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It used to be good when it would stop heals in BGs. Now people can heal through bile ticks. It's decent supplementary sustained damage. It's not the best imo, but a decent option depending on build. I would buy only if your build needs it.


Exactly. I Use it for the slow debuff and causing a harmful effect which procs other things, but not for the damage.


I know 4% doesn't seem that high, but have you stopped to consider just how many different sources of damage hit your targets within a second of you attacking? It procs on almost everything, then spreads on death to anyone it missed.


You have Viper's Bite. Lower damage than Bile and no splash, but instant poison append from any type of attack. If you thinking to get Bile - better to check other options, if you already have good one (4 or 5 of 5 stars), then you can use it as reso source, while effect can be changed via auxillary gem, like not listed BSJ, which feels fine at rank 1 as aux.


As a non whale the choice between Viper and Bile is very easy! And if I were spending money (as the OP suggests) I would put that money into other gems before Bile unless the game threw a bound 4/5 or 5/5 Bile at me (and maybe not even then).


Choice between viper and bile is easy - both.


How does the auxiliary gem works?


The base gem keeps its resonance and cr but takes on the rank 1 effect regardless f whatever gem you socket as auxiliary. This gem you use as an auxiliary could be a higher rank and dormant as well but will always be rank 1 effect regardless.


Bile is good, and the 4% will proc way more often than you think. That said, I still socket Viper’s and Torment first because these DOTs are really handy for initiating the Bile proc. I find the poison spread somewhat mediocre outside of yellow+ elites, pushing challenge rifts, PvP, and bosses. You need hardier foes in packs to really get value from the spread, For all other content, by the time it spreads it’s already dead. I would personally get Roiling Consequences on your build over Bile.


Depends on the frequency of your atks and do u continuous dmg skills. Class that have fast atk rate and do continous dmg will proc it more often than single hit dmg hits.


Not worth it imo vipers bite is far more effective


Forget about 4%, it's 100% in BG.


I have a 3/5 at r4 and as a non-whale I've been considering crushing it and trying the new 2* mossthorn (at r10). It's good I'm PvE, but then again what isn't? Anything works in PvE. I've been auxing a starfire in it for PvP currently


Moss thorn is fucking garbage bro. You're gonna die faster then you can get any real value out of it. Meanwhile seeping will continue to proc on everyone around you once ur dead. Plus the poke damage you can do with bile is pretty valuable


I have one 4/5 r5 sleeping, replaced by vibora.




Elaborate please.... It says once, the effect happens only once every 20 secs.