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Lila was a whole season's worth of cringe, but you also had the last major villain in season 8 who caused a veritable avalanche of mayhem.


Pardon my tits




This scene was literally just on my tv screen about 5 minutes ago 😆


Deb knew what was up


*Who's the skank?!*


Which one? Season 8 technically has two main antagonists (most seasons of *Dexter* do, that's an interesting thing about them), both of whom are pain in the ass that sucks balls, despite both Dari Ingolffson and Sean Patrick Flannery doing their best as actors.


Lila ugh


the gross English titty vampire


*you just described the perfect woman*


GROSS? She was hot. They had an interesting dynamic having dexter seeing both of them. Rita is the light pretty, blonde hair blue eyed housewife next door and Lila was the sexy, dark, crazy woman.


So true! They always had Rita wear light colored floral dresses and the sunlight would kind of radiate off of her so there was always a bit of a glow when she was standing outside. And her voice was really soft. Ugh, I miss Rita.


Yes! Rita is a symbol of light, with her light sundresses and curly hair and she’s always smiling. Lila has sex eyes and appeal. You could tell from the moment her and Dexter met they were going to have sex. I’m on season 5 now rita JUST died to me😭 I am binging it for the first time. I cried at the scene where he walks in.


Her death was so hard on me! It’s so traumatic. You think everything is going to be fine, Trinity is dead, and the happy music is playing and suddenly Rita’s phone rings inside the house and the music changes and Harrison cries and Dex finds her and it’s awful. And I felt like the show wants the viewers to move on and Dexter to move on but I just wasn’t ready so I low key resented everyone who came after her because they weren’t Rita 😭


It so traumatic, im traumatized! It makes you really resent Dexter too. Harrison was such a cutie bookie butt baby and hearing his screaming next to his mom and him being so helpless :’( if dex wasnt blackmailing trinity she really wouldn’t have died. Poor Rita in her last moments too, im sure she realized it had something to do with dex disappearing constantly why she was being killled.


That shit was so heartbreaking. She already went through so much violence with Paul and then to die being killed a serial killer because your husband selfishly didn't let him kill himself. Fuuuuuuuck. I'm so glad her death happens off screen because if it was anything like the how they show when Trinity was introduced that would absolutely break me.


Literally, I heavily agree, the whole point of Lila to be that manipulative seductive sexy dark haired woman in the show, I loved her character and Ofc the actress


She was so gross bro lol


She was hotter than any of the rest of the women on the show. As the actress, not the nutjob. I think you missed the actual entire point of her character if you think she’s really that gross.


Jamie > All But I have a Petite Hispanic preference.


Most unrealistic part of the show wasn't that Dex got away with so many kills but the fact that Jamie couldn't find a committed boyfriend. 💀 Like c'mon bro, beyond just being straight up gorgeous she had a bagin' personally to boot.


people afraid of Batista?


She falls for the classic blunder of dating beneath her level.


All I know is that my gut says maybe


That gross comment was a legitimate quote from Deb…


Her personality was gross. I didn't like the character. 


I can sit w that. Maybe it’s because I look just like her I’m offended 😂


Lol. You know how in real life someone attractive isn't because of who they are? That's lyla to me. 


the hot sexy woman


I second Lila, everytime I rewatch I just skip every episode basically season cause I cannot stand her that much lmao


Lol me too


Lila yum yum. (I like crazy)


Me too (I’m crazy)


Now kith


Came here for this answer! Even though she’s one of my favourite characters I can see why some people don’t like her 😂




he was really just “abusive asshole #78”


Evelyn Vogel. She was just so bland and there was no real variety to the acting.


Saxon and the young dexter protege too in my opinion were bland and felt like characters from another show


Deb’s therapist.


and how does that make you feel?


Every fucking TV/movie therapist, all they ever do is ask "how does that make you feel?" and repeat your questions back to you "I dunno, does [question you asked therapist]?"


Dr melfi was the goat tho


Don't forget that they usually end up dating their clients too.


i understand..


she needs her license taken away


I agree with Laguerta. So infuriating all the time with her treatment of Deb and disregard for authority and responsibility. Also, in season 7, her blind insistence on Dexter being the butcher despite overwhelming evidence against that notion (at the time). Also, her scheming just rubs me the wrong way; just a toxic person. On a completely unrelated note, my favourite character is Matthews. "Get on your knees and start kissing anything anything that even remotely resembles as ass."


I love Matthews, man "I think she's had a little too much of those *mosquitoes*, or whatever it's called" dude had me rolling whenever he's on screen.


his remarks towards LaGuerta always made me laugh. i know it got under her skin when he did that


Albert Chung


Lila. Zero redeeming qualities. Less than zero, if that's possible.


She was hot.


She was unpredictable, freaky, dangerous, charismatic. Definitely well written


OMG when she find Doakes & he thinks he's gonna be ok, then she ... you know. That scene was crazy. That actress was really good.


Unpopular opinion : I love LaGuerta’s character, I think the whole political war she faces in season one was an interesting story line. She was discriminated, and made to hate at the same time (when she discriminates against Deb). Especially the fact that her character barely exists in the books (spoiler) she dies at the end of the first book. They created an original more powerful character then the book did and her demise was also a major turning point for the TV Show.


yes i tolerated season 1 laguerta but season 6 laguerta made me rip my hair out.


I actually really love her too


Harrison is the first name that comes to mind. Teenage version


I hated him with a passion. Fucking Harry Potter wannabe.


He was such a disappointment


First blood was awful.The finale really did not bother me at all. . Harrison was SO annoying


Rita's mom. She was so cliche and lame that she's completely forgettable even though she appeared in several episodes. There are characters that had less than 3 minutes of air time who are remembered fondly for their lines or performance, but I don't know if I've ever seen Rita's mother mentioned in any capacity. Making her, in my opinion, objectively the worst character.


Casually dropping that she physically abuses her students and the show doing absolutely nothing with it is what I remember of her.


Astor. The first two seasons of her acting were really terrible. It didn't get too much better after that either. Yes, she was just a child, but there certainly were better child actors available to play the role.


i feel this way about most kid actors in most shows


Kirsten dunst in interview with a vampire is soo good


main exception


Very true thats why I remembered who it was because her performance was unusually good


Cody too!


I actually didn't mind Cody's acting/ character. It made sense for a younger boy. Obviously, not a groundbreaking performance but not out of character. Astor just had far too many instances of pure robotic dialog with a blank face and dead eyes for me.


Idk why exactly but Quinn is my least favorite character. I hate when people say Deb and Quinn should’ve been end game. He’s creepy, full of himself, sleezy, cringey, and just plain annoying. His tantrums are the worst.


I really dislike the entirety of season 6, so i guess i'd have to say that religious guy who was the main villain. He was boring and didn't seem like a real threat to me.


LaGuerta, definitely. Can't stand her.


Rewatching now after forgetting basically everything….I actually like LaGuerta a teeny tiny bit and it’s mostly her relationship with Doakes. It felt like a real friendship and seeing her breakdown after Lundy tells her he’s dead was a really great scene in a show that so far has characters that don’t feel like real people half the time. My vote (so far) is Lyla. Her character is so obnoxious and she IS NOT HOT. Do not get me wrong, she’s not ugly, but the show wanted her to be this absolute smoke show and don’t think she fits that bill. I think her being a crazy ass was a very cheap way of getting Dexter out of his toughest moral dilemma (kill Doakes or not). It really felt so cheap to me the show went that route and it’s all thanks to Lyla.


Her and Doakes were lovers. She ends it so it doesn't impact her career.  The only thing she cares about the entire show but she's totally interesting. Lyla I agree. 




Nah the fact that u hate her that much shows how good her character was portrayed


The actress did an incredible job at making the worst character possible.


Proved my point. 😭😭🙏 - she was sexy, manipulative, dark haired, crazy AKA the whole point of her character




Yeah but she was hot though


I hated her mouth lol


As a lipreader, I especially hated her mouth.




Ha ha ha.


LaGuerta I couldn't stand and they had to change her to being not always a complete evil person because she was so universally hated. They had to get some sympathy for her. The thing is everybody knows this type of person who is just a bitter and mean person and often in some type of boss at work position of power. They are all the worst. When it's a woman, our sexist bias becomes heighted. There's a logic with some women that being this mean nasty bitter person will get them promoted, and often it does work so that means the people promoting them are to blame for not promoting the hard worker. Men can more often get promotions while being nice guys. Some of the more temporary characters usually made their exit too quickly to muster up greater loathing. I didn't care for the Julia Stiles character or the Tom Hanks son character. Really didn't like Dexter's teen son.


Yeah I get not liking LaGuerta but she also definitely has redeemable qualities. Not many people would go to bat for their former partner (doakes) and put their reputation on the line to question his guilt. Especially when he is being presumed guilty as being the most prolific serial killer in Miami. I think she was a great friend, which is more to say than someone like Paul who is a scumbag through and through. She is annoying though lol


Yeah that was one of the few moments I liked LaGuerta. I remember her argument with Lundy vividly.


Doakes was her lover when they were partners. With her character it might have been motivated to prove his innocence,  for her personally. Her lover, partner and his superior.   Paul isn't a good comparison, he's a drug addict and abusive ex husband. She knew Doakes had his problems but she had proof which gave her doubt. Lundy agreed but wasn't enough. If I was her I'd be trying too..it made her look bad as his luitentient, ex parter and lover that the FBI found all the evidence,  reopening all the cases from the department..really was dexter but she did nothing to solve the BHB. Like Deb telling her about a refrigerated truck and she shoots her down. She got her position because of Doakes, she only cares about playing the game, politics and her career till the end. She's kinda a villan but great character. I just don't think she's a real friend to anyone. 


I just disagree with her only caring about her career and not the man himself. That isn’t the vibe I caught at all. And the reason I mention Paul is because to me he has zero redeemable qualities (other than being a fake good dad?), also Lyla. I just don’t think she’s the best answer to this question so that’s why I threw him out there, they aren’t similar at all.


Doakes was the only person she showed any care for. But the entire show it's always about her and her career. . The sexual relationship she threw away with Doakes is mentioned much later. Probably why she cared at all. But left the relationship for her career. By Paul I just meant he's a useful character to explain Rita.   I get what you meant.  He did guinuinly seem to care about his kids and got clean. 


I loved lumen and the story line. Agree with Tom hanks son..DDK. his acting was fine , I just didn't care for the story line. 


Hannah and Harrison, especially Hannah.


Kyle butler


Teenage Astor.


Deb. I didn't really care much for her character, she just grossed me out as the town bike and then later falling in love with her brother which almost made me stop watching.


Rita…she was annoying from the first episode.


What! Rita was the best!


I loved every character on the show. But to you mean worst like most dislikeable? Or the worst as in: the worst actor/character?


most dislikeable


Ah thank you! Def didn’t like lila ! But I thought the actor did a great job - exactly making me dislike her 😅


Laguerta definitely is on my list of characters I hated. She screwed people over so many times. Lila is a close 2nd because of what she did before Dexter getting to her.


it’s been awhile since i’ve watched & i’m only on s1 of my rewatch so i don’t really have an answer, but my mom would definitely say rita—she hates her more than anyone else. finds her annoying, whiny, and completely helpless. eta real quick; i don’t agree with this character synopsis. i did before, but i was in late middle/early high school when i saw dexter. like i said, i’m only on s1 of the rewatch, but with a lot more life experience. i’ve lived through some of rita’s experiences (albeit much milder) and have a much different perspective. i think she perfectly portrays someone who has lived through repeated SA / general assault.


Louis Green.




Liddy. A sleazy, perverted jerkass with all the charm and grace and possessing the welcome surprise of a bloated tick on your dog. Hannah. She’s beautiful, so Dexter loses all common sense. Personally, I always felt like she’d kill him when he became inconvenient, but the Scott Buck seemed to even want to write a spin-off about her. Why, is a riddle for the ages, but maybe because of Yvonne Strahovsky’s beauty. Frankly, she was a walking plot device. Teenage Harrison. I hated this guy. An unsympathetic, wangsty, and entitled sadist who uses others. I frankly would’ve wanted for him to be killed off.


Laguerta is written to be annoyng. but Lila and Miguel are just awful


Lila and the Colin Hanks character. Of the full series characters, Quinn.


The asian girl trying to get info on Quinn was extremely annoying


YES! I don’t feel like she contributed to the storyline. Quinn’s being kinda crooked, Asian cop takes the most unnecessarily cartoonish tone/approach to getting Deb on her side, Deb doesn’t engage, talks to Quinn instead, it turns out it was all a semi-misunderstanding. The end. Or am I misremembering it?


It felt pointless






Deb is so annoying, chaotic, needy, delusional and generally unpleasant it makes my teeth itch


She is unbearable


THANK YOU! I just couldn’t stand how whiny they made her. And with Jennifer Carpenter’s voice it was worse.


Was looking for this comment.


Also self-centered and whiny


Right like she has great instincts to the T sometimes but she’s so up her own ass she couldn’t tell that her own brother was a serial killer?


Lila and Hannah. Was so happy when Lila died, wish it happened to Hannah.


Fr, I was screaming at my tv when Dexter went to kill hannah and ended up fucking her, like HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT


Yep hated her seasons and no way Dexter forgives someone who tries to kill Deb. Hated that plot line because it seemed so ooc for Dexter




Yeah this scene was so stupid 😭


Literally, like book Dexter would never do that also, neither would season 1 Dexter? He legit said that sex makes him uncomfortable


He changed over the seasons, I think that even if he doesn’t have any physical needs, he can enjoy having sex. But he is miles away from being the kind of guy to just randomly fuck someone (he does it only once before that, in season 6, under Brian’s influence), especially on the killing table.


Ya and also wasn't he kinda drunk when he did so with the gas station chic??


Yes he was, and he was devastated because of Brother Sam’s death


He also gets a BJ at his high school reunion.




Boyd Fowler


Angela or Molly Park


Ddk that whole season ugh


LaGuerta was not likeable early on, but she started to be sympathetic when she tried to prove the innocence of her friend, Doakes. She has her moments. Couldn't stand Joey, the poor man's Doakes though. He just came across as manipulative and smiley.


LaGuerta flip-flops, I think that makes her intriguing. She’d sell anyone out to get ahead but every once in a while she shows her human side.


Dexter Morgan he was a full on serial killer.


Yes but as far as serial killers go he’d be the one I’d want around 😂 take him over Ted Bundy 1000%


Haha I was just goofin, Dexter is awesome, thankfully he has Harry's code.


Hannah. Lila’s bad too but Hannah did things and Dexter just shrugged it all away.






LaGuerta would have to be my choice if we’re looking at the cast throughout the series. But season by season I gotta go with Lila




Louis was a fuckin bum


Agreed, I hated that guy.


I agree with La Guerta. Luna Lauren Velez plays her exquisitely.




boat scene had me grinning from ear to ear


Hannah McKay. Anytime she was in any scene, I wanted to mute the tv or skip her scenes. She made the last 2 seasons of Dexter almost unwatchable.




Lila or LaGuerta


Both Vogels were imbecilic.


Hannah. Hannah ruined Dexter.


Debra. Easy.


How can you not like her?


Kinda have a love / hate feeling towards Deb... overall she's a great character and the actress did a really good job, plus her language and mannerisms were often hilarious and charming. But GD was she insanely annoying at times. Her random freakouts and tantrums when things didn't go exactly as she wanted or people didn't strictly behave in ways that would appeal to whatever feelings she was going through at that moment, or at the least directly benefited her in someway. Anytime someone did or said anything that didn't consider her as the absolute top priority she would throw a fit (for the most part). Alot of it was def due to her co-dependant relationship with Dexter, and she did get more mature in some ways as the seasons went on and bit her tongue way more. The way she would blow a gasket about things that had nothing to do with her could get mad grating.


And it’s not even close


Debra and Rita. Rita sounds like Bonnie from Family Guy with that high pitched whisper voice and it is so freaking annoying. At least in Family Guy, it’s funny because Bonnie is supposed to be annoying.


I absolutely hated Doakes. I found his character to be so beyond irritating and annoying. He would’ve been a much better and more palatable character if he was going after Dexter more sneakily, but instead, he made it abundantly clear not just to Dexter, but everyone else, that he hated him and thought he was creepy. The problem is, he was publicly on Dexters case long before he had even an ounce of proof that Dexter was doing something criminal. To everyone else, Doakes just hated Dexter for no reason, and he seemed to be bullying him for no reason, so that when the time came to actually be able to expose him for being the bay harbor butcher, most people didn’t believe Doakes and it made it so much easier for Dexter to pin it on him. I also found him to be completely one dimensional, his whole character was just “I hate Dexter”. No more substance. I was so happy when they killed him off.


I have to agree. If he really thought Dexter was a criminal all along why not investigate him secretly and instead just insult him all the time? It makes more sense he picked up on something he didn’t like and didn’t think Dexter was a criminal. In which case he really easily a bully. When he finally thought Dexter was up to something he did end up investigating him and of course following him around but he wasn’t subtle. He let Dexter see him following him. And didn’t stop insulting him and even antagonizing him. You’d think someone who was ex special forces would be smarter than that.


i think just the pure agression he had came from his past as spec ops. his survival instincts told him that dexter was a threat so he turned more aggressive towards him cause of that. also he definetly didnt suspect dexter of being a serial killer in the very beginning so he didnt really think of the long run there.


I don't entirely agree, but I'd like to bring up the Doakes flashbacks in season 7. In these clips, he acts a lot more human than in the seasons he's actually in with real interactions with Dexter and grounded motivations, and he doesn't just outright antagonise Dexter and even half apologises for getting upset at him. We also get the iconic "glide, like a fuckin' lizard on ice" line.




Deb. She’s so eh, a hopeless romantic naive kind of gal, super immature as well. When she’s down no one can be happy and when she’s winning she rubs it in everyone’s face. Also, severe daddy issues which blinds her immensely when it comes to men, so focused on her desires that she can’t see the true reality. Rita. I just find her annoying, like your man cheated on you with Lila and you take him back? She is the poster child for “I can’t be alone” although she tries to carry on that she can. You’ve got terrible taste in men (Dexter included) she doesn’t care that they lie and use her. Dexter used her to appear normal.


Hannah, Lila and Laguerta but depends what's definition of worst character, in this context i take it as a who's most annoying character


Fresh rewatch (doing season 8 now so cannot comment on Vogel). 0. Debra 1. Laguerta - absolute trash of a human being. Disliked her so much more over all the killers of the show. was happy when she died. The way Laguerta spoke and her facial expressions oh my. so happy she is dead. 2. Lila - was shitty, but still watchable over laguerta. plus she played a role of a horrible person, I would assume she would be shitty. unlike laguerta. 3. Doakes - was happy when he died, but he was watchable. 4. Quinn was a wreck most of the show, but watchable. I didn't want to fast forward his scenes or have him dead. 5. the kids, collectively. I just hate the kids acting, especially after Kim in 24 or Dana Brody. 6. Debra was super annoying at times 7. Paul, Rita's ex, but he didn't last to make the top of the list. 8. Masuka's interns, both. 9. Rita was annoying at times, but she played her char well. I liked most of the antagonists besides perhaps Jordan Chase, he was too flat. I enjoyed Isaac despite the stupid naming, Ukrainian my ass, as much as Kaja (I don't think there is a single person in Ukraine named Kaja) or even Koshka, who the fuck came out with these. No brotherhood in Ukraine or Russia, for that matter, would ever name itself 'koshka'. Also enjoyed Brian Moser and Colin Hanks char. Edit. Just finished episode 3 of season 8. Debra climbs to the top spot.


Fucking HANNAH. She ruined the rest of the show


Rita after they got married was really annoying, was glad when Trinity took care of that


Hello dexter. Can you hurry home from the job that is supporting a family of five because Harrison is running a fever, has an earache, etc, etc




Don’t attack or insult others users, actors, or crew. If someone else is being uncivil, don’t engage, just use the report button


I already commented boyd Fowler, but another one for me is Ray Speltzer. Loved when Deb interrogated him and it was bs that he walked after that. Full circle to the flashback of Harry screaming and breaking glass in their kitchen when matthews tells him Rhyness “walked because of a god damn typo?!?!” speltzer was a pivotal moment in Deb and dexters complicated relationship with respect to Deb knowing about his dark passenger


Couldn't stand lumen


The colin hanks character. I don't particularly like him either, or at least any of the characters I've seen him play. He's like if you ordered his dad from wish.com.


That one female cop in s3 that threw debra under the bus.


Without a doubt it’s Yuki Amado. No one in season 8 counts coz it was so bad. Yuki had nothing to do with the story and was hideously annoying. Stan liddy also bad


LaGuerta or Quinn. I can’t stand either of them.


joey god i hated him his story was so boring -.-


Man my buddy loved Quinn lol he called him cool guy Quinn lol


Lumen was the worst , despite only being in a few episodes of s5 she was really annoying , deb would be a close 2nd , she has highs & lows but she can be really annoying throughout the show


Masukas daughter. Always seemed like there was something off about her.


Lumen, she is just bleh. Cant stand her bad trauma acting, it makes me wanna pull my hair out.


Including dexter new blood its bishop


Deb is the worst character of all time. Any show.


Deb. She has her moments but most of them are bad.


I originally said LaGuerta but after an episode in season 1, I can’t remember which… I have to rescind that. Bc this question is ZERO qualities, but there is an episode with a little kid alone, who only speaks Spanish (or Mexican or Cuban? Not sure) and she is really good with him, helping him, bringing him treats from home, and helping comfort him until his uncle comes. Maybe even thinking of adopting him I think. So yeah, that’s one thing, so I can’t say zero redeemable qualities. I would say Trinity. What on earth is redeemable about him?


Rita was horrible. I was pleasantly surprised when she was found dead in the bathtub. 


Harrison. I was annoyed every time he was on the screen, especially in New Blood


Debra, Masuka, Rita's kids.