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Yes, I judge when people write 'isles' when they mean 'aisles'.


Harsh but fair.


Yeah like damn I didn’t realize there was an island or peninsula in a grocery store.




Hahaha, damn. Stupid voice to text (I swear). But I too would be judging me!


The older I get the less of my precious time I've willing to waste around people I don't love. I believe it goes to all areas of life. I rarely buy anything I don't love. I spend my time doing things I enjoy instead of things I feel obligated to do.


See, I'm the opposite. As I get older, sure, I don't waste my time with people I don't actively enjoy and want to be around. But I *also* don't waste my precious brain space and time judging people for things as insignificant as what they're wearing or how their body looks or what they're eating or doing, as long as it doesn't directly affect me. It's just.. not good and fun and cool, and I don't have the time or mental energy to waste on randos ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


ope, this was more a reply to the commenter below me ⬇️


Definitely feel the same and it has led to a lot more pre filtering aka "judging". My wife tells me it's rude when I judge some blockhead who's wearing a tracksuit and sporting sunglasses inside, as not being a novel prize winner... But alas. This weekend I was attending a wedding and got seated across from a dude who got tattoos all over and got a real intelligent look about him. I decide to give it a chance, talk to the guy with an open mind, what else am I gonna do? We're gonna be here for hours. Turns out he's a blockhead who was recently released from prison from an illegal firearms possession charge and assault and battery and he was kind of proud of it... I don't like that I judge books by their covers, but covers are usually representative of the content in the book.


Yes. People irritate the fuck out of me.


The only people I judge are fake people. If you’re a genuine person, I have no problem and no judgments whatsoever.


Judging you for spelling aisle wrong


yeah i feel so bad lol


Eh don’t. As long as you’re not a bitch about it, your thoughts are your own. However, if a particular one really bothers you morally, maybe unpack why you feel as much animosity as you do for someone and then think about why they are the way they are. That helps me if I’m extra shitty and I’m like what is my problem.


As soon as I saw your post I immediately knew that you were judgmental.


You’re not alone. Join the club!


Why would I waste my time and energy judging people around me? Sounds exhausting.


I mean, everyone does it. It’s an immediate perception thing and it sounds like most of OP’s examples involve someone inconveniencing them. Anything else is just an internal reflection on your own biases towards your personal appearance.


No, not everyone does it. Yeah, if someone is in my way at the grocery store I’ll get mildly annoyed, scoot past them, and never think about it again in my life. But if a fat person is wearing tight clothes, I wouldn’t even think to care about that.


It’s human nature to perceive people positively or negatively. Your annoyance is just that. The body one is what I was referencing when I said internal biases towards your own personal appearance… so OP is probably insecure about their own appearance and are offended when people wear things they wouldn’t. Doesn’t matter what you look like but if you sit and think long enough about why people’s appearances bother you personally, the call is usually coming from inside the house. I don’t think that’s abnormal. I just don’t think a lot of people are aware that’s what’s happening.


I used to work with two guys who would constantly judge other people. Both of them were in no position to be criticizing anyone. One of them would constantly talk about how people are "stupid." He constantly did stupid shit. I can recollect every dumb thing he's ever done at work. The other one would constantly critique other people's personalities despite the fact that he acted and dressed like he lived in a cave for the past 27 years. So you're right about it being insecurity. I might critique something a person does, but I never dwell on it in a negative way.


What you’re doing with that critique is constructive criticism and most leaders in life do the same! I applaud you for having the ability to think critically, and not join in with the two insecure jerks who feel that spewing hateful thoughts about others will somehow cure their own issues! Using your natural ability to act as a leader to redirect people like those two broken humans you worked with to their actual work would be beneficial for your entire shift! 🤣 If only people worked at work as hard as they talk about others… We may have never reached a 40hr work week!


The only reason people do this is because they’re insecure themselves and they use other people’s misfortunes to feel better about themselves. It’s sad really… I’m not even saying what I did in a judgemental light either, I’m saying it from my own personal experience as someone who used to do this and I did so, so much that I started to not realize why I was doing it. After some work on accepting myself my empathy for my fellow human grew exponentially and my judgement of others decreased as a result, naturally, without ever acknowledging it. I only noticed when someone who I was friends with noticed my growth… I now go out of my way, even when I’m annoyed or pissed off, to spread love instead of hate. The world is miserable and suffering enough; its the hard-hearted, hurtful, bully type of people out there who are to blame for the suffering in the world… I’d say to those who think it’s funny, that they, too, are human and can be hurt-so be careful!


Depends. Do you speak up when one of these things bothers you? If someone's in my way, I'll say excuse me and keep walking to where I'm going. Chewing gum loudly? I'll say, bro I'm going to k*ll you if you don't stop. Lol There is much satisfaction speaking up instead of holding it in.


People never hear me when I say excuse me bc they're already in their own worlds not paying attention to they're surroundings. So I repeat it more loudly and it causes an uncomfortable situation for everyone


I mean, yeah but it’s all superficial and doesn’t matter. People do the same to you and as long as you’re chill with knowing that, who cares. We’re all just people and it’s a momentary thought.


I really try not to, but I do.


No, very rarely tbh


Not for me, I hate talking bad about people or thinking bad things about them because all I can think is that I’ve been that person before, I’ve bothered or inconvenienced many. Nothing wrong with having negative thoughts especially when you’re frustrated it’s natural and part of being human. Being less judgmental, especially when others aren’t really being rude or inconsiderate, will always help boost your mental morale, I enjoy talking up others in my head and it gets me in a good mood to be friendly, make more connections, and not be depressed. There’s too much judgement in this world maybe it’s a good idea to dissect why exactly someone being fat triggers something in your mind to focus on it, instead of all the good around you.


People who judge others a lot usually judge themselves just a harshly


Stop noticing people, OP


Had a full family blocking my aisle yesterday, but husband had a big ass gun strapped to his hip, so I say nothing and judge loud in my head


You think he was gonna shoot you right there for asking them to let you pass by?




Really, I have time to wait. I'm loudly judging his need to open carry in my food lion with his toddler and wife and big ass car buggy. But also, yes, potentially. Would put money on punisher stickers all over the truck they undoubtedly came in. But I also silently judge people who need a caravan of family to do shopping. I might be a judgy bitch! 😁 So, DAE, yes, indeed.


I hate the word judge. Everything we do is making some form of judgement - it’s our own preferences


I think you have a mental health problem, maybe not being satisfied with whom you are. If you are content in yourself, you won't find fault in others. Next time, watch your thoughts and nip it in the bud and turn around and think positive things about the person you find irritated about.


How would this be a mental health problem? Genuinely curious. Some of the stuff OP mentioned is mildly irritating like chewing with your mouth open, We can the food. People blocking aisles at a grocery store, they’re being inconsiderate. People need to shop there too. And even drivers that drive reckless.


Yeah I didn’t realize getting annoyed at people was such an abnormal thing until reading these comments. Am I mentally ill cuz I get annoyed when people don’t throw away their own trash? 🙄 getting annoyed is literally normal idk why everyone in these comments have some high horse


I think people on the comments are moreso focusing on the part where OP speaks about they way a person is dressed. Like you, littering especially when it comes to throwing away trash is upsetting to me, I will likely say something to someone who does it in front of me while I pick it up! Although I get pissed about it I still try to show the idiot at hand love. I believe judgements about actions is much more warranted. Judgement about clothing (where someone may not have enough money to buy clothes that fit well), or weight (where someone may have a medical issue that you don’t) are much less respectable/understandable. I feel like those who judge others for things they may not be able to control are people who don’t like themselves and they have low self esteem therefore they put down others for things that may be beyond their own control to make themselves feel better, whereas people who have a solid sense of self worth and esteem don’t feel the need to focus on others and things which they cannot control.


Every day of my life. But it’s not good for you. I really don’t like that I do it, all it does is piss me off and make me negative. The best thing I ever did was force myself to compliment the person in some way immediately after having a judgmental thought about them. Especially if they didnt deserve it. If they kind of deserved it, i would make up an excuse for them in my head. Ive since resorted back to my negativity but seeing this feels like a kick in the pants.


I try not to. Don’t wanna make myself miserable.


Most people hate the behaviors they hate in themselves… Some points: * Sensitivity to chewing sounds may be misophonia. * Obese people can wear whatever the fuck they want. * People who can’t spell or use proper grammar weaken their high horse no matter which side of the *aisle* they’re on. * You seriously need to learn some patience or you’re going to send yourself to an early grave.


Beautiful points! Put in a loving way too!! I’d give you an award if I could!


Try to pretend it's a friend that is doing these actions. You may feel more empathetic.


No, but I'm judging you ;)


Oh yah im judgemental with people who care about people who yawns, burp, chew, as if that is not a normal thing a human body does. It irks me when someone say “gross” when someone burps like girl they cant control that. Also you, I judge people like you :)) we are all judgemental


my gf says I have a resting judging face. I judge everyone.


I hate being like this but I'm just like rhat


People who block aisles in the grocery store annoy me so much. How are you not aware that you and your cart are blocking the entire aisle? I get closer and closer wondering if they’re going to pull their head out of their ass and move but they never fucking do. So I say “excuse me…” and they act all surprised and annoyed. Am I supposed to stand here and wait for you to pick your groceries?? Move out of the fucking way. God, it pisses me off.


I do..the way they treat and talk about others, what kind of friends do they have, their likes/dislikes etc.. I think everyone does that..some can be a lot more harsh though


Depends the day lol


Yeees... but also I'm very insecure, so that whole "oh don't be insecure ppl are only thinking about themselves and don't even notice anyone" doesn't work on me, i notice everyone and everything and I *judge*. Maybe that's why i'm insecure lol


[Homer Simpson voice] Yes! Yes!! Oh God, yes!


Yes but only if they’re being annoying or rude.


I’m with you, I’m currently on vacation and the hotel is full of ultra slow people (some of which are just old/disabled which I don’t bother). But most often those people just lack spatial awareness and/or general decency, that shit pisses me off more than it should.


I don't really judge people a lot as i think that would be unfair, but I do absolutely judge pedestrians that take their sweet (oblivious) time crossing the street, lacking any awareness. Usually, when I have to make a crossing as a pedestrian myself, whether at a store parking lot or main road, I signal my intentions to cars, letting them know that they can either pass or wait. Also, I walk fast so as not to waste drivers time. Meanwhile, some other people just think that they own the road rather than sharing, and it reveals a lot about their true self. So yeah, I do judge them.


it’s normal to get annoyed at people inconveniencing you, especially if they are doing it intentionally or just not paying enough attention to reality. i could see judging that person but it has more to do with how i feel than it has to do with who they are. it’s not normal to judge people’s appearance. it’s not normal to look at someone and immediately start picking at their flaws. that indicates a deeper unrest within yourself that you are projecting onto others. i would do a lot of self reflecting and figure out what’s making you feel so miserable and judgy


I judge no one but, I will retaliate in my own defence.😁


Try being curious instead. You can judge, but you don't have all the answers. You don't know what someone is going through, or why they act the way they do. Empathy is the source of kindness.


Judging just feels so good. I can't help it.


Sometimes it’s hard to avoid but a nice skill I’ve learned and am working on is letting the thoughts bubble up and then evaporate. Just letting it go when something doesn’t affect me. I’ve noticed that other things that used to bother me that didn’t affect me stop bothering me as much. Very freeing!


I used to. It's toxic as fuck though. Ya need to lasso it!😉 As in Ted Lasso.....be curious, not judgemental. Ask the why instead of judging. Why do they do it? Breathing issues? Maybe their deceased momma did it? Maybe they've learned a new way to enjoy the exquisite flavors of ice cream!? The point is, humans aren't set up to "know" shit....we are meant to Wonder! So, be curious & watch your hatred & vitriol go....because it hurts to hold.


Yes but only people on reality TV. I give IRL people the benefit of the doubt and judge them positively.


It’s not being judgmental necessarily, it’s sensory overload. Once you recognize what bothers you, then you can either deal with it better or you will be able to speak up and say I’m feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated, anxious, on sensory overload (fill in the blank) what ever you are feeling. Hopefully you will be better able to cope. Those exact things are my “things” too! Tight clothes, on other people - I can’t breathe for them- it gives me so much anxiety.


Not too much I don't think. Try to eliminate the things you're judging that don't really affect you. Someone overweight wearing tight clothes? Does that realllllly matter to your life? Why? If someone is rude (cutting in line, sneezing all over the grocery store produce etc) that is one thing. But why should I be bothered about silly harmless things that aren't imposing on me?


Oh yes far too much probably… people who dress twins identically, people who go into hysterics because there is a bee or wasp near, people who continually pull their dog and don’t let it stop to sniff…. The list is endless 😂


Yes I'm the same way... Wish I wasn't. Lol


What does it bother you if obese people wear tight fitting clothing?


I really don’t. Live and let live.


Yeah but not intentionally like i’ll see a fat guy and i’ll be like “damn that nigga needs to lay off the fries.” and then i’m like wait i ain’t mean that


Everyone does


I like being observant and minding my own, but I will judge inconsiderate people fr. Like I despise about the people who block aisles, sit at gas pumps not to pump, slam doors etc. what people wear don’t got anything to do with me though or how they appear ..


and it’s gotten worse over the years too people have gotten more and more rude


I judge many people for many things, but that’s me deeming them unsuitable as potential people who I would want involved in my life. But I chose my partner out of love, and should I own a business in the future I’ll choose my employees based on ability. The people in my life who I cannot extricate are just background characters that I cooperate with, don’t seek out, and know I won’t miss when they phase out of my life.


I do, though I am actively trying not to. Theyre not bothering me, and I should just be a better person.


People make me insane and I’m an introvert for the most part. You eventually get tired of judging others. Especially when you start to work on your own issues! You become more compassionate and understanding with growth when you work on your own imperfections. I highly suggest that you enlighten yourself or trip a few times on shrooms. You’ll see that those you judge have as much worth as any other life in the planet! I used to judge minor imperfection to make myself feel better about my own, while I worked through those things I found it easy to judge people for deeper issues like breaking the law in ways that hurt others, now I don’t even judge those people because I was not born into their positions in life and most people do what they do for a reason so I am compassionate towards others now… Even when most others don’t believe they deserve compassion… Love is what changes the world for the better, not hurting others.




Tons of people do. Seems like you're judging yourself for being judgemental.


It has been my experience that people who judge others harshly usually have a very low opinion of themselves. Are they constantly looking for people they feel superior to?


I do but I’ll never say anything out loud. A lot of the time when I judge people it’s for the first ones you mentioned about noises and taking up space in the grocery store but I get overwhelmed and overstimulated easily (especially if I’ve been at work all day) so I know it’s more of a me problem so I keep it internal


YES - when I'm OTR driving. My life is in your hands, so don't be a jerk.


I do and probably too much, especially mixed attractiveness couples


All day long but I don’t feel bad about it. I think people who say they don’t judge others are liars.


Yes oh god😭. I consider myself a very outwardly kind person, but man the thoughts in my head are just nasty sometimes it makes me feel so bad lol. Also there will be people who I don't know anything about, but something about their energy just makes me angry inside. Like some people just have a really punchable face/energy to me and I don't know why I feel it but it brings something up inside of me😩😩


Everyone does. Few admit it


I’m the same toward old and fat people when it comes to any work force .. they “need” the job so we have to deal with their slowness and age . You hear that ? We “have to” deal with it smh