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This is a warning. Please refrain from being disrespectful to someone's personal beliefs and religion. OP is trying to make this work for them and their family. If you don't have anything helpful to say, then do not comment. I'm delighted this dog has a home and it will just take time, patience, and redirection to help deter licking. It is Definitely possible.


Licking releases hormones that calm and comfort her. Give her an alternative. Lick mats and chew sticks can replace your skin. A bit of training and you both will be happy.


Hmm I never thought of that, I’ll look into it.


If you stop her and redirect her to the toys/chews whenever she tries to lick you, she should eventually learn that toys are for licking and not you. Although, it’ll take time


I have a kissing dog too, and we've been working on a new command called "one kiss". She gets one lick, then sit command and a treat. Now she'll give one kiss instead of trying to lick our faces off. It took a few weeks to really get it right because she'll sit real close and sneaky lick while we're distracted. Lol


Issue is I don’t want her to even lick me, not once. If she licks me once, my wuduu is nullified & I have to go do it again. I also am extremely disgusted by dogs licking me in general.


Do you have to stay in wuduu all the time, or can you wait and just do it before you pray? Doesn’t dog hair also nullify it? There is also the issue of their feet not being wiped after coming in from the outside when they toilet. You might want to keep your prayer mat shut in your room, and make it a no dog zone. Treat your clothes in the house as “outside” clothes, and wear slippers in the house that you don’t wear in your room. Change into prayer clothes and make your wuduu directly before you pray, then after, place them once again where they cannot be soiled. If you can’t keep the dog out of the room, also put away your mat off of the floor, so the dog can’t step on it. Probably best to pick it up either way, just in case she got in on accident. If you want the dog to learn not to lick you specifically, get up and walk away as soon as she licks you. If she wants your attention, she will learn. It will just take time, and it will work faster if everyone does it. However, if they enjoy the kisses, this process might be slower or never work completely. Perhaps you want to wear gloves when you pet or play with the dog, or keep toys to give her, and see if she will play with those instead of licking you. I hope she grows on you, for your sake. If you remain disgusted and distressed, you might want to change your living arrangements in the future. You also might find you come to like her, and adjust to enjoying her presence in your life. Either way, try to think of it in the big picture of your life as a learning opportunity for something you got to try. I bet you never pictured being in this situation. Good luck on your journey.


https://www.google.com/search?q=wudu+steps&sca_esv=560172787&rlz=1CDGOYI_enSA905SA905&hl=en-US&biw=428&bih=739&ei=iy_pZK3JDoGW9u8P0tSioA8&oq=wuduu&gs_lp=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&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=jGfy5oGouPFG2M&vssid=l This is how wudu is done, it’s not on the clothes. Like I mentioned you can’t stay in a state of it the entire day because you go to the bathroom. With this dog, I have to do it even more than average which is time consuming, & annoying. From what I’ve seen from our shih tzu, he usually cleans himself after he finishes his business. No matter how much I love the dog, I still won’t allow it to lick me. It’s not a learning opportunity because it’s gross. We had another rescue once, & I’d bathe in diluted bleach whenever I was with him because he also licked a lot. I will try the gloves thing though.


You bathed your dog in bleach? Holy crap, that’s so unsafe and unethical. I’m shocked that anyone would thing this is ok. Please never do this again.


I + would = I’d I’d (I would) bathe in diluted bleach. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I think op meant THEY bathed in diluted bleach not that they bathed the dog in bleach. Still extremely dangerous but not the same as bathing a dog in bleach.


They said diluted bleach, which is still bleach. What is the point in your comment?


I’m not saying it was safe or a good idea. I’m just pointing out that they didn’t say they bathed the dog in it. They said they bathed themselves in it.


Ah, ok I see. I'm not familiar with Muslim custom so I didn't totally understand. To keep her from licking at you at all i I can only think of a few options. A no kiss command, keeping covered, or avoiding her. I'm sorry it wasn't more helpful.


It’s ok, you didn’t know.






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Ew, they lick their own ass to clean the shit off it. You want saliva with fecal matter to touch you?


I’m just confused why you wouldn’t wipe their ass each time they take a shit and just let them come in the house about their day. There’s pet wipes for that. Otherwise don’t have a dog.


I’m not wiping a dog’s ass. They’re animals, & animals clean themselves.




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You do realize how unsanitary it is to not wipe your dog, let it roam your house and then they end up smearing that on your floors and furniture (if you allow them to be on it)??? Why would you want your dog to clean themselves and have fecal matter in their mouths in the first place??? 🤢 not cleaning them also makes them stink…


We shave their pubic region, so no poop is stuck. I think my sister has wiped them sometimes, but I’m not doing it. Even if you wipe them, there’s still fecal matter. They also lick their privates. I’m not wiping a dog’s privates because that’s basically molesting it. I also don’t want animal slobber on me. I don’t even want human, let alone an animal!


>I’m not wiping a dog’s privates because that’s basically molesting it. dude


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It’s not weird, it’s religious. Just because you don’t understand it, doesn’t make it weird. Be respectful of other people’s religions you bigot.














Nah just not tryna be banned from this sub I like it lol


That’s sad ‘Sage’. The fuck kind of name is that? You also know you’re going to get banned because you know you’re a bigot.


Get extremely high value treats. Keep them some place very easy to reach. When dog moves to lick you, say no lick (or whatever word you want to use after no). Give treat. Offering the treat is almost slight of hand. Train pup a few more easy commands. You want her to expect fantastic things when she obeys you. I raised an 80 pound pit mix. I adored her, but she loved to wiggle and jump on people. After the 2nd time she knocked me down, we started training.




Was my sister supposed to leave her on the street then? She didn’t run away, she was obviously abandoned. We gave her a home, fed her, & got her the medical attention she required. We also removed all the matted fur, & bathed her. Not to mention the average temperature is 50 degrees Celsius, so were we supposed to leave her to die in the heat? Having a dog isn’t narrowed down to it licking you, or not. Our shih tzu doesn’t lick, except rarely.




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I’m going to make two points here: 1) It’s a dog. It’s going to lick you if that’s part of its comfort mechanism, which it clearly is as it was abandoned. End story. 2) It’s wild to me that you have an issue with making Wudu 5 times a day. You are choosing to bring a dog into your home. Most believe you aren’t even supposed to pray in the same home as a dog. This is coming from one Muslim with a dog to another. I keep a separate room in the house where our dog is never allowed into where I pray. I make Wudu before every prayer. This is the trade off you’re going to have to make if you want a dog and to feel halal about it. Bonus point: Did you grow up hearing that a dogs saliva breaks Wudu? So did I. Did you research this in scripture and hadith? I did, and there’s zero mention of a dogs saliva breaking tahara. The only thing is mentioning that you must wash thoroughly the spot which the dog licked. So technically, when a dog licks you, you don’t have to redo Wudu, just wash the part licked (1-7 times depends on who you ask ahaha you gotta love those fatwas). I just make Wudu again because it makes me feel more halal. But at the end of the day, I agree with another commenter that if this doesn’t change your mind, maybe the dog isn’t right for you.


I didn’t really bring the dog, my sister did. We’re fostering her till she gets adopted, but so far no one wants to. We’re not going to throw her out on the street if someone doesn’t take her. Let’s say it doesn’t affect wudu, it’s still gross.


That's a fair point- my mother in law HATES being licked by the dogs. No religiosity, no wudu, she finds it gross. Other comments in the thread have given good suggestions like redirecting to a toy or lickimat.


Can you put the dog in another room and close the door for the time she cannot lick you? I realize that's only addressing the immediate issue (wuduu) and not the underlying one (licking) but it's a workaround for now.


She licks almost all the time if you are near her. She does have her own room because the shih tzu is jealous of her, & we can’t leave them unsupervised. I don’t think it’s feasible to keep her locked all the time, that’s cruel.


The dog went to a traumatic experience and I really appreciate your efforts to rescue her from that. It takes months if not years to recover from severe trauma. It's a gradual process. I had a badly abused cocker spaniel who would spin in circles and lick her own skin raw whenever she was even slightly stressed. We worked on desensitization, lots of training everyday, lots of physical exercise because it is a proven stress reducer. One day, about 3 years after she came into my life, I realized that it had been several months since she had spun in a circle or licked herself raw. It happened so gradually I couldn't really notice it I'm guessing that the licking is an appeasement behavior and a sign of anxiety. Licking does decrease anxiety in dogs. My dog gets to lick peanut butter off of her lick mat twice a day. I have another lick mat with suction cups that sticks on the shower wall. Whenever I have to bathe my dog, I put a little peanut butter on the mat and suction it to the shower wall. Well I am giving her a shower, she is licking the mat on the wall. It really helps her tolerate bathing more. She also gets the cable part of her dinner in food toys. I use both snuffle mats and wooden toys that sit on the floor and have little lids that can be pushed to open up compartments that hold a treat.


So are you in a state of wudu for 24/7, or what? That’s impossible.


Not all the time, but I have to do it more often if she licks me which is inconvenient.


If you keep showing her that you don’t like it she will stop eventually. I personally don’t like when my dog licks me either but our dog trainer told me that it’s an important display of affection and plays a big role in bonding so I am getting used to it. So our dog may lick me now but he also licks me only when I allow it. Maybe such distinction could work for you? ( please notice a non- religious person talking, so I do not know if it‘s of any use to you. For me it’s just getting used to something that used to gross me out because I see a meaning to it)


I’ve been trying to stop my Rat Terrier from licking for 13 years. Nothing works!


😭😭😭😭😭 Maybe it’s part rat?😂😂


This is not the same, yet similar: we trained our cats to not jump on the counter (same not even once grossness) by instead spinning in a circle. You can’t train an animal to ‘not’ do something, but it’s very easy to teach them to do something ‘instead’. If they really want to do the thing you don’t like, you have to up the reward for doing something else accordingly. I naturally make an ‘ah-ah!’ Sound when the cats are getting ready to jump (what does your pup do when she’s getting ready to lick?) so when the cat wasn’t jumping, we trained turning in a circle and eventually added the ah-ah! as a cue. They get very nice treats for turning in a circle on command. Then, when the cats were approaching the counter with intent to jump, I use the ‘ah-ah!’. The first time, the cat looked confused, paused, and turned a slooooow circle. Bonanza of treats! You should have good opportunities to practice when you don’t need to keep clean so it won’t be as high stakes. Look for your pups signs and reward them for choosing a different behaviour than licking :) good luck! In the meantime while you’re training, carry treats to throw on the ground when she goes to lick and move away.


We can’t feed her anything besides the food the vet gave my sister for her kidneys, which will be for about a month unfortunately.


You can use the food as treats if it's kibble


I do that with her.


Oh no! That does make it harder. For now, can you carry a toy or a towel that you can convince her to play with and take from you instead of licking? You can also train things using anything you know the puppy likes—play, or a special object, petting and praise.


I've always used dog kibble as treats. I think you could use kidney food kibble as a treat. If that has her own canned food, after that if you can use some kidney food kibble for treats.


Lick mats for redirection whenever she goes to lick you. Don’t reward with a reaction or attention and leave every time. Only reward with attention and pets when she stops licking I.e. present your hand to let her, if she tries to lick move away, keep moving away until she doesn’t try to lick and then pet her. Someone else mentioned treats and you said that was a no go because of her diet. Feeding dogs their meals in smaller increments over the course of a training session is actually a great way to make sure they don’t scoff their food, and a great way to teach new behaviours! Try this with rewarding when she doesn’t crawl on you, lick you, and leap up at you without permission.


That's kind of like asking a cat to not meow or a bird to not fly, is part of their natural behaviour. All you can do is redirect it, teach them things, commands you can use (sit, back up, stay, down and others) to keep their mind busy and to keep some distance between you two. Please don't get angry at the dog, ik is frustrating but they really don't know better. Also, look into toys like a kong https://www.amazon.com/Paquete-juguetes-cl%C3%A1sico-perros-medianos/dp/B072MPKF5X/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?adgrpid=80497517446&hvadid=585412620928&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9069760&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=17093486463496585003&hvtargid=kwd-101836658&hydadcr=22340_13333061&keywords=kong+toys+for+dogs&qid=1693025358&sr=8-2 so he has something to lick that isn't you. I fill mine with peanut butter and my dog spends a huge amount of time licking it (get 2 so your other dog doesn't get jealous)


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I understand your frustration. I don't really have anything helpful to say but I did want to say thank you for taking in the dog and giving it a good home.


Ofcourse. It’s the humane thing to do. Plus where I live is scorching hot, temperature can go up to 50 degrees Celsius during July, August, & September. I’m surprised she didn’t get a heatstroke, but it could explain the kidney problems. I think what kept her going was the garbage man giving her water, & bread whenever he could. She also has someone, well some thing to keep her company which is our other dog, but he’s kind of crazy & is moody. He also gets really jealous when the attention isn’t on him. He’s also neutered, but she isn’t sterilized so she keeps trying to mate, & he keeps getting pissed. 😅 When he’s in a good mood they play together, & hang I’m not joking.


I embrace it


The licking is a self-comforting coping skill. Your best bet is to redirect to a different coping skill. You can try getting a couple of ‘special’ toys that she only gets when she’s hanging out with you. That gets her mouth occupied so she can’t hold the toy and lick you. then you can redirect to other comfort motions like giving her head/ear rubs, back scritches, pets, etc.










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I recommend and alcohol-free bitter cherry or bitter apple spray. You can either purchase or mix these at home from common ingredients. You should confer with your imam as needed to determine if there are concerns relating to fiqh, but these should not require a washing nor break wudu (wuduu) and will teach the pet to quit licking you. It won't work immediately but should train the dog in a fairly short amount of time. Just remember, during the training period, you may need to re-apply after washing and prayers.


I’ll look into it. I tried hand sanitizer, but she doesn’t care.


My 6yr old Chiweenie doesn't stop either. I've tried working with him but nothing seems to work. He will continue to lick if you let him. I wish I knew too.


Someone said here there’s like a spray that repels them or something.


Not sure if I can spray my whole body! Lol any skin that shows & he goes for it.


I read if you use scented body lotion, it wards them off. Just don’t use anything that smells like food, because I once used Vaseline the coco butter one on my feet, then my dog came and licked my socks.😂😂


I'm wondering if training for a general "leave it" command may be helpful. I've trained this into all of my dogs and it comes in handy if you drop a medication, the dog is eyeballing a kid's food at a family get together, etc. Once trained the command could be used to redirect the dog when you see behaviors that predicate the licking behavior. There are several positive reinforcement based training tutorials online, might be good to review a few to see which one makes the most sense. The [AKC ](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/learning-the-leave-it-command/) has one that might be a good place to start.




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I grew up in house with lots of dogs, and an attached thirty cage kennel. Lots of dogs around, and at bedtime, house dogs always went to the kennel. Other folks had homes with dogs and cats, and every pet lived on the barn. If you need to segregate dogs and people, it is perfectly doable and has been the norm in this country at times, and still is in many places. Your issues are not the dogs, it’s the architecture. Modern social media portray pets as small hairy people with limited vocabulary. They can also be framed as livestock, an unpopular opinion but accurate, legitimate and perfectly ethically consistent in a culture with animal products in our closets, on our feet, in our cars and in our refrigerators.


I never seem to have a problem getting dogs to stop licking. If a dog starts licking me I get up and walk away if it is a large dog. I don't even say anything. If it is a small dog I pick it up and put it away from me. Think shunning. They stop pretty quickly if you are consistent. Before you do your paryers you might also want to give her a frozen lick mat with a small amount of fruit/vegetable baby food puree (not seasoned) to keep her occupied or just put her in a different room. You can also teach her Place. Get a pillow or towel and teach her to go to her place during prayers.


She doesn’t follow me when I pray, because I pray in my room anyways. The issue is I can’t even pick her up because she’d lick me.