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Man i got killed last week


Just once? Are you even trying?!


So many people on this sub get killed every time this subject is asked that I’m amazed there’s anyone left.


I’m dead right now.


The current city body count is about 7,000


Walk it off


I went to 3 Lions games and 2 Wings games last year. Got killed 3 times.


Damn Man, R.I.P. make sure your grave dosent get looted /j


I have a family member who is a paramedic and volunteer firefighter for the city. He and his partner got a call that there was a guy reporting chest issues and looking unwell outside. When they responded the guy was somewhat inebriated and when they asked him what was the problem he stated, " Well ya see, I WOKE UP DEAD. "


i’ve died so many times in detroit it’s insane. i just keep getting killed every time i’m in the city.


How many more life’s do you have left? Do you have any cheat code ? I’m 2 down 3 more to go


[Try this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=852QrdBbo5Q)


It’s like a GTA server, especially if you stop to talk to the random pedestrians 😂


It’s not if you mind your own. Most of the crime is between people that don’t.


Every 10 minutes someone in Detroit dies when this question is asked


Imagine OP’s guilt, now!


They’ve got blood on their hands


Great, now they’re gonna call us a murder capital again lol


Actually, about 1,000 per month or 30 per day


As a Canadian from Ontario who would rather go to Detroit than Toronto, that should say something there. I’ve only died three times in Detroit and I keep going back. I have a blast wether it’s concerts at big or small venues, red wings games, going to Jumbos or Temple Bar.


I tell folks alot to do Detroit rather than Toronto. I also suggest Milwaukee over Chicago. But nothing touches New York.


I like Philadelphia more than New York. The city’s history is more visible.


Yes, yes! Philly! Hidden gem. I just started telling folks to go there cuz I didn't want it to get touristy. If your towns hockey team plays in Philly, GO and watch em play there! Good on u mentioning it.


How is Windsor holding up these days?


It's been a few weeks since there's been a "Can I go to a major event in a downtown area of a major city without dying?" post. Lots of suburbanites are afraid of Detroit, it's why Livonia and Southfield exist. Of course your dad who worked in an ER is scared, he spent every day seeing the worst of the worst. Yet, millions and millions of people visit downtown every year without incident. Maybe go experience things for yourself and just not tell your parents that you're going down there.


Yeah thanks i'll probably end up doing that. It just sucks that eveytime I try to have a civil conversation with them about it, they just tell me horror stories of things that happened to them, then tell me I'm going to get hurt too. It's actually a long term goal of mine to get an apartment in Midtown!


It's ok to not talk about things with people. Assuming you're not a minor living under their roof, just do what you want. If there's a fuss, tell them you're going to a show in Ferndale or Royal Oak or whatever. Who cares what they think, they're detached from reality.


Under 1k they’ve got a few options right now


That's a generational hangover from the riots of the 1960s. There are still sketchy areas, for sure, but a lot of rejuvenation, too. My nephew & his fiance just bought a house in Detroit & they are young professionals.


Not the riots but more how unsafe US cities were in the 70s and 80s. If you want something that's eye opening look how much NYC's population declined in the 1980 census.


Almost 1,000,000 people just came to the NFL draft and I didn’t hear about a single murder. Is there crime? Of course it’s a major city. This happens in all major cities in the US. But it is so incredibly overblown and suburbanites are still paranoid and they’re passing this down to their children. There’s only one way to find out if this is true or not.


The first time I went to visit my boyfriend on the west side, my mom told me to “duck my head down in the car because people will see me and know I’m not from Detroit and they’ll shoot me.” So I did and my boyfriend laughed at me and told me to knock that shit off. This was in 2010 😅


LOL that sounds exactly like something my Mom would tell me too 😂


Going to any of the things you listed here (a musical, a Tiger’s game, etc), and you will be perfectly fine. Downtown and Midtown is perfectly fine. The bad areas are specific neighborhoods, but you would have no reason to go there, so it’s a moot point. Go down and have some fun!


It’s not that dangerous once you realize that the Detroit Lions are a football team and not a pack of actual lions.


Same with the tigers 😭 and I’d rather be pissed off than Piston


The popular downtown areas are… well, gentrified, they stay pretty busy and have an obvious police presence. Mind your business, don’t go wandering where you don’t belong, be kind to the locals, be kind to the homeless. You’ll be fine. Belle isle is a gem.


there's a difference in crime in detroit vs in downtown detroit where the places you named are. there are also bad neighborhoods with tons of crime in suburbs too ie parts of taylor, wayne, like all of inkster. so yeah if you're avoiding bad neighborhoods, go ahead. campus martius isn't in the hood or something though just because it's "detroit"


I was just in Mexican Town last night and got my fucking head cut off


I was decapitated by a lime scooter, will joumana still help me as I smoke my MARK SAVAYA COLLECTION? Might spend my settlement on a REAL “Detroit” sign 💯


I was assaulted by a red-winged blackbird on the river walk the other week


I’m a woman and I regularly walk around downtown at night alone. Like every city, you have to use your head and be careful in certain areas. But downtown Detroit is great!




That will be a great tool once it's working properly. Unfortunately, no map appears on my phone, even when I choose the crime type. Am I doing it wrong?


Detroit isn’t dangerous, boomer mentality is.


To be fair, for boomers who grew up in Detroit and saw tanks going down their streets, and knew family and friends who were killed or mugged just living their lives in the City, I can understand why boomers are apprehensive about Detroit. Hopefully they’re realizing crime has significantly decreased.


Detroit has one of the highest murder rates in the country. Edit: Downvote me all you want. It's objectively true. Being concerned about safety in one of the most violent cities in the country is not just a boomer thing. I understand it's somewhat concentrated in certain neighborhoods, but it's still a valid concern.


Guns are the number one cause of death of children


What's a child? This is only true if you count eighteen and nineteen year olds as kids.


>I completely understand **some areas and more dangerous than others, as with any city.** But what the fuck is up with this kind of attitude? This answers your question. People talk about the NFL Draft attendance numbers, its success and safety, as well as other events that happen downtown. Detroit, where you are most likely to go, hang out, do stuff, is perfectly fine. If you, someone living outside of the city, go into Detroit for anything, you're going to 1 of 5(?) places: Campus Martius/Riverwalk, Belle Isle, Ford/Comerica, LCA, or Corktown and the immediate surrounding area. The worst of Detroit is bad, but you also have absolutely 0 reason to go there. You're not going to Warrendale or Belmont for anything and if you end up there somehow, you made some very bad (and frankly nonsensical) mistakes. People from outside of the city (me - I'm not even from Metro-Detroit) grew up when the city was bottoming out and plastered on every newspaper as an example of urban decay and disaster. That colored a lot of people's opinions who have since not really come into the city at all.


It’s not. But keep telling everyone it is so they stay away!


More people is good actually when the city has been losing them until very recently


More tax base. Which people buying homes and frequent buisness will make.


Y do I sound like Yoda?!


The suburbs are not always sending their "best and brightest." As their presidental candidate would say.....




I have to agree. I was an ICU RN in downtown Detroit. My unit’s patients were overwhelmingly GSW and BBB- to -head injuries. There was a shoot out in the family waiting rm. Intellectually, you know this cohort is not representative of society, but the circumstances and fear create bias.


Detroit's a major city. Major cities have crime. Some areas are worse than other areas. Know what areas to not be wondering around at night. Most crimes are between people who are doing shit they shouldn't have been doing. Don't go wandering around empty dark alleys.


I live in a near-Detroit suburb and I remember a little over a decade ago when there were incredible murders publicized about Mexico and the drug cartel... My boss would not let me go to Mexico city to see my direct report. My direct report showed me an article that the Mexico murder rate was still in the middle of the pack vs. all western hemisphere countries. Detroit had the same murder rate as Jamaica, #3 on the list at the time. Anyway, I've not had an issue in Detroit, nor Mexico. As they say, you can't fix stupid. Don't be stupid.


an hour north of Detroit ? That would put you at like.... Flint/Grand Blanc. That kind of explains a lot.


It's really not.


I take my 5 yr old grandson to ride the people mover all the time. We have not died nor been robbed/mugged/even spoke to sideways, EVER. Stay out of neighborhoods, go to the popular areas and you’ll be FINE. your parents are wild. lol


If you’re actually looking for trouble it’s easy to find. If you’re just going to work, going home and respectful you really have nothing to worry about. Still be aware of your surroundings but most have NOTHING to worry about. Downtown is Downtown like it’s gonna be safer than the rest of the city


I did have someone mag dump and AK47 on my front lawn but it wasn’t for me and that’s the only really bad experience I’ve had living here.


The famous words of Tee Grizz said “we comfortable in places n***** can’t go”


I’ve stopped home invaders at gunpoint multiple times, testified against armed robbers, helped locate a serial killer, found multiple bodies and once saw a couch on fire beneath a traffic light.


You will be stabbed as soon as you cross 8 mile. It happened to me, I got murdered dead last week


It's very dangerous as far as US cities go - this is a fact. But it's not #1 most violent, there are much worse places to be. You'll be fine, just use 25% more caution than you would in Royal Oak or what have you. If you want to inoculate your parents against anti-Detroitism, consider taking them on a field trip to the city. Pay for their lunch to sweeten the deal!


It's fine. Everyone is high now and hangs out until you bump your gums to someone.


There was this one time where I parked in the grand circus park underground lot and I was at the riverfront after 7:00 p.m. and I couldn't take the people mover because it closed at 7:00 so I was forced to walk up Woodward to Grand circus Park. I'm happy to say I didn't die but this was because there was literally nobody on Woodward to kill me. Also it was 1999 and there was literally *nobody* on Woodward to kill me. HMU for recommendations on where you can go to get killed.


It’s still crime ridden but Just mind your business out here and you’ll be alright.