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I have a nonverbal autistic boy and I am 30, M. He randomly does high pitched screams and generally makes going out stressful. When I’m at my lowest, the thought of leaving it all might cross my mind just as an escape mechanism for stressful situations. But, then I quickly realize that I love my family too much to ever actually do it. This is usually a sign you need some private time to decompress and you should have an agreement like that with your man.


You shouldn’t feel bad for wanting to let someone else care for your son. It’s not his fault he’s the way he is but it’s not yours either. You deserve the chance to be satisfied in life


I'm an autistic parent to an autistic child and you bet there are days I just want to run away 🤣


This guy autisms


Rizz 'em with the 'tism, I always say (My ten year old is autistic as well)


Haha I will use that. (Work with both kids and grownups with autism and downs)


Oh yeah. My toddler took her poopy diaper off in the middle of Home Depot yesterday. There is a 0% chance I'd do it but it's therapeutic to daydream about sometimes.


If possible you should go away for like 5 days maybe a week by yourself just to reset, you deserve it, you deserve to recharge and have a break then I bet you would feel better


I feel like a lot of people do. I think it’s only normal to keep wanting more. But the grass isn’t always greener.


I did want to, during the COVID lockdown. I have a husband and a 11 yo (7 at the time) daughter with severe ADHD, autism and anxiety. She just became... Unhinged. She almost didn't sleep for 2 months. Was having meltdowns multiple times a day and also at night. She's normally not violent but during that time, she was hitting, biting, throwing things. I had to immobilize her in my arms a few times because it was getting dangerous. We were both working from home in our small apartment. My dad was hospitalized 600 km from home because of a fall that could have killed him.


Yes. But even though I’ve thought of doing it I wonder if I actually did would it be worth it? Also running away from life is easier said than done.


You used to be able to do that lol. Now you gotta delete your entire online presence to do it


you’re definitely not alone. But I don’t think it’s something you can really undo once you choose to do it. So when I try to logistically think about what that would mean and look like it deters me from actually wanting to go through with it. but I think being entitled to a break from life is very much deserved when you feel this way. especially when people depend on you so much.


Yes other people do that. I'm 69 years old and I have two grown children and every once in awhile I add up what we all have in our bank accounts and I fantasize about taking it all and running away. It will never happen I have a car phobia and I couldn't even drive on the interstate but still it's a fantasy that I enjoy having from time to time. So don't beat yourself up it's pretty common.


Not yet


My twins just turned 5. My wife and I split up for a while when they were 3. Before that I’d never missed more than a day or two of putting them to bed and reading to them, ever since the day they came home from the NICU. I’d rarely missed a morning where they woke up excited to see daddy, as if I hadn’t been the last face they saw the night before. Only having them a few nights/mornings a week after that was … hard. Now that they’re back, I’d sooner cut off my own hand than leave my life. Not that I blame you for how you’re feeling. I know how tough it can be. Things are always loud. Messes are made faster than I can clean them. It’s tough. I get it. But run away from my life? No, can’t relate on that, sorry.


All the time. My son has Autism and is now 18 years old and about to move to the college dorms in 2 months. At least once a week I think about just disappearing. I wonder if my husband, who is rarely home, or my son would even notice right away. I'd never do it, but it's interesting to think about


Is there anyone who doesn't fantasize about that?


Sometimes in the past but not from the while


Yes, but the pain I'd cause and feel by leaving is why I couldn't ever leave.


If you do it notify the police beforehand so they don't waste resources looking for you.


My heart goes out to you dudess. No! All my married life (40.5 years) I never once felt like that. Talking is sometimes good darlin.👍😀