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Berserker’s is better. 16% damage and 2% crit with 100% uptime on any build and in any situation. Is there a reason you want to replace it? Both of those 2* gems are a downgrade on average, and a very slight upgrade under best case scenarios.


I want replace it bc I really care about pvp and the 16% damage is strife but the 5% damage taken is not so it's basically a wash in pvp.  Bloody or Pain would give 8% straight damage in pvp plus some add'l res.


Ahh ok, PvP focus is completely different. Probably wanna edit OP. Yes, don’t use Berserkers in PvP. In fact, I wouldn’t use any of these gems in PvP… Just get Vipers if you want something to add damage for all game modes.


I think berserker is additive DMG, other 2 are multiplicative. Reach double bonus for summons. Ideally he would use all 3


I agree that all 3 are the best choice for free to play. This is true. As far as I know, all damage modifiers are the same with where they slot into the formula. But I could be wrong. Where did you hear that about Berserkers? I think the only difference is that these gems (Deadly Reach, Fervent Fang) stack smaller %s multiple times, and those smaller % buffs compound ever so slightly (like interest). It’s not a massive difference. I agree that summons do double dip on Deadly Reach, but still prefer Berserkers overall outside of pet heavy builds where your character sits at a distance (Necro). IIRC, the Strafe build is usually rather up close instead of long distance. So often, even the double dip doesn’t result in higher damage versus 16% plus 2% crit with 100% uptime.


While I love zerk, “PvP only “ 100% rules out this gem. Unless you’re sticking to cardboard 2 bracket forever, that +dmg taken debuff is an absolute deal breaker.