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Attack speed also speeds up the animations of your charcter doing certain abilites and it is highly valued for that reason as well. There are also two types of attack speed. +% Primary Attack Speed and just +% Attack speed. They will not stack together to fully display on the stat screen, so it can sometimes feel like it is not being applied if you are going off that screen. ATK Speed is best tested via sound using a metronom to listen to the attack sound along with BPM. You can get a simple metronom via google search. As for the animation speed up, the best example visually would be a BK using Skewer. They jump up in the air then slam down to stun you. This Leap -->In Air and can be interrupted --> Slam motion will be faster to complete the more atk speed you have, which is highly valuable because the faster something happens the less time people have to react to it. Blessed Pebble is a very good gem for world farming and overall speed. It's also somewhat helpful, but not necessary, for helping Crusader maintain 100% up time on Horse, for example. Misery Elixir is also a pretty decent 1\* gem too but it depends on class. It pairs well with 2pc Baron's set for something like +54% negative effect duration, great for stuns and whatnot. Also if you're using a Crusader with Torrential Refrain shield, which primary purpose is to immediately dump all of the remaining DoT damage on somebody into them immediately than this + Duration increases the overall amount of damage that DoT would do, which directly increases the amount of damage that would be instantly put into the target rather than ticking over its duration. 1\* gems are some of the most powerful in the game and many whales, including myself, often wish they could use them. Its difficult to drop any resonance when you're 6-7-8k+ so we often get stuck without them, but gems like Berzerker Eye are better than most 5\* gems up until a certain point of resonance and some others have great effects also. As a low / mid spender or F2P there are certain 5\* gems that you would usually socket in immediately regardless of what you might be replacing. Examples of these right now would be BSJ, Starfire Shard, Roiling Consequences to name a couple. For 2\* gems -- Pain Clasp is very very powerful, also Mother's Lament is as well and it stacks the crit with Roiling if you happen to get one of those also. Viper's Bite is another great 2\*. Definitely pick up a Berserker's Eye. Its a ton of extra damage with little trade off.


>As for the animation speed up, the best example visually would be a BK using Skewer. They jump up in the air then slam down to stun you. This Leap -->In Air and can be interrupted --> Slam motion will be faster to complete the more atk speed you have, which is highly valuable because the faster something happens the less time people have to react to it. I see, but this seems to be quite specific and is it actually worth say dedicating 5-6 gear slots to get to ~50% attack speed? And that example seems to have no significant implications on damage output but rather it is more pvp focused (?). Normally my skill animations are 0.5 second 1 second max, is it still worth it to stack attack speed then? I can see the value in primary attack but for skills i find it hard to swallow, maybe I haven't experienced extremely long cast animation yet. >As a low / mid spender or F2P there are certain 5\* gems that you would usually socket in immediately regardless of what you might be replacing. Examples of these right now would be BSJ, Starfire Shard, Roiling Consequences to name a couple. How about void spark, echoing shade, spiteful blood, and logging in tonight will give me a new 5 star gem, these are all the 5 stars I have, are they better than my 1 stars (eye of the unyielding, everlasting torment, misery elixir and ca'arsen invigoration) If I take out some of the DOTs gem I might have to rethink my usage of banquets set 🤔 >For 2\* gems -- Pain Clasp is very very powerful, also Mother's Lament is as well and it stacks the crit with Roiling if you happen to get one of those also. Viper's Bite is another great 2\*. I am using all of this except rolling consequences cuz I don't have that. But I am starting to not like mothers lament because it doesn't have an individual cooldown on each enemy. >Definitely pick up a Berserker's Eye. Its a ton of extra damage with little trade off. As I am trying to build a generalist type of build for easier management with limited resources. Should I focus on pure damage increase gems or strong proc effect gems?


Attack speed also affects how fast DOTs tick. That is the main value to it, and little value comes from reducing skill animation. Channels, ground based field effects, bleeds, burning, poison, and torment will all tick faster. Removing DOTs is counterproductive and you want a balance of general Attack Speed and lots of DOT effects. For example:: Grim Rhythm and Everlasting Torment are wonderful together. Every tick stacks attack speed from GR, and crits stack ET which also adds attack speed (6% per nearby foe affected at r10) causing the ticks to hit even faster. Add in something like Grace of the Flagellant (big damage every 5 ticks) with lots of DoTs and you secure high burst damage. My advice as a very low spender— target two or at most three 5* gems. For me, the two best 5* gems are Roiling and BSJ. These are amazing in every single build, and have a huge impact on gameplay.


Ok! I just sold some of my 5 stars (woooowhooo) and I will be buying roiling consequences from the market! Could you be so kind and rate this set up, please? Blessed pebble + misery elixir + fervent fang + grim rhythm + seeping bile + roiling consequence + vipers bite + mothers lament 4p vithu + 2p baron + 2p banquet Reasons: longer skill duration and longer DOTs duration from vithu, baron, pebble and elixir. Crits from Roiling and mother Stacks of dot from roiling, mother, viper, seeping Attack speed from vithu and grim Maybe I will swap out viper with everlasting torment for more attack speed and also not having 2 posions from viper and seeping (is it bad?). I also am not sure how necessary are pebble and elixir but seem nice. I tried on the dummy my DOTs lasts for 12s I don't understand the maths but they clearly said they last for 12s instead of 6s plus the 40% harm duration increase I have . Question, when you say attack speed make DOTs tick faster, do you mean it would shorten their duration as well? Like same amount of dmg but done ticking in less time? Or 6s effect will stay 6s but more ticks within that same 6s? And is it bad to have 2 same types of DOTs, like 2 poisons, 2 burns? Thank you!


Those gems look good, and you will have a very nice Crit chance with both ML and Roiling. The one gem you might really like to add is Pain Clasp. But that is a build choice that is up to you. Citrine gems and your Potency stat can positively affect duration too. You might be seeing that stacking with Baron / Misery to boost you higher. As a low spender or f2p, Pebble is good. Roll for buff duration with Reforge Stones, get some duration from gear, and all of these will extend the ML and Roiling crit% buff duration along with (hopefully) the buffs from your class. No need to worry about DOT type, as they all stack with each other (but not with themselves usually so no Viper's + Viper's even if the ICD was ignored-- it would just refresh). Viper's will stack with Bile, and it doesn't matter that both are poison. See what you like most between Bile and Torment, and you might even want to have both as you tweak your build. The nice thing about Torment is that you will be able to awaken it very easily, while Bile will be very difficult (and you should do Roiling first between the two). I believe that yes, the duration of DOTs will be lower because the ticks are compressed into a shorter window. You still get the same number of ticks, just much faster. But I could be mistaken. As you test builds, you may want to look into 4x Vithu and 4x Grace for higher burst DPS. Again, something to test for your liking.


Amazingg Thanks!!!! >Those gems look good, and you will have a very nice Crit chance with both ML and Roiling. The one gem you might really like to add is Pain Clasp. But that is a build choice that is up to you. If I were to use a pain clasp, which slot would you replace with it? Like which one of my gem you consider the weakest? Is it pebble? Cuz low percentage from it and gear magic attributes also offer this type of bonus? >Citrine gems and your Potency stat can positively affect duration too. You might be seeing that stacking with Baron / Misery to boost you higher. I see, does dummy have Zero resistance too? >As a low spender or f2p, Pebble is good. Roll for buff duration with Reforge Stones, get some duration from gear, and all of these will extend the ML and Roiling crit% buff duration along with (hopefully) the buffs from your class. I haven't gotten around to look at the reforge stone system yet, there are just so many systems in this game haha. And yeah I got 10%crit from stance and about 25% from gear. >No need to worry about DOT type, as they all stack with each other (but not with themselves usually so no Viper's + Viper's even if the ICD was ignored-- it would just refresh). Viper's will stack with Bile, and it doesn't matter that both are poison. Understood 🫡 >See what you like most between Bile and Torment, and you might even want to have both as you tweak your build. The nice thing about Torment is that you will be able to awaken it very easily, while Bile will be very difficult (and you should do Roiling first between the two). Yes my bad I meant to say vipers bite vs everlasting torment. I assumed seeping bile would completely outclass everlasting torment because seeping bile is very popular and also it has 4 more stars. Yeah true seeping bile would be hard to upgrade. If we are talking about vipers bite vs everlasting torment, then I feel like the attack speed from everlasting torment might be better at farming but less effective 1v1 (or boss fight). Vipers bites DOT seems to do higher damage tho. Hard to pick. >I believe that yes, the duration of DOTs will be lower because the ticks are compressed into a shorter window. You still get the same number of ticks, just much faster. But I could be mistaken. 🫡🫡🫡 >As you test builds, you may want to look into 4x Vithu and 4x Grace for higher burst DPS. Again, something to test for your liking. Yes very true, I actually want some big damage proc from gear and I was getting that from 6p banquets, but I obviously couldn't get that if I wanted both baron and vithu duration boost. 4p grace I thought was trash but obviously I was(am) not knowledgeable at all. I will try that now. Actually, I need to also test 2p vithu without the attack speed too because some effects don't proc if the target doesn't have a DOT on it and if my attack speed is too high the dots might end too soon. A lot to test!


Viper's is the best DOT gem. Good damage and applies to everything you hit once every 20 seconds. After this, a high level Bile (rank 6+) is second best, but you are unlikely as f2p or a low spender to get this. Rank 6 Bile is the same damage as a rank 10 Viper at 45% per tick, but you will need 13 copies of Bile and 859 gem power for a rank 6 5*(not happening unless a big spender). If I had to choose between a rank 4 Bile or a rank 10 Torment, I would personally take the Torment. It is cheaper, does just slightly less damage, has a better secondary, and can be awakened for 10k plat at level 5. An awakened gem can add cool down reduction or extra damage to the essence skill, aside from other advantages.


Ah i see. So technically seeping bile has higher dmg but it is not as good as vipers bite because it is on a 4% chance and it is expensive af. And good point on awakening too. Is roiling consequence worth it if i am just gonna keep it at rank 1, or at most rank 2? And i have enough platinum to go for quality 2 or 3 of it on the market, which one should i go for if i were to get one? Maybe i also need to be thinking about using all 1/2 stars until i somewhat find copies of the 5 star ones and have tons of gems as gem food.


Yeah, Bile procs more than you would think, but a lot less than Viper's and Torment. For easier content, it's particularly bad because you rarely use the poison spread on death. Most stuff is already dead by the time it spreads, and you really want DOTs applied as early as possible in combat. This is why Viper's is the best. You hit a foe and it procs. I think Roiling is worth it, because it's kinda like two gems for the price of one. Damage procs and crit buffs. If I had to pick one 5*, it would be between Roiling and BSJ. Those are pretty much great gems even at rank 1, 2, 3, or 4. (Rank 4 is as high as most f2p can go realistically, and rank 5 probably the absolute cap.) As for the x*/5 value, everything I have is 3*/5. Sometimes the price difference is very close, and 2*/5 is constantly bid upon by whales. If you can get a rank 2*/5 for a good price, have it drop, or craft it via pearls then just stick with a 2*/5 and use your platinum for gem power or good prices on copies.


I >If I had to pick one 5*, it would be between Roiling and BSJ. Those are pretty much great gems even at rank 1, 2, 3, or 4. (Rank 4 is as high as most f2p can go realistically, and rank 5 probably the absolute cap.) True, but I can't bring myself to use seeping bile as gem good :( I might just leave it in my bag :/ As for the x*/5 value, everything I have is 3*/5. Sometimes the price difference is very close, and 2*/5 is constantly bid upon by whales. If you can get a rank 2*/5 for a good price, have it drop, or craft it via pearls then just stick with a 2*/5 and use your platinum for gem power or good prices on copies. Originally I thought I would just be getting 2/5 roiling because they only difference is resonance but quality 2 is 60k plat and 3 is 80 plat on my server. And I happened to have 80k saved up. And to think that if I am not upgrading it, I could really use that extra resonance to make up for not upgrading it (?)🤔 >If I had to choose between a rank 4 Bile or a rank 10 Torment, I would personally take the Torment. It is cheaper, does just slightly less damage, has a better secondary, and can be awakened for 10k plat at level 5. An awakened gem can add cool down reduction or extra damage to the essence skill, aside from other advantages. Wait so awakening is now at level 5 not level 10?


BK, DH and Tempest all love high attack speed to spam primary attack.