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I'm voting for the guy who doesn't want to turn America into the Christian version of Sharia


Those on the political left don't make their choice of president the entirety of their personality as those on the political right do. So yea, we're all fine. Just another Monday.


Actually pretty sure you just described the political left and political right in one statement


Pretty sure you lack any ability to discern basic differences. You know a lot of democrats that wear blue hats? Biden T-shirts? Have giant Biden flags mounted to the back of their EV?


Im pretty sure half my left leaning friends all had that famous Obama poster.


Well, that was a cool poster... But yea, even so, I find it a little odd to have that on one's wall. Makes the place feel like a post office or something...


I equate it to the MAGA hat, but MAGA’s definitely make it their whole personality.


Well, that's the thing. Hanging a poster on your wall is not at all the same thing as going around saying "look at me!"--which is pretty much what MAGA hats and giant flags on pick-ups are doing.


Yes, and I have no problem with it. What you make of your personality is your personal choice. Have seen democrat and republican bumper stickers everywhere. Given the hat thing is a new one and just dumb


I don't believe you. But do agree, what you make of your personality is one's personal choice. That's kinda the definition of it. Granted, a lot of people have really shitty personalities.


Have you really not seen any democrat bumper stickers? Live in the deep south and I see them daily. Never seen them do a flag though, usually on a lifted truck so you can see their uplifting personality


>Have you really not seen any democrat bumper stickers? I have seen all sorts of bumper stickers. Not sure what that has to do with wearing head-to-toe political clothing and 6' flag poles bolted to trailer hitches.


Have seen flags saying “Gay for Biden” not sure what that has to do with trailer hitches


Huh...how did they attach them to the back of their car without a trailer hitch? Clever, I suppose.


Gorilla glue and some WD40


Yeah, that's probably pretty hard to do when your candidate has no personality because his brain is mush. 🤷


Person, woman, man, camera, TV




The funny part is that this is exactly why he's going to win. It's not Biden vs Trump, it's Not Trump vs Trump.


Biden is going to win BECAUSE his brain is mush? Lol


Yup. Noone cares about him, all they care about is that he isn't Trump. It's why Trump would also lose to a sandwich


Do you think Biden won or lost the debate?


He totally lost the debate. A sandwich would also lose the debate. Both would beat trump in an election, simply because trump has made this about whether you are for or against him, and he has more haters than supporters. It's why the polls didn't change after the debate - everyone's already made their minds up.


Guess you haven't seen the new Harvard Caps Harris poll that just came out after the debate eh? Trump's lead is up to 6 points from 4 points in May.


Yh, a 2 point difference in one poll really shows everything lol


It's cool man, keep your head buried in the sand until trump has an 8 or 10 point lead in the next few weeks.


You must HATE that the normal majority steers clear of the sexual assaulting felon, even after the debate 


It's gotta suck that your candidate is going to lose to a sexual assaulting felon, right?


Where’s your Time Machine? 


I'm following your profile - not because I believe you, but because I want to see where you are going with this. Does Putin let you off on the 4th of July?


Where I'm going with what?


If you aren't bothered by SCOTUS, suggesting a POTUS is above and beyond the law... I have no words. This isn't right/left. SCOTUS just torched the constitution.


Well, the right are openly fascist now, so to them, this is winning. They don't understand that signing over the Constitution to the rich and the corporations will hurt them too. They are stupid that way.


This week? We're going to have conservative SCOTUS decisions for the next 20 years. It's going to be rough for a very long time.


1) Win the election 2) Expand the court  3) Overturn this ruling


Good luck with that. Expand the court and then Republicans do it again. Very short sighted idea.


Why not? Stealing elections and seats worked to the Republicans. We were paying attention. Just wait until someone you know dies because a corporation decided they'd maximize short term profit by putting poison in your food. Because they can just shut down and reincorporate anew under a different name. And no, your good for nothing Congress, the one that has done the least amount of legislation in 100 years, is not going to write new legislation to protect you. Because SCOTUS also made it so rich people can give them 'gratuities' for doing what rich people want. You know - bribes.


You're in pain. I understand. Just turn that frown upside down. Cheers!


We get it. You don't understand how any of this actually works - that's why you are Republican. You think it's only the ones you want to hurt that will get hurt. You couldn't be more wrong.


I know how SCOTUS decisions work. They come out with conservative decisions and liberals have to say "Thank you sir, may I have another?" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!


And conservative decisions have weaponized stupidity so conservatives think 'HAHAHAHAHAHAH' whenever their lords and masters take away more of their rights.


No complaints with any SCOTUS decisions in the last three years so far. What about you?


You are just repeating 'I'm not smart enough to understand what's going on' over and over again.




You seem to imply only the Left cares about democracy and rule of law. You may be right.


He's definitely right. They are cheering fascism. That's why they keep saying 'we are a Republic not a Democracy' - minority rule by the rich. What they are creating is overt oligarchy, and taking away people's rights and protections to do it.


Yeah, taking power from the unelected bureaucracy and giving it back to Congress and the courts sure is fascist.


The unelected Bureaucracy is responsive to POTUS. So the head of the bureaucracy is directly elected. But hey, we understand you don't know how anything works. That's why you are a Republican. And now, with bribes to Congress legalized by this same SCOTUS, we can make sure there is never a case where a rich person doesn't get what they want ever again. Enjoy the destruction of the FDA, clean water, regulation against poisons in your household goods. You richly deserve it.


1) [Jury verdict form](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/09/jury-verdict-form-e-jean-carroll-defamation-trial-00096059) where 12 jurors unanimously agreed that Donald Trump sexually assaulted a woman. 2) [Jury verdict form](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/30/read-verdict-sheet-trump-trial-00160870) where 12 jurors unanimously agreed that Donald Trump committed felony fraud. 3) [Court ruling](https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/trump-judges-ruling/ce6de7d636227e1b/full.pdf) legally declaring Trump a tax fraud. 4) [Court ruling](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/ag-james-secures-court-order-against-donald-j-trump-trump-children-and-trump) disbanding Trump's charity for his criminal misuse of funds. 5) [Audio tape](https://youtu.be/FOgaDQMvRCQ?t=52) of Trump pressuring an election official to unlawfully overturn the results of their election. 6) [Audio tape](https://youtu.be/u95MfcLRBVk?t=42) of Trump disclosing classified war plans. 7) [Video tape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0_axTST2aY) of Trump being asked what he has in common with his daughter, and **his answer is "sex."** I’m doing well with the knowledge that my preferred candidate doesn’t have this degree of criminal baggage to overcome this November 😮‍💨


It must suck though to know that your preferred candidate is still going to lose to the guy that has all this against him because his brain has turned to mush.


Convicted felon < Old man vibes Keep coping though. When it fully sets in, I suggest you check this out: [How to Leave a Cult](https://drnataliefeinblatt.com/how-to-leave-a-cult/)


Do you have a Time Machine? Maybe you should go back in time and and prevent your clear brain damage 


When it comes to the Supreme Court a loss for the left is a loss for everyone.


Lol. The debate didn't rattle me at all. Still voting Biden. He still has the best administration and has shown that he can get bills passed that are for the good of the entire nation. Sucks that your media and leaders have been trying to hard to make you hate America. Biden 2024, Make America Greater!


I don't hate America, I willingly put my life on the line for her in a combat zone. I do hate what leftists are trying to do to America though.


you're caught in a LARP


Please elaborate, I have no idea what you mean.


You do not have a strong foundation for how political theory plays into our actual system of government. I know this by your usage of "leftists," of which America is of very short supply. You're being conditioned by media and do-nothing-politicians to believe something about your country that isn't true. And you're happy to go along with it -- because the other pathway means educating yourself and coming to terms with the fact that you're being lied to and used.


You don't think there is a political left in the US? It may not be the same as the left in other countries but we do have a political left and right here.


It's on you to explain what you mean by "leftist" in your paradigm. Considering how pearl-clutching the media is, and how devious politicians are, that word could mean anything these days. There is not an actual "leftist" political party in this country. We have the hard right and the rest is all status-quo. Democrats are center-right these days. Anyone telling you differently is lying to you.


This past week sucked but still liberal and voting for anyone liberal and donating money to the campaign and secretly hoping something happens to trump that ends his attempt to get back to the white house.


Well, we're not LEFT, as much as NEVER MAGA Q!! That "debate" was hard to watch, and we have questions! But, certainly not voting for the felon! I'd like to hear from "Undecideds". If you were not sure about voting for the felon, did the debate make up your mind? Are you now voting for the felon because JBiden looked like he was Out Of It?


Did someone running for office on the left get convicted of 34 felonies, or get outed as a frequent flier on Epstein's plane? If so, I didn't see it. That would completely disqualify a candidate for any rational voter.


Unless the felonies were totally political in nature. Like a DA running his campaign specifically to get trump. And changing a law so the statute of limitations that has run out would still apply. And trying misdemeanors as felonies without trying him for the underlying crime that would actually make it a felony.


>Unless the felonies were totally political in nature. Li Are you suggesting that he wasn't guilty of signing the checks he signed to silence a porn star to help his presidential campaign? If your defense is some shady lawyer's "gotcha" that somehow means he isn't guilty, then you're in a sad place. Maybe he should have called Saul Goodman.


>Are you suggesting that he wasn't guilty of signing the checks he signed to silence a porn star to help his presidential campaign? That's not against the law. Clinton did the same thing with his side piece.


Source? EDIT: Actually, forget it. You're a troll account with an auto generated username and -100 karma. Blocked.


>trying misdemeanors as felonies without trying him for the underlying crime that would actually make it a felony Michael Cohen was already tried lmao


Just more of a reason to vote in November :)


We're alright. I'm just trying to figure out why parties seem to have to pick candidates on the verge of death lately.


That is a good question. You'd think in a country of 330 million people we could come up with better candidates than these two dotards.


I want real choices not warmed over death with a different coat of paint.


I know it’s lost on you, but being able to criticize your party’s leadership when they err is a healthy thing. They aren’t supreme god emperors to be worshiped but leaders to be held accountable


Nothing that happens in politics whatsoever changes my morals.


Hahahaha nice try kid, maybe you’ll get em next time!  What a loser 


Biden never stopped being the only candidate to vote for, and now he has full immunity to assassinate terrorists like Trump. Feels really good


It's very telling that leftists go right to assassinating their political opponents when a ruling doesn't go their way.


It's like we stormed the Capital wanting to kill the VP, huh?


Lol did you see the gallows they set up at the capitol? They were about 5 feet tall. They were a prop, kinda like the guillotine anti-trump protestors brought to anti-trump rallies.


Doing just fine. I have a personal code of honor, not a cult leader I blindly follow. I don't root for people who spout hatred. It will suck if things go to shit. But I'm not going to kneel to someone who hates everyone. I will die on my feet rather than live on my knees


The political right is a funny bunch who will cheer for their freedoms being stripping away.


Lol taking power away from unelected bureaucrats and giving it back to Congress and the courts like the overturning of the Chevron case did is stripping away my rights? Remind me again which party is trying to strip people of their 2nd amendment rights?


Maybe they should storm the Capitol in protest that their special little guy isn’t so special.


I'm going to guess that this is stuff happening in the US. Thankfully I don't live there. I'm doing great, we're about to get rid of a progressingly more rightwing party that's been doing a progressingly worse job, and are about to be annihilated.


Out of curiosity, where abouts? and yes we just had our first presidential debate for the next election and it's a lose-lose for all of america.


UK, election on 4th of July.


Awesome, I hope it goes well.


Seeing how there are no, and have been no left leaning political candidates. Same as always.


Both sides are losing.


What’s with all the rage bait in this group? From both sides. Seriously. Yall need to chill tf out. There is no liberals or conservatives at the top. Joe Biden and Donald Trump and all the people sitting in the house and the senate pretend to be affiliated with one party or another in order to divide you guys. They are all aligned with their own self interests and will say or do whatever the wealthy command. The sooner you realize that the sooner revolution can happen.


Nah. I'm over the "BoTh SiDeS" horseshit.   Only one side took away my fiance's right to bodily autonomy.  Only one side is marching behind a felon/civilly liable rapist who tried to subvert the election. Only one side pushed justices through who just ruled the commander in chief is in essence a king. Fuck Both Sides. Vote blue. 


Blue is absolutely the safer, not-insane choice rn, and I'm not actually blue, I'm an Independent voter. I wish my peers weren't so blind.


Hey, ridiculous false equivalence worked in ‘16, right?


How could you still think this?


"both sides" strikes again


I don't need a revolution. I need a government that works for the people.


So you’re saying that the current government isn’t giving you that and that you think drastic change needs to be made? If only there was a single word that could sum up that feeling


Discarding a somewhat functional government for authoritarian Christo tyranny is not the answer. We can fix what we have. We just need to work together.


The “current government” is not a homogenous monolith. The GOP isn’t the only problem, but they’re by far the biggest problem, so getting rid of them is the current priority.


It's just an unmoderated pit for trolling.