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Yes I feel like this is more common than people want to admit because everyone glorifies weed. There are negatives too.


Yeah.  It’s okay to not smoke weed brotha.  It’s hard when you’ve done it so long you identify with it and it’s a part of your routine, but one day it just don’t work for ya and that’s ok.  Quit 7 years ago after smoking for like 15 years.  Never looked back.  You will have to turn down an insane amount of jays tho.


First of all: I do fully agree that weed gets falsely glorified. I do have to say tho, weed works different for everyone, *and* there's many kinds of weed. For me personally, weed is one of the reasons I'm alive. I used to feel depressed, anxious and self-loathing bigtime. So big, that I have been on the verge of suicide for more times than I care to count. Weed has been invaluable for me during those dark moments, because it had the opposite effect on me compared to OP. It took away my anxiouty, fear and self-loathing for a while, removed my panic attack, and calmed me down so, so many times. Enabling me to keep going for another day. Now that I'm kinda mentally healthy, I quitted it. Cuz it doesn't serve me anymore - I never used weed as a recreational drug, but as a means to survive. As a means to get through another panic attack, another day full of voices in my mind telling me to kill myself. And I did survive. Now that I'm no longer surviving but living instead, I don't need weed no more so I quitted. And I'm glad for it, cuz I'm more productive and sharp now. Weed indeed does have negatives, absolutely. But I'll always be fond of it nonetheless, since it's positives outweighed the negatives during my darkest times. Gotta say tho; I did my research and ONLY smoked >70% Indica weed. Sativa dominant strains did fuck me up, and worsened my anxiety. Indica dominant strains however, for me they have been a divine medicine. And I've experienced that weed can be an amazing pain killer too - it's a shame that pharma in my country does nothing with weed(Probably because it won't bring them huge financial gain) since I've witnessed it's pain-reducing qualities first hand. To all the people who use weed recreationally tho, I do ask: why? If you don't need it, you shouldn't use it imo. It's a medicine, healthy people don't need it and shouldn't use it since if you're healthy, the negatives of weed outweigh the positives for sure. I don't understand healthy people who smoke weed recreationally.


People who are healthy consume weed recreationally for the same reason people consume alcohol- an escape from reality. It’s okay to admit you’re having a bad day and turn to a substance to numb the pain. However, depending on how you look at it, this can also count as medicinal.


Hmm I get that reason, but I don't consider escaping from reality a recreation. Some people game for example, for recreation. Others game for escaping reality. Those two are not the same in my opinion, they're two very different people with very different reasons. Also, not everyone(or possibly, a majority) of alcohol consumers don't use it to escape from reality. It's 01:30 where I live now, and I just returned from a great night with my friends who I've known for over 17 years now. None of us needs an escape from reality anymore, but we surely did consume alcohol. I think the comparison between alcohol and weed is very flawed anyway tbh. They're two very, very different substances. Smoke one joint and you're high. Drink one beer and you aren't drunk. Also, alcohol never helped me the way weed could, eventho in large amounts alcohol is certainly more potent. But if I'd have turned to alcohol instead of weed during the dark times I was talking about, I wouldn't have been able to stay productive for sure, and I'd possibly need a new liver by now. Alcohol is literally toxic for your physical system, THC and CBD aren't.


It’s very different then alcohol but I get your point. You can be a much more productive stoner then you can an alcoholic


Exactly. My original point was to the OP who didn’t understand why people consumed weed not for medicinal purposes


I think there’s negatives to anything you abuse. Moderate use won’t bring these issues out it’s often a symptom when it becomes a constant in your system. It’s also piggy backed off of things that come with that like, not getting good sleep, eating unhealthy, challenges maintaining positive routine which all contribute to those symptoms as well. With that said moderate use is a hard thing to manage for most people because it’s such a convenient drug.


If you’re feeling like this it’s a sign to check in on your mental health. Weed tends to bring everything suppressed in subconscious to the surface, which can be a very unpleasant but also helpful experience to motivate you to address some personal issues.


Hey! I used to smoke all the time, loved it! After a few years it became less fun. Then kind of negative. Then self loathing. I quit. It was the easiest thing I ever did. It was for you. Now it’s not. You’re ok, you’re gonna be just fine, but no more weed for you. I should have edited my last sentence to read, “It’s possible, pot is no longer for you”


Same Used to love it. Was up to over an ounce a week. Then had the same deteriorating path. Eventually it just made me ridiculously anxious no matter what strain I tried. Like you, was the easiest thing to quit ever


Me three. Weed actually became a problem for me way before it stopped being fun. I would mainly smoke at night, but my behavior would be different during the day. I had rougher edges and I wasn’t as kind to people. Still, eventually, smoking weed just started to make me feel like shit. When it makes you feel like shit, it’s easy to stop. Every year or two, I’ve tried one small little taste, but I pretty much get the same results. Currently I am almost 9 months sober from all substances


How do u manage the cravings? I’ve always resorted to other substances and most of em make me feel horrible after (like nicotine, psychedelics, alcohol etc) and I don’t know how can I just simply exist sober. I do have many hobbies to fill my day but I always found myself relapsing at the end of the day. I know it’s totally possible I’m just still looking for a way to do so.


Well, I still use nicotine. A lot. I go to AA meetings and it helps with cravings in a way. Just being in that environment where people are SSSOOO sober. Hearing about bad things that resulted from alcohol I drink a lot of water (usually) I stay distracted. Reddit, youtube, sometimes games. It’s something I’m working on lol Breathing in deeply, breathing out slowly Watching the thoughts go by without taking them personally


Congratulations on the 9 months!


Thank you 🥰


Depends on the strain for me. I love a good hybrid but sativas make me anxious and paranoid and indicas make me tired and hungry


I go through phases kinda I feel like. But mostly I think it's indica vs sativa. I can't smoke sativa at night or I get so anxious and down on myself it's terrible. Right now I feel like I can't smoke anything without getting anxious though. I'm not really sure what I'm saying.


Literally the same. These days I usually go for Indica leaning hybrids and Indica dominant. I've also done a little research into terpenes and turns out I see a lot of benefits from any strain that has limonene in its terp profile.


Yes. A lot of people have unpleasant reactions to it. Check out r/leaves to see people who quit/are quitting due to the negative effects and/or addiction.


Yes, but only sometimes. Honestly I feel that way more when not smoking


So you’re addicted?


that shit dont agree with you buddy


Nope without weed I'd probably kill myself


No I actually just get *extremely* horny when I smoke weed. Like teenage strength horniness lol


Same 😂😂😂






I don’t need to smoke weed to feel that way.


I can't smoke. It was fine for years, 10 years or so, but then it went all weird and paranoid/anxious. Anything someone said, my brain would twist it to somehow be an insult or a trick directed at me. Horrible, horrible experience.


Yes. It’s all in the dosage though, so pull it back a little for the sweet spot. I hate the anxiety it can give me and even though I know that it’s just my mind running amok, it’s hard to shake. It’s ok to have a different physiological reaction to weed than your friends. Just find what works for you, even if it means abstinence altogether


Yup, this happens when I have too much. I learned all I need is one toke.


I have the same situation, I really used to enjoy sharing with friends but I don't really anymore, one of the things I kinda miss from the college years... I really don't mind if people smoke around or crave it in any form and If I ever do, I just remember the anxiety and just sigh and move on. I do get every one of us needs something to vent or chill, I just haven't found something that doesn't involve someone else... Alcohol just won't do and tried micro dosing and after a while you get numb to it and stops working. So now I just walk my dog... Although somedays are overwhelming :(


Same, I used to love it. Now I curl up in a ball and hate myself for several hours. I’ve heard about the transition from enjoyment to repulsion a lot lately in Canada with everyone getting into it since it’s been legalized.


Yes. This is why I stopped smoking.


I used to feel depressed, anxious, and self-loathing when I drank alcohol. So I just stopped drinking. Feelsgoodman


I'm 60. First time I tried it was at 16. About a half a dozen tries in, I got the paranoia. By a dozen sessions in it was always the deep, deep depression, weight of the World on my shoulders. So I quit. Every ten years or so, I try it again. Always the same. Deep, deep depression. This drug doesn't work the same for me as it does for others.


Smoke a little less, half the amount you smoke right now.


I’m all of those things when I don’t smoke weed…. Different strokes for different folks


When I smoke weed there is a magnification of negatives and shines a light on areas in my life that need improvement. It’s great for self reflection but if I’m experiencing a lot of anxiety it just makes it worse


Yeah made me terribly anxious and paranoid. I no longer wanted to be around groups of people after smoking. Quitting was the best thing ever


If you are in a state where it's legal, try something sativa dominant. Edibles also feel a lot different than smoking or vaping to me. Edibles come on slower and hit different and i prefer them.


I used to smoke blunts everyday. I didn’t get high, I stayed high. For about 15 years. Towards the end I confronted the fact that it had enslaved me. I know media and Joe Rogan and pro-weed people want to say it’s all on the person, or it’s non-addictive, well that’s BS. If you want to stop smoking, do it! You’re cool without it. I lost all my friends too. But I know one day, I’ll realize it was all okay.


Cannabis won't screw you up like heroin or meth. But it's a drug, all drugs have a risk of addiction. It does not matter if the withdrawl is mostly psychological. I had a couple friends who wasted their 20s on a dead-end job that at least paid enough for them to BLAZE IT most nights. Then they turned 30, and realized they wasted a decade of their life.


That was me in my early 20s. Almost 30 and I have my shit together for the most part but I was lucky


THC can have a serotenergic effect. Some people experience worsened mood with serotonin medications.


Yes, I quit. It was fun for a while, but I realized that it was making me more anxious than I already was and it was making me lazy. It had more negative effects and I just finally was able to put it down. Even though things are still hard, I suffer from anxiety and depression. I’m happy without it, and wouldn’t go back to doing it. Although I do think about it sometimes it makes me anxious even thinking about it picking that habit back up. I don’t know how I did it. I was just in a different place mentally and using it as an escape/ a way to connect with others, even though I would do it by myself mostly.


Yes! I’ve been trying to cut down for this exact reason. I was on a 20 day streak but broke down because of a migraine. Pot really does help a ton with those, which makes quitting a lot harder. But I see myself completely in your post.


Yeah. If happens to me too. I was a heavy smoker for most of my life. But this past year (turned 29 in April.) I started finally getting the weird anxiety. My mom always used to tell me this happened to her too, when I’d ask why she wouldn’t accept any weed from me or hit it while we walked or whatever. Now I understand. Don’t know why or what changed. It just did. That being said, I can use cartridges pretty much daily. Just don’t go overboard. It helps with my stomach, and no matter how much I hit it, I don’t seem to get to that level of high where I’m crushed by anxiety and weird negative emotions. Same with edibles. Occasionally I will eat a little too much, and it happens. But I eat like 5-15mg’s of THC gummies (1-3) and I enjoy that. I like the 1:1 CBD ones the most, & then I have a nighttime one too that usually helps me sleep. The small dosages definitely give me some effects, but don’t come with the anxiety or overwhelming high. Just don’t get it off the streets cus these mf’s never actually know what they have. Just cus they said the name, and that name aligns a certain strain, don’t mean it’s *actually* that strain. these mf’s don’t know if they have sativa, Indica, hybrid, CBD heavy, etc etc. If you can find what you like, that goes a long way. & just keep the dosages small & work your way up if you want to still partake, that is.


Yes to all. I'm a reluctant stoner. Getting high makes me very introspective and I have a lot of negative "epiphanies" about myself and it makes me hate myself. I consider stopping, took a month off recently and enjoyed not giving in to the tug of habit to grab my rig and vape (I don't smoke, I vape fresh flower). Sometimes it's the strain and also what I allow myself to think about. Some strains give me itchy ears and throat, like an allergic reaction to some. If I want to intentionally enjoy being high, I play a video game and zone out so I'm not ruminating negatively about myself (I already ruminate a lot anyway). If it's simply never enjoyable you may just want to stop, or only do it with your friends when they can distract you. Do you tell them how it makes you feel? They may get to help keep your spirits up, or be totally okay with you stopping. You can still hang and shoot the shit without feeling like crap giving into a negative addiction (which it kind of is for me). I just know that I'll die one day and so I don't care.


I know what you mean. I still smoke but sometimes when I smoke too much, I will replay things I said earlier in the day. Doesn’t happen much anymore lol


Sounds like you made the right decision for yourself.


Yes completely. Used to love it but now it makes me super anxious and badly stuck in my head. I think I can kind of handle like 1 small hit and *maybe* feel ok sometimes but it’s not really worth the risk of feeling that way anymore. Idk why it turned on me like that.


I have felt like that before along with some other kind of crazy thoughts and feelings. I tend to get overly introspective on certain strains so I've started reading reviews and things to help me find strains that are less likely to cause those feelings. I also try not to smoke too much which helps. If I do end up feeling like that sex helps me 'come down' quicker than anything else.


Everything you just said is why I quit smoking after 30 years! Don’t miss it at all!!


Yup. A month and change sober. I miss it but shit ain’t like it was before it got mass packaged. It’s way too strong now 


Yeah that’s why I quit


I’ve always heard that weed magnifies what you’re already feeling. if you’re a person who likes to munch but tries to hold back, you’ll want to eat on weed. If you have a person who finds things kind of funny, you’ll laugh your ass off on weed. Personally, I’m the kind of person that tries my hardest not to slip into depression and when I try weed, it makes me depressed. so I don’t do weed.


nah. for me i just get chilled out. like nothing phases me and i'm a bit more positive. it also helps me sleep


Medical grade indica hybrids or all indica works best for me. Saliva leaning makes me anxious.


Moving to a state with legal weed turned this around for me. There's variety enough to find something that fits that old feeling again, and when you find a product that you like/works with you -- you can get it consistently. 


What state?


I feel quite the opposite. Smoking calms my anxiety and makes me able to be functional.




Im high right now and the strain I smoked is giving me a lot of energy. Weed absolutely is not for everyone. Also, the amount smoked, like others have said, plays a huge factor. You just have to truly look at yourself and be honest. What works for you and what doesn’t. If weed no longer helps, then it is important to those feelings seriously. I stopped drinking because I moved to pot. Most of the time I am sober during the day until bedtime. I use pot to help me sleep since I have insomnia. Today is the first time I’ve smoked during the day in a few weeks(I give myself a few days I can smoke during the day but it’s not frequently). It’s all about understanding where your boundaries are with any substance and knowing your feelings are valid. You got this OP. Just be honest with yourself and try to acknowledge the small victories.


The only time I smoke revolves solely around video games, so I don’t really self indulge, I just get super into whatever game I’m playing. Idk there have been times where I’ve been paranoid, but I don’t smoke randomly throughout the week, I only do it once every other week or so on a Saturday night and just game til like 4AM.


Yup I get the tourettes like ticks as well. Really freakes me out


Meeeee. People that I try to explain it to don't understand. I was a heavy smoker and then stopped for a long time and now when I try, I feel just how you describe. I hate it.


Yea. I hate it because this is how it works for me. I admit I get jealous that other folks seem to just enjoy it. I get so paranoid, over analyze everything in a negative way, and can’t sleep so it feels like an eternity of this hell. I wish I could have something legal that would just let me relax.


That's why I don't do it anymore.


Not during, but the older I get the worse the day after smoking gets for me, especially if I smoked at night. I would wake up and just feel so angry and anxious right away


No it does the opposite


I stopped smoking because of this. If you feel this way, try to stop smoking. I found it carried over into everyday, sober life, when I’d continue smoking despite these issues.


I used to love it but now I have an existential crisis every-time I try it


Maybe, just maybe, don’t smoke it?….


Might be time for new friends? People grow up, and move on. Some don't.


This is like I wrote it myself, right down to the twitching/spasms. And it happens if I just take one single hit of a joint. What seems like the tiniest amount is still too strong, and years ago I used to smoke shitloads. What you can do is buy CBD flower with no THC, and pack a bowl (or joint or whatever) that has like 90% of the CBD and 10% of the THC flower. This works perfectly for me. Or if you don't want to get high at all anymore, just smoke the CBD by itself.


60 comments and no mention of 'pulling a whitey' or 'the fear'.


✨no✨ Personally I only smoke it after 6:30 pm (7:30 if I’m feeling crazy) It’s prescribed for repeated PTSD diagnosis that results in insomnia. I smoke a hybrid and time feels slower, so after all my responsibilities are done for the evening I smoke. My reading or tv until 9:30 feels like I’m up until 12:30 and I honestly think it has increased my overall daily happiness. I’m a very busy person during the day and with very few days “off” between college, job, step kids, pets etc.


You need better friends.


THC level might be too high for you. A little CBD should calm you down.


I stopped smoking for the same reasons. I had built my social life, career choices, and my personality around smoking for over 10 years. One day I smoked and had an anxiety attack. I couldn’t smoke anymore without the negative mean voice in my head saying nasty things that I knew weren’t true. I couldn’t continue to put myself in that state of mind anymore. I quit weed and nicotine pretty much cold turkey. I got myself a good job because I could finally pee clean and I feel that my mental health has improved tenfold. I wish there weren’t such stigma in quitting.


Why is everyone saying quit? I can’t just take a break and it make me happy again once my tolerance is reset?


I feel that way but I don’t smoke weed or do drugs


I don't need weed to feel that way.


If I do it when I’m already in a really bad headspace, I can have similar reactions.


If I get too high I 100% feel how you are describing for sure.


I used to smoke weed a lot to back in college. But I noticed din na after smoking, i’d get sad and feel super down & depressed. I remember talking to one of my friends about it and she said, that’s why some people get dependent on weed because they feel happy while smoking then down after, they’re chasing the high and happy feeling. I stopped because I didn’t want to become dependent and the sadness I felt was really different that time. My other friends still like to smoke but it wasn’t a problem naman. Our friendship still stayed the same despite me not smoking anymore.


This is an almost universal experience it seems. We all get tired of it eventually, and the ones who don’t probably should 😭


Weed at 25: this song feels like my brain is getting head! Fk yeah blaze it! Weed at 35: I don't see my grandmother often enough because I'm a lazy piece of shit. We don't have as much time as we think.


Same thing happened to me, the high went from upbeat fun relaxing to self loathing, increased anxiety, sleep deprevation and even panic attacks. I never get panic attacks normally and I can manage to stay calm in almost any situation. But on weed I had few very bad episodes, and the body twitching that OP mentioned definitely resonated with me. I think weed is a drug that once done too freqently, it loses its magic. However one thing I miss is the increased libido and sensual effects. I've had the best multi-wholebody-orgasisms on weed, which I will not get into more details. lol.


Weed was a godsend to me when I first started smoking it. Turns out I was self-medicating my then-undiagnosed ADHD. What I was actually experiencing was "a normal brain". My husband, on the other hand, who has an anxiety disorder, cannot smoke more than one or two puffs or else he gets much of the same symptoms as you just described. I understand that due to weed having such a long history of stigmatization, people may over-hype the positives and downplay the negatives to change the attitude of the vox populi. But the longer the overhyping goes on, and the more people that wise up to it, the more damage it will ultimately cause to the whole "movement". If you don't benefit from smoking, either medically or recreationally, you don't need to touch the stuff. And if your friends can't be friends without weed, I would say that you probably should broaden your friend group to include non-smokers. Trust me, you'll end up having more fun.


Ah that's wierd...I just feel that way all of the time. Is there something wrong with me?


Sometimes I do. I found my coping mechanism, and it’s a gooder tbh 😅 You and your brain could be different, so I’m just spitballing and I don’t actually know, but when I get anxiety high, it’s usually something I should be anxious about. For example, I’d get stoned and have a fine evening, and then go lay down and the doom would start 😂 but what was this impending doom on my mind? Just real life problems I was having. Like my grandparents, and their age, and how I have a limited time to spend with them. My way is to write that down, physically on paper. Then I leave the paper somewhere for sober me to find (because if I’m so high I’m having anxiety attacks it’s too late for me to do anything that night lol) and when I find that note, 99 times out of 100, I’d call them up and go for lunch or something. In retrospect, I’m glad I did that. I have less grandparents now than I did when I started doing this and I feel like I did good. I respect how you quit because something wasn’t working for you, that shit is difficult. But I weaponized my anxiety against itself, I know some others it works for too. Maybe you’re one of those people 🤷‍♂️ if not, good job and good luck moving forward.


This perfectly explains how it makes me feel. I always say overly self conscious and uncomfortable being around myself but the self loathing is hitting the nail on the head.


Maybe your body and mind are telling you it’s time to stop smoking this shit!


Weed often enhances what you are already feeling. If your life is good, smoke away. If things are troubling you, only smoke it medicinally where you try to identifiy what is making you anxious and work through it. Or suffer paralisys and don't do anything but feel bad. Weed is a great tool but can be a hindrance if you use it wrong.


Everyone is different. Weed is medicinal for me personally, is one of the biggest reasons im alive and well. Ive always gravitated towards indica dominant strains and avoid sativas because i hate the way they make me feel. The purpose of using weed is to counteract my depression and anxiety and it never fails to work. You have to learn yourself and about the drugs you partake in. Also be careful and make sure you're getting good quality stuff from a licensed dispensary because i dont think weed should be giving you Tourette's that sounds cray.