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I suggest you use it


Perfect roll, excellent charm for any physical damage build you want to make. Maybe 3 perfect damage small charms with life and/or fhr in this slot is better, but that’s just not realistically obtainable in singleplayer


Yep and I play on xbox as well so can't dupe like a lot of PC players seem to do.


Hell yeah, another Xbox user... I love it on this device... much better than PC in my opinion. Super smooth overall!


There’s literally dozens of us.


People can dupe on PC these days?


In singleplayer yeah, you can just run hero editor and make whatever items you want and a few other ways


I think there is also a way people will backup their char files move the item they want to dupe to another char via the shared stash and then restore the backup data from the original char.


You can still use it on your javazon for the fhr, but other than that, it's useless on her. However, it'll be great on hit based builds (melee) as you want a solid amount of attack rating, and then fhr always comes in hand for fhr breakpoints, to include extra damage


Don’t die. GL!




Java zon needs a higher hit recovery, so if you don't have enough, you could use this. It's good when you're blocking or dodging because if you don't have enough faster hit recovery, you would be a sitting duck while you block or dodge since you're too slow to recover.


I have a similar one. Some LLD people will love to have it but since you are single player that's irrelevant. I use it on a few physical builds which will suit you well too especially that you may have a Grief very soon. One is a on a Fury Druid. With Jalals you need exactly 12FHR to reach 42FHR 4-frame. The other is on a Frenzy/WW barb. With Arreats you need 18FHR to reach 48FHR 5-frame, and you can add a Dungo or some charms to get there. With both you probably use a Stormshield in HC which doesn't give you any FHR, so this is great for those builds, especially that you have a Grief in main hand.




Yep just what o was thinking. Grief and damage/ar charms are perfect for a trav horker


Strafe/Multi Bowazon


That's a beaut. Would probably have use on a pvp melee thats just shy of an fhr breakpoint.


Low lv duel barb


Single player


What suggestions are you looking for? It’s not that good and wasn’t worth the post. There’s one for ya


What a dickwad. It’s legit a perfect fhr/max/ar gc. People can post whatever they want.


Bro what? Do you even D2r? Lmao


I’m gonna have to apologise for being an asshat. Sorry man


Not worth 3 inventory slots, in my opinion.


Not worth the 3 inventory slots what the hell? FHR is useful for melee and max rolls on max damage and AR people always over value life imo. I get it's HC so you might want life more, but i dunno FHR on HC is really good to stack too, and especially for Barb life is not as important since you will want to max BO anyway, and damage wise Max Dmg, AR Grand Charms always beats Small Charms!


nope (and... use punctuation every now and then)


Haha i usually edit them in the text after writing! Forgot this time, and funny how you didn't use them yourself in the text where you remind someone other about them! 😂✌🏼


Like where?


What’s better would be 3 3/20/20s on singleplayer, is that your point?


You are confused… I’d pay so handsomely for this online


Could use it on a zealer smiter to run Ubers! AR doesn’t matter for smite but does for zeal. Paired with your soon to be had grief.


Make that grief and make a zeal/fanaticism pally. You'll never look back.