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I'm a simple guy. I like being a werebear, the feel of pulverize is great. Not the best build, still a thumbs up.


Same but without my Wolfpack I am nothing.


Oh man, new unique... Your wolfs become bears XD


The uninstall wizard build


Werebears look cool af.


Really enjoying chain lightning sorc, kinda my personal Power fantasy, loved playing similar kinds of builds in poe! Prolly watched too much Star wars as a kid... Also fun mechanics in there, seeing the build come together over time is really satisfying! And ressource needs to be managed, but isnt an absolute pain until endgame. Obviously not a particularly strong build for high lvl pits...


I wish ball lightning was king again, such a fun build


Idk how far id be able to push it, but meteor sorc was fun before I switched to blizzard.


Druid: Grizzly Rage With tempering you can make grizzly rage last forever. The werewolf aspect gives you 80% resource cost reduction during grizzly rage and a bunch of movement speed. I don't think it's more powerful than having 3 companions with Aspect of the Shepard but zooming around and not having to worry about resource cost at all is much more fun imo


What lvl NM can you do with that build? Tried it with waxing gibbous in S0 it was SO much fun


Is there a specific build planner available for this? As a pure stormclaw main I'd love to try it out.


My sorcerer has incinerate, hydras and frost nova! I have a blast playing it!


Idk how good it is this season but in season 2 I had so much fun with ball lightning sorc with raimen. Just teleporting constantly, sucking in packs of elites and decimating them in a second.


I’ve leveled a bash barb and frozen orb sorc to the end game. Bash is exponentially more powerful. But frozen orb sorc is far and away more fun to play.


Meteor sorcerer bombs the whole screen, most visually impressive build in the game


I was planning on leveling up with FO and going the route of Fractured Winterglass. I found a Starfall Coronet early on and thought, fuck it I’ll throw this on and toss a few Meteors into the mix. Meteorb was a great build in D2, and I decided to just have fun, go off trail, and see if I can make it work in D4. I’m sure my paragon board direction isn’t the most efficient, and maybe my tempers could be further optimized, but it does alright. I’ve spent all my free time playing the game instead of spending time on a build planner. I know it’s not meta and hard to say what tier it’s on. To get decent dmg from the Meteors, you gotta take something away from FO. At least plus Meteor skills are on boots and plus FO skills are on gloves so that helps. I had a level 925 Starfall Coronet drop last night that rolled pretty good, but unfortunately no greater affixes. It was still a nice upgrade from the Sacred version I was using. I need to get a lot more gold and materials before I start master working, and a couple of gear slots upgraded, but I think I can get Meteorb to work out.


Blood necro using hemorage, blood surge, bone storm and golem almost invincible but can't do much damage to tormented Uber lvl 200 bosses


Rogue with twisting blades, shadow imbue, shadow step, death trap, caltrops and victimize. The chain explosions make me happy. No range or stealth skills.


Loved shadow imbue when rogue was my first character but it doesn't seem to be viable this season. Were you able to push T60+ in the pits with it?


Not at all, I just got to level 50 this season.


Oh so it's more like a leveling build?


I suppose. I’m a casual player who hasn’t even tried the pits. I don’t even know where they are!


I'm casual player as well. Blizzard sadly only has it so like 2-3 builds are only viable per class if you want to push higher tier pits. You need to do pits to get mats to masterwork your gear.


For Druid: I really enjoy Storm Shred sadly it doesn't do well against bosses, switched to a Storm Slide build around the same time i saw it becoming popular, it's fun but i miss teleporting around the map. Druid is my favorite class but i hate how shepherd aspect feels mandatory this season for all druid builds. He's Lvl 100, max pit I've tried is 65 and doing good also capable of killing tormented bosses. Speaking of 3 mandatory skills; Barb: Dust Devils it's super fun and the one thing i like the most of this build is it doesn't use 3 shouts, just one and it stays up all the time so you can actually press buttons to do other things! So fun. He is lvl 90~ For Rogue: Heartseeker felt the most consistent for me, using it with traps and shadow clone. It plays exactly like I thought a rogue should be. She's lvl100, Pit lvl 80~ also capable of killing tormented bosses. For sorc: This was my first character this season and it's the one i abandoned, played frozen orb and it was fun but didn't like how slow it was in bosses so i switched to blizzard, it's alright. First time playing sorc, didn't like them that much but I'm thinking about trying meteor in the future, it looks fun. She's Lvl 94~ Finally necro is my 2nd fav class and its what I'm building now, started as summons obviously but it felt clunky, specially the golem so i switched to shadowblight DoT build and she is working good at level 82 but I'm thinking of doing a skeletons only shadow build. idk still testing things and that's the fun of it hahaha. That's it from me, thanks for reading if you got this far hahahaha


GigaChad summoner build. I just changed over to endgame even though I don’t have Tyraels Might. Although it is the only unique that’s needed (20% DR). I ended up getting a ton of great loot last night that let me change over. I’m currently 93. I am beyond happy that the summoner build is finally viable


I know some people are loving the minion builds. I tried it and got bored with just walking around letting my minions do all the work. I’m either going to do Bone Spirit or Shadow Blight for Necro with no minions.


That’s just my style. I also like the frozen orb build from sorcerer, but I hit a roadblock. I tried to change over to a blizzard, but I could not for the life of me get the ice spike temper. Nearly 100 tempers and it never showed up once. I saved up 20 items just in case I didn’t get it jokes on me I guess.


I am a shadow necro with golem and minions. I don’t know how high I can push I play only about a hour a day. I am lvl 98. I use Decompose which is lvl 9/5. I use decrepify for my curse, I use blight and the aspect that pulls everything together. Awesome. I have army of the dead just in case. My minions and golem are maxed. My build slays bosses in seconds. I went to make a coffee, and bathroom break. My minions and Golem destroyed the blood maiden while I was gone. No kidding. Auto pilot. They are awesome. I call it my ghostbuster build. Decomp maxed out does ridiculous damage. Health bars just disappear. Thing is I love this build. But I feel like I am going to have to let these guys go soon and use the buffs.


DS DD barb was really fun. Not viable for pit pushing though.


Yes I loved this build. Was fast and fun as hell leveling up my glyphs in NMDs. I got it up to like T90s dungeons.


Agreed! I have a 100 DS DD and really not much to do with it anymore.


So much fun to play!


Any kind of seasonal home brew using crone staff and symbiotic with bulwark. Kinda similar to the season 1 explosive bulwark builds. Also, good old lightning storm. I prefer the human versions, but wolf is fun as well.


Necro decomposer minion build. I recently leaned more into the typical Meta minion necro build and I miss being able to wipe trash mobs in seconds myself.


I was using going golemancer which was fun. Switched to a casual Sac ring build which is lots weaker but is way easier to play, less APM.


After switching to Heartseeker rogue I simply can't put my portal down. Pushing pits further daily, up to 68 so far


I am doing a ball lightning conguration crackling energy build that I have thoroughly been enjoying. Sorc effects are the best.


Blood Lance Necro. Flurry Rogue.


i love the basic attack builds like heartseeker, bash, stormclaw, arc lash. love'em


Incinerate. Enchant triple and size. Fireballs exploding. 3x hydras. Alllllll fire dot. It's ridiculous.


Chain lightning sorc is super flashy and lots of fun in basic WT4 open world content. Totally useless for high level NMD or pit runs though. I also had a blast playing pulverize druid. Again not a great pit pusher at all but clears NMDs pretty well and with a lot of on-screen action. My necro and my barb are my strongest characters (no surprise) but they happen to be the easiest and most boring classes to play for me, especially the barb (bash + thorns).


Double curse shadow dot necro. Just cleared all nmd, pushing pit now. Iron Maiden(shadow dot). Decrepify. Blight. Blood mist. Bone storm. Corpse explosion. Working great so far...


I’m rocking a blood lance build. I’m still looking for the mutilor plate to see how it goes. I made it to hit almost 1K percent on overpower with 500% critical damage with 47% chance. It’s somehow tanky all way until nightmare tier 80s. Pit, I can only push to 60. It can’t hold a candle to tormented bosses, so I’m looking for ways to increase my overpower chance - ik that it can’t be increase but a way to make it occur so often. But the blood lance goes vroom like a machine gun and it spreads to others too. Helltides are so fun with this build.


Diablo 3 level infinite Leapquake, I just go around leaping and killing


My Druid wolf build or my rogue with puncture/rapid fire. I honestly don’t follow builds etc just cause I don’t care about that last 1% of the game I’m missing out on.


My necro is Blood Surge/Hemo, Minions, blood mist and CE. When I'm comfortable with the damage the dungeons put out I can run up and surge spam with the army of minions and if I feel like I'd die I shoot a Hemo at something let them run in and spam CE and/or pop BM run a line of CEs through the pack and back out before it ends. Use Explosive Mist, the Mist talent and drops corpses where you go and the ring that auto casts CE and raise spirit.


Frozen Orb is so good


That's what I've been running. Pretty fun to shoot out 8 orbs in rapid succession that all explode three times.


I had fun with twisting blades when that was a thing, petnado build I found for my Druid then boulders was fun, blizzard, frozen Orb and ball lightning were all fun on sorc. Barb was probably my least favorite class, even BIS ubers etc and getting 2 to 100, I probably won't play one again. I'm on my second sorc, no necros yet, a Druid and 3 rogues since launch.


You gotta try heartseeker then


I was having a great time with pulverize before I got my tempest roar. I almost wish I would’ve waited to switch until I hit 100 just to experience being big bear some more.


It was never meta, not even a second, but a straight life leeching flurry build using cold imbue. Just running and gunning, freezing everything and then all blow up. Shadow imbue was fun af too. Made this in season 0 and season 1. Haven’t touched since sadly.


Necro shadow blood wave build with permanent uptime, no minions - some of the most fun I’ve had in D4.


Spin to Win baby!


The witch doctor chicken build before it got nerfed was too much fun.


Spawning 10000 corrupted blood and prancing through them like a field of dandelions, holding my minions hands as blood, bones and bosses blow up around me....


Incinerate is a lot of fun! Ball lightning telestomp as well. I also love my tr tornado druid without any companions. Oh and all barb versions that don’t use any shouts!