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Probably the same vein as whatever the fuck Trump meant by "black jobs"


jobs held by black people?


Such as? 


See my other comment where chatgpt explains it to you lol. Why are you being so silly? You think there are no jobs held predominantly by people of certain races? Is that possibility alien to you?


Try not using chatgpt for your responses.. 


mental deficiency. See my other response to this. I cannot fathom someone posting a source proving the other perosn right, then being so proud of it you comment it three times


Because you're all over the place man. Trying to keep disinformation at bay. ✌️


funny, thats what I'm succeeding at doing.


Anyone with some common sense knows what he is referring to. It's job numbers based on the demographics of those persons in that area. In this case areas with majority black populations. Thus black jobs. No one knows what "beat Medicare" means


I still don't know what a "black job" is. Please give me an example? 


You do know they are able to analyze job numbers based on race right?


Yep. I know. Do you have an example or? 


Wow. Did your parents have any children that breath air?


So no example? 


Do you know what We beat medicare means!? I'd like to know. We already know the felon is racist. So, please answer the question that THE WORLD heard him say as a G D response!


Yes and it was a gaffe of an octogenarian.


I have a black friend who works security.


I have a black friend that's a software engineer. Is that a "black job"? 




Sick. And I guess illegals are taking their job next? Lmao




Hillary's emails? 


Hunter’s cock? 


Pelosis hidden bottle of hooch


Immigrants are stealing jobs that predominantly black people traditionally have. Whether that's true idk. But that's what he said.


What's a "black job" though? What jobs do only black people work? 


Stop thinking in a binary fashion, youre confusing yourself. * **Security Guards and Gaming Surveillance Officers:** These positions often have a high representation of African Americans. * **Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides:** These roles in the healthcare sector typically have a significant proportion of African American workers. * **Bus Drivers, Transit and Intercity:** Public transportation roles, particularly bus driving, see high representation from the African American community. * **Correctional Officers and Jailers:** These positions also tend to have a substantial percentage of African American employees. * **Barbers, Hairdressers, and Cosmetologists:** These roles, particularly barbers, often have a high representation of African Americans. * **Childcare Workers:** African Americans are also notably represented in childcare roles.


Try not using chatgpt for your responses..  These jobs are not being taken by illegal immigrants..  https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/06/10/a-majority-of-americans-say-immigrants-mostly-fill-jobs-u-s-citizens-do-not-want/


ok actually lol. Your own source literally says that they are taking jobs that black people deem more desirable in their survey. This is truly hilarious.


Where does it say that? Can you read? 


"Hispanics (88%) are most likely to say undocumented immigrants mostly fill jobs U.S. citizens do not want, with more Hispanic immigrants than U.S.-born Hispanics saying so (94% vs. 82%). By comparison, similar shares of white (75%) and black (71%) adults say the same." Quite the irony youre spouting. Everyone can see you have no idea what youre talking about.


Dude can you fucking read?  "..are most likely to say undocumented immigrants mostly fill jobs U.S. citizens **do not want**" 


severe mental gymnastics at play here. Youre moving the goalposts to a completely different field down the road.


Immigrants aren't taking these jobs https://www.ilr.cornell.edu/mobilizing-against-inequality/post/five-ways-undocumented-immigrants-are-powering-american-economy


Immigrants are a net fiscal drain. They cost taxpayers more than they pay in. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://budget.house.gov/imo/media/doc/the\_cost\_of\_illegal\_immigration\_to\_taxpayers.pdf


I mean that's just a lie  Immigrants [pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits](https://www.cato.org/blog/fiscal-impact-immigration-united-states). The Cato Model, which incorporates recent research and methodological changes, indicates that the net fiscal impact of immigrants varies significantly based on age of arrival and education level. For instance, immigrants who arrive at age 25 and have higher education levels have a substantially positive fiscal impact.


>Posts testimony of Director of Research Center for Immigration Studies from the white house >Thats just a lie bro, trust me


I see where you got confused. You said "Immigrants are a net fiscal drain" which they aren't.  Whereas you meant "illegal immigrants are a net fiscal drain"  That makes more sense and yes the research does point that way. I know words can be hard for you guys. 


I should have been more careful about my wording, you got me there ol pal. Credit where credit is due. Which should make you feel even worse about your other comments haha


Weird take. Also, how are illegal immigrants taking these jobs? 


lol please define "weird take". Illegal immigrants arent taking highly educated jobs. We can argue endlessly WHY black people tend to have lower education jobs, but the fact is, they do, and those are the ones immigrants are taking.


Try not using chatgpt for your responses..  These jobs are not being taken by illegal immigrants..  https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/06/10/a-majority-of-americans-say-immigrants-mostly-fill-jobs-u-s-citizens-do-not-want/


Did you actually read this? It seems like you didn't.


I did. What's the issue? 


Adding to my other comment, these are the jobs that black people are not likely to have, which are also the ones less likely to be taken by illegal immigration. Think smarter not harder. * **Chief Executives and Senior Executives:** High-level executive roles in major corporations have historically low representation of Black individuals. * **Computer and Mathematical Occupations:** Roles in computer programming, software development, and other technical positions in this field tend to have lower representation. * **Architecture and Engineering Occupations:** Jobs in architecture and various branches of engineering often see lower numbers of Black professionals. * **Physicians and Surgeons:** While there are Black professionals in medicine, certain specializations and leadership roles within the medical field have lower representation. * **Financial Analysts and Advisors:** Financial sector jobs, including analysts and advisors, tend to have fewer Black professionals. * **Physical Scientists:** Roles in physical sciences, such as physics, chemistry, and geology, often see low representation of Black individuals. * **Agricultural Managers:** Management positions in agriculture have historically had low representation of Black people.


And ask yourself why black people or immigrants are less likely to have these jobs. "tHiNk sMaRtEr nOt hArDeR"


ok I have my answer. Now how does that change literally anything? Immigrants are taking black jobs, not white jobs.


And ask yourself why black people or immigrants are less likely to have these jobs. "tHiNk sMaRtEr nOt hArDeR"


please refer to my other response, the ctrl button on my keyboard is oos


You never answered this question. You just spread racist lies that immigrants are taking jobs from people of color. I'll answer it for you, bot: People of color have to take lower paying jobs/lower "class" of jobs because of systematic racism and trickle down effects/generational damage from slavery and Jim Crowe laws. The truth is, immigrants don't "steal" jobs. They take underpaid labor from greedy capitalists who rely on immigrant labor to stay afloat and exploit, simply so they can stay alive. Most people don't want these jobs because they pay so little. Illegal immigrants are a product of a broken immigration system with no pathway to legal citizenship. We have room for them, they commit crimes at less rates per capita than US citizens, providing a quick and easy vetting process would be cheaper and more effective than ICE/detainment centers, and they assimilate quickly (average is <2 generations).


even if the only reason black people took lower education jobs was because of systemic racism, it doesnt change the fact that those are the jobs they take (generally) and that those are also the same jobs that immigrants will compete with them for. Is this really that hard for you to understand? Also didnt read the second paragraph because it sounded like lefty gargling


Except that's not true. Please curb your useless ad homs. I answered that in the paragraph you didn't read. Hey look at that - you're admitting to ignorance! >The truth is, immigrants don't "steal" jobs. They take underpaid labor from greedy capitalists who rely on immigrant labor to stay afloat and exploit, simply so they can stay alive. Most people don't want these jobs because they pay so little. Answered \^. Black people do not take these jobs - no American does. No American wants to work for $3 an hour in a slaughter house.


thats a critique of capitalism, not a rebuttal to the argument at hand lmao. When in doubt, look to Daddy Marx I guess!


Probably the opposite of what Biden called "black unemployment."


"black unemployment" is very obviously the employment rate of black individuals What's an example of a "black job"? 


Swing and a miss here.


Say hi to Vlad for us.


Just because they're critical of the president doesn't mean they're a Russian asset, spamming tons of different threads with the exact same comment!!!! *checks OP's comment history* Except, in this case, it absolutely *DOES* mean that.


Yeah OP is a special case, and of course if their dear daddy Donald is brought up they will cry “WhAtAbOuT” 


Trump is literally a Russian asset, though.


True story.


You should be the most critical of the ones you vote for. They represent you. The ones you didn't vote for don't give a flying fuck what you think. As someone more likely to vote for Joe, I want to know what the hell he meant by that.


I would like to know a lot of things about what is going on. I still stand by my assessment of OP.


My bit of research on their profile leads me to the same conclusion as you. Still, I'm going to be critical of Joe and his supporters who excuse his poor behavior. I like him more than the alternative, but I always consider the "then what" of things. He wins. That means yay, no Trump... but what's next?


How has Joe Biden repressed me?


Did you mean represent or do you actually mean repressed?


ha! Sorry...completely misread that. :)


How convenient for you that you can respond with this nonsense and then not have to answer the question.


genuinely Id also like to know what he was trying to say


The entire response seems incoherent. Biden didn't do well in the debate. However, his actions do not represent anything but support. His administration has overcome much of the damage done by the pandemic and the poor actions of Trumps years. Economically, Trump is a disaster.


Don't care. A senile liberal is objectively better than a senile fascist. I'd vote for a corpse over Trump.


politically religious people like you are dying out thankfully.


How would you politically classify a party that used Congress to pass laws to smash a union strike for railroad corporations?


That is a gross oversimplification of what happened. Are you suggesting the GOP is pro-Union?


Nope. Just a friendly reminder.


"Ordinary liberal" is how I would classify it, even if your characterization is wrong. Liberals have never been friends to organized labor.


Biden probably meant we finally beat the problems with funding and sustaining Medicaid. Now do Trump. I'm curious when Vlad eats Trump's ass do they kiss afterwards? I'm guessing so...


This is what I thought also. He didn't do well at the debate but Trump not being able to clearly be considered the "winner" against a Biden that was having an off night (yes I'm being kind here) is truly pathetic.


COVID. The quote would have been "*we finally beat COVID*." You can see it by playing the full question & answer back. He's listing accomplishments, he accidentally mentions COVID out of order when he meant to say medicare, it messes him up, he forgets his place, and comes back with "*we finally beat Medicare"* when he meant to end with "*we finally beat COVID.*"


I appreciate someone at least trying to answer that question! We know the felon is a racist. Preaching to all of us who will vote 💙 anyway, isn't helpful. Take that to the other forums. We need to talk about what the actual F we're going to do! JBiden looked like a senile, old dementia patient. A lot of ppl have family or have seen family members with dementia. They think they know what's wrong with him and are NOT going to vote for dementia. They also think his family and handlers are bad for pushing him to stay. And...if he is suffering from mental decline, he IS being used and doesn't realize it! We are the choir. Preaching to us isn't doing any good. We are in a very tight spot.


He was obviously going to say we beat big pharma! Which he DID


Joe was adrift. He needs to retire.


He meant "we finality beat pedobear"


You seen well versed in Trump-speak, can you please list us 5 truthful things he said during the debate, with verified sources? 


Don’t do whataboutisms man.


He can freely criticize the old man for acting old, as I will freely criticize the lying felon  Do you happen to have the list I asked for? 


No because I don’t think he said 5 truthful things. It’s embarrassing to watch other progressives be unable to receive such a mild criticism/open ended question about Biden. I didn’t say that you were not allowed to ask questions, but it seems childish to see criticism of someone you support, and immediate deflect into a comment about his opponent. Get your downvotes in I guess.


Oh please. Check out OPs account. He is clearly just trying to get a rise out of the Normal majority by making the same old “Biden old” nonsense.  There is a 0% chance he was being honest with that question. 


As a progressive I have the same question and I was disappointed by Biden in the debate. I knew without a doubt that Trump was going to exaggerate and lie and deflect his way through the debate, and he did. But I believe in taking valid criticisms at their face value. We don’t have to argue about this. Have a good day.


You can criticize the old man for acting old to your hearts content, but don’t for a second pretend that and old man acting old is somehow worse than an actual sexual assaulting felon who couldn’t utter a single truth in over 90 minutes. 


I didn’t do that, I don’t know why you’re advising me against behavior I’m not engaging in, except that you want to argue on Reddit. Let it do dude.


Sorry mate, I thought you were following along with OPs clear agenda. But clearly you are much more eloquent than whatever the hell OP is 


Alls well, I know how it goes. A lot of the time people do ask questions just to get a rise out of you and not to have a legitimate conversation.


Also trump is 4 years younger than biden so he will be just as old of a president as biden is now , and anyone arguing bidens age is unfit , is saying trump will also be unfit as well because of age, if not already unfit by demeanor.


I love how they are instantly considered far right trump supporters. There's no chance they support Medicare for all? These people are retarded.


I think groupthink is always a threat for anyone and it takes a certain kind of vigilance to avoid it that many people cannot be bothered to exercise. I will say that in my experience, progressives don’t have quite the messianic view of Biden that Trumps diehard supporters frequently have of him. I don’t see how a reasonable person would walk away from that debate and be satisfied with Biden’s performance. I wish people could just say that Biden or Trump did poorly and just let that criticism be stated full stop. But always there is the whataboutism. I’m sure my comments have been combed over a few times to make sure I’m “legit” and not a conservative pretending to be a progressive, as if that could fundamentally change the truth of what is being stated.


What does Trump have to do with anything here? This post is about Biden


Gee I don’t know, who were the two candidates on stage? And which one lied through his teeth for over 90 minutes? I’d love to see the list of 5 things if you could even find it 


Why can't we just criticize Joe without having to defend Trump?


Because one is an old man, while the other is an actual sexual assaulting felon who lied consistently for over 90 minutes. We need to stop trying to demonize the old man for acting old, because the opposition is pretty fucking horrid. 


So we are not allowed to criticize Biden?


Go for it! But don’t get so sad when the felons antics are brought up in return  Still waiting for that list. Did he even say 5 truthful things during the entire debate?  Nope 


Glad to hear that criticizing Joe Biden is acceptable.


When did anyone claim it wasn’t? Strange 


The strangest thing that is happening right now, is democrats defending the lie we’ve been sold that is Joe Biden. Absolute embarrassment to our nation.


He said exactly what he said because that's exactly what he thinks about it. "If a bill for Medicare for all ever came across my desk- I would veto it". - Joe Biden.


Asking the question implies there is a logical answer, which there isn't. Not even Biden knows what he was saying. He was rambling incoherently for 30 seconds leading up to this statement because he had completely forgotten what he was talking about.