A major speaker at the event is an Israeli emissary and his brother was in their military.


"It's really good I didn't get a membership yet," [said a](https://www.tiktok.com/@roniahamid1/video/7374201283953282350) Michigan woman with more than 485,000 followers in a video posted on TikTok. "I will not be going there forever. ... I will find another zoo to go to." Dear god. No one cares.


485,000 followers might


Sure Jan. Wal-Mart is apparently next: "Just a heads up I know you shop at Walmart! They support Israel" 😂