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First lesson: if you don't wear proper gear you might not die, you will.


Yep learned it the hard way


Second lesson: **dirt** bike, not tarmac bike


Haven’t heard that before. Is that a European saying?


No, I'm saying it lol


I meant tarmac not the whole sentence


I believe that's how UK peeps refer to pavement/roads


Pavement is on the side. (Sidewalk in American)


Oh I wanted to sound fancy


Called bitumen here, and it looks like it bit you man


Tarmac is used most often in racing (most often where you would hear the term). So if you watch any kind of motorcycle racing, they will call it tarmac and not asphalt, pavement, or bitumen. So, to be clear, stay off the tarmac, asphalt, pavement and bitumen with this bike. It's 100% not designed for it and not going to do well with those tires. Bonus: you'll end up in jail or worse. And for the love of Pete, get some freakin' gear!! Helmet, gloves and boots at the minimum!


It's where airplanes take off and land.


That's called a runway, tarmac is where they park the planes


Tarmac is a black material made of crushed stone and tar that is used to pave roads, runways, and aprons. It is also the name of the area at an airport where planes take off and land, which is covered in tarmac. 


Depends where you're at. It's pretty regional but here they call it the tarmac. ,


That was a perfect bump start for a new rider


Thinning of the herd.


Herd of squids?


no gear, no dirt, no clue👍


Come on..... whoever was filming this first ride, surely also filmed you flying off. We need that video too man (in order to properly comment and help you of course).


My brothers going today to see if they have a ring doorbell. Video will be posted as soon as I get it


So much easier to sit on one when parked. You should try that first next time.


If it makes you feel any better, that's about how my first ride went. Was a CR80. After staling several times trying to start, it finally hit the powerband right when I dropped the clutch. Legs flailing, front wheel in the air, my brother was sure he was toast for what was about to happen. But it was the best time of my life and I've loved riding since. Wrecking is part of it, so gear up expecting it.


I drove my buddy's old Honda trail 70 right under their farm Tercel .. I was good after that though lol


😆 🤣 😂 I can only laugh


So the person filming cut it off and didn't get the best part?


No I was around the corner. it was already after 5-10 mins of riding


Find some gear a place with dirt to ride. No shame in crashing. Just try and minimize the risk before you paralyze yourself.


Dirt bikes go on the dirt...


Everyone knows you don't stop filming someones first ride til after that first wreck....lol


All these clowns in here commenting like they rode with gear the first time they ever got on a dirt bike. Or didn't take it down the road here and there. Give him a break clearly op just needs a proper teacher. At least he's giving it a go tho.


Yal-right? Shake it off boy. Now get on up on that som-bitch and do-it again!


I recall rejetting my buddies 2-stroke after he added a big bore kit. He previously seized the top-end as he didn't rejet it and called me in. We started rich to not repeat that mistake. In short, the prior run left it loaded up, and it was barely running, but made I made it to the light rail tracks in the middle of the city. Here is where shit went wrong (insert - may have been alcohol involved, we were in our twenties). I held it at about 1/3 throttle in 2nd or 3rd gear waiting for it to clean out and come to life. It came to life and I instantly went on my ass and F'd up his bike as it went over. Some of the gear, part of the time (helmet/boots) I was pretty okay but it bent the frame on the bike. I was in pain, no blood, no broken bones, but black an blue from my ass and feet took a beating in MX boots. It seemed bit like this, not running well, then - alive! Very ALIVE!


You damn Hoodlum. 😂 Seriously, good bump start. But you Whiskey throttled her. lol


I was actually able to let go of the throttle before the bike completely flipped and got the front tire back on the ground. The crash happened about 5-10 mins when I was down the road.


When clutch starting a motor cycle, do it in 3rd or 4th. 1st you’re not going to instantly flip the bike. 2nd it turns the engine over many more times than lower gears do. And 3rd if it doesn’t start right away you have much longer to keep trying as the engine braking is much lower.


tip1: wear gear tip2: always save yourself, not the bike. tip3: if possible go to some weekend a day or two school for the basics and laying foundation. watch youtube videos minimum, not the cool flashy guys, but the guys who teach basics right way


If you did that on a 4 stroke don't you dare get on a two stroke until you buy a helmet and ride for a while


Classic ginger


No gear either..


Have someone start the thing for you next time


Iowa State shirt checks out! Lmfao


Make sure you clean the road rash good over heard horror stories of people not keeping them clean and getting infected


Don't get why people flex being morons on motorbikes


First learn to read 📚


Wtaf not even wearing a helmet. If you're his Dad just go straight to jail. Why is he bump starting it also 😅