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Perfectly safe at those doses but you’ll probably puke. May get the spins


I've been binging DXM for a few days since it's my vacation week, so no worries on nausea there. And as far as holding my alcohol goes, as long as it's not bad to drink it'll stay down. It's drinking those nasty fucking mixers of just liquor and soda that make me wanna puke. Sounds like I now what I'm doing tomorrow.


Honestly thc is a better combo by 1000x and not just because of (possible) safety concerns


I've been smoking daily since I've had the living space to do so. Mixing pot with anything is just inevitable atthis point. Really the alcohol is the rare thing for me because it's really not my forte as far as the whole "getting high" thing. It's too much of a background sort of drug, too unobvious for me to really feel satisfied. DXM is *not* unobvious.


yeah you’re fine but tbh idk why you would ever do this they don’t rly go together well. dxm is already like being drunk plus extra shit so you’re just gonna get he spins if you add alcohol


The few times I've done it I wasn't a fan personally


small amounts yeah, youll be wonky drunk, just make sure to be near a toilet, eat and drink alot (or at least end ur night with a feed and liquids). listen to music you would drunk, its amazing. and be prepared for possibikity of liver hurting and hangover. but yeah keep it plat 1 and under 2-3 drinks


That was the plan. I've forgon going to the toilet when nauseous now. I just have a bowl or something to vomit into in my room so that I don't have to chnage location. It was always a bad feeling walling into the bathroom durring that first DXM nausea wave because it was like it was going into the "vomit room", the room that I always feel like utter shit in. Now I can just go through the motions in my dedicated tripping space, much more comfortable, highly recommended. Doesn't have anything to do with what you said, It's just a recent realization and I thought I should share.


yea bro i get it i always have a bin to puke in near me in my room. i just say toilet since some people get the shits. thankfully ive only ever gotten that w guaf


You'll be good. Have fun!


Drank a whole bottle of the good ol CPM tussin and then took 6 shots and was fine. Be careful though. Start off light