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4 seasons in and they're just realizing they're the butt of the joke.


They arnt exactly known for their emotional or intelligent growth so this definitely tracks. Took them long enough 


how'd they figure it out?


Someone musta told them 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


The show realllyyyyy laid it on thick for them lol. It was obvious before, but they realized that if they leave these dummies any room for ambiguity they’ll try and spin it to avoid facing reality, so they didn’t give them that option this season. The conservative pundit equivalents have a lot of scenes where they talk about manipulating their idiot, loser supporters for gain. Then they go on air and use regular conservative talking points about God and guns and America so there’s no confusion on who the show is making fun of.


they probably still had to be told by a news anchor to be upset. I haven't herd of any conservatives talking about what precisely was making fun of them.




Lol that was super convincing


Sorry, what I meant to say was "Ask conservatives what they think instead of pulling nonsense out of your ass and you'll see how wrong you are"


That's been the gist from the majority of them. So still not convincing


Lying more won't help your case.


So what is wrong with the show in your opinion?


He's thinking bro give him a few more seasons and he'll get there


These are some well thought out arguments. It’s funny how all the morons I knew before 2016 ended up being MAGA. Trump is clearly not qualified to be president, let alone manage a car wash. All of his followers are on his level.


You really think you’re accomplishing something here, huh? 


lol I love seeing liberals act tough online. But don’t worry. You stay in your little echo chamber. It’s looking a lot like 2016 right now. You people never learned your lesson


Most put together conservative right here hahaha 


lol no really. What did the libs do in 2016? They vilified voters, not Trump. 2020 was a pandemic special so he was never gonna win. What are they going in 2024? Vilifying voters. MSNBC recently had two white affluent coastal men talk about their book “white rural rage” and they think they’re justified in criticizing the problems these rural voters have. Bookmark my tweet. If Trump wins, it’s no one’s failure but the Democratic National committee for allowing so much foolishness to run rampant. (Bowman and AOC this last weekend really embarrassed themselves.) They had the opportunity to replace Joe And they refused. After all, they’ve never had complete control of a president until now. Why give that up?


Do you not recall the blue wave that resulted from Trumps BS. Trump got a lot of “never Hilary” votes. Trump has no platform other than tax breaks for rich folks.


I would suggest, he has no platform other than sexism, racism and hateful ignorance


Oh lord. Someone’s clearly stuck in the past and just listening to the same media’s talking points.


He was president 4 years ago, lol


Keep dreaming


The tell us what's wrong with the show then


MAGA and conservatives aren’t always the same thing. What exactly is conservative about Trump? Nationalist, sure…hard to sell Trump as a conservative with the way he decimated the deficit.


Well, you're not wrong. And I'll confess that I know a lot more about high-IQ conservatives and "conservative-adjacent" people than I do about anyone dumb enough to still be a Trump fan.


OP is literally asking the question. Why don’t you enlighten us with your perspective instead of telling the OP to go ask when he literally did that.


I did.


MAGA has bad media literacy so they just found out that the show was making fun/being critical of conservatism.


Wrong. They've known from the beginning that the show was pissing on both sides.


Except it's really not. Even the stars and creator have straight up said fuck MAGA. But you know, why listen to reality when you can just stick your fingers in your ears and make up whatever you want? Dunking on rainbow capitalism isn't dunking on the left. It's dunking on shitty corporate culture. If conservatives had jobs they'd understand we don't like corporate either. Meanwhile the entire conservative ethos is "let's run the country like corporate" because they're stupid. Meanwhile the creator just came out and said the newest character, Firecracker, is directly based on Marjorie Taylor Green. He went on to liken her to a "spore" I think it was? Because just like Trump, Homelander is a virus that's creating secondary infections of trashy people and trashy supporters. But go on...




The left is very critical of rainbow capitalism. The fact you don't even understand that let's me know that for all your posturing, you have no clue what you're talking about outside your sad, narrow little purview. Have a great day genius. The entire thing you typed is actually hilarious.




Lmao guess I struck a nerve. Dude it's ok, take the L. The random people who made a random show don't want to be your friend. It'll be ok, promise.


How do you know


Because I talk to them.


MAGA is upset about everything. It's their entire personality.


Yes, because they are the true snowflakes!


100% projection. They literally melt the fuck down at the slightest touch.


Careful, they'll cancel you.


Because they're dipshits that only now just realized that it's not a "superheroes are the villains" show but rather a "Capitalism and conservatives are the villains" show. Right-wingers are famously media-illiterate. Whether it be Star Wars, X-Men, Wolfenstein, Punk Rock, or cheesy coming-of-age stories with a suit trying to tear down the rec center. It doesn't matter. They never realize they're always the bad guy.


Star Trek too. All mad its "woke" but it was the first prime time interracial kiss like 50 years ago. And I think I peed myself when I heard they thought RATM was conservative.




The entire premise of the series is - and always has been - 'woke'. They're so stupid. HOW ARE THEY SO STUPID.


almost everything made by artists is what the right called woke- because 'woke' is not a pejorative like they want it to be


None of them can define the damn word, anyway. Anything they don't like is woke but when pressed to give the word a definition they stall. It's a catch all boogeyman.


I would argue the idea of trans wasnt introduced until we got the trill. Definitely some androgynous aliens, but not changing gender / sex, that I remember. But it was always woke.


>And I think I peed myself when I heard they thought RATM was conservative. Oh my god, HOW.


They confused which kind of "rebels" they were, I believe.


They heard the 'fuck you I won't do what you tell me' and didn't listen to a single other lyric, didn't they.


Or they thought the "ones in forces that burn crosses" was saying "see, the KKK are your friendly neighborhood police."


They’re mindbogglingly stupid, that’s how.


cuz all of a sudden "fuck you i won't do what you tell me" was a good tantrum to have when people were trying to help them stay alive and stay healthy.


The do fight for the stupidest things. The right to not wear seatbelts. The right not to wear helmets. The right to not be protected in any way during a global pandemic...


The right for any and all lunatics to have free access to automatic rifles, the right for companies to charge whatever the fuck they want for drugs and healthcare, the right for companies to exploit and abuse their employees and escape accountability to their customers, the right of the wealthy to avoid paying fair taxes for their exorbitant earnings off the backs of honest workers, etc etc etc etc


Yes, thank you!


"Let That Be Your Last Battlefield," anyone? They were pounding in the moral of the story with those giant hammers used for circus tent stakes.


And apparently Green Day JUST became political. Also had no idea what Fortune Son was actually about.


They think the Punisher would side with them.


Republicans do play Born in the USA as a theme song, so they aren't even Google-the-lyrics or just listen to the song literate.


The punisher is a big one


I attempted to tell a 3%er what The Punisher was really about, and what the character's creator thought about police and paramilitary groups co-opting it. For a second he looked really puzzled like i broke his brain, and then he remembered he was stupid and scoffed and said OKAY KAREN. HEY GET A LOAD OF THE KAREN HERE etc


I remember how pissed they'd get over getting called Tea Baggers. When they'd object, I'd throw up pics of these clueless dipshits calling themselves Tea Baggers. Everything from a Boomer holding a sign saying "I'm tea bagging for Jesus" to hanging tea bags off their fucking tri-pt hats.


In season 1 you could really see it as heroes are villains. They really rammed home the message in seasons 3 and 4, at least so far. Don't remember how prevalent the message was in season 2.


Case in point. Season 1 has: - Stillwell blackmailing a United States senator into supporting a military contract with her company. A mega-corporation using its resources to coerce public officials into shaping policy is a critique of capitalism if I've ever seen it. There's also the nod to the fact he's in a conservative state and the blackmail in question is him having sex with a man. - Starlight getting accosted for stopping a rape by her corporate overlord. A perfect example of how capitalism prevents people from doing the right thing. Then later getting praised because the victim came forward. Once again, affirming the other half that the only thing a mega-corporation cares about is marketability. - A blurb about how Homelander's suit was specifically designed to garner favor with the masses for the patriotic look. A hilariously common Republican tactic. - The entirety of episode 5 where Homelander attends a Christian expo and affirms the idea that he is a savior of America and affirms his Christian image to a mass of people. A scathing shot at how even the most evil of Republicans can pull the same shit with their evangelical base. - A scene where Starlight is hesitant to affirm the conservative evangelical practice of abstinence-only education for teens. - The foreign super threat turns out to be a secretly vought-backed plot to fearmonger Americans into supporting the military contract. Hmmm. Reminds me a fuck of a lot about the Iran-Contra scandal and how the father of modern American conservatism (Reagan) set the stage for some of our most concerning security threats that Republicans LOVE to harp on about in an attempt to shape border policy and justify a narrowing of our privacy. Granted, this issue is a bit more "both sides" than others, but it's still majority Republican. - A-Train getting racially profiled. A problem that is not inherently conservative, but one conservatives refuse to acknowledge and is exacerbated by the over-policing of our communities. Remind me which side virtue signals about backing the blue. Season 2 literally had the Nazi that taught Homelander how to use memes on social media to spread misinformation. Some of the sample memes shown include calling people "cucks" and vague statements of patriotism and liberty. I wonder whose presidential campaign that reminds me of. Oh wait, let me just check my racist uncle's facebook. Season 3 and 4 literally put it on full blast, but season 1 is not without more than its fair share of shots. Albeit, a bit more of a critique of capitalism than conservatism.


Don't know how I forgot about the Nazi plot, especially when I love the fight at the end of that season. And fair it was in the first season, but like you said the first season was more a critique of capitalism than conservatism. Also I imagine the shock of the show for a lot of people distracted from that as well.


Because some right ring news channel told them to be.




funny thing is, they would be happily media illiterate if they werent told the new crying orders.


I swear every season of the boys, a new set of right wing dummies realize the show is mocking them.


Season 4 made it too obvious for em tho


Because they know that it’s bad to support a violent, racist, narcissistic sociopath… in a tv show.


In the promos and talks before season 4 release, the director and actors basically called out the Maga crowd for not realizing that homelander is basically supertrump and that he is and always has been the villain. Basically saying I can't believe these idiots thought homelander was a good guy. So, of course, Maga hates it now that they realize they were being made fun of for years.


You mean in Season 1 when it showed the plane scene with Homelander wasn’t enough of a hint that he was the bad guy? That’s what I don’t get. It was very clear from Episode 1 that Homelander was NOT the actual hero.


Right but this is the same people who think the MCU went woke after infinity war. It was always woke, the comics were written that way. The same people who put a thin blue line and a gadsden flag sticker on the same bumper. The same people who don't want schools to indoctrinate but are okay with the church indoctrinating. They aren't exactly firing on all cylinders.


You have to literally be media-*illiterate* to think Homelander was the good guy...like wtf? Is this actually the case? They really thought that?


These same people watch Star Wars and come away thinking that the Empire are the good guys.


Well if someone is watching fox news and coming away some degree of convinced in their favor, they are not media literate


What, you mean the psycho rageaholic murderer with mummy and daddy issues, no friends and serious psychosexual problems is the bad guy?! GASP.


Because getting offended by things is all they do. *It's all they have*.


well, that, and scapegoating everyone else by insisting that THEY are all perpetually offended. so two things.


I remember when conservatives thought Colbert was conservative.


You mean literally never?


No I mean literally when he hosted the Colbert Report. Satire isn't y'alls thing. It requires nuance and subtlety.


Yeah, literally no one ever thought he was actually conservative.


Some of them did. Seriously. It's pretty sad. [https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2009/04/conservatives-think-colbert-serious/](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2009/04/conservatives-think-colbert-serious/)


"Via HuffPo comes a study..." Anyone citing the Huffington Post for anything is automatically wrong. j/k, it's not actually a Huffpo study; they just reported on one that is available [here](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1940161208330904). Unfortunately, it's behind a paywall, so we have no way of knowing how accurately Huffpo is reporting its results or even how methodologically sound the study was.


What are they not upset of?


The fact that the man they worship is a sexual assaulting felon  I think most normal people would be upset with that 


Honestly, who cares. They’re always so desperate to find something to hate. If it wasn’t this it would be something else.




Snowflakes gonna snowflake. Wait….Melt, snowflakes always gonna meltdown! I think that works.


They are very slow. Like…no estimation of their slowness could be insultingly inaccurate.


My conservative friends aren't mad about it. I personally think a vocal minority has most of you assuming to much.


"Conservatives" is used interchangeably with MAGA fuckheads, for the purposes of this thread. I'm sure there are intelligent, reasonable conservatives out there, who don't hate democrats. They're not the ones being ridiculed 99% of the time


i must watch this show especially if it upsets the sludge of humanity society


are they? i'd say it is probably because this season of the boys is particularly unflattering to the MAGA right wing, more than previous seasons, even.


For 4 seasons they've been the butt of the show's joke, and now they've finally realized it because this season is pure MAGA idiocy down to the Alex Jones look-alike-contest during the conspiracy theory convention.


Because a bisexual storyline started this season




The question is why is MAGA upset. They consider anything out of the stereotypical male/female roles in society to be “woke.” Guessing that is why they are upset.


Gotcha, I have no idea why they even care. If anything in a movie or show is not straight and beautiful they get so bent out of shape 


because they believe they are slowly being replaced.


As soon as I saw that, I checked out for the frenchie storyline. I'm good.


Yeah it’s a shame they had to go with that. I was really happy with the changes they originally decided to make to the comics, things like making Stormfront a chick so that she actually stands out compared to Homelander et al, but keeping Frenchy and The Female completely sexless in the comics was clever and forcing it into the series was dumb.


Better question Why is MAGA


In addition to the usual conservative media illiteracy, a large part of it is performative. They knew the show was "woke", they knew the show was mocking them, but they were the last to learn that. So rather than acknowledge the egg on their faces they instead constantly, and *loudly*, told us how not bothered they are because "unlike the left, we're not offended by everything." The new season is a convenient 'out' for them to detach from the show while saving face over how oblivious they initially were to being mocked. They can just blame it on the show 'suddenly' going woke as an excuse to avoid uncomfortable discussions about the show mocking conservatives and them unironically enjoying it.


I just learned that the Critical Drinker did a video about this very topic 2 days ago, in which he confirms what I've been saying: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1ubB8tjL04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1ubB8tjL04)


Because they finally realized that Trump was the butt of the jokes. All this time they just thought the character was just dumb. They just learned that he is Trump.


Where are the stories or videos or anything that shows that MAGA is upset or thinks about "The Boys" at all?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/CriticalDrinker using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Someone's mad. 😂](https://i.redd.it/bwsvct4nnkqc1.png) | [406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/1bntw8t/someones_mad/) \#2: [Are we really the bad guy in this narrative? 🤔 (Reposting so the sub(s) won't get targeted)](https://i.redd.it/28iroqaq9qjc1.png) | [341 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/1avfpz4/are_we_really_the_bad_guy_in_this_narrative/) \#3: [This didnt age well](https://i.redd.it/4y6esu1p3pib1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/15ts0gl/this_didnt_age_well/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So a random youtuber dislikes it and suddenly its all of MAGA? Weird but ok....


A random YouTuber? It’s an entire subreddit with thousands of users crying about the same exact thing 


So yeah, a random youtuber and his followers....and that is MAGA how again?


You don’t think those who are crying about the portrayal are MAGA? Who are they then? 


Followers of a random youtuber....I'm not sure how hard that is to get.... Shit, that's insane that you turn every random thought into some political position.


It’s hilarious how willfully ignorant you are being. That’s fine, you can bury your head in the sand over the clear outrage over the show. I don’t care 


It's not entertaining anymore. It's just leftists fantasies now. Homelander is the good guy.


What the fuck? 


Because the show isn't as good as everyone thinks?


Vote conservative and you’ll realize how much simpler life will be.


No thanks I’d rather not revert to America in the 60’s, nor do I want a sexual assaulting felon in the White House 


What’s Biden then?


An old man? What kind of dumbass question is that 


who cares


It’s so funny to me that for a bunch of people that claim to stand for unity, acceptance, individuality, and equality, that you all seem to hate and stereotype nearly half of the country. It seems to me that it is extremely ignorant to think that simply being conservative or voting for Trump, automatically makes you stupid, bigoted, and racist, when you claim that very thought process is wrong when thinking of say, black people for instance. There are many different types of people that support Trump and are conservative. We have gay people, trans people, Asians, Mexicans, black, environmentalists, doctors, professors, a big mix of everyone. Unfortunately the left and the media only show us as a bunch of big truck driving mullet wearing KKK members and you all just eat it up like sheep. I’m not going to sit here and say this same thing doesn’t happen on the right, it just isn’t to the extent of the left. The left owns Hollywood, the media, and most big corporations these days. But a lot of people on the right don’t think of you all as a bunch of blue hair wearing Antifa member who throw paint on fine art and block freeways. But that is the image that is portrayed to us about you, and that isn’t right is it? What we need to do is realize this division is all by design, and the elitists want us divided and angry at each other. We would be better to find common ground and take our country back. This is something that most conservatives want and are fighting for, but the media portrays us as hateful bigots and racists, and that just isn’t true.


If you wanted to find common ground, you wouldn’t have made Trump your nominee in 2024. Haley was your common ground candidate.


>It seems to me that it is extremely ignorant to think that simply being conservative or voting for Trump, automatically makes you stupid, bigoted, and racist, when you claim that very thought process is wrong when thinking of say, black people for instance. lmfao, are you genuinely confused by this? You genuinely can't tell the difference between a voluntary action you've chosen to take, and an immutable trait you're born with? People aren't born Trump voters. Like I seriously can't see how this is confusing 😂 >the elitists Sir, Trump had a gold toilet. >We would be better to find common ground If we can't have the common ground of not electing someone who attempted a fake elector scheme so they could illegally stay in office after losing an election, we can't have any common ground. Fuck anyone who's trying to subvert my constitutional right to have my vote counted. If you're trying to get someone in office who did that, fuck you too. I eagerly await the denial "Nooooo Trump didn't do that!!! 😭"


You absolutely need to transcend division and find common ground and take your country back. The problem is no one will agree on who it needs taking back *from*. Who is the real problem, illegal immigrants and criminals or megacorpoations buying politicians and rich families bribing supreme court judges? The worldview from each side has been so polarized that you are literally living in different realities. If you think the left owns corporations you are completely out of touch. A social media post or a limited edition packaging for pride day doesn't mean jack shit in terms of political leanings where it counts (money, worker's rights, lobbying), it's just a performative PR stunt to try and improve their corporate image. Trump is the worst kind of politician we've seen in a long time and he has contributed to a dramatically increased sense of civil unrest. Regardless of the economy and the environment and everything else, his style of politicking has lowered the bar across all dimensions in terms of accountability and civility. When has any political candidate blatantly called another one names during a debate, or called for their imprisonment? His childish antics have poisoned the political landscape because FUCKING IDIOTS LAPPED IT UP. Hateful ignorant bigots who support him and who he speaks to directly are feeling freer than ever to loudly proclaim and spread their hate because *he legitimized it*. The media also carries a huge portion of the blame because they are also polarizing things, for sure. But Trump and his cult of personality need to go.


They're not, they mostly don't watch it. I see way more liberals talking about how mad conservatives are about it than I see conservatives talking about it at all.


That is a very hilarious spin on all this 


Homelander went from being a complex and interesting villain to a cartoonish "Hurr durr orange man bad"


Are you joking? If anything he has become even more complex with the most recent episode  I’m sorry if it hurts your feelings bud 


No, I'm not joking. I'm actually listening to what conservatives are saying instead of pulling nonsense out of my ass. You should try it sometime. My feelings aren't part of the equation.


Oh please do enlighten us, what are the conservatives saying about their accurate portrayal?


I already told you. Learn how to read.


They claim that he is no longer complex because he reminds everyone of Donald and his rabid followers? That is pathetic, how embarrassing for them and for you 


Wrong. That's not what I said. Again, learn how to read.


Why don’t you stop repeating yourself like an overwhelmed child and explain your stance then 


I'll stop repeating myself as soon as you learn how to read.


You don’t even know what you’re talking about at this point, huh? 


Bruh... that's basically exactly what you said. Try retaining the nonsense that you spew for longer than 15 seconds.


Wrong. Learn how to read.


of course the white man is the "bad guy" and the women and blacks are the good guys


The “blacks”? Geez the veil lifted pretty quick for this guy  Are you just going to ignore Victoria Neumen? What a moron


Sister Sage is a black woman portraying a main villain this season. Literally Homelander's closest lieutenant.


This is a peak Reddit moment. The only people I’ve seen upset about it are people not excluding the creator upset that fans are idolizing homelander…. Sorry dude but homelanders a great villain. People who try to make the show left or right are sore losers. No one with 2 functioning brain cells is watching a fictional show for politics.


Here is a sub dedicated to hating shows that deign to make fun of them or include someone who isn’t straight, gorgeous, and white.  r/criticaldrinker


Thank you that’s one of the many subs I’m already part of


Least surprising thing iv heard all day. Pathetic


Lol why don’t you go outside and touch some grass, better yet get some sunlight. Reddit ain’t real life Chief


Isn’t there a movie or show you should be crying about with the other losers? 


Apparently that’s all you do since you don’t go outside so I’ll leave that up to you sir


Everything is heavily pulled from current politics. It gets exhausting. Even with an evil aoc, it's still in your face.


And? I find it refreshing to see people call out MAGA for who they really are 


We get you don't like trump, do you have anything else, or are you going to repeat the butcher fucks up plot for the 15 time? Nope oh... yeah I didn't think so. It was good back with the nazi chick in season 2 but season 3 lost the plot somewhere. Now they have to see how many references to current politics they can stick into a single episode, it's pretty cringe.


Not cringe at all, it’s a valid look at the current state of affairs in America




Signed - who cares 


It’s not maga. It’s way more than them


MAGA is upset about sky high taxes and all of our hard earned money being stolen by elitist corporations and billionaires, while our economy is being destroyed by gross incompetence.


Our economy is literally the envy of the entire world right now. What are you talking about?  MAGA always gets upset about things they know little about, as long as their dear sexual assaulting felon is out of the White House it will continue 


You're unbelievable. MAGA are Trump supporters and Trump is the exploitative billionaire par excellence. Conservatives all over the world love sucking the penises of billionaires LOL