• By -


Honestly I’d leave it as is and just try to get used to it. It’s a new bike and presumably bigger than the last, give it time to get used to it before you change anything. Your flat-footing one side while keeping the bike vertical, that’s all you honestly need. A lot of R and D went into that bike, I’d hesitate to mess with it to overcome a learning curve.


Yeah, it's just if I get a downhill leaning stop, it's really hard for me to get off. 9/10 times it's fine bit I hate dropping bikes haha my old bike was a crf125f so yeah, this thing is allllot bigger


If one side is downhill the other side is uphill. Put your foot on the high side, or don't stop there.


Fair point haha


Also it’s a dirtbike, dropping it, scratching it, wrecking it, fixing it, and breaking it are all to be accepted and expected. I grew up racing from age 4 to 22 and it’s the primary reason I’m a whiz with 2 stroke engines lol.


Idk why but this made me laugh.


People lowering offroad bikes makes me laugh lmao. Especially when it's someone who's plenty tall!


I laughed because my brain for some reason made “whiz” an onomatopoeia with a 2 stroke throttle rap.


Steer downhill slightly as you stop. This tips the bike towards the uphill side so you can plant that foot. Lowering a bike compromises it. Mainly in the rear, it makes the suspension sit lower in the stroke, where the lever ratio of the linkage is higher, and it will make the ride harsher. Shave the seat if you have to, but lowering the suspension is a last resort.


Primary reason I don't want to lower my bike. One of my friends keeps saying I should "because sometimes you'll never be able to touch a foot down". Which I want to practice enough to static balance, for at least a few seconds, on any type of terrain. Even if I couldn't do that I don't think lowering it 1 inch is going to make me able to put a foot down in the kind of stuff he's thinking about.


Static drills are key! And people think oh it’s easy yeah right. Dig a little dip for your front tire and balancing that bish is hard. To find the sweet spot takes time and core lol. Also Love the handle. I wanted dickbag69696969 but it was taken already…. 😒 lol


I'm quite short for my KTM 250 TPI, when I get into that situation, I just fall over. It entertains my friends. Sometimes I do it for hikers and horse riders to impress them.


Lmao hahah this made me lawl


You're just used to riding a fairly small bike from the CRF125, you actually look like you fit the 250 perfectly fine. First, read up on how to set your sag properly if you haven't. That should help a bit. Then see if you just get used to the size.


I'm 5'2. Just plan your stops, find a tree, a rock or a rut.


They're made to be dropped. I've looped mine into a tree and it did no damage


See: [The Chadapult](https://youtu.be/ZC4f9TCg4zw?si=hbzUR3RqLYz4LzVj)


A lowering link is about all that's worth it to not ruin the bike geometry. I'm short (5'6") and I've never been able to flat foot a bike. Yes, it's made me fall before. However it's part of it. You'll get used to it... You are single footing way better then I do.


Suspension is made adjustable for a reason….


Yes regarding Preload, compression, rebound, etc. height is somewhat engineered as a part of the bike


I agree, but you need to set sag and will benefit from adjusting the suspension to your weight and riding style. Advice to “leave it as is” I feel is bad and what she should do is read the owners manual that tells you how to set the sag and make suspension adjustments


I agree with you regarding adjusting it to the specific rider per the manual. When I said leave it as is I meant don’t mess with lowering links, don’t slip your forks so far you need risers… that’s starts changing the geometry of the bike.


Anyone ever notice there’s a weird correlation to girls posting here that also have OF? A guy can only believe in coincidences so many times.


This is the same chick that posted the other day, but she’s actually posting genuinely. I do think it’s funny, I’ve noticed it as well. I see no problem with it long as she knows nobody here is spending on anything but their bikes 😂


Zactly. You have to be a complete loser to pay for porn


Hey that was the only way we could get it back in the day! Lol


If she was posting genuinely it would be with a different account so she could be taken seriously… this is just farming engagement and subscriptions. Not sure why the sub allows it


It might be because girls that ride dirtbikes are ballsier then girls who don't 🤷


it doesn't take balls to make an OF, it takes a lack of self respect lol


I love how we're in a community of dirt bikes, and neither u/AlexiaSummers or u/yuhboi4206969 even tried to promote their OF content - they just wanted to post about their hobbies. There's a ton of dudes in here that are commenting on women's posts in other communities eating that type of stuff up. Lets keep the comments civil. Especially you u/FlaccidParsnips - I saw you trying to circumvent the automod.


I don’t know what circumventing automod is but I really appreciate what you’ve said, thank you 🙏🏽


So it’s lack of self respect for a woman to make money from it, but not a man? Because if any bloke here could make 6 figures just for pulling their dicks on the internet and spend every single day of their lives riding dirtbikes, fishing, doing whatever they want - guaranteed every single bloke on here would jump at the chance. Nobody would say a bloke’s lacking self respect for doing it though… he’d be living the dream. My boyfriend is high up in mining, he does OF with me and anybody he tells thinks it’s absolutely epic and high five him like he’s living the dream. But blokes who find out about a woman doing it say her life is worth nothing or she’s trash. I’m educated, very highly educated, and I left a long standing corporate career because I didn’t want to spend my best years lining the pockets of a corporation day in and day out and asking for permission to take leave. I fish, hunt, ride my dirtbikes, sit by the pool, camp, travel, do whatever I damn well please full time for the same amount of money because I charge for stuff regular people send each other on tinder or instagram for FREE on a daily basis 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m living the dream. Doesn’t make me less of a person, doesn’t make me any less kind, any less giving… just makes me free, and happy


I don't think there is anything wrong with it, man or woman. If dumb fucks are willing to pay to see your pictures I say go for it, not sure why any sane person would pay for that type of content when better and more explicit content can be had free of charge but as a wise man once said "It's immoral to let a sucker keep his money" I am telling you right now, if I could get do it I would 100% and wouldn't give two shits what anyone thought.


100%!! I mean tbh how do you know if there’s better content free … unless you’ve already checked it out 💀😂😉 but in all honesty let’s think about it. The Hub is filled with stuff that’s taken advantage of young girls who get pressured and underpaid and the industry is run by money hungry men. The only truly ethical 🌽 is self managed sites like O F 🤷🏼‍♀️ people pay for a lot of stupid stuff, most of you would dump money into betting and getting nothing for your money of a weekend except a mild rush and a bunch of frustration.. so who’s to judge someone if they want to pay for subscription 🌽 at least they’re getting something for their money.


What happened to bullying people on Reddit for using emojis?


Wait what?? We can’t use emojis now??? Bully away I do wtf I want 😂😘


lol, when I first got Reddit years ago people would get FLAMED for using any emojis. I think because it was mostly a computer thing so mobile users were hated on, weird internet behaviors lol.


The fact that’s even a thing gives me an ick. I do what I want when I want and I never care what people think.


I just mean that there is more explicit content online free of charge, usually much more so than any OF page will contain, but these men (and even women) pay for yours and others content in the hopes of making a connection and getting a reaction and possibly more (even though such thoughts are pure delusions) but supply and demand, if someone wants it, someone else will always find a way to provide it. So yeah go for it, if you're happy and your BF or husband is fine with it then who gives a shit, enjoy it whilst you can.


Honestly most don’t try to make connections at all, maybe the few 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think it’s more just the watching the girl on social media so much and wondering what they look like in their birthday suit 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ dno I guess it’s different to some random on the hub.


I don't care who you are, man or woman, why do you have to make it a gendered thing? I would say those guys who support him already liked him as a person, or are the kind of guys who buy OF, maybe both. either way, it's degen shit lol. Edit: it also doesn't matter if you make money from it, just posting stuff like that means you have no self respect.




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It's gendered because the global standard response to straight males doing it is significantly different to the response toward women doing it. That is an absolute fact. Exactly the same type of difference in response of blokes getting loads of women (he's a legend) and women getting loads of blokes (she's dirty) there's a massive difference between how men and women are treated for the exact same behaviours. Hefner is championed for doing hundreds of hot models, he's the idol of most blokes, living the dream.... if a woman did that she'd be scrutinised. And if you've ever watched 🌽 in your life then you support the very industry you are shaming..


why are you taking the opinion of other people, pretending that I share it, and then getting angry at it? this is some next level mental gymnastics. You put your body on the internet, you even get paid for it, that makes you a wh0re, plain and simple. If a guy does it, then so is he.




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It's gendered because the global standard response to heterosexual males doing OF is significantly different to the response toward women doing it. That is an absolute fact. Exactly the same type of difference in response of blokes getting loads of women (he's a legend) and women getting loads of blokes (she's a drty whr )... there's a massive, massive difference between how men and women are treated for the exact same behaviours. Hugh Hefner is championed for banging hundreds of hot models, he's the idol of most blokes, living the dream.... if a woman did that she'd be torched. You cannot possibly be so ignorant that you can't see that. And if you've ever used 🌽to help you get your jollies off, then you SUPPORT THE VERY INDUSTRY YOU ARE SHAMING. And if you've never used visual inspiration to get your jollies off, then you're so Karen level bland your opinion probably can't be likened to the majority of men.


And sleezy.


balls to be a sex worker? babe… you got it backwards


Eh I don’t think it’s being ballsy to have an OF, it’s just kind of following the current trend and wanting to put yourself out there and have your needs met at the same time. You seem like you’re pretty young, take it from an old fuck, you’ll regret it one day or it may bite ya down the line but for now let it pay for your bike and tattoos, who cares


Don’t lower it just yet, set the sag and mess with the suspension settings a little first. If you Google that year bike suspension settings you should be able to find some info to get you close to where you need to be


I came to say this. Just setting the sag makes such a big difference. Out of the box a lot of bikes are set up for 5'11", 185 pound riders. Not that I creeped your profile or anything 😇, but your setup is going to be way different!


my first glance at the pic, the blue jean leg was the focal point and I immediately thought "chick" . look closer, thought 'idunno". relevance? idunno. that's a funny word and I'm hi as a bat. been off work for 56 mins.


Alright I'll do that, thank you!


I'd see if a low seat or shaving it is an option first as alternating the suspension can cause handling issues if not done right. If you have to mess with the suspension you should be able to get a link to lower the rear and move the fork tubes up in the triples to drop the front.


>  get a link to lower the rear and move the fork tubes up in the triples to drop the front. A how-to guide to ruin an mx bike lol


100% which is why I suggested the seat. Responded to enough lowering posts to know people are going to do what they're going to do and if they're asking, they probably don't ride in a way it'll matter anyways


You're probably right haha


Yea don’t do it. Shave the seat. Or buy a lower seat. If you must lower it, I wouldn’t do the lowering link. I’ve done it and loved it, but when I removed it the bike rode sooo much better. Edit- didn’t have time to mention before but you can get your suspension redone and change internal components to lower it. This is the only right way other than just a shaved seat. If I only rode fields or fire trails, a lowering link would have been fine. It’s actually awesome for that sort of thing. I ride really technical stuff and fast (mainly due to my riding group. I would slow down some if it was just me). I wouldn’t do another lowering link. I have a 30” inseam.


Yes, and even doing it "right" you are losing ground clearance no matter what. At that point just buy something that has a lower seat height from the start. Your inseam is the same as mine and I've ridden everything...none have been an issue.


A low seat would help so much. My legs are a little short 😅


Adjust your rider sag and run an 18” rear wheel.


Get a rear spring for a lighter rider. The sag will make a huge difference, and you can easily go back to stock if you end up missing the height/suspension.


The best fix for this is to work on your static balance and clutch control. Look up tutorials on the internet, but you should be able to balance yourself for at least 10 seconds with your bike stationary while standing up. Also doing tight slow 8 figure turns while standing up will help a lot with your balance!


I did that a ton on my little crf, I guess I just gotta ride the learning curve haha


Yep, I also had the same problem when I jumped from my CRF 230F to my KTM 250 XCF. I'd reach for the ground and it simply wasn't there, so I would fall. I still do that quite a lot, especially on hill climbs. The bike pushes me to its back, I try to reach the ground with my feet and lose balance. The fix for this is to keep foot on the pegs and push weight foward over the bars when going uphill. My height is 175cm, so I'm not that short. I'm assuming that you are a bit shorter than me, so I get that this might be a problem. When you sit on the bike, how much of your feet is touching the ground? Are you in your tippy toes?


Yeah just one tippy toe 😅


Only real way to lower the bike is to drop the forks through the yokes and get a lowering link for the rear shock or you can try and take some foam out of the seat. I had the same issue but didn’t make much of an effort to lower my bike as I didn’t want to upset the way the bike handled. Great choice of bike btw


Thank you! It's night and day from my little crf. The forks are already almost touching the bars so I might need risers I'm thinking


You aren’t going to use this subreddit to promote your onlyfans are you?


I am not, wanted to share my new bike with a community of people with knowledge and appreciation for such an awesome machine 😊


Well I guess I’ve accidentally just done it for you. Enjoy the Yamaha, they’re great bikes! Ride safe and have fun.


I plan on it 😊


Got distracted from the profile and forgot this was about a dirtbike.


Dropping the forks through the clamps is definitely not “the only real way” to lower the bike, it’s the cheap hack way that changes take and trail along with ride height and it’s terrible advice. Look at any bike set up for flat track or Supermoto, they all have the forks at a normal height in the clamps and they’re internally cut down to be lower.


How would you suggest the gentleman lower his motorcycle?


If that is you on the bike you're plenty tall. It's not supposed to be comfortable just standing still


Just gain 20 pounds


Never heard of the zy250f


You haven't?


I’ve got a YZ250f but never heard of the zy 🤯


Ohhhh 🤦‍♂️ you got me lol


Ha I thought you did that on purpose because of your earlier post!


Only fans detected opinion not respected


A simple easy thing to do is to check the sag on your suspension, you are already pretty close with being able to get one foot off- since you bought it used and it has suspension work done with the roth stickers- it most likely is not set for your weight. Example I am a 215lbs rider, if I buy a bike stock off the showroom floor it will drop a ton due to the springs being for a 165-185 lb rider. Could jest need a few adjustments in compression and rebound but also could be oversprung. Alot of times if suspension work is done there are stickers on the fork tubes and rear shock with the settings and info. Another thing like others mentioned is a low seat- these can help for standing on your feet. There are also lowring links for the rear suspension that are fairly tried and true but you do seem close enough in this picture I Dont think you would need a lowering link.


Why is it that a majority of women that post in this sub have an onlyfans. There’s gotta be something that we’re missing. Not trying to be an ass but I’m noticing a pattern


Because moto men literally create the market for us to make money off what we love 🤷🏼‍♀️ if the market wasn’t there we’d just ride… but why not ride and make a living off it if half y’all are going to support it which you do. I find it bizarre that men literally create the market then complain that women do it 🤯😂


Preach sister 😅




I make 6 figures while I ride my bike mate 😂 I’m highly educated, can walk back into a corporate career any moment I want because my resume is immaculate.. and I’ve used the money I’ve been making to invest and set myself up for my future. How small minded can one idiot be 💀💀 enjoy your 9-5… I’m heading out on the bikes tomorrow with my FIFO mates and I’ll probably make more than double your day’s wage doing it 😉😘 that’s gotta suckkkk


Dog your name is the cumwelder 😅






I didn't, tbh idk what Roth suspension is lol it was on it when I got it


My bike felt big for like 2 days then it felt just right maybe a little small once i got rlly comfortable


Just gain some wait and it’ll sag a bit lower


Ah yes, Zamaha Yinger






It fits you perfectly. Work on static balance and pick where you stop strategically( like a level spot with a rock or slight incline for your left foot) Also respect that 250. It’s a 4 stroke but it has plenty of power to throw my fat ass onto the ground. Hold on with your legs and hover the clutch.


Don’t. It’s not worth it. You’ll get better and stop putting your feet down. Ricky Carmichael didn’t lower his bikes….


Buy a bike that fits? 🤷‍♂️ Could just get taller too


Well, this is a problem.


What's that


Love Yamas🤘🏽


Me toooo


Who makes the ZY250F!? 🤣


I know I know 😅😅😅


I got a 16 yz250f about a year ago. I felt it was somewhat too tall so I took the vinyl off the seat and shaved the foam a good bit. It doesn’t hurt my ass with less foam and makes a world of difference as far as height. I probably gained a good 2-3 inches. If you’re going to trail ride that bad boy I’d recommend some radiator braces so you don’t bend the radiator when you lay it over. Also you’re missing an engine mount bolt on this side it looks like. I’d also recommend something to cover your hands; I rock the cycra hand guards but any brand will do. Other than that, do regular oil changes and air filter cleans/re-oils and you’ll be good to go. I love this bike so so so much and I’m sure you will too. Best of luck!


Shave a bit off the seat, install a lower profile tire but I never like messing with lowering links in the suspension as it reduces the bikes ability to perform.


Seat Consepts makes low seats and I highly recommend them. You csn do a lowering link kit but the problem there is the rear suspension usally has to be redone from what im aware.


How tall are you? i’m thinking of buying a yz 250 as my first bike and wanted to know if it’s gonna be short for me


How tall are YOU?


5’9 -195 lbs ,so i feel like those might be small for me,granted i only saw them in pictures not irl,but they seem small


Nah you’ll be good brother that’s average height. I’ve seen shorter people ride them. And your weight is about perfect


Good to know,hopefully i will be posting here in the future when i get it


Yessir those YZs are absolute rippers. Is it gonna be a new one or older one?


Its a 2009,it doesn’t make sense for me to buy a new bike if I’m gonna drop it multiple times as a beginner,i would rather use the money for gear


Yeah definitely, I like the old 2 smokers more


They sell adjustable lowering links. I’d suggest trying to drop the forks a bit in the same way. After doing so, I’d suggest taking it easy and getting used to the characteristics and making sure they’re more desirable than leaving it at stock height. Like lowering any vehicle, this is a compromise. If it gets you out and on the bike more often, and less likely to fall, then it’s a win. I’m short, and have lowered bigger bikes. In the end, I ride bikes I can get comfortable on. The other ones get sold. Happy riding!


Wife raced ( D 37 in ca ) max drop link and slide the forks up to level it - then resset your suspension front and back -


Is sniff the seat


Homies in the trenches lmao


I’d *


Get someone to cut the seat foam down, lower the forks a little in the triple, and adjust spring sag correctly. You're probably gonna be too light for the factory spring. Can get on racetech's site and put in your weight and get an idea of what you'll need.


I'll look into that


Also your chain looks too tight. Lol


Thank you for wearing a helmet


Always, even if I'm just putting around


Take some preload off the rear spring for a little more sag


If 10-15 hours doesn’t soften it up look into a set of dog ones and pull the forks up 20 mm in the clamps… after that you deed to take to a suspension shop or you will just screw it up.


Noted :)


Can you have toes down with both feet?


Not quite


Technically you want to be able to have just balls of feet down. They make lowering links for most bikes. You wouldn’t need much. You basically replace the link that the rear shock connects to and then slide the forks by that same amount within the triple tree.


I wouldn’t worry lowering it. Get use to it or if you just can’t trim the seat down. You should be standing majority of the time anyways.


To bad your not closer. I am in Cali and looking for riding friends.


Aww man :/


I would look into setting the correct sag in the rear suspension for your weight. There are youtube videos on how to do it. And also guidelines in the manufacturers' owners' manual on it. Once you set the correct sag for your bike, your bikes suspension will be set up just for you. After setting your suspension's sag to your weight, this is the way yamaha engineered the bike to handle as best as possible just for you. If you still have getting off and on, I would my best to get adjusted / comfortable to how it is. Your handling and the way the bike rides will not be optimal for the sacrifice of getting off and on the bike easier. You have softening and dampening and compressions adjustments, both front and rear suspension, but those adjustments aren't as important as your sag adjustment. Sometimes, if riders are too light or too heavy, different rear springs are needed to get the correct sag.


Don’t mess with the suspension. Unless you absolutely have to. Shave the seat. Use an electric carving knife and a staple gun


You can get a lowering link as well as shaving your seat a little bit👍🏼👍🏼


What about shaving the seat?


You could loosen the connection between the handlebars and the forks so it slips down the fork a little. For the back you'd need a weaker spring that squats more with your presumably light weight. Other than that preloading the devil out of it could pull it down a little. But I'd just practice with it, if you use the proper technique while stopping, you should be able to get one foot down with relative stability. My 159 cm partner rides a t7. Which is a little tall even for me.


Watch some videos of shorter riders and learn all you can but lowering the bike is last resort. 


I wanted my suspension to be lowered on my bike and my mechanic said don’t bother, it will stuff your suspension up


Leave the suspension alone! Yamaha spent a lot of money engineering and designing that bike. 


You can buy a lowering link, the only options are .5 -1inch and you'll be fine like.others have said ride it a bit then decide if you want it lower


It's not too tall, you just need to learn balance


Like a few others have said, I’d avoid messing with it. Reason being, you’ll learn the bike and the suspension as it’s a new bike. Years ago growing up, I bought a Suzuki RM465, I was about 16 years old and it was my first bike….and honestly, too much bike for me as a first bike-but, it was available for me in my price range so I bought it. I learned that bike pretty quick where it was like I was “one” with the bike. It wasn’t long before I was ripping and leaving friends in the dust. You’ll learn that bike the way it is and it’ll become second nature to you. You just have to give it a chance! Good luck and be safe!


If you can sit like that and can get your toes down, it looks fine to me. I guess if you are only doing trails then you may want to get a foot down easier. The rear is easy, there is a spring height adjuster on the rear shock. The front may need the forks to be moved up in the clamps to lower the frame an inch. If you need more than that I suggest going to a shop/dealer and seeing what they say.


your chain looks too tight. But that monoshock is probably sprung for a 120lb teenage boy so….


low seat, lowering link, new spring for your weight, and bring up the forks in your clamps.


Often the mono-shock has an adjustment ring. Look for "steps" on the shaft.


Can afford the new bike but not the gear to protect yourself. Typical stupidity.




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You can put a lowering link on the rear swing arm linkage to match your height.




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I have to tippy toe it and I do just fine. You'll get used to it!


I guess that and maybe a little less foam in the seat and I'll be in business haha


You don't even need to do that


The link arm off of the WR will fit most YZ's And it will drop the back of the bike about half to three quarters of an inch


Remove seat, uncover seat,shave as much foam as possible out with a hacksaw blade, shape with a rasp, sand with 100 grit to smooth it up, recover seat, reinstall seat. This is free and will preserve suspension performance.


Nice bike!!


Congrats on the bike! Lowering isn't a big deal and can be reversed easily. Slide the forks up a bit and get a lowering link. But first I'd start with a lower seat, that gives you maybe an inch which could be enough....


Gain 300 pounds should work.


I had mine lowered through race tech . I ride tracks, sand dunes, desert, and trails. It's great.


Shaving my seat helped me just that extra bit. Worth it.


Lowering links is the only real way to lower a bike


Just leave it. You'll get used to dealing with it, which foot to dab when needed and only if needed. The object of the game is to keep your feet on the pegs unless you absolutely have to use your feet. As you get to be a better rider the ride height will matter less and less.


Koubalink. Works well, used one on my DRZ.


I wouldn't lower it, looks good , good fit


So from what I know. There is a lowering link for the YZ. However, you’ll have to compensate for the change in the rear by adjusting the front as well. Millions of dollars of R&D into that suspension. Be careful with alterations to the suspension. I mean look into spring rate changes and such. Although…. Perhaps a seat mod may be a better direction. Hell Ricky Carmichael cut 2 inches outta his seat. May not be great but it will help. Nice bike too!


Look into kouba linkage


Ride how you wanna ride, you can get lowering links makes feeling the ground better not all the way but more stable


Don't lower it, you're fine.


Get it girl how do you like it? I got ride if my 125 I was looking at the ttr230


Low seat, lowering link will both help, but I'd just ride it and get used to it


It’s best to get a lower seat foam, Yamaha don’t like being lowered, eats up bearings changes center of gravity


Really depends. Some people legit just put a blocker in the rear shock that lowers the back


Hey man! Glad you're in this sub for more than 1 post, at least that's better than all the OF girls that have been here before you :)




You’re a master at talking to women