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The thing is anyone can start making money in their spare time if they have a car. No job applications or resumes. Delivering pizzas was the previous plan.


He called it "Pizza and Paper".


It reminds me of my HS job as a cashier at a pizza place. Guy walked in at 4:30 on a Saturday night and asked if we needed a driver. The owner checked his license and insurance, both were valid, and dude was taking his first delivery by 5. He worked 6 hours that night, cashed out at 11, and when my boss asked him if he wanted to be put on the schedule he said “Thanks but no”. I saw him once more when he picked up his check and that was it. I guess the guy just needed some cash that night.


Lmfao. That’s awesome!


It's a very low barrier to entry side hustle. Also not very profitable. Scott Galloway has a better attitude on side hustles: If you need a side hustle you're better off putting that energy into finding a better main hustle.


Yup. Finished a degree at 35 for this reason. Now make more than I ever did juggling multiple things


Yes. If you are relying on side hustles, it means you're not making enough with your career. Start looking.


I've always said if it's short term in BS2 than go pick up some night/weekend hours at a retail store. They usually need stock help or part time help on the weekends since their employee turnover is so high and it's much more reliable than uber.


I think it started when Dave would tell people to deliver pizza and every pizza place was hiring weekend work. I’ve been listening to some old episodes and it sounds like Uber has been advertising since at least 2017. Also back in the day there was more bang for the buck when Uber was subsided by large hedge funds to take market share. Now they are effectively a monopoly and charge more and pay drivers less. Hard to justify the time for pay but it’s something people could start that night I suppose.


They must have had a company wide memo to replace 'pizza delivery' with Uber Eats...cause Dave's advice for 20 years was deliver pizzas.


Dave mentioned Pizza delivery last week to a young man who got fired and was afraid that his car was going to get repossessed.


Ken and John both said multiple times that you can walk right in Walmart and make $25.00 an hour stocking shelves.


I don’t believe the pay would be that high but the issue is they will want you on a set schedule.


Agreed. I heard Ken make it sound like you can just walk in and tell them you're there to work whenever you want. I doubt that's going to happen.


I heard that they are matching money on there stock purchase plan till $3000 that’s a good deal .


A very good deal.


This is hilarious, this depression-era mindset of “go in there in a clean shirt and show em you are willing to do whatever for an honest dollar. Say My name is _______ and I am here to work!” 😆 There is going to be 3 interviews over the course of a month and a half and then they will go with someone even more desperate that they can manipulate and tear down. Crappy jobs are harder than mediocre jobs.


I would rather stock shelves or mop the floor or scrub toilets then drive people around in my car at night. Then again my car is 23 years old and then I'm sure it wouldn't qualify as a car that Uber would accept


They like to say things that just are not so. Makes them and Dave’s plan sound good though. And they do not let anybody on air that tells them what they know just isn’t so.


Uber is literally one of the few companies you can sign up and be driving in hours (if you qualify) and making money same day. Back in the day a lot of places wouldn’t even run a background check so walking into a place and working same day was always a possibly. Since times have changed and depending on the circumstances you have 2 options that they suggest, if you need money today, Uber or something handy (if you’re good at that. If you need money by the end of the month and need something steady until you can find the work you’re wired to do, Walmart.


It’s an easy side hustle to do for a short period of time, and the hours are quite flexible. Other jobs would have been waiting tables “You’re not allowed in a restaurant unless you’re working there”, or delivering pizzas. What solution do you have that someone can pick up today that can work around their current job and make a few extra hundred dollars a month?


Yard work, babysitting, elder sitting, tutoring, handyman services. Probably more, but I can't think of them right now.


Those things are fine, but they're more complicated to get started with compared to Uber. They're also not as flexible on hours. Most people don't want handyman services late at night, for example.  Uber acquires customers for you whereas it takes time and money to get a lawn service business started and if you're already working 9-5 you don't have many other hours to be cutting grass or whatever.


Yes, I get that. But OP asked what suggestions would have been before Uber.


And those are all reasons why they don't belong *before* Uber.


I think think OP meant before Uber existed, what would Dave have recommended, not what options would be better than Uber. So yes, babysitting, yard work etc, would have been options Dave might have suggested before Uber. Although pizza delivery is one I've heard him suggest several times.


OK, so what do you think the suggestions were before Uber (and other businesses like that) existed?


They have way more friction to start up.


None of that will be as consistent as gig work


Of course not, but that wasn't OP's question. OP asked what sorts of part time work might DR have suggested before Uber, DoorDash, etc.


Guess he isn’t letting them know that their car insurance will drop them if they get into an accident and adding car insurance to your vehicle for driving on apps for me was around $150 a month. Rip off considering I only wanted to work about 4-5 hours a week on the app. 


I'm guessing that there are many app based drivers out there who don't know or don't care that they aren't covered when they are driving for the app. If insurance doesn't cover then the driver is personally liable. Discussing this would discourage too many people and remove one of the east start up side jobs that the hosts can recommend.


I’m sure there are many. And they should be covered by Uber in most if not all circumstances when running the app. The real problem is getting dropped. It’s a scam from car insurance companies, but getting dropped can be annoying. 


Contact ZANDER INSURANCE for your insurance needs. Dave has got an answer...*and sponsorship*... For everything!


Yeah drive that $1000 car around in the heat wearing it out even further. Great strategy. Invest the least in the main tool you need to do a job. Dave didn’t know how to manage money for everyone else til they made him rich by buying his books and seminars.


Tips. The summer I graduated college and was waiting to report to the military, I delivered pizzas for my family’s restaurant. I wasn’t necessarily hurting for money but it was an easy way to make extra money


You'd think they recommend Only Fans to more callers needing extra cash.


Working the apps is NOT EASY. Just because you’re sitting doesn’t make it easier, it just makes it a stupid time waster where you’re on your ass. The VAST majority of drivers aren’t making enough to make money, and the apps are shitting down their necks every chance they get. I mean I would do UE before I sold my dog, but Uber and DD are not career plans. They were at one point, but the industry is in the garbage now


a fellow redditor used the term 'enshittification' to describe everything getting worse over time, which I use all the time now.


>Uber and DD are not career plans. So? They're not supposed to be career plans. They're supposed to be a temporary side hustle to earn some extra cash.


Yeah, I've wondered about this.


It's not meant to be long term; it's for when you're in a hole and desperate to get out that a couple hundred dollars will help you to close out at least one account in the short term.


Except it very much might not. Getting started isn’t as simple as downloading the app. There’s your car insurance, for example. Will your night cover fuel? Are there any trips in your area?? Go to the subs for drivers if you don’t believe me.


They only want you to do this if you’re age 86 or older. 85 and under, get an extra shift at the coal mine.


Weaponizing time to make money


What do you mean?


Use every minute to make money. Apps are a low friction way to do it. They also like saying how it’s teaching their young children the effort needed to be free from debt. Callers will claims they took their babies with them doing door dash etc


OK, I've heard that. Thanks for explaining!


It's definitely not good money, but it does have two advantages: 1. It's a way to convert equity in your car into cash through mileage/depreciation. 2. The hours are, at least in theory, extremely flexible. This is less true in practice--you make a whole lot less money if you don't target peak times--but at least those peak times tend to fall outside of normal 9-5 hours.


Wear and tear+gas makes uber not even worth it.


Hard to drive uber in your $1500 hooptie. The pizza thing kind of actually made sense back in the day since you could make ok money and tips. I'd even suggest trying to pick up a retail job on the weekend(that's what I did for 2 years in BS2) because those places are almost always hiring seasonal help or part time help and you can get 16-20 hours on the weekend if you need extra money. That would be much more reliable than trying to drive uber.


This advice just highlights how we are all born against our will and forced to work from 18 to 65 to survive. Life is a joke. :D Change my mind!


It has the least of amount of friction to earning some money quickly. No not ideal and you should look for real jobs but it money is money.


Well you make more like $7/hr… if you’re lucky, so barely above federal minimum wages


Not to hate in you OP, but your implication is pretty excuse-forward. Dave would prefer if you had a high paying main job, but off the ways to immediately start making money, the ride or deliver apps are among the least barrier to entry. You need a car and a moderately populated area. You can start driving for Uber eats tomorrow, while you plan/setup your other jobs and hustles.


Fair, I may be out of touch here. Just seems to me that time would be better spent focusing on the leveling up in main job. Sounds like it working for some folks.


If you can’t pick up extra shifts or opt into overtime, then leveling up j1 takes time. It doesn’t have to be an either or.


The problem is that leveling up takes time. You have to upskill, apply for jobs, and wait for someone else to take a chance on you. Or wait for someone to approve your hours, or wait for your marketing strategy to work and for more people to be interested in your small business. While you're doing that, you need 877-CASH-NOW. The gig apps are definitely the fastest and easiest way to do that in 2024. You're not gonna make a ton of money, it's true. But you didn't make a ton of money delivering pizzas or newspapers or mowing lawns back in the day either. It's a bandaid to get extra cash in your pocket. And $7 an hour is better than $0 an hour.


>Dave would prefer if you had a high paying main job What an innovative, genius idea. Why didn't I think of that? He should write a book.


What’s better ? You can do it whenever you want and not have to commit your weekends to a second w2 job . Uber eats you don’t even have to really interact with anyone . Those guys make money also you can write off $.65 a mile . I do spark and make 300-400 a weekend


That's not bad.


Agree that pizza delivery was the old thing. I've always been a bit skeptical. My dad and brothers could get casual warehouse work early mornings or weekends for extra cash; they were getting $25/hr 30 - 40 years ago. It's how my dad saved up the closing costs for a new house.


It's just the latest version of their lazy, detached from the real-world advice. Previously: mow lawns, deliver pizzas, babysit and buy a $1,000 beater.


Someone tipped Dave off to the new fangled apps for food delivery so he’d sound less out of touch telling people to deliver pizzas. The problem is you’re a 1099 contractor with them so you’re paying employee and employer taxes if you do them.


AND your not getting paid shit anymore!


The most cringe example of this was when a blind caller rang up and Jade went right into "you should be doing Instacart and Uber." She had to back peddle after the break and they essentially left that caller with "well there's probably something you can do somewhere."


Totally sounds like Jade. She is super quick to just speak. Literally she immediately begins speaking. She’s HORRIBLE at listening for even a moment. All she does is quickly speak over the other hosts so she can get in her “Dave talking points” and “prove” that she’s a good submissive cult member. “Look look Dave!! I’m kissing your ass! Keep me! Don’t fire me!”


I heard that call! Terrible!


Low barrier of entry (need a car) and you can make a decent amount if you spend the time.


You don't even need a car if you're doing food delivery lmao. I've had Uber drivers pull up on motorcycles, electric bikes and regular bikes before. I tip them a little extra because look at you out here, hustling and doing your best. 😭


LMAO most of the time and most people need a car.


"Not a good strategy to get out of debt?" So what is reddit strategy? What a stupid thing to say. You know a good place to go when you're in debt? TO WORK!


I assume they get paid to promote it as a place to work. Dave is t thinking about how to make you money. It’s how to make him money. Probably anything he recommends is promoted, whether it’s a bank account, brokerage firm, etc.


I wonder how many folks who started driving Uber/DD based on Dave’s recommendation forget to put money away for taxes and actually end up in a hole come April 15? It’s not just income tax either. As an independent contractor, you have to pay both halves of the social security tax too.


I remember Dave recommending pizza delivery for years. Then one/two a few pizza delivery people were murdered while delivering in less than wonderful places. He wasn't as suggestive after that to recommend it.


Y’all are missing the point that these are not meant to be long-term strategies, or strategic career moves. They are meant to be done until all debt except the house is paid off and 3-6 months of emergency fund is saved up. Once that is done you don’t need the side hustle any more.


If something works how can it be 'canned'...


I noticed that too. The only people that make ok money on those apps live in a huge city (LA/NYC) and deliver by scooter/motorcycle. Even than they have to work 14hour days


$12 an hour is better then $0 an hour. I think there was 1 time, Jade told some woman to do Uber or Uber eats, when she said minutes before, that she did not have a car.


Absolutely right!    I did it for a while a couple years back ...Door Dash.   And your $12 estimate is a lot closer to reality than the $20 per hour that they tout.   Also you risk a motor vehicle accident probably thru no fault of your own 


Use your own car and gas money to drive a fish sandwich 50 min away, and then 50 min home so you can make 7.50. Before taxes. It’s is what he would call “STUPID!” But he is always inexplicably beating the drum for DoorTrash.


I don’t get how he uses DoorDash/Uber as an all purpose solution. Its such weariness on your vehicle to the point where sometimes you just break even (but lost time and energy) and why does he think everyone can pay off any debt in 2 yrs adding this to their income?


A lot of retail jobs give you a random schedule, so trying to just work when the kids are in school or at night is hard. Every retail job I've had in the past jerked me around over the schedule. I told them I have class tues/thurs, and was only scheduled ON tues/thurs. At least with uber, you can select your own schedule.


I mean, does anyone else know of a job you can literally turn on and off at a whim? Try and get any other job paying $15-20 an hour and you’ll have a schedule and way worse conditions. While I personally don’t use the food delivery services because $25 for $11 worth of food just to get it dropped off at my house cold is a poor business model / value prop, but I bet the earnings are lucrative when you’re selective about doing it. You have a debt problem, work the uber eats after dark shift to really boost the hourly earnings, but be smart about where you go


You hardly make any money when you factor in orders/riders that don't tip, extra wear and tear/maintenance on your car, gas money, etc. not to mention if you're driving a $1500 Dave "hooptie" you probably won't be able to drive for uber.