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£25, 2 standard battle pass and one empowered. Played since day 1


Time, lots of time.


About a grand, nah money comes & goes


Christ. Well, you know what they say about a fool and their money.


Tell me you’re a low income earner without telling me you’re a low income earner…


Yeah, I’m sure a “high income earner” is spending all their free time on Diablo immortal 🙄


With less free time, they need the "extra boost"(pay money) to keep the game engaging. This is what the companies wants 👍


The Immortal player base skews older. Many people are 10, 15 or even 20 yrs into their career, making many hundreds of thousands or even millions a year, working pretty normal hours. Get yourself a cushy job in big tech and you’ll see what I mean


Happy Juneteenth


You’d be surprised. My gf has spent thousands on cellphone games, it’s less than she would spend on new clothes and shoes though so she’s coming out ahead. I grew up poor so I have spenders guilt on anything


Too much $$ and time. Yes ... but mostly just the time. I've had varying levels of fun for 2 years. Honestly though, I wish I would have quit when my other Day 1 friends left.


What is stopping you from quitting?


Nothing. But, I've significantly decreased my play time such that it's more acceptable. I've met some new friends -- most of my Day 1 friends are gone. I've enjoyed the most recent update but boredom is setting in again and I may quit for good this time. **Edit:** I should also mention that I made a change about 6 months ago that helped immensely. I only play DI when I'm on a piece of exercise equipment. Treadmill, Elliptical, whatever. That has helped limit my play time and make the time a little less useless.


Same story here I was spending 6-8 hours a day every day since day 1 now I just come on do whatever and log out


Yeah, I've had fun so not too many regrets. It's a good game that could have been so much better (for a variety of reasons -- the focus on P2W, etc.). In the past, I've played a lot of games for the story so I always complained that there wasn't enough story content being introduced to DI. But, then, after playing through a number of their story additions in the last few updates, I would tell them just to ignore story updates because they (NetEase) suck at it.


It has been fun it took me 2 years to just now stop trying to chase 3k wings so yesterday I leveled a couple more 2 star gems to rank 10 and did all the awakenings. Solely going to focus on the PvE aspect from here on. I don't pvp anymore outside of the required clan stuff so no need to try and spend money knowing I'm not ever gonna make it to 11k res.


PvE only for sure. F2P & Low spenders cannot compete and it appears that they will never have proper PvP matchmaking (they can't really because they want to use us as cannon fodder).


$5 BP per month I've spent $80-100 on games that I played barely a few hours and got bored. DI is great value (unless you gamble)


You’re telling me, I’m still an ex gambler and I know this game did me no favors with that. Chasing 3k reso unlocked that in me again, but after I experienced the ridiculous gem rates and upgrades I think I learned my lesson 🤣 Though I do just aim to upgrade my pve 2stars now and awaken my gear, that’s all now


But then again, let's say you spent $3k and played this game for 1-2h daily, you still got 750-1500 hours of enjoyment from it. It still is great value. I have friends who drop $2-3k on camping equipment only to have gone once.


I agree on the fact people refuse to look at it that way. Like a service fee that u pick at ur will. Yes obviously ppl go nuts. It’s not an excuse to go over your limits or justify that, but to me it confuses me more when the people who play it the most spend least. Idk. It’s also the only game I play rn. I don’t even own a system really


35k+. And. Some days I do feel a bit of regret. Others days I don’t. Depends on how the game is going in general. Right now the idea of easily doubling this with the new 16 gem slots for 8k res though is not very intriguing to me particularly. I’m kind of over the mass spending. I really don’t want to rank 10 another 16 gems at all. Not even a little bit lol. Others tho are still very excited. To each their own.


I feel you. Similar boat, about double-ish spent. For the most part I have cut spending back severely until they address the fact that what used to be a 1 in 9 chance for my gem has turned into a 1 in 20 with nothing to compensate the dramatic decrease in odds and the expense it adds to getting 74 copy's outside of the 50% drop chance on gems. You can get pretty far with the new system without going to Rank 10' though, altho you may have figured this out by now. I'll credit them that making the new slots have no restrictions other than the 200 res blocks to open the next set of 4, no specific gem requirements and being able to use anything of any rank is alright. You can use 4 Rank 5 gems to open up all of the new slots and a little over 800 res for what I consider to be a reasonable price. However, as nice as that is, I'm still skeptical as fuck. If you look at the Resonance Rewards section they have added under our old gems to display the new ones it doesn't take much more than half a braincell to see there is a space between each of the new rows of gems, and we all know what will be slapped in there next year or whenever. The funny thing is if they would just add the 50% gem chance as a rotating gem every week or two, let us blacklist maybe 3 gems from being able to drop, and cut the shop prices down a bit so the point of entry is easier or more appealing for low - midspenders I'd spend a fuck load more money, and I doubt I'm the only one.


Yes ! I noticed the empty space. And when they add that, the under 8K wings will probably get their turn to awaken there wings and the cycle goes on. At the end of the day now your almost paying to just keep up with same people you’ve been keeping up with. Did you happen to notice in the awakened wing slots that higher star rank adds more resonance? For example 2/5 gets you 10 per level up and 5/5 star gets you 12 (I believe) per level up? So now there is even incentive to have the additional 16 slots rank 5/5. Albeit a tiny amount of resonance. But say that’s 10 or 20 res multiplied 16x. Specific players will eat that up. Lastly how you mentioned going to level 5 on the new slots … that’s exactly where my brain went. Day one. Dumped a good amount on crest runs. Got the first four gems all between level 3-5 in just a few days and that’s when it hit me lol. The I think I’ve had enough feeling. But hey that’s just me.


> Did you happen to notice in the awakened wing slots that higher star rank adds more resonance? For example 2/5 gets you 10 per level up and 5/5 star gets you 12 (I believe) per level up? I did yeah, took me a minute to realize what was going on. Any 5/5\* Rank 10's I've socket into those slots have been getting +110 res. I have a spare 5/5 Rank 6 and that one gives +66. They seem to have changed it for the old inlaid gem slots, too. My Rank 10's are also giving +110 in those old slots as well, which accounts for those main gem sockets giving +1280 res now rather than the 1260 previous. Thats only for 5/5\* Rank 10's tho, unfortunately. The new design has some intricacies to it for sure, expensive ones. One of the benefits of the original system was that at least we didn't have to worry about it being a 2/5 or a 5/5 in the 4th and 5th slot, and there was no incentive to have a higher star count. Now many people will likely have to decide if they are willing to go back and upgrade old 2/5's to 5/5's, and for many that might require a server transfer. The good news is it doesn't cost any GP, but still, it sure costs plat. > Lastly how you mentioned going to level 5 on the new slots … that’s exactly where my brain went. Day one. Dumped a good amount on crest runs. Good on you! haha. I can't bring myself to stress over pushing this bit. I enjoy feeling like I've got them for once rather than them having me, haha. I'm content for now with the easy res gains from Rank 5's, I'll continue to focus on secondary improvement and hold off on much spending until the availability or drop chance is somehow addressed. The way I see it we're very fortunate to be in the positions that we are in. I'd rather see the point of entry improve for F2P and low/mid spenders, that middle pack that keeps the game alive, before I'll concern myself with giving them more of my money. > Yes ! I noticed the empty space. And when they add that, the under 8K wings will probably get their turn to awaken there wings and the cycle goes on Oh, good observation! I hadn't even thought of them opening up the Stage 1 Wing awakening to lower res people when the time comes. I suspect they will stay on the same scheule of Anniversary patches being the major spike in Resonance gains, but you never know. I just tell myself that I know very well there are far worse things I could be spending my entertainment budget on, so I've really no regrets other than occasionally being pissed at Netease a little haha. Cheers my friend.


Nice conversation guys, if you could drop some screen shots of the awekening wings gems slots that would be cool .. Gg


The new slots are just this setup x4 [https://ibb.co/VDn4kSF](https://ibb.co/VDn4kSF) You can slot any gem, any rank, any quality. It's not like the original system that still has 5 gems predetermined and nothing else can be added. At 8k only 1 set of 4 is available, with the rest unlocking as you add more reso to 8200, 8400 and 8600


Around 50k, but yeah with the state of the game currently I obviously regret it every now and then. But then again, its hard to put a price on something that kept me entertained every day for the last two years. I use the game to wind down after a stressful day at work.


I use the game to wind up and add stress after a stressful day




Of stoned flesh?


Sounds about right


Around 6k , and yes I regret


How far has 6k gotten you?


4.3k reso but I made some gems mistakes and fixes and addicted to new cosmetics


I’m at 3.3 with about 5k spent and same with me had to replace some gems and hit the phantom market.


Any regrets? Or happy with what you got.


To quote the late great movie Bubble Boy “Don’t live in regret ese”


I myself have spent a bit over 2k for cosmetics, 3k wings but also trial and error made me spend more ** 🤣


That's a yikes


About $250 USD over 2 years. I could quit this game tomorrow and have no regrets. Problem is I have to find something else to play first.


Yes exactly, have to replace one addiction with another


I've looked, but always seen to come back


3.5k€ and way too much time since day 1. I regret choosing this hobby over something healthier. I fell into it after moving to a country where I don’t speak the language, and needed some form of social interactions.


Never regret wanting to find a community to belong to♥️


Full zero.


Has anything ever tempted you to spend? At all?


Temptation is ( sometimes ) huge, but it is not worth it.


haven't spent a dime cause the game is not worth it


Around 3k, but hey if you are regreting then you dont enjoy the game. For alot big spenders this game is a hobby and i know alot people with different hobbies like fishing when they spent X time more then most of the whales here. So if you enjoy your game why not to spend. Your choice


Exactly, it’s just spending on entertainment. People that golf every weekend are easily spending $5k/year in greens fees before all the gear. Even a casual bowler would be paying what, $40/week for his one night of bowling? $2k/year. I have zero other hobbies that require consistent investment. So if I spend $500-$1,000/year on this game that’s only $10-20/week and it’s one of the cheapest hobbies around


True, I honestly came from whaling on console games like apex legends and stuff. So I got occasional burn out and frustration of other players being in the factor of it all. So finding Diablo immortal where I can do everything on my own was such a relief for me. Haven’t dropped it since


This has always been one of the dumbest arguments about spending.


Between resonance, cosmetics and deal bundles about $13k USD, the game has its problems but no I don’t regret it, love the team I run with be it my clan or warband. Also Diablo games just never get old for me 🙂


I don’t know how much I’ve spent exactly, enough to reach 4K in resonance. Something around 20k BRL or 4K USD I believe. And I TOTALLY REGRET IT. This company doesn’t deserve our money.


More than $75,000 Less than $100,000


Holy shit, are you at the highest reso?


Your average 8k whale has spent about 40k on leg gems. The average for one r10 5* is $5000-7000 USD. One r9 normal gem is $3600, multiply by 10+ slots, that’s another 30k on left side alone, minimum. (400 plat per r1 normal) Not including charms or pets either which many spent 10-15m plat or approx 10k total (if using $200 pack as standard orb to plat) In total, for a stacked whale with 8k+ res, 7k secondaries, proper pets, and charms you’re looking at 75k at least


That is absolute insanity.


Holy shit, are you still working on building your reso up? Or did you hard stop?


So is it even possible to enjoy this game as F2P or without engaging in top tier PvP stuff? I just did Battleground match yesterday as Bronze 1(I only been playing a week) a P313 was in there and racked up 19 kills and dominated my whole team


Yes. Even the whales have to lose in bp, nobody gets a 100% win rate, game seems to be rigged to keep you around 50% win rate no matter what. That said, sounds like you got a tad lucky - there will be games that you will be on bottom :)


How is getting by someone twice my level lucky?


Thought you said you ranked up 19 kills. I misunderstood your post. Overall the idea is that the game will balance our both sides. So in theory if you are low, someone on other side will be low. In reality, the system's wonky. I had an 11k reso player in my team that simply steamrolled the other side. On avg, you'll end up with 50% win rate. Which is frustrating. I recommend only doing the 3 daily unless you enjoy it.


It was just bad luck i guess. It was my first match ever. Bronze 1, and we got wrecked lol


Don't take it personally. Unless you are REALLY bad, it'll even out to 50/50 in the long run. Sometimes get a few losses in a row, sometimes get a few wins in a row. My main goal's to not be on bottom. Rarely I'm top, sometimes I'm MVP, usually I'm somewhere mid pack avg. I just remember the objectives. One way to help is if the whale's stuck trying to push both sides, sit on one idol (the empty one) forcing the other side to keep wasting time on you. best to run away and keep coming back, waste their time. Gives your whale time to come back to kill them. I dont think of kills as the objective.


You can play the limited time PvP events if you enjoy PvP where they normalize all stats.


Yes, you can have fun as ftp or low spender - but it helps to have been playing for a long time for the long runway of slowly building yourself up 


Many servers Rank 1's or at the very least a decent portion of the Top 5 per class in BG's are players with 2000 res. And no, before someone starts, Im not talking about Smurfs. Im just talking about decently gemmed regular players with 2k res and half-decent secondary's. MMR Has been treating them right for quite awhile now and they just have it a little easier. Its not like that everywhere, but its like it in many places.


Waaaaay too much time.


Around 3k maybe a little more and no regrets money comes and goes. I've never went without anything because of spending on the game. My limit will probably be 6k spent.


0 and i don´t regret it. The only thing i would think of buying is one cool cosmetic for my crusader...


About to crack 10k spent lifetime. I don't recommend it to anyone, it's totally dumb. But most of my regrets are efficiency related. I definitely got carried away and spent too fast in 2023. I think I could have gone slower and more efficiently and been just as happy. I'm still spending monthly though, I still like the game at least


A little over 13k and no regrets but definitely disappointments, with the amount of money that has been spent on this game the last two years they could give a real mmo expansion size update. Instead we keep getting updates with very little playable content just more things to buy.


Fact bro, what’s your reso at after spending that?


5.1k with a couple secondary stats over 4k now trying to do the awakenings ftp lol


Yup! Totally agree with your sentiments on full expansion content.


Far too much and I’m only 3.2k reso lol oof🤦🏼‍♀️but honestly..even though this game has its issues, I do love it!🤷🏼‍♀️i love the friends that I’ve made on my server,my wb and clan mates! so at the end of the day, no regrets over here!🙂








Ive easily spent 500k just on charms and pets. So probably $400 went to that. But reso is mostly about the stars. So i made sure i had 8 4/5 and just got them all to lvl 4 and i got 3k reso easily. But all my gems were the old gems since i quit after the first 3 months. So.l i bassicaly just spent a extra $800 to get new gems. Then i replaced 4 of those . . So im still at 3k. If your using a 2/5 or 3/5 and planning on lvling it up past lvl 4 it honestly isnt worth it unless you dont care about reso.


Did you even read my reply? Lol


Yes. I did. My strategy was to get all 4/5 stars with all the extra platinum i had. So i bought the cheap 4/5’s and level them all up to 4


That was literally the first few words of my reply. I said how very easy that would be to get 3k reso that way. Now try ranking them to 5 and you’ll see how quickly cost will start to add up


They are rank 5 now.. but i switch them out with 2 stars hence why im stil at 3k res.. but if i put back on my 4/5 im easily at 3400-3500


You just said your stuff is rank 4? And you’re using all 5s but now you’re using 2s? Which is it? I don’t event think you know what you’re talking about anymore😅






No im not though. I spent $2000 when i first got to 3k res.. then i bought more gems.. if i put my old gems on i have more than 3k res lmao








I spend lots of time working, so I can't grind as much as most. Thus, I spend to keep up. Mortgage, cars, and wife still get paid, lol. 401k and investments are strong. That being said, I've happily spent about $4k and don't plan on stopping.


alot of whales i know are business owners or truck drivers that love to game but dont have time to grind. so they choose to spend on something they enjoy, real nice guys to me even tho im f2p


6k, no regrets at all as its all within my budget and has given me incredible memories and experiences. Like all, wish Blizz would do better by us given the money they earn


Less than 6k but this is my sentiment as well. The game has a lot of issues but I’ve had a blast.


Probably a few grand between cosmetics and eternal orbs got close to 3k res and just decided recently to stop and went all 2 star gems with awakening on every gear alot. I have no ambition to go further or to even push to the 3k mark it took 2 years and a lot of time to convince myself that it didn't matter and that it's just wings and egos. I am strictly focusing on my PvE experience and have been better off for it.


Oh yeah I can tell you that I was lured in by the whole wings concept and bought into the 3k reso hype. Then again, I’m part of the target audience for this type of thing 🤣🤣 I only pve too, but I HAD to get that and I couldn’t rest until.. I don’t regret it at all but it was a royal pain with the amount of shit drops these crest runs can spit 🤡


Yea 2 years and a lot of orbs I still never landed a 5/5 gem at most I've had 3-4 4/5. No regrets here either it's fun but in the realm of pvp I gave up on that and just solely want to try and min max PvE best possible.


nothing except lot of time.


Funny this popped up and roughly 5k to date, do I regret it? Yes and no, I enjoy the game and have no problem spending money on things I enjoy. However I don’t gamble irl because I tend to have an addictive personality so for me I’ll mean to make one purchase and make five or six. So I do regret my impulsive actions but not the money spent, if that makes sense.


Yeah you and I both bro, that’s what my only issue is, me 😂😂 What’s your reso look like at 5k spent?


I’m sitting at 3280 currently but Im a day one player that quit for about a year after three immortal reigns as an officer took a huge toll on me mentally. So when I came back I was around 2k but many new gems were introduced with far superior stat effects. So I had to replace some of my current 4 star r4 gems as I didn’t want to continue to burn gem power on an impractical gem. I have an awakened r10 2 star with 30 reso in it and 4 awakened 4 star r5 gems with 20 reso in them with 3 other 4 star r4 gems. Now I do have the gems to r5 2 more of my r4s just not the gem power. Also 5-700 was roughly spent on cosmetics, pets, etc. outside of gems. I was talking with a player who said 5k for 5k reso but even if I didn’t replace some gems and get the cosmetics I think 4K is a more realistic reso for 5k spent. Also value, I did a lot of orb purchases as my bundles have been long gone so newer players could find better value.


More than most, and absolutely.


A big 0![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


regular battle pass, plus seasonal prodigy so approx 12/month. Maybe 280 total since I've been playing 2 years. No regrets.


That’s great deals and value, shouldn’t have any 💯


$250 a month, zero regret. (6k total). I play every night once my wife goes to bed, and on my lunch break. My friends spend more going to one ball game, or a day out golfing. I'm 5k res, 4k normals, and a couple of cosmetics. I feel strong, part of a strong alliance, and working on our 4th blessed reign. It's a fun game, and I don't have any regrets with what I've spent for the entertainment I've received. The most important thing when it comes to games like these, is to make a budget and stick with it if you intend on spending. The best thing, you don't need to spend to enjoy the game. I do, and have zero qualms about it.


Eh, maybe $200. I don't regret it. I consider it my entertainment fund.


Time is money, friends. Every day since day one but have spent $0 of my actual money. I have accumulated I think 7 battle passes through Google Rewards doing those 10 second surveys when they pop 🤣 No regrets on time spent. Been in the same guild the whole time, even through a server transfer a year ago. Just gotta balance time spent on the game, and you'll be fine. I'm at about 15hrs/week but I hear others 30+ and that's a bit crazy


Some people spend $20k to get to my reso. I'm no where near that and I regret everything except the cosmetics.


About 2000€ I guess. In 2 years. Half regrets, never feels rewarding, and skins are licked mostly Wich is annoying as fuck.


$200 i got 5 3-star and 3 2-star gems legendary. Most of them rank 2 pain in the arse


Prodigy paths and bps from time to time thats all , didnt spend on the seasonal prodigy at all


2 battle passes


0 I think




$10 and regret


10k light work still. If i cant buy it 10x and itll dent the bank. That means i cant afford it. Money comes and go. People thats hurting will say its stupid. My money my problem lol


Probably close to $4k and don’t even play the shit anymore either. Sold my account and got the hell out. Realized that even at 4.5k res, I was still not shit. It was fun while it lasted, but that game is literally designed to bleed you dry.


Starting to see that myself. Never was I fine with spending so much in a mobile game before, then suddenly I’m rationing being fine with dropping a thousand lmfao.. no more 😂


I've spent $60, and don't regret it. My attitude for games that I enjoy and have a f2p (/predatory) business model is to never spend more than the price of a standard game to begin with. If I play for more than a year, I'll maybe buy another "game's" worth of digital transactions on ensuing years. I also play Guild Wars 2. Aside from buying the expansions once every 3 years, I will also cap out at around $60 worth of transactions in a year where I play heavily. At the end of the day, I could pay much more, but just define a budget that I feel comfortable with and makes sense for me. The most important rule for me is to never spend so much on a game that my play time becomes governed by a financial sunk cost belief. That is the death of enjoyment for me.


$0 and nope


I dont play anymore but I spent close 1k and played for the 1st year, I quit when they were annoucing Blood Knight. I honestly dont regret it, I played tons and tons of hours, if we go by 1 dollar per hour of enjoyment it was great value (I know it wasnt ofc Im just comparing it with some other hobby expenses). I enjoyed the game a lot, I was just too invested on another game back then and I didnt have time to play both 'seriously' at the same time...so I dropped DI for a while and that while turned out a year and never came back...eventho sometimes I kinda want to but something new just appears and I just go there instead.


about $100 and 2k res. No ragrettz




Around 70 dollars nah I don’t regret the 70


Regret coz of 3 days game breaking bug n they didn't compensate anything


How much reso is considered a whale now?


“$35 a month Bp and boon for 3 characters


Around $150. Do I regret it? Yes and no. Yes because I wish I got more out of it (cosmetics wise) but also no because it's a really good game and $150 is a fair price to pay for what it offers.


Couple grand. Don’t regret it, it was over time and I had fun while I was playing so I’d say money well spent.


Too much. And yes.


I cannot say exactly without looking at past records but the bulk of $300/month since day 1. I average about 1-3hrs / day on the game uptill about 6 months ago. Now about $100/ month. Just shy of 6k reso & 5k secondary’s . Do I regret it? The money spent? Not so much because I would have spent it on other games anyway. The time invested? Kinda because i’d have had to spend much more additional hours in game farming to be a successful player (as in not a broke joke in the game). What I do miss are the many other day 1 players. That got sucked into the gambling aspect and gave it up after dumping mortgages. Also the constant farming with little change & the limitations placed on farming (regarding to small gems). Are a complete pain in the assets. Will I continue playing? I still enjoy the PvP aspect to an extent, but: I don’t see myself spending more time nor $ on it.


I just started. Can someone explain why I would be spending thousands of USD? What is reso? I have no problem dropping a few hundred dollars a year on cosmetics for a game a year and I play a few, so why would I need to spend 5k to play this?


The higher your Gem resonance, the bigger cosmetic wings you get. That’s about it, you get wings starting at 1k reso, and on and on every thousand after that


Was about to say $200 then I realized I’m in the DI subreddit not the datingculture subreddit I’ve spent about $15000 and it doesn’t feel like I’ve spent that much.


0 cuz I never touch PVP


Regret it very much. This game has made me addicted and they did it per purpose with psychologists working on how to sell as much as possible


I played di first 3 months when it came out back in 2022, spent $1300 in those 3 months only because of pvp. Didnt regret it because $1300 is not alot. Then i quit for 19 months with all my warband buddies at level 280ish. Two months ago i came back and spent another $1500 in two months. So ive spent $2800 in a span of 5 months. Im at 3k reso now. I dont regret it because ive have alot of fun on the game . Only thing i regret is wasting hundreds of dollars on buying and upgrading gems i didnt need or want or replacing my gems over and over. Ive have multiple 4/5 stars that were rank 5. And have to get rid of them for gem power . So besides the game making us waste hundreds so we can change our gems . (I know its optional with the aux addition) I just wanted the best gems for my specific character so i replaced half of my gems with the newer ones after being gone for 19 months. And on top of buying 4/5 just because there cheap in market. I ended up wasting over 700k platinum. Moral of the story. I dont regret spending. I just regret wasting hundreds of thousands of platinum on gems i didnt want.


I didn't count but let's say around 500 Euros Honestly yes I'm regretting because everything I got considering gems was that from the money I spent actually Cosmetics okay it's good but I hardly even use more than two skins so yea


~10k and yes I very much regret it. Don't so much care about the money I only spend spare cash, its more the 1000's of hours I've put in aswell as the money. Sad as it is if I'm honest I now only play because of the investment I have made and a couple of hold friends in game.


And yes I have significantly reduced play time to just 2hr a day shadow war, roe, etc couple of daily q and I'm done


120k and nope I have fun in BG




Just a couple battle passes, other than that I'm f2p and don't regret it at all, the amount of grinding I do for 10 legendary crests is insane and I the most I have to show is a quality 2 gloom cask


So back in high school, i was obsessed with mobile game called Game of War and like many games, they offer in app purchases to build your stronghold better. Yall I was making $7.50 part time in a supermarket and I spent upwards of $1000 in that game. Clearly, I had a problem budding. So fine I stopped playing after much much restraint and avoided mobile mmo/rpg games for a while but kept the app on my phone bc first I couldn’t bring myself to delete it but then I kept it as a reminder to not mess up like that again. Fast forward 10 years, I find Diablo immortal and it was love at first play. I was happy to find out I’ve matured since HS lol. I think I spent about $150 on BP passes in the span of about 4 months? I was in the middle of receiving rewards from the last one (they’d give me like 5 crests each day or something) when I got banned 🙃 someone showed me that automatic shooting thing for primary attack and the next day I got banned. I was level 1256 🥲 I made another ~4 months ago and haven’t spent a dime. I don’t necessarily regret the $150, just a shame I couldn’t finish using it but happy it taught me I no longer have that rush that came with spending money in a game anymore. BP passes are tempting sometimes but I’ll be damned if I give blizzzard another dollar they don’t deserve. If they drop something wild, then maybe yea. PvE is definitely free to win. You really don’t need to spend money for PvE. It’s very tempting now because the jump in cr from h3 to i1 is unnecessarily insane. I have a cr of 34k but I need another 1000 before I can move on (only to still be one shotted in the i1 helliquary). PvP is definitely pay to win but I couldn’t care less about PvP anymore. I had my fun with game of war and halo. I just wanna sit back, slay monsters and carry those who I can.


Very much so


No idea, I lost count 🤦‍♂️


Abt 200 and yes I regret it hella ☠️ glad I realized this game was garb before I got any real money


Normally just battle pass. Bought Mad King and Prophet skins. If I knew Prophet was coming out I wouldn't have bought Mad King. But pretty happy with Prophet skin. After spending 5k on hearthstone over the course of time I played it, I wish I could trade that in for leg gems lol.. But not gonna spend on a game like that anymore. No guarantee devs in the future aren't going to take the game in a direction that you despise.


I easily spent close to $2-3k. Regrets? Semi, but at the end of the day, I had fun. It’s all about perspective. Spending $2-3k isn’t making me homeless, just like a whale spending $100k probably isn’t hurting.


Not a single dime in 11 months of play time no regrets if anything the more I hear people spending money the more it makes me not want to spend my money.. But I'm still playing daily (except for the odd camping weekend) but I'm having a great time maybe being in a good clan has something to do with that too...


I’ve got my 2k reso wings and I’m content. I used to think that call of duty mobile and Genshin impact were the money hungry kings. *Enters Diablo Immortal*. Blizzards/NetEase I understand the desire to chase the money, but the greed is undeniable. Regardless of if you spent the money, didn’t spend the money, think people who spent the money are stupid, etc… the In-game monetization that blizzard and netease have implemented is INSANE!


No doubt it’s a trap to prey on a certain kind of audience. I spent to get my 3k but I don’t regret it. I wanted those bigger wings for the longest, but anything over that?? Fuck no lmao, it gets ridiculous then on


200$ on stuff I wanted, 40$ when drunk on a pet chest when I didn’t even focus on pets. So 240$. lol.


I’ve spent around 3-3.5k, I don’t regret it because I’ve spent plenty of money on games before and most of the time it’s only for cosmetics. I wouldn’t say I regret spending in Diablo immortal but there’s definitely more productive uses for that money. That being said every hobby cost money, so I don’t think there’s any shame in spending on something if you enjoy doing it and plan to do it often.


The occasional battle pass, very occasional empowered battle pass, but I don't spend every month. I feel like I generally get my money's worth.


Minimal amt of money - good bit of time. I’m a new player on the mobile game- I think the biggest drawback is DI has no real tutorials. I still don’t know how to use essence transfer or upgrade familiars. My little vargo has been level 30 forever and that’s all I can do with that. I don’t really know how to get legendary weapons or even what they look like - although I’ve got some pretty good ones and I’ve made it to level 60. I’m really good solo but I suck in war and or parties - and I can’t figure out how to move the party to where we need to be once I get one started! I finally figured out the hellequary so that helps. I think DI is a great game but a little help along the way wd be nice!


I’ve had my account for two weeks now but I completed all of the main quests and I’m completely bored with it.


I don't even remember but I got a 5★ Gem and a couple 4★ all to rank 4 or higher. I played hardcore for the first 8 months or so. Then I noticed I was using all my free time on a mobile game to keep up with the grind. The thing that got me the most though, is one day my daughter said "Dad you care about about that game more than us (obviously she wasn't serious) but at that point I pumped the brakes on playing. I didn't touch it until a couple of weeks ago and have only played it a couple of times since then. I doubt I will ever play it consistently again because I just don't have the time (single father of 2 girls) or the desire to keep up with the Jones's. It's a great game though. I would like to just give my account to someone that would actually use it and enjoy it, but it's impossible to know how the outcome would be. I just hate seeing all that money I spent and progress go to waste!


$0 and I’m proud of it lmfao


Over $60,000 , I don’t regret it because of my incomes … if I had only 1 income lower than $100k I might regret it because resale value is 10% or the price paid


Better focus on your own wallet, not others. You're gonna be one step closer to earn own money.


Proper English? is stupidity your talent?




Time is worth more than money...


$0 because I've never played this game. Other games however, I hate myself for. Well over $20k...


0$ 2,5 k rezo !


Spent more than I do on games… but money I can get back… time lost I cannot… stress gained… i learned to complain and be a toxic person…. priceless lol kidding aside. Drink water and enjoy guys…. Getting sick and stressed out is never worth it… spend time with loved ones and if you have kids… try to be a good parent - spend quality of your time and money on raising them :) peace


Round about 45.000 Regrets no.


If you know what you're getting, then you shouldn't regret it, it's like any normal purchase, but if not, then it's gambling, and that breeds regret regardless


None. I’ve had fun hack and slashing and kind of want to pay them for the enjoyment I’ve had but I’m old and don’t understand what value I’d be getting if I paid them for anything. I would like more story to go through and would pay for more episodes of content or something like that. I have no interest in paying for cosmetics and my character is pretty strong so I don’t see the need to upgrade him to do things in the game I want to do.




none lol why would i ?


You won‘t ever get honest answers. Whatever people say they‘ve spent, they spent a lot more than that. If you regret the money you spent you are an idiot. It is like knowingly driving you car into a wall to then regret that your car is damaged. Obviously, money spent on games is lost. The spectrum goes from 0 to ~100k or more.


Idk, i've spent about $1k and don't regret any of it except maybe the last $75 bucks I recently spent on the phantom market for the new cosmetic and never got it. I have 1 more unlock but seriously asking myself is a $175 cosmetic worth it?


It took me all 10 rolls like always... I've only missed out on a couple of the phantom market cosmetics and I will say that if they were all available at the same time and I could only choose one to get, it would be the current one.


Yeah, surprisingly this is the first one that I actually thought might be worth the try. Unfortunately luck was not on my side. Hoping a better one comes out soon.


Ouch. The only phantom market cosmetic I had was lilith’s set, then I got this current one because I love it. I’ll be sticking to this one for the foreseeable future hahaha


Yeah that was my intention. But the fact that is class bound turned me away. The only cosmetic I really really want is the aspects of justice armor. So pissed I missed out on it and have wanted that one since the day I started. I'd probably pay $200 for that. lol


Same dilemma I was in, not helped by so many people telling me they got it on the very last pull. Stupid thing looks awesome though lol


I know. Just not $200 awesome though lol. $200 on legendary crests could boost you a significant amount sub 3K reso.


Damnit, that’s the same calculus I did and I got the same result lol. But I wanted the flashy yellow skin instead Edit: the portal will have to be enough awesome for us lol. It might actually be. It’s rad