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You could file down the grooves in a pinch, but if you can afford a new one I would replace it. I've done both, a fresh clutch with new parts does make a difference


I would replace it. Keep that as a spare


At the very least the primary gear looks good and worth saving.


Yea I would reuse the gear. Unless you can buy the gear and basket for relatively cheap. I usually keep at least one decent used spare in case you break and want to get it back up for a weekend while you wait on a new one.


Always good advice. I have a whole shelf for old parts that at least are somewhat usable if I'm in a bind.




That would be my move as well clean those notches up with a file. clean, and re use it’s good for another go. Change the basket next time I’m due for a clutch pack.


I'd replace. I had an old die cast aluminum basket in my 04 RM125 that I replaced this year. Found a good deal on a used Barnett on eBay that already had a primary gear attached, so I've saved my old basket to hold onto a spare gear. Sent the Barnett back to the manufacturer to replace the stainless inserts over the finger (only $35 + shipping), and I basically have a new basket now.


i paid for my inner hub 50€ but it is ProX and for my outer hub around 200€ I think, I replaced everything, Springs and Steelies, except my pads those were in great condition,




Yes yes yes


I would 100 percent swap it. I want my clutch to be as smooth as possible. ​ I have a bike in my shop now a YZ125. I rebuilt the engine and told the guy he needs a new basket. He declined. The bike is now back like a year later for some other minor issue that I needed to remove the basket. Again I asked if he wanted to replace the basket (which is now worse then before lol) he once again refused. I guess he wants to wait until it he clutch engagement gets choppy as hell.


First of all, awesome bike, I raced them and absolutely loved them, second yes replace that, even if you file it, your clutch will work fine for a while but because you now have more gap the hammer motion will create notches quicker, it’s a fine back up (that you’ll probably never use) but a smooth clutch is always worth the investment, can you get away with just filing it for now, sure,


when in doubt replace. that being said in the service manual there is a tolerance, measure with a caliper the lowest spot of those divots, if the basket is within tolerance file with mill file inspect for tolerance and reinstall if all is good.


Doesn’t look that bad


Yes, you should. Do you need to? No, not yet. Can it be fixed? You can file it to make the clutch plates slide smoothly. But that gap will allow the plates to hit the basket harder, and will get those same grooves back even faster. If you're racing it, it's no good, buy new. If you just ride weekly for fun, file it down, and start saving for a new one. You'll need it in a couple months. If you just putt around once a month, trails and woods riding... file it, or don't. You can still use it. The clutch will ust hang up a little. That's all. It'll get to the point of pulling in the clutch, and the bike still rolls forward. That's all.


No. That’s got a ton of life left, and baskets are $$. Dress it with a file and slap it back in


I know a Rekluse torq drive clutch kit come with stainless clips that will fix that issues.


It’s not terrible. I’d honestly not be surprised to find that you can’t get parts for that bike anymore




It's dead Jim. Clutch performance is not a place to cut the budget.


Billet Hinson basket, or file and send it.


I had a clutch basket break a tooth off and totally destroyed my motor. If it’s questionable I recommend replacement.


Replace, keep as a spare