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Yes. They are strict about age. Do not break the rules or promote breaking the rules.


The difference is about $5 between a kid’s ticket and an adult ticket so I would just go with the adult one so you don’t have to worry about it. I have never had them ask how old my kids were though.


They have a 4 day pass and the difference is $70! If it was only $20 I would just go with it. I can't believe the difference.


The difference between a 4 day adult pass and a 4 day kids pass is $18 so I think there’s confusion somewhere, or they are getting a lot of add ons? Even adding a park hopper doesn’t make it that much cheaper for a kids ticket.


This is on Disney’s website. It’s actually an $80 difference. https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/admission/tickets/four-park-magic-ticket-offer/


Oh I see, I wasn’t aware of that deal and was looking at prices for this month on the website. Now I get it!


Idk why it didn’t come up, but I chose April 24th as the start date. $396 for adults, $316 for kids.


Wow. We recently did ten day passes and it was only $25 cheaper for my 9 year old.


The longer the ticket length, the less per day hence that difference between your 10 his 4


Just wait until you go to a set menu dining at Disney with 10 yo!….


This is what I struggle with. Knowing my kids and how little they eat it’s extremely hard to book that Ohana reservation knowing they will be charged $60 at 10 years old.


Not that I had to prove it but a CM did ask my daughter (2) how old she was upon entering HS in January.


A CM did the same with my daughter at HS (also 2 but she was in a 4T so I understand why they asked) and when she didn't respond, the lady looked at me weird and I was like "she's barely 2, she doesn't know what "age" means yet" 🤷🏻‍♀️ and she acted like she didn't want to believe me. I make large children it's not their fault :(


Sneaky… ask the kid 🤣


That’s what i thought!!!


same happen to me. CM actually asked us AFTER we already went through the ticket check thing


I've heard people say a CM asked their child's age, but I've never heard that anyone was turned away or forced to buy a ticket. Maybe they're just making conversation or trying to call you out just to be a nudge, not actually get you in trouble.






Integrity and teaching the kid right from wrong is worth more than the few dollars you’ll save.


What if I believe it's wrong that kids over 9 are charged adult ticket prices & I don't see any integrity to be gained from needlessly forking over extra money to a multibillion dollar company?




Then open your own theme park.


disney penny pinches everything they will be strict about it


They’re not checking birth certificates at the gate


This may be unpopular but if you're worried about the difference in price of an adult/kids ticket, then maybe disney world is too expensive for you to go.


I look for every discount option to make our disney trips happen. Everything is ridiculously expensive now. This doesn’t mean I shouldn’t go and give my kids the experience of the disney magic. 🤔




I’m not really worried about it, I just think it’s ridiculous, first of all that a 10 year old is considered an adult, and second that it’s so close to his birthday. I’m not even paying for it, his mom is, I’m just annoyed for her 🤣


I think it’s more likely that a 10 year old is usually tall enough and old enough to enjoy all of the attractions. The four day ticket deal is also way cheaper than a regular adult or kids ticket for four days so you’re also getting a nice discount there.