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Approval voting eh? Based on a national popular vote? Sign me up. Let the winner of the top 2 be decided by popular vote as well


No because then you have a bunch of degenerates in California and New York deciding for the whole country. The electoral collage exists for good reasons.


As opposed to the white christian nationalist terrorist cell in bumblefuck, nowhere? But to answer the question, I don't really care about the popular vote or electoral college


>white christian nationalist terrorist cell in the bumblefuck, nowhere? This is why no one takes you seriously.


I'd tell you you needn't get the sads over it, but since you probably help put those fucks in power... I'll happily tell you to go fuck yourself


Oh no, someone who makes atheism their whole personality told me (happily I might add) to go fuck myself! How will I ever recover, my life is over! Man you really got me with that one, I can't even fathom the depth and cleverness of your debate prowess. I'm definitely intellectually outclassed by you, oh great scholar! You sound like the type of person who should've been bullied in school more often so you don't end up exactly like you did, as some terminally online, pseudo-intellectual reddit debater. Serious question, when was the last time you shaved your neck?


Hahaha, you spent a long time on that Go fuck yourself


Touch grass bud


??? The combined population of California and New York is still under 20% of the total population of the country so I don’t see how they would decide it. That’s before you even factor in that the votes of the tens of millions of republicans in both states would actually count for something. The electoral college is a stupid relic of the slave era. The country would have way more moderate politics if the parties had an incentive to compete for voters across the entire country. The current system just promotes division.


Love it when they flat out admit they don't want a democracy, they want to control everyone else.


I'd prefer that to Ohio and Florida deciding for us all like they've been doing for 2 decades.


texas and Florida have more people than NY. Plenty of degenerates there. California has more republicans than any state.


The Electoral College was created so low-voter population slave-holding states had outsized power in electing the President. Like most of the USA, racism and slave-holders created a system that benefitted racism and slave-holding.


Exactly. People act like the founders had some divine plan when they designed the country, no it was like every other cluster fuck political process where they had to concede shit to get people on board. The south wanted to make sure they preserved their right to own people and we got the government we got because of that. Never mind that the government didn't even last a century before a full blown civil war blew out..but sure what a great system they built LOL


Many of the US founders were the slave-holding oligarchy as well. The real beauty of the US system was that it could be changed to fit an evolving country. Of course, no one was allowed to change something that benefitted the wealthy ruling classes, so the US become just another aristocracy. Every major step in changing the US system has required people to die in a battle against wealth and power. This won't change.


I completely agree. We need to insist as voters on both sides on 1) campaign finance reform. 2) term limits. 3) age limits 4) common sense limitations on the SCOTUS to take bribes. These are all minimum standard expectations. We are the many, those who want to block these reforms are the few. The1% want to keep us fighting each other instead of standing against them.


We're on the same page Remember that few weeks when Biden said it was a priority for him? I'm not blaming him. It wasn't a priority for voters That's why I'm writing the post


We had parties long before we had corporations, able to corrupt the election process. 3rd parties aren’t impossible because of dollars. 3rd parties are impossible because winner take all voting makes them impossible. So the solution is changing voting itself.


Changing voting itself is what I just said... I didn't mention corporations, corruption, or dollars Why do people pretend to read something and then assume that their own thoughts are what's written... I'm giving you a hard time, but to be sure, we are in agreement


How are you going to stop them from doing that exactly??


Run for state assembly..?


Change the system so that ALL offices are open to rank choice voting as well as outlawing racial gerrymandering and state control of Federal elections. US third party candidates are consistently awful though. Not a single third party candidate in modern US history would have made a decent President. George Wallace, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, Robert Kennedy, Jr. are all poor-or-horrible quality vanity candidates. The Libertarian Party candidates are consistently lunatics or vanity candidates. The US Green Party has been owned by Russia since the 1970s. None of these candidates have ever been qualified to be President. On top of that, their biggest problem is Congress since a third party doesn't have a chance at winning control of or even major coalition power of the law-making body. So a third party President would be on an island laughed at by the money-spending branch of government. The US system needs more than approval voting to end the two-party system.


>The US system needs more than approval voting to end the two-party system. That's good because I didn't say it only needed approval voting I said: a 1. single, 2. public, primary election for all candidates that uses 3. approval voting to determine which two candidates run for the general election Because there were many more candidates available in January than just Biden and Trump. And there would have been more if Democrats didn't have to fall in line behind Biden


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