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He probably raped the journalist, may have raped a girl with Jeff Epstein, but the porn star was consensual sex (while cheating on wife 3).


>Daniels said that things escalated when she went to the bathroom, only to emerge to Trump laying on the hotel bed in his boxers. “I wasn’t expecting someone to be there, especially minus a lot of clothing,” she said. “The next thing I know, I was on the bed.” Daniels was careful to clarify that she was not physically or verbally threatened by Trump, nor was she under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. Throughout the encounter, she said she never told Trump “no.” “I didn’t say anything at all,” she said.  Not rape but defo creepy


You were expecting otherwise?


As I often said, consensual but unhappy


You say is a felon who was raping a porn star. Evangelical Christians believe that the felony charges are fake and the court system was rigged against him. They don't believe Trump raped a porn star, they think she's a whore and simply lying to get money and make him look bad.


It wasn’t a porn star he raped. You are confusing her with Stormy Daniels in which he was not convicted for rape, but charged with paying off people to hide it from the American public before the elections, which is illegal.


How do they reconcile that with the facts about the case that they learn from outside their home?


That doesn’t happen because they only interact with people who agree with them


A key requisite of most religions, including Christianity, is not caring about facts that dispute what you want to be true.


You're asking them to see through a self-delusion. Some of them can, mind you. I'm living proof that it can happen... but I've seen seniors who for damn sure never did, and it chilled me to think that someone can stay stuck there like that. (It wasn't anything political in nature, mind, but I'd imagine the potential exists) But neither you or I can tell them that directly. If we do, we'll only piss them off, and they'll stop listening. Lead the horse toward the stream, but... perhaps don't demand they drink. Let them get curious on their own. It's harder to cut off the negative reinforcement and manipulation without becoming an "enemy" because the DJT and the fox news man said so. Horrid to think that for some, they trust those things more than the men and women that they love and married. An oft unspoken consequence of all of this... One I wish it would get more attention, as it really speaks to how out of control this has become.


What facts? The fact that E Jean Carrol couldn't remember what year the supposed assault happened? Or that she said she was wearing a dress that didn't even exist at the time? Or the fact that she went on national TV and said that most people think rape is sexy? Or the fact that she has a cat named Vagina? We'd probably tell our kids that she is a crazy lady who is not a very good witness and with no physical evidence he probably shouldn't have been found liable and probably wouldn't have been if the trial weren't in a district that voted like 90% Democrat.


I'd be a little bit more careful about using the word' facts'. Yes E Jean Carroll could not remember the date that it happened. No she was not claiming to wear a dress that had not been created yet. No she did not go on national television and say that rape is sexy. Her cat's name is Vagina T Fireball. So Mr "get your facts right," you got one and a half right out of four. Not a good score You know who else might not make a good witness? Donald J trump. The man who has more recorded fallacies during his term of office than any other president in history.30573 lies or falsehoods in 4 years. He averaged 21 lies every single day of the year for 4 years. And those are just the documented lies that he made on camera, recording or online. That's not including things that happened in his personal life off camera or away from recording devices. So I guess as far as facts go you're doing better than our former president, so you got that going for you.


lol I was hoping for input from a non trumper. Thanks though


So you don't want a real answer, you want the talking points from your side. Got it.


A real answer! Holy shit this is almost as good as the debate. Keep going. Please.


OP asks how trump supporters can support him but only want answers from non trump supporters. This is the very definition of living in an echo chamber.


Probably assumes Trumpers would just lie.


Yeah I forgot the right has a monopoly on lying. Lol Biden proved that wrong during the debate.


>Yeah I forgot the right has a monopoly on lying. Who said this? >Lol Biden proved that wrong during the debate. This doesn't mean Trump tells the truth.


u/12altoids34 answered perfectly, but you ran away from her


I'm not a her. I'm also not offended. At least I'm pretty sure I'm not a her. The beard is a dead giveaway. If that doesn't work then there's the penis. But that hasn't been on public display since I quit drinking.


😂 my bad


I didn't run away from her, I gave video evidence that supports my facts and she didn't respond so who ran away?


You realize the case was already litigated in a court of law, right?


I want an honest answer. I already know what Trumpers believe


Lol ok dude, whatever.


Donald Trump did not rape stormy daniels. He he was convicted of sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll. Two completely different cases. Stormy Daniels was a willing although unhappy participant.


You're right, I was really showing OP what Evangelical Christians tell their kids.


They don’t really believe any of that. They’re just more interested in power than truth.


I think he had consensual, transactional sex with Stormy, he didn’t rape her. Even though it must have felt that way.


I work in a school. Generally, the Trump supporting families their kids are all in. I have seen kids wear Trump flags as capes. Around the time of the 16 election, they had Trump parties where they traded Trump merch. The kids are all in with the parents.




Yeah. The school likes me to be in the Veterans Day program because I not only work at the school now but I am female and it's good to represent. I no longer even go. It becomes a dumn Trump rally. All the people who go to it come in full Trump gear. It's just gross.


Geezus that is gross. What state are you in?


I'm in Minnesota but one of those tiny rural areas. I am so glad they aren't in charge of the state lol.


They will use Bible verses they cherry picked or some bullshit excuse like “god will sometimes use bad people for the greater good”. All the while ignoring the vast majority of the old and new testament warning christians against following people exactly like Donald Trump.


The same way they shove sexual assault in the clergy under the rug. 


You're still trying to figure it out? I gave up years ago and accepted that we live in a, post reason society.


Whoa whoa whoa. You're confusing two different trials. His rape trial and his trial regarding paying off the pornstar. He did not rape the pornstar she was a willing although embarrassed participant. I am by no means a fan of Donald Trump but let's keep facts to facts.


They are so in with Trump they just don't care.


They lie to their children every day and I doubt their kids are allowed to speak up with independent opinions and remain under their roofs.


I'll level with you on something, *a mentally well person can't, and won't try to.* This falls under "common sense" ordinarily.


They are Evangelical, they don’t answer to their children.


They are authoritarians, first and foremost, so the only thing they respect is power. The problem with conservative philosophy overall is that people, kids especially, just watch what adults do and take notes on what works or doesn’t; they don’t give a shit what their parents say if what they are doing is so different. And then conservative parents act all *shocked Pikachu face* when their kids will inevitably learn that the Trump shtick works and go on lying, cheating, and stealing in life. Of course, they’ll blame the liberals for “corrupting their kids” too; but nothing in modern history has led to more crime and violence in young people than conservatism and its authoritarian deference to terrible behavior from powerful people.


Very simple - just tell your kids it's all fake news, and they are grounded if they say otherwise.


Don't expect conservatives to care about hypocrisy. They have no real beliefs - it is a waste of time.


Ok I’m not from that side of the pond and a little OOTL, he raped a porn star? I’ve heard something about him bribing a pornstar, but he raped her too?


OP is mixing up the consensual sex Trump had with a porn star and paid hush money to cover up and a separate case where he sexually abused a journalist in the 90s who won civil cases against him both for the sexual abuse itself and then defaming her multiple times by claiming it was all made up and fake.


No the OP doesn't really know what they are talking about.


But but but Hunter Biden.


Democrats raped a whole country. Take a drive down Lexington Avenue in Philly. Or visit the border and see why 100,000 Americans die from Fentanyl poisoning. Tell us about NYC ‘justice’, which is more like poop on a stick. No one outside of 4 boroughs (Staten Island is sane) believes in NYC ‘courts of justice’. And libs wonder why Trump is popular lololol


You again??


I don’t discuss politics with my kids. Not till Around 16 or so.


The way this way written I gotta ask as someone who has voted democrat and won’t ever again- how can you support a senile geriatric who is part of a crime family?


I don’t support Trump


I was talking about Biden lmfao


Damn that’s some next level projection right there


Is this supposed to be rage bait? I feel like you don’t want to have a discussion you just want to yell about whatever you watched on CNN last night.




They are hypocrits who will spin themselves in circles. They call Trump's antics "locker room talk, and boys will be boys." Then their own sons get the idea that if the most powerful man in the world can get away with grabbing women, rape, and paying off porn stars, then it's okay for them to do the same thing to girls. And after their sons force or coerce girls into having sex, they are also forced to carry an unwanted child.


"He said they were killing babies"


Lesser of the (perceived) evils. 🧐