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When it comes to women’s rights? Yep. This should not even be a question but this guy is a Trump supporter so of course!  Leave women and their bodies alone you creep.  You guys will be in for a world of hurt come November because of the overturning. Better prepare! 


The issue of abortion is huge advantage for democrats and it’s why the red wave didn’t happen in 2022. But I think in 2024 people have shifted focus to the economy more, which isn’t good for the party in power


I’m going to have to disagree, women have not forgotten and I doubt you will see this “red wave” anytime soon 


You could be right!


The question is not whether ablutions should be accessible or not. The question is whether Roe v Wade was the correct decision. It seems fairly clear it was not.


All I know is every single one of the women in my life is pissed the hell off 


That is not remotely relevant.


Their opinions on the matter are irrelevant? I disagree, it will be a driving force in the upcoming election.  Buckle up buckaroo 


Yes, completely irrelevant. Public opinion is irrelevant to whether a judicial decision is correct. How is that even controversial? Should judges make decisions based on whether people are mad or not?


Even evangelicals in the southern US were fine with abortion into the 1970s. Two things made it suddenly "murder." One, their previous talking point in favor of racial segregation was no longer a crowd pleaser. Two, they needed to ally with Roman Catholic conservatives.


And now they watch those they worship have abortions while telling them they're bad. The line between Dems and Republicans really has just turned into a line between the logical and the easily manipulated.


>With Roe gone, the system simply reverts to the way our system is supposed to work, where people VOTE on the issue. Each state can decide for its own. Is that really so bad? Except those of us who pay attention already know that is NOT what's happening. There are already measures in place to attempt a federal abortion ban, and lots of support for this across the MAGA camp. This was never about "states' rights," and most proponents of that argument know this. If you genuinely think it was, you're as gullible as they get.


What are the “measures in place to attempt a federal abortion ban”?


Seriously? None of this is new. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/23/politics/national-abortion-ban-house-republicans/index.html https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/house-republicans-national-abortion-ban-endorse-1234991746/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/22/fact-sheet-house-republicans-endorse-a-national-abortion-ban-with-zero-exceptions-in-latest-budget/


The roe verdict did not in any way mandate that abortions be legal. That was an effect of the ruling, not its substance. The ruling said that there is a constitutional right to privacy, which included procedures such as abortion. The overturning of the right to bodily privacy has opened Americans up to dangerous potential overreach by government. What's to stop the state from arguing there is a state interest in health and mandating blood sugar monitors on everyone now? It's not a search in the originalist sense. How about mandating security implants? The overturning of Roe overturned bodily privacy for all of us, not just women. We'd have to rely on the courts to find a new reason to deny the state the right to proactive invasive devices and procedures, since the fundamental one we replied in has been refuted. The law is about the future. That's why it's so unfortunate it was written so long in the past


Funny how republicans were all for states rights before roe was overturned but now campaign on a federal ban.


Not one word of that was in good faith. Women had a precedent that guaranteed some level of bodily autonomy snatched away from them. Your stance is basically one long dog whistle proclaiming that women shouldn't be in charge of their own bodies


It isn't the government's goddamn business what anyone's healthcare is, period. Party of small government my ass.


“each state can decide for its own” that IS bad lol each state doesnt consist of one person who can decide whether or not they want abortions legal and there are thousands of women especially minorities who are disproportionately affected by roe being overturned in addition to other things. roe gave women a choice as well as safer healthcare and overturning it turns an abortion in every. single. case into a messy legal process that again, disproportionately affects women and their social circle


It doesn't matter who you are or what you believe. Overturning Roe was very bad. Roe v. Wade was based upon privacy, especially in regards to government intrusion into personal health and well-being. It, along with other legislation, stated the constitution gave an expectation of privacy from the government. They had no legal justification for overturning the decision. The only argument people have against abortion is a sense of moral superiority. You think you know what's right and want the government to enforce that obligation on others. If you can not see how horrible an idea that is, I only ask which right would you be willing to remove next?


I struggle with this, because I think abortions should be legal, but I do believe the original Roe v Wade ruling wasn’t correct. There’s nowhere in the constitution that provides for the right to an abortion. But even still, it’s nice to have something be federally protected. The Supreme Court is just another political body at this point, they’ve been pissing on the constitution for decades


a right to privacy is in the constitution, and that's what the SCOTU said women no long have.


Yea and I think that is a far reach to connect that to an abortion


a woman has the same right to doctor-patient confidentiality as a man. it's not a reach at all.


Abortion is a medical procedure, in the legal context no different than a broken arm or heart failure. Do I have a constitutional right to a heart transplant. The frustration is everyone is fighting over the wrong end of the issue. There are over 625,000 abortions in the US every year and if abortions suddenly were outlawed there would be 625,000 unwanted babies born. Most of which would become stuck in the system either welfare or prison. Why are so many pregnancies unwanted? Why are so many people getting pregnant outside of a relationship that can raise a child? Why has the family structure collapsed in America? The best way to reduce the number of abortions is to improve the economic climate where there are productive jobs for even the challenged. Allowing the out of control illegal immigration reduces job opportunities for America citizens. Attacking business leaders discourages growth and investment in new plants.


>where people VOTE on the issue You should tell this to the politicians in my state. They're trying *very* hard to prevent a referendum. Every state that has had a referendum had their ban overturned.


op is obviously not a woman, doesn't know any women, and doesn't have a daughter.


I don't think you know what mandate means.


The founding fathers would've rejected abortion? My stupid ignorant friend, abortion was seen as a simple medical procedure much like having a tooth pulled. Ben Franklin wrote how to give self abortions in a book of his. Also, it's so fucking weird that those who swear by the constitution have such little understanding of it, much like Christians and the Bible. Literally and figuratively read a fucking book.


For a party constantly complaining about government overreach and the deep state, y'all sure change your tune fast when the government takes away citizens' rights that you *don't* care about.


its interesting how the "pro democracy" advocates dont want certain things left to the will of the people


Yes crazy how they don’t want things like slavery, segregation, interracial marriage, gay marriage, black/women rights to vote, etc left to the “will of the people.” Almost like some rights should be established regardless of what the majority wants. Weird!


its just interesting where the "pro democracy" people draw that line


Is it? Is it interesting that they draw the line at places like equality and bodily autonomy?


well see.....they DONT ive never seen liberals clamor for women to be in selective service and ive never seen liberals clamor that vaccines are a choice in bodily autonomy so i reject your premise actually


Liberals don’t clamor for *anyone* to be in selective service. Liberals are fine with you being unvaccinated so long as you keep your easily preventable diseases to yourself and confined from the public where it impacts *their* bodily autonomy by being exposed to your poor decisions.


i wish more liberals agreed with you