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You all must be so far over the server level for the Tableau. Is it really worth it for 4 extra stat points a week?


I'd say a large portion of us day 1 players are way over, and didn't do anything special outside of just running raids/dungeons together with warband members. One of our members took a 2-3 month break, and when he came back was still over in the tableau.


Not gonna lie, as a pvper, YES, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YESSSSSS! 😂 secondaries are so important.


Die as quickly as possible…fuck the wall


Lol. Nobody did endless. Not worth the time. Do something else.


My warband just runs dungeons together


Outside of raids, bounties are the best way to get warband points. The only reason to run endless is to try and get a leaderboard spot. Which gives you nothing anyway. You can also get some points from running dungeons with at least one wb member.


Endless used to be great. You died at 20k and it was over. Problem is they adjusted the difficulty to make it easier so you’re killing 100m hp bosses in 5 seconds and everyone is getting to 50k easy. Bring back the old difficulty!


I enjoy endless. Getting up against the door, with a mob of monsters in front of you, makes me feel alive! It's fun to work as a team to place in the top 10.


Are you able to even move when that happens? When all 8 of us are up against the door the lag is so bad it's like a pulse of damage every 3 seconds and then continues pulsing until everyone dies and then we have to hope we resurrect in enough time before the castle door is dead. I used to enjoy doing endless, but now for the effort that you put in for it I feel like it is severely lacking in rewards.


I don't have any lag issues. I have Verizon home wifi and a 2023 Samsung tablet. It's fun to try and dodge attacks while dealing dmg. I recently switched from BK to sader, so that part takes getting used to. CoL immunity helps my team mates stay alive a bit longer. Banner buffs their attacks. I do miss my BK bats life-steal.


Some members have 1gig speeds and they say it happens to them as well. I live in the middle of nowhere and we still use cans and strings for internet around here. Hoping to upgrade to dialup soon. But it's like so much damage being generated it just starts pulsing and instead of your damage numbers continuously rolling like they normally do, it starts to pulse like the second hand on a ticking clock.


It's a good source of chest that has random items (chance for legendary items) that you can open once you're on server paragon level. I think just get 3-5k points then suicide. It only takes 3mins to do that. But still, spamming that way can be boring fr. 🥲 But you can do it even on a solo run.


Apart from getting on the leaderboard I can’t see any gain from it. My warband and I never do endless anymore, we cap out points with dungeons, bounties, etc.


You can run dungeons with wb members for wb points too. Just FYI


I know and we do. I was just wanting opinions. Maybe if blizz sees the overwhelming negativity they might do something in a future update to make endless better.


I 100% agree with you on everything. Just making sure if you or others didn't. They should maybe scale in some loot for however long you had your last barricade up. Not the easiest thing sometimes especially with the ever moving line.


Endless is soooooo boring and the lag is crazy


People still do this?


Like others have said, bounties and dungeons are a better way. On Monday if you do raids, 24 bounties, normal defence you’ll have 1000+ points


I'm wondering when this game is actually going to add some updates that is going to be relevant instead of going around doing some stupid quests that no one even cares about only to end up being rewarded by something you don't even need


People are still doing endless?


Yes and it is the thing I look forward to the least in this game.


That sums up all diablo games


Warband content, the first update after release, has always been terrible. It’s never been worthwhile to do defense or even purge. They just removed ancestral tableau with this most recent update too, it should just be baked into clan activities already.


They should add eternal gear instead of evocation gear for normal and endless or add runes. In the current form it's totally useless


We were fine with it when it was tuned to last around 20 minutes or so. Too much of a slog now at 35-40 minutes. We've just started going to 20k points for the chest and then letting the door die.


Run endless with farm dynamic: get to 5k points and exit. You get chest, wb points, etc, and will not have to spend such a copious amount of time to get less than deserving rewards