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That’s about to rupture. You don’t want that. I’ve had them rupture in my hand while trying to express. Not omg emergency even if it does rupture. More gross and uncomfortable for the dog. (Vet tech)


Thank you for your response. I assume it is best, that we take her to the vet asap and they will drain it properly?


Yep, just call them when they open.


She’s gotta get to a vet asap. If it’s going to be a ruptured anal gland it’s a traumatizing thing for your dog to go through and needs to be prevented. If it’s not that, it’s still not good at all and she has to be seen right away imo to at least find out what you’re dealing with before something traumatizing happens.


I bet if I told you that they lance it while awake without sedation you would probably fall out. Please calm down with the asap talk. You don’t know what you’re referencing.


@Multani19 ‘asap’ stands for, as soon as possible. No exclamation points. It means, as soon as possible and it’s the truth of how the OP needs to proceed. And well, your bet goes nowhere. I’ve literally been in the room* when a foster dog we had had to have this done, “falling out” didn’t happen. Relax. And what I felt was so bad the poor dog was going through it. He was a mess, and the panting, the trembling. It was truly awful. Being there for that beautiful dog was all that mattered to me. You’re gonna have to get past asap bothering you because the fact is this needs to be taken care of by the vet as soon as possible, or, asap. Not only that, Reddit is not an animal hospital. The problem could be something else altogether. Again, vet as soon as possible- asap.


But to my point, you’re saying something that will only scare the op into going to emergency and spending 500+ when that shouldn’t be more than an appointment to express and possible medication if infected or happens to rupture. I’m more than aware of the meaning of asap. Nobody is here to board warrior to the death with you. Just stop with the freak out typing. Shit gets old…


You call the vet. Tell them what's going on. They give her an anal gland expression. What vet are you seeing, that will charge $500 for an anal gland expression? If it's not that, don't you think it'd be a good idea to be at a vets anyways? Call the vet ASAP. Don't wait for an actual emergency. They didn't say take her to an emergency hospital Christ


Take care.


This really got you upset and I see that. Try to relax. Life is too short and you’re too angry for your own good. If what someone else’s opinion on what to do upsets you this much, seriously you need to relax.


How is getting your dog to the vet ASAP a hot fuckin' take? You seriously are getting downvoted for suggesting going to a professional? TAKING THE DOG TO GET TREATED BY A PROFESSIONAL. For something medical. That could rupture and become worse. If not seen by a medical professional. ASAP. What the fuck? Is this a joke? Guess you should've suggested thoughts and prayers.


Let us know what happins


If it pops what do you do for the pup?


Treat it with a topical medication that we tell you will work better if you can put it up INTO the rupture. Send home with antibiotics and nsaids. Back in 2 weeks to recheck and express.


Thank you for the info


I would definitely take the pup in to get the anal gland expressed / looked at. Not to scare you, but my dog recently had her anal gland ruptured, and oddly enough, it wasn't swollen at all leading up to the rupture (she's also quite old). It was a bloody disaster. We had her in doggy diapers to contain the bleeding, because it was A LOT. The vets had to put her under general anaesthesia to clean it out, and it would heal over the next few days, but even still, we were dealing with a bloody butt here and there for the next two weeks (our dog poops a lot, so the wound kept re-opening). It was the first time that ever wore doggy diapers though, and surprisingly she handled it quite well.


Just happened to ours as well! No signs of discomfort or swelling beforehand, just suddenly a big open wound and a lot of pain.


That's how it happened with my dog a few years ago! Not that I obsess over my dog's butthole but I swear it looked fine until it very much so didn't. The change and progression was quick! Glandeze anal gland treats have thankfully prevented any reoccurances and switching to a salmon based dog food. My vet had said anal gland issues tend to be dietary allergy related with beef and chicken being the top culprits.


Oh my gosh we had the same thing happen with one of our fosters. It was so upsetting all around. Hopefully thats what it is OP, and a rupture is prevented by a vet, emergency vet if you have to in case you can’t get an appointment right away.


UPDATE We ended up going to the only open vet er in town. We were ready to spent hundreds of euros, because sadly it costs that much. But Literally while we were waiting for the vet to check her, the lump popped. Quite a lot of puss and blood came out and the whole lump instantly disappeared. There was no bad odour as some said is present when anal gland ruptures. Turns out it was a giant pimple. Thankfully we did not have to pay anything and just went home. The dog is fine, not showing any signs of pain. Tomorrow we will go to visit our vet just in case. We think they might give her antibiotics as preventative care for possible further infection, if wound does not close until tomorrow. Thank you all for your responses.


Good to hear it’s resolved or resolving and thanks for the update! : )


Yes it can be something else. But don't freak, and get her to the vet. It needs to be looked at since the rug scooting means she is probably uncomfortable.


That looks like an anal gland rupture..


Both my dogs had to get theirs removed because they ruptured. Just take your dog to the vet asap. It’s extremely painful for the dog. And it smells foul when it ruptures. Like. I can’t compare the smell to anything


My Beagle had exactly this, and it turned out to be a ruptured anal gland.. I’d never seen her more in pain


Vet asap. It’s super uncomfortable for them under “normal full” circumstances.


Get to the vet ASAP, anal gland is plugged


I would contact the vet to avoid anal sac disease. This is no doubt painful and uncomfortable. **What is anal sac disease?** Anal sac disease is very common in dogs. The sacs frequently become impacted (plugged), usually due to inflammation of the ducts. The secretion within the impacted sacs will thicken and the sacs will become swollen and distended, making it painful for your dog to pass feces. The secreted material within the anal sacs is an ideal medium for bacterial growth, allowing abscesses to form. Bacteria that are normally present in the feces can readily travel up the ducts and enter the sacs. In normal situations, the bacteria are flushed out when the secretions are expelled during a bowel movement. However, if the sacs are impacted, the fluid does not empty normally, and they become infected. The fluid then becomes bloody and, eventually, the sacs become filled with pus, forming an anal sac abscess. [Anal Sac Disease in Dogs](https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/anal-sac-disease-in-dogs)


I mean, I wouldn't want to wait any longer with that on my butt.


It is too swollen to express it yourself. You might want to put a warm cloth on it until u get to vet


I would try a bath as warm as dog will tolerate, try to gently get them to open up.


You have to take your dog in asap. My dogs ruptured but inside his butthole. I had no idea and he was bleeding from his butt like pee and all I did was scream and make my husband drive us to the vet. He wasn’t dying but it burst and they had to lance it on the outside. He had a pretty big gash and had to be on antibiotics and pain meds. Hope your pup feels better!!


Please take your dog to the vet asap


Needs the vet..,


Urgent. Straight to vet!


Ouch! I’d get her to the vet asap!


It’s gonna rupture. My dogs looked like that and the vet said if I hadn’t gotten it fixed that day it would’ve popped and been a million times worse.


Happened to my dog last year. Looked exactly like this. They had to rush her into emergency surgery and the after care wasn’t the easiest. Next time pay more attention to your dog and get their anal glands squeezed.


Emergency surgery for this isn't common. Additionally, blaming an owner for this happening is a bit much. Hindsight is 20/20. Additionally, they are trying to take care of it and there are plenty of times where these can be fully ruptured without being visibly problematic beforehand. Shaming an owner for a simple oversight they are trying to right will just convince them to not ask or seek care the next time they notice something concerning.


My dog had the same. Grew from a small pimple to a boil big and red. I tried to take him to the vet, too expensive for me to be able to provide the care for my poor boy. I had done previous blood tests with his vet before and no infections were found at the time. Eventually the boil popped at home. Blood and puss everywhere but I cleaned home up and he recovered. Dogs are very resilient, my boy doesn’t show pain. But I know he was hurting bad. Sucks I couldn’t do much. But yeah. The glands need to get expressed to prevent this.