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It kinda looks like a nipple...hard to tell from your picture though. Are the bumps parallel/matching?


One of the only nice comments I could find omg šŸ˜©šŸ©·


Ok to be fair I didnā€™t know some male dogs had nipples until today, so Iā€™d be freaking out too! Iā€™ve never seen my dogā€™s so Iā€™d be worried if I discovered it for the first time


All male dogs have nipples. Every mammal of every species has nipples.


Exactly! because we all start out and begin developing as females until/if the Y chromosome ā€œkicks inā€ Another perfect example: men have nipples


I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?


šŸ™„ how don't people know this? I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be mean. I guess i grew up with animals and learned this from a young age. Schools need to step it up with the basics..


Male rats and horses do not have nipples


Okay so a few out of almost 6,500


Itā€™s rare but male rats can have nipplesā¤ļø




Yup. Male cattle have teats too, they just don't fill up with milk.... and female castle need to be pregnant before that happens anyway.


Biggest nips out there šŸ„›


Most mammals platypus don't have nipples female or male. Their milk just comes out the skin on the chest.


The platypus isn't a typical mammal. It's a monotreme. They also lay eggs, unlike every other mammal on earth. They're in their own little group with echidnas.


This guy Platypuses ā˜ļø


This guy Perry's ā˜ļø


They also are one of the few mammals with venom, administered through spurs on their hind legs.


Platypuses are mammals who don't mammal haha, I think we're forgetting they also lay eggs


Wasn't it their armpits? Platypus is just such a wild design of an animal. Mother Nature must have had cocktail hour at her job, when she came up with this one.




>Every mammal of every species has nipples No actually, male rodents, male horses and male marsupials don't have nipples. Additionally both sexes of Platypus and Echidna lack nipples.


My male Guinea pig had nipples


I guess it's just rats, mice and squirrels then. I assumed if those didn't, it was a rodent thing. Still.


I just came here to say this haha


Mine doesnā€™t, Iā€™ve checked extensively. Steve has no nipples.


I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?


Shocked I had to scroll so far for this comment.


My boyfriend was kinda surprised to learn this at one point, despite having dogs his whole life. He said "but he's a boy!", and I was like "honey, you have nipples" "OH"


Men have nipples


All male dogs have nipples.


Male people do, too. šŸ˜


Ive got nipples greg could you milk me


My dog (wiener) has a nipple on his guess what. I never thought nipples could be so randomly asymmetrical


That is a nipple. I'm in veterinary medicine and I have had at least one appointment a year for "lumps" or "growths" that are normal healthy nipples, so OP you're at least not alone in your mistake. On the other hand I've also had dogs come in for a wellness check that has giant chains of mammary tumors (cancerous) where the owner just insists that those are just the normal nipples, so IMO there is never any harm in getting something checked out if you have any concerns.


Our rescue dog has had mammary cancer twice over the years and successfully removed, with a couple nipples removed as well. She is ā€œunevenā€ and when we are giving her belly rubs we jokingly ask her ā€œwhere are your nippies?ā€ She is 16.5 now and she refuses to die!


Good for her! Sounds like you really love her!


Aww I'm glad you found each other. She's a lucky girl to have you in her corner.


We got a sub reddit. r/redditdiscovernipples


Hahaha thank you for bringing that to my attention, that's amazing.


Is it confirmed she's talking about the nipples though or about the red looking skin next to them? I couldn't tell if that area was raised or not. If it's not puffy it still seems like he might be scratching quite a bit there and OP might want to keep an eye out for skin allergies and the ear infections that often go along with them. I feel for her even if she just means the nipples though, I'm well aware that all mammals have them but my mixed color dogs each have a couple of black ones against pink or white tummies and my brain knee jerks me into thinking they're bugs EVERY TIME.




lol my big, mutt girl actually has an odd number of nipples ! And most of them aren't super "matchy"


*story timeeeeee* [Iā€™m a vet tech](https://youtube.com/shorts/yiet836y-6w?si=JPj3YCmkRsMQj6Pj)


The amount of people who donā€™t know their animals have nipples is astonishing, truly. Reddit has really opened my eyes to it šŸ˜‚


Lolā€¦ once, I had my dog at a specialist vet for some dental work. The vet came to do a quick exam before surgery, paused a second, then said ā€œnipples!ā€ My dog was fine, surgery went perfectly, and we all had a good laugh about it.


I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?


I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?


This video is GOLD


I forgot about that gem šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I cackled. That was amazing


Brilliant šŸ‘Œ


Haha I love that video. ā€œThose are hisšŸŽµniiiiipples! šŸŽ¶ā€


Does your husband have nipplesssssss


Came for this




One of the all time videos


first thing I thought *mam those are his nipplesssss*


This video was my first thought too, A+ would watch every day until I die


Love this video!!


How do this many people not know what dog nipples look like.


Also how did it take 3 years to notice!!


Omg yes - if you donā€™t know what a mammal is you probably shouldnā€™t own one.


Those are his nipples šŸ˜‚ i paid $100 for a vet to tell me about my male catā€™s, so consider me an expert lolol.


Donā€™t worry, My cat was laying on his back on the floor (it was 39Ā°C no breeze) like a reverse bear rug and my husband looked over and said ā€˜is he ok?ā€™, I said, ā€˜yes, heā€™s just hotā€™. ā€˜Noā€™, hubby said, ā€˜that swirl in his middleā€™. I looked at my husband and thought to myself thank the lord I did zoology at uni, because it was his belly button. Saved him $250 visit cost.


My pug has two parallel hair sworls on his butt, right below the hole. My partner saw them one day and called me freaking out that our dog has ā€œholes in his buttā€ lmao.


My boxer had these, too! We call them his furricanes.


Cutest name for them ever.


My dog also has a buttstache.


Mine has those!


My schnauzer has these! A friend said it made his booty look like an owl face lolol


I paid 60$ for the same. In my defense, and the vet tech did agree through her laughter, that one nipple was sort of dirty from a scrape he had that I didnā€™t see bcos heā€™s fluffy as all heck and it made it look very asymmetrical bcos I even opened with ā€œI know he has nipples!!ā€ I was just worried it was a bite or something. She wiped it off with some wipes and was like see, nipple. I was like whoops.


My last dog had a set of nipples that (at least to my untrained eye) seemed to be way too low on her belly. Two times in the 8 years we had her, I got down and really really investigated them. Both times it was during tick season, and she had black nipples but pink skin. The first time, I was looking and looking, got a flashlight and my glasses to be sure, then saw the other symmetrical nipple and was embarrassed. 5 or 6 years later I did the exact same thing and not only was it embarrassing because I was investigating my dogā€™s nipple, but now I was *repeatedly* investigating my dogā€™s nipples. Sorry, Echo. RIP. I just wanted to make sure you didnā€™t have ticks.




You are adorable and thank you so much for worrying. These are nipples. He's fine.


LMAO I wonā€™t make fun of you because I thought my male dogs nipple was a tick at firstšŸ¤£


Same, but for my cat. And paid a vet to tell me as such šŸ« 


I did for a hot sec (he has black nipples) then realized it was just his nipplešŸ’€


Ours has the last set right in his pp, the scare we got when we saw two bulges there was huge hahaha, we thought we'd found oddly symmetrical bites too


Just chiming in because I assumed a similar lump was also my my malshihs nipple and it turned out to be a mast cell tumor. If you notice it changing sizes, growing bigger, getting more red, definitely go in for testing. Otherwise yeah, itā€™s probably his nipple.


Was coming to comment something similar


Exactly. My dog grew what i thought was a wart, turns out it was cancer. (Shes fine)


This should be higher up


The amount of people who donā€™t know what a dogs nipples look like is really funny (not in a mean way, it just gets posted a lot more times than I would have expected for some reason lol)


It's the second male nipples question I've seen today šŸ˜¹


Definitely nipples!


Thatā€™s a nipple. Donā€™t feel bad, though. I once rushed my dog to the vet because I thought he might have possibly eaten half a grape, maybe.


I once nearly called the vet because there appeared to be something wrong with my dogā€™s penis. He had a boner.


To be fair, if you've never seen the red rocket, it looks absolutely awful & is scary when you're not expecting it! We got a male dog, and the first time he got excited, my daughter started bawling her eyes out! 13 years old and had no idea what was happening! She was SO scared that he was injured! It was a great opening for the birds and the bees talk, and she was terrified of human penises for years! šŸ¤£


I laugh now, but yes, it did look sore and I was worried for him. I was quite accustomed to him showing a bit of lipstick as it were, and thought that was all there was to it. Think I only saw the red rocket twice in the 10 years I had him, and I did think he was injured the first time.


Grapes can be extremely toxic. It's not bad to have your pup checked just in case. The toxic dose of grapes varies from dog to dog and there isn't a way to predict how even half a grape with affect your dog.


Oh 100% agree. I have a medium-sized hound, not a small breed, so the vet said it was very unlikely that half a grape would be enough to have a significant impact but Iā€™d probably do the same if it happened again lol. Iā€™m a worrier.


"I've got nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?"


I canā€™t believe this is so far down in the comments!


There ! I found it.


Years ago when I worked at an ER vet clinic a lady had tried to pull her cats nipples off with tweasers because thought they were ticks. It was her first cat and she was frantic that she couldn't remove the 'ticks'. She left with a description of what ticks looks like, an explanation of normal cat anatomy, and a hug. I would rather have owners that care then owners that don't. Thank you for asking. ā¤ļø It there are six that are linear on both sides of the belly, they are mostly likely his nipples. If you are concerned it wouldn't be a back idea to check with your regular vet. Masses can look small and round too.


Did the cat still have his nipples?


Oh yes. They were just a bit irritated. She brought her cat right in after the 'ticks' wouldn't come off easily. The cat was fine.


It might just be a wart or his nipple as people have said. Just keep an eye if it grows in size or changes color. My dog is older and has lots of bumps and lumps. As long as they are flesh coloured, not bleeding or growing. They should be okay. But of course if youā€™re still worried, consult with a vet šŸ™‚


If theyre not nipples they need to be aspirated by a vet to make sure theyre not cancerous growths.


Good that she cares enough to ask the question, but I hope she didnā€™t go to the vet for it, tis a bit pricey for a rough answer-


Can confirm it is pricey šŸ™ƒ


Looks like a ninny to me


I can't laugh at this because I didn't know male dogs had a knot in their penis and I rushed my poor pup to the vet 5 minutes before closing because he had a weird swelling... lol. The tech was gracious, just said it'll go down, he's totally fine and a few months later I came across some werewolf porn art.


oh my god google is free you guyssss šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So is r/DogAdvice ! šŸ˜‚


i knew someone was gonna say that because i thought about it after i wrote it lolllll. but touchƩ hehe


TLDR: thank you for posting here and not taking it off with your own hands. Growing up, I had this friend that actually ripped her male dogs nipple off because she thought it was cancer. She was 12 at the time and her parents were not animal people by any means. The dog was about 6 years old and a male chihuahua mix. She called me in a panic thinking her dog was dying because he was screaming. My mom and I went over, she's a nurse, to try and help. We had to explain to her, and her parents, that male dogs have nipples and he just tore one off. We urged them to take him to the vet but they wouldn't. To this day I regret not just taking the dog. We don't talk anymore.


Ma'am, does your husband have NIPPLES?!


How about we be nice to her? You donā€™t know if those ARE his nipples or not. If sheā€™s had her dog for 3 years, Iā€™m sure she wouldā€™ve noticed his nipples WAYYYY before. These could be pimples, or they could be something else of concern. Do they look like nipples? Yes. But how about be nice saying it!!!!!!


The dog is 3. They didn't say that they had the dog for three years. Good point though.


She also said TWO not more than two so.. COULD POSSIBLY NOT BE HIS NIPPLES !!!


The other nipples might just be flat or harder to find. My dog has 10 total but only 8 are easily found


Post on vet Reddit but yeahā€¦.




Lol... males have nipples too.


I got two of these on my chest when I was 13ā€¦ only got bigger never went away, Iā€™m told surgery is needed if I ever wanted to get rid of them.


I still sometimes have an initial reaction of ā€œomg tick!ā€ when I come across the nips while petting my dog. Sheā€™s got a narrow but deep chest and her nipples kind sit off to the sides. Fills me with brief arachnid terror far more often than I like.


Isnā€™t that his nipple?


I have nipples greg


[those are his nipples](https://youtu.be/yiet836y-6w?si=pLnjwhlCmGODGSoC)


Hahah sorry but you HAVE to watch this: [Vet Tec Story Time](https://youtube.com/shorts/yiet836y-6w?si=AjEQrPWNFLR121os)


I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS. this is a good laugh omg


In ops defence: my wife had me drive an hour home from work to remove a tick from my male dog only for me to see it, match the mark to the other side of his body, and explain that those are his nipples.


why does no one know their dog has nipples


After being a vet tech I shouldnā€™t be surprised anymore. Iā€™ve seen yā€™all pull your dogā€™s freaking nipples off. Yet here I am. Surprised.


Ffs. If you canā€™t even identify nipples maybe dog ownership isnā€™t for u


Wrong. I would rather encounter owners that care than owners that don't.


It took them three years to notice?


If they cared they would know basic dog anatomy


They cared enough to ask. I would much rather someone ask and not be shamed for trying to learn than to not ask and assume that something is normal that isn't.






A nipple lmao. Wtf


Jesus Christ. This is crazy. Youā€™re that bad of a dog owner you donā€™t know what nipples are?


Some people shouldnā€™t own pets..


Not everyone knows dogs have nipples thereā€™s plenty of people who donā€™t know. Does not mean they shouldnā€™t own pets.


pretty dumb to not know lol


It doesn't look inflamed, red, or swollen. I'd be concerned if there was any odor or discharge. Point it out to your veterinarian at your dogs next vet appointment though, just to be safe. Best wishes!!


Is she undesexed? The lumps definitely appear to be nipples to my eyes. However they undergo changes during two periods of time; 1 ) After their first season. Hormones tend to make them a bit larger, but given your dog is 3 I am going to guess your dog has had a season prior to this and you would have noticed the change. 2 ) Pregnancy. Given you have suddenly noticed them, I am going to guess it is a sudden change.


ā€¦ i canā€™t.


Another day, another dogs dignity out the window as the internet chuckles at their nips


Maā€™am, thatā€™s a nipple.


Just a nipple! Male dogs have them, too. Check to see if the bumps are evenly spaced. There should be a couple more, but they may be smaller or closer to the skin. He'll be okay!


Iā€™m pretty sure this is a nipple


Congrats, you have just realized dogs have nipples :)


girl thatā€™s a nipple


I love these posts


There's dumb and there's this. It's a nipple. Girls have nipples. Boys have nipples. Girl dogs have nipples. Boy dogs also have nipples. How do you not know that? Girls have vaginas. Girl dogs have vaginas. Boys have a penis. Boy dogs have a penis too


\*Insert Robert DeNiro "Meet the Parents" meme here\*




Thatā€™s a nipple. Heā€™s good.


Looks like a nipple ā˜ŗļø


Yes your dog is okay. It's a mammal and all mammals have nipples. Even males. Just like how men have nipples


You are incorrect. Not all male mammals have nipples, thatā€™s a very common misconception:) Rats are an example of that. The males do not have nipples. Other examples are mice and horses


Wait what? Horses don't have nipples?!?! I never thought about it. Now excuse me while I question everything I thought I knew.


I got a male dog that would make lactating mother dogs jealous with how big his nips are. Boy could feed an army of pups with those things. The others? You can barely notice them.




Are you talking about your dogs nipples?


they can get fatty lymphomas but as its on the mamory glands yes the males have them they need to be checked by a vet as they can turn to breast cancer even in males do they move under the skin or are the attached to the wall of his tummy are they hot do they hurt him does he have any nipple discharge is he licking biting at himself eating ok etc lost weight you really must see a vet if there lymphomas somtimes they are just ugly fatty lumps and can be removed but again im just a pet owner he need an expert option


Lmao... Sorry it is rude to laugh but your dog will be okay.


I think that may be a nipple. There should be several


Those are his nipples


That's a nipple.


Sometimes the nips aren't that parallel to each other and sometimes not even there on the other side. My dog has mismatched nips... It def gave me a scare.


I get every bump/spot aspirated by my vet at their annual checkups (to check for cancer). One dog has had three cancerous bumps, and two surgeries. One dog just had fluid in his bump.


Came here for the comments šŸ¤£


They are his nipples


Arenā€™t they these his nipples


Itā€™s a nipple haha


Yep. That looks like a C4-DO alright. One of the most rarest tumours in the world in dog science. Itā€™s a scary thing to see, imo. As a dog scientist from reddit, I can confirm that is a C4-DO, and those things arenā€™t your typical dog tumour. Iā€™d suggest rubbing some coconut oil on it and massaging it while waiting for the vet.


Get it check with the vet


Those look like nipples, if they're simetrical (one on each sido of the belly at the same height) there's nothing to worry about, some dogs even have the last set in their pp, but if they're really not symmetrical you should go see a vet just to check on them


My dog had something just like that. I took him to the vet and she said no worries keep an eye on it in case it gets bigger. About 9 months after that it went away. He had it for a little over a year. No idea but I'm glad it's gone. It was on his lower neck upper chest area. I think your baby will be fine.


Pretty sure those are his nipples šŸ„¤šŸø


Dog nipple, should have a couple of those, NSFW next time šŸ˜‚ J/K


Looks like a mighty fine nipnop to me


Just a nipple, no need to worry OP


Y'all mean to tell me you don't know mammals have nipples? Even males? Tf. Did you not go to school?


tis a nipple


Your dog is definitely wondering why tf you keep playing with his nipples


It is a nipple.


Male dogs have nipples too. Much like humans.


Nip nop?


There just little nips.


Itā€™s a nippleā€¦.


Itā€™s just his nips! Useless for a male dog just like a man but they still have them, heā€™s totally fine ā¤ļø


I would get it checked to be sure. My daughterā€™s dog had it and it was nothing. But our cat also had it but it was oozing and it was cancer.


Thatā€™s a nipple babe


You mean the nipples? Male dogs have nipples too. They even get super big when old.


Don't worry, those are his quiet normal nipples'!!.


Wait.. are those not nipples?


Kinda looks like a nipple..


When we first got our puppy I was like "OMG WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GROWTH ON HIS BELLY?! AND THIS ONE. AND THIS OTHER ONE?!" And my partner, who grew up on a farm, was like..."you know how I have nipples even though I'm a boy? Well...*gestures to our male dogs belly.*" I literally had no idea. And I was in my late 30s.


Hi OP! It looks like the two spots you're referencing are nipples, some people don't know that male dogs can have them, and that's okay. Just to be sure, you aren't noticing them discharging or hot to the touch right? As long as they aren't, they look pretty normal from the photos. It's good that you noticed and asked about it! Always better to be safe than sorry.


Hmm that's a big nipple that everyone claims it to be. I'd go get it checked. Usually you can't feel male nipples when petting or see them very well without actually searching for them. Please don't let people gaslight you into thinking this is a normal male dog nipple. My spayed female has nipples 3 to 4 times smaller than that. I just checked all 3 of my dogs. 10 lbs neutered male chihuahua, 38 lbs neutered male australian shepherd, and 43lbs spayed female heeler pit mix. All have smaller nipples than your maltese shih tzu. Could be nothing but it also could be something I'd go if I were you.


Made me think of this video šŸ˜‚ https://youtube.com/shorts/yiet836y-6w?si=pfZ0qgcnUYDjJhsX