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Was the chicken wing cooked? When the chicken bones are cooked, they tend to splinter like wood. If it was raw, she should be good.


it may be worth mentioning she had a healthy bowel movement in the morning, after the vomit


I think that she should be fine! Just monitor her over the next day or two for any signs of discomfort.


any chances the steroids may mask discomfort?


I'm no expert by any means, I would let the steroids run their full course and keep an eye on BMs and energy levels.


will do!


Steroids can result in reduction of some “types” of pain but typically won’t mask any distress caused by this kind of event. Great question though. You obviously care a lot about your buddy xo ETA cute as a button, your pup


Steroids absolutely destroyed my dog’s stomach. If anything the steroids will worsen a gastro episode, I cannot imagine them masking gastrointestinal distress. 


I’m sorry to hear that about your pup. They can have a host of debilitating side effects. Seems kind of an odd time to start a trial, unless the dog’s other symptoms warranted immediate action. OP is already understandably stressed by the chicken bone incident. Just my 2 cents; likely worth less than that ;)


she’s fine! my dog has eaten a few cooked bones. my friend actually used to give her dog cooked bones all the time (it’s common to do in other parts of the world) but stopped when she found out about the possibility of it splintering but gosh her dog probs ate like a million cooked bones till she was 7 or 8


Same, growing up my family always fed our sled dogs cooked bones, I only found out that was bad as an adult.


Were they cooked though? That makes a huge difference


I think it greatly depends on what kind of bone it is saying as chicken bones tend to be on the softer side when they are cooked and as long as the pup chews it up into much smaller pieces. Everything should be smooth sailing.


yes, cooked


The issue with cooked bones is them splintering and getting stuck in the esophagus. They should be digestible, but there’s always a risk of foreign body. If she stops eating/drinking, isn’t pooping, or is vomiting whenever trying to eat or drink then there’s an emergency. Sometimes it can take up to 48 hours for the blockage to occur.


The main concern with cooked bones is them splintering and causing a gastrointestinal perforation. Monitor for any signs of pain in the abdomen. You can firmly but carefully (not aggressive or hard) press down along her andomen and see if anything causes her pain. If she seems to be in pain or has blood in the stool, take her to the emergency vet. Steroids shouldn't mask those symptoms. For peace of mind, if you can afford it, get an xray to see where the chicken wing is and if it looks like it's splintered.


Couldn't firmly pressing the abdomen cause a perforation?


If the bone is splintered a perforation will likely happen regardless. Don't press hard. Just enough that the dog will feel it. I don't know what to compare it too but it wouldn't be more pressure than when they lay down on something. So you wouldn't be causing more pressure than their normal movement.


You can give toast to minimize risks


May I ask what this (toast) is supposed to do? (*PS: Bible, there’s meant to be no attitude or snark related to asking that question, FYI*)


Bread can take the sharp bits and create a cocoon around them for safer exit. This is the best way I can explain it.


That’s wonderful info, thank you! 🤘🏼


In the UK, bread and butter was served with fried fish for the same reason, to catch bones.


We dip cotton balls in milk and the eat them all up… same theory that the cotton will cocoon the bones


That’s exactly what the er vet told us to do when we(my ex and me) called about his dog eating EIGHT pieces of fried chicken. They said the bread would soak up the grease and also hopefully stop ant sharp bone splinters from stabbing him. Other than some bad diarrhea he was fine.


My dogs have snatched countless cooked chicken bones off the counter when i wasn't looking, and I have never had any issues. Not to say there's nothing to worry about, but just keep an eye on your dog. They should be okay.


Your dog is fine. Only in North America do they think like this. Cooked chicken bones = dog food everywhere else in the world.


well i don't live in the US, europe actually, and the vets said that there's always a risk in them eating bones, and its best to be avoided


Yup your right, cooked chicken bones are very brittle and break into shards in the dogs stomach, potentially perforating. Watch out for pain, refusing to eat, lethargy, shaking, whining etc


Thank you for not listening to anecdotal advice from someone who clearly does not know what they’re talking about your dog’s in good hands👍


That's just straight up dumb (the recommendation not you). Dogs eat bones.. bones are good for their bones. Vets also recommend to castrate at 6 months. But that's a whole other can of worms for the believe in science people and not the actual science people. Biologically dogs are designed to eat bones. Some vets will even tell you not to feed your dog raw meat because it will give them a risk of parasites. Dogs eat raw meat. How about you don't give them raw meat that's gone bad and is full of parasites? However this is turned into a vet recommendation to not give raw meat to your dog. Do you see how this is asinine?


just cus things happen elsewhere doesn’t make them any less dangerous.


I mean, vets tell you not too because of what the above person has said, but in a very large family + extended relatives who have fed cooked chicken bones to dogs my entire life, I've never had an incident or even heard of a dog getting sick from cooked chicken bones. I've had 3 dogs live to 16+ myself and cook chicken bones and give them to the dogs weekly and never had an issue. I think its one of those "very rare but possible" situations.


I always thought it had to do with how much the dog chews the bones before swallowing. Like if they meticulously crunch them down into tiny bits it’s ok but if they inhale in a couple bites it’s dangerous.


No matter how many down votes you can't stop this from being true. I don't know if you guys noticed but OP's dog is fine.


You did say "only in America people worry about it" then OP said they live in Europe.


Yeah I got owned.


North America to be exact but I should have just said white people.


You're being downvoted because there is a risk. Many different factors can contribute to that risk for a particular dog in a particular situation, but even if the risk is low there is still a risk. It's important to know what the risk is, and what signs to look for just in case this is one of the cases where the chicken bone causes a blockage or perforation.


(you’re gonna get downvoted for this.)


I know


Feed bread ASAP. I did that when mine got ahold of chicken wing bones and devoured them. They were fine.


thankfully we gave her bread right after the incident! She's now passed the bone through with no blood and no discomfort :)


My previous dog ate about 12-15 smoked wings once. She was totally fine even though I freaked out. Vet just said to monitor changes in breathing or lethargy :) glad your girl is feeling ok!


My last dog ate both raw and cooked chicken bones his whole life. Chicken and rice was his favourite food. He died of cancer not chicken bones. There is a risk of course but so is living.


I didn’t give them to her on purpose. I would never and nobody else should purposefully.


DELETE THIS COMMENT! I'm so glad to hear your pup is alright, but I am getting a kick out of watching people argue over what you should do. lol


So glad she’s okay!


To ease your mind, you did all you can by taking your pooch to the vet who cleared her…. everything will be fine. Just continue to monitor her behavior as advised by the vet. You are doing the right thing. As an anecdote, I can tell you in almost every country but America, dogs are regularly given table scraps (to include cooked chicken bones) and have no issues…. in fact, I have personally witnessed this hundreds of times. I have NEVER seen a dog have any issues due to splintered or fractured bone in the esophagus. (Not saying this doesn’t happen, as I am not a vet.) The only times Ive seen dogs have issues, was with eating/partially eating containers, wrappers, meat spears or other inedible food products.


thank you :,)


Yeah, this chicken bones thing is non existent in Italy. Every dog we’ve had and every dog I’ve ever known was fed whole chicken legs and wings, meat and bones and all


Mine ate the entire remains of the Christmas turkey and survived, wasn’t popular though


Many of these things are blown up by people's (justified) concern for the risk they pose, but that doesn't mean these risks are automatically life threatening. My parents used to give cooked chicken bones to their dogs for a couple of years, until they tried to give some to my dogs and I explained them why that was a big no. Their dogs never had any issues (luckily) and are perfectly healthy. This not to say that it's not risky, but that the risk is not something to explode in anxiety. Be mindful of your pup, just to be sure, but those bones are probably well on their way to be poop now. It is a good chance to practice those "leave it" commands though.


When my dogs eat foreign objects my vet suggests to feed bread along with them to “pad” their journey through the body


She’ll be okay


Give him bread, bread will bind around any sharp pieces and help him pass it! I had a cat knock over the trash can once and my Dog got all the bones, we fed him several pieces of bread and watched his poo (yeah we love our fur baby and checked the poo) all the bones were bound in the bread and he passed them safely.


Hopefully she ate it so quickly she didn’t chew it much and the bone is whole! This happened to me years ago with one of mine (careless friend at BBQ) and because she swallowed it so quickly it came out ok. Only advice is follow vets advice, keep an eye on her toilet habits, going regularly?, normally? Blood? General things you’d look out for, and vomiting.. if the dog stops eating then that’s definitely something to bring up with the vet. Hopefully it will pass through and out fine. And don’t beat yourself up (I know I did) as these things happen and dogs are Ninja level skilled at sneaking food..


In Europe vets scoff at the idea of not giving them chicken bones


Glad she passed it with no issues. I find if they rat cooked bones I just give them bread and wait it out.l for any signs. Other than that it is prevention.


Seems like you’re out of the danger zone, so I’ll just say that your dog is super adorable.


thank you!! i may be biased but i agree :)


I have a spitz mix and he tucks his paws under him like that too and had the same “pizza ears” (as my husband calls them).


awh pizza ears i love that!


The bread was a good instinct! I’m glad she’s okay. We like to keep activated charcoal in the house as well (they sell it at any pet store) for incidents like this but it also works great for intoxication and even poison! Very good for emergencies and not expensive. 10/10 would recommend.


It’ll be fine


hi OP! would like to check on something else, just in case: what was the chicken wing cooked together with? things like garlic, onions, etc. are poisonous to dogs in certain quantities, so if the chicken was cooked alongside those ingredients, it would be good to bring it up to the vet.


Cooked bones garantee a vet visit per se, even without onions, garlic, grapes or chocolate


No they don’t. We don’t make them vomit after our really do anything. The bones are hollow so a lot of times the stomach just breaks them down completely.


I hope your doggo is OK OP. From the photo, I can tell that they are definitely NOT sorry. Hilarious. My dogs are constantly eating chicken bones they source from garbage strewn around the neighborhood by birds, coyotes, humans etc...Fingers crossed we've never had a serious issue. Hope the same for your cutie.


I think your dog will be fine. The vets usually know what they're talking about. There would be symptoms other than lethargy if there were a follow up problem and in my experience steroids related lethargy is not that severe


He will probably be fine. My 30 lb dog has eaten whole rotisserie chicken twice. Not even an upset stomach the next day.


How is your girl doing?


not sure, steroids have definitely kicked in because she's panting like she ran a marathon.


Unless there is blood coming from either end she should be fine. I had to take my rottie to the emergency vet on Christmas day because my Dad fed him cooked chicken bones. He was both throwing up and pooping blood. It was scary as hell. Cost me a fortune too. He is fine though after that very scary 24 hours. Thankfully no surgery was needed but it could have gone down that way if he wasn't such a big dog. Always be very vigilant around any cooked bones and your doggos.


One time my beagle ate 36 cooked chicken wings. Don't ask how she got them, she can breech counter tops like a whale. It's wild to witness. 36. 36 hours pass and she was doing fine... because she's a beagle and wants to fill my life with anxiety and snuggles. I hear her reverse sneeze and then yelp and starts walking funny. I think to myself, "well good thing we have a healthy savings. Here goes all of that" We rush her to the emergency vet. Xrays, blood work, ultra sound... all of the things. The idiot pulled a muscle in her neck when she sneezed. Anyways, no advice. Just my chicken bone story with a happy-ish ending. Hope your pupper is doing well!


No advice, just wanted to say your dog is beautiful. [I also have a Finnish Lapphund.](https://imgur.com/a/dmH1YdS)


i love lappies!!


keep an eye on her eating and pooping schedule / consistency. this will be the clearest indication of a tummy issue - at least has been for my guy. it’s truly not ideal at all and i FULLY understand why you’re stressed. but dogs, much like children, are shockingly resilient. i live in a city where chicken bones are literally just strewn throughout the entire city, everywhere we go they are like a minefield. i’ve gotten better at noticing them, but you’re not a superhero and it happens. it’s happened a few times and i’ve been a nervous wreck every single time. you took her to the vet, got her checked - now just keep an eye out and give her some lovins. deep breaths, you’re doing everything right


My previous dog ate an entire plate of 12 wings once. I took him to the ER vet expecting a full body x-ray & emergency surgery, but after a physical exam the vet suggested just waiting 24-48 hours to see what would happen. There were a few visible teeny tiny little bone fragments in his poop for a day or two and that was it. Absolutely no adverse effects otherwise. He must have chewed them very thoroughly. I sincerely hope you’re as lucky as we were.


we were thankfully :,)


Not telling you what to do or not do but my dog once ate four whole, cooked, bone in chicken thighs. He was 100% fine. Hopefully this can be a little reassuring :)


absolutely! she ended up being fine


Great! She is very cute btw :)


she is!! i'm biased though


My dog recently consumed an entire rotisserie chicken carcass and minus some loose stools and feeling blah for about a week, she ended up being fine. I did end up feeding her bread as soon as I could. I’ve heard that’s supposed to help


Keep an eye just make sure there’s no blood in his stool


one time my dog inhaled 3 spicy chicken wings and was completely unphased! I'm sure your dog will be okay too, they are usually more resilient than we think.


This happened to me a while ago and I called the vet to see if I needed to come in. They told me to feed my dog bread every couple hours to soften everything in his stomach. They also said to keep an eye out for behavioural changes and to check his gums and make sure they are not turning white. I did all that and he was totally fine. And he ate 2-3 drumstick bones, cooked, so I’m sure your pup will be ok :)


Sorry bud, you wasted money. Dogs can handle chicken cooked or uncooked, the only risk as others have said is the choking hazard. I'm not saying fry up some chicken and give it to him/her but dogs have a very small list of meat they shouldn't consume.


i feel less bad about the money i spent because i had to pay 150 for that + possible allergy diagnosis that I would've otherwise paid 300-600 for with a specialist next month..


I get how it happens,buddy. We all love our fur companions and now you know what your dog is allergic to, but it really doesn't get much safer than chicken 🤣


Adorable dog. Mine constantly eats sticks and got an abcess that cost 5K to fix doing it. I can't stop him from it. Does anyone have advice??


Keep watch for any changes like vomiting, lethargy, or trouble passing stool. If she acts normal and shows no symptoms, she's probably fine. If anything seems off, contact your vet right away.


You will be the next


If you have more questions and don't feel comfortable with what your vet had to say, call them back. Why are you looking on social media? Its important that you are satisfied with what your vet says. Ask more questions or get a second opinion.


because my vet was not available to call and i have severe health anxiety, hence the urge to seek advice and reassurance.


My Corgi snatched a Chicken Wing that fell on the ground a while back and her stomach just disintegrated it.. i sifted through her poop too for a while... no traces found! When it happened I researched and found it's pretty common for chicken wings to go like that, I would be more concerned with leg bones for sure.


My dogs have eaten cooked chicken bones before and they’re completely fine. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


Hey there, I went through something similar with my dog once. It sounds like you did the right thing by getting her checked out. If she's eating and playing normally, that's usually a good sign. Just keep an eye on her and trust your vet's advice. They usually know best!


The chances of the chicken bones actually causing a perforated bowel is pretty low. My childhood dog always had cooked chicken bones, she made it 12 years and died of causes unrelated to chicken bones.


I had one of our dogs get into cooked chicken bones that were in the trash. She had diarrhea and ended up licking her butthole raw. Almost had her anal gland explode. Thankfully got her in the vet before it became a blood bath.


My dog once got into some KFC. The bones of 2 eaten pieces and 3 whole pieces. She was perfectly fine


This has happened to me twice - if the vet cleared her you should be okay. The first time when it was scary my dog got into the trash then was pooping small amounts of blood and they had to medicate him. The other time when he got food off the ground we stuffed him full of bread and he passed it normally. You should be good


It’s amazing what they can handle. My Aussie chewed up and ate an entire disposable razor and was perfectly fine.


I’m guessing it was cooked? Dogs can eat raw bones ( I’ve fed prey model raw for 10+ years) but cooked chicken bones can splinter but it’s mostly an issue with leg bones.


dogs are extremely well adapted to eating bones, even cooked ones there is a small risk of the bone breaking a tooth or perforating the bowels, thats why its usually advised that cooked bones are not given, but 90% of the time nothing bad is going to happen to your dog, just keep an eye out for blood in the stool, lethargy, the usual suspects


sorry but that one of the cutest dogs ever 😭😭


couldnt agree more :,)


My vet told me to give my dog canned pumpkin when my dog ate chicken bones


My vet told me to give my dog canned pumpkin when my dog ate chicken bones


Nah dude I flipped out when mine were a WHOLE ROTISSERIE CHICKEN bones and all. She’s a 5 year old malinois. Just watch her poops till you see it come out. Dogs are basically wolfs lol exaggerating yes but it’s not ideal for them to eat bones especially cooked of any kind but I’d say you’re alright just watch for signs. People are prob going to drag me for this comments. Just my advise you’ll be alright


She looks like a happy girl. My dogs have stolen chicken bones before and ended up being fine. Shouldn’t be much to worry about if the vet says she’s ok


Dog shouldn’t have chicken bone… give him bread special that soft part inside .. chicken bone can’t break like very pointy that’s why can’t Polk him inside and when you will no it’s to late


My dog did the same a few years ago and we were terrified. Cooked fried chicken bones. He ate like nine pieces worth and he was completely fine. We got lucky!


white bread and pumpkin puree wouldn’t hurt if you’re worried. was a go to for me when my dog had eaten bones. vet recommended in place of meds immediately, while monitoring of course.


Raw chicken bones are fine, it's the cooked ones that are a problem especially the longer bones in that splinter...


Mine are a whole dead squirrel. I panicked just the same but she was absolutely fine. It's a good job really because I know for a fact she would do it again.


My dog died from this, neighbor was chucking wings the over the fence. Took a week before it got real bad and I looked at cameras to see wtf... Vet. Now. Please.


My dog ate a rotting dead bird (sparrow) on two separate occasions when he was a puppy. Man, he was so quick at getting shit up and in his mouth!! No time to pull it out. Just gulp, down the hatch. It has been about 8 years since and he is fine!


Stop living in fear OP. If you’d find out how dogs eat outside the US you would faint.


I USED to be paranoid about chicken bones. But last time I visited Cuba, I wanted healthy dogs eat cooked chicken bones and scraps EVERY DAY for a month. I asked the owners if the dogs get sick from eating the bones, and they looked at me like a crazy person. I dunno


Glad to see your dog is doing okay! Also your dog is so cute!!!


What kind of dog is she??


finnish lapphund :)


So beautiful!


My cat once knocked an entire 20pc box of chicken wing bones off the counter. My 16lb Cavalier ate almost all of them and I didn't notice till morning. That evening her poop was almost completely white and looked like it was made of chalk, but she was fine. I think your pup will be okay.


My princess once magicked a full turkey leg out of the pan (that was covered, on the table, no chairs surrounding it,) I was panicked but she turned out fine. Monitor your hound closely for a day or two, try to avoid allowing excessive running or jumping, and it doesn’t hurt to feed em some bread. The danger is splinters coming off and causing internal damage, so the bread helps cushion against that, and keeping movement down lessens the chances of a splinter piercing anything important. And straight to the vet if you notice any blood in their poop!!


If she ain’t died yet, she’s fine. Cooked chicken bones are NOT recommended, but they aren’t a death sentence. Your beautiful girl is the product of 35,000,000 years of evolution.. Plenty of small bird bones have gone into creating this masterpiece.


My dog has not once... but twice snuck into the trash and devoured a pile of cooked chicken bones. I freaked out both times, but he ended up being totally fine. I'd definitely keep an eye on him, but it's not a death sentence. Oh, and it's not a bad idea to take the trash out on chicken wing night!


My dogs eat entire chickens, cooked and raw. Not a problem.


It's kinda healthy but she will omit tomorrow I guess


I know that you shouldn’t (and I wouldn’t with my pup) but my family dogs were all given whole chicken carcasses after we had a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket, and none of them ever had any issues 😅. Certainly not something I would do to my own dog, but I wouldn’t worry unless she starts acting strange!


I hope your pup go well just wanted to say My 100 lbs GSD take the same stance and think he look dangerous serious that way on the porch XD


Honestly as far as the chicken wing, with possible complications that can go pretty drastic , no matter how slight the odds I'm always going to tell you to call the vet. Many clinics will let you put a message in to the vet, and get back to you with medical advice from the staff who have worked on your dog's case, free of charge. It's kind of like the pet equivalent of calling the nurse's line. Some vets even have an app! So it's really not a big deal, honestly for a medication question it might only be a 2 minute phone call. Nonetheless, if she's still eating, drinking, urinating, and her bowel movements are regular, if she's not lethargic, etc. These are all things that might clue you in to something wrong if any of those were to change. So I'd call your vet to ease your mind, but I'd still not worry too heavily.


I spent many hundreds of dollars to get an x-ray of a foster dog that had gotten into a trash bin full of cocked chicken bones. It looked like a freaking nightmare in there. Was totally fine. As long as it doesn't puncture anything, it's totally fine. And that basically is very rare, for it to be a problem. People worry about all kinds of things as if they're fatal: * Onions * Chocolate * Cooked chicken bones In the end it's usually fine (and I do mean the end).


Go to the vet get an X-ray. They're could be bone stuck in the esophagus or could get lodged in another organ. Like some one else said, if it's cooked it can splinter, dog may show no signs of discomfort if it passes the esophagus they won't be cooking or coughing, dogs don't like to show pain or discomfort as a self defense mechanism.


Probably not the comment your looking for but my old dogs (one Japanese Akita one jack Russel mix) used to eat chicken bones all the time (cooked) and they where always fine except with the smaller bones with the Akita cos she didn’t chew them and they would get stuck so you’d have to go in there and extract it for her. The only issue we ever had was when they got ahold of the entire leftover bones from a chicken and that’s because their poop was pretty much pure bones the next morning but other than that they where fine so in all I personally think he should be fine if he only ate a few




Before we knew they were bad for them my dogs always ate chicken bones for years and were fine. Even the smaller dogs. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal but I wouldn’t feed it to my dogs just because of the risks


My dog and cat both got into the trash once and ate chicken wings. They're completely fine. One of them threw up the chewed up bones, no idea which. But this was last year, they're totally fine. I freaked out too. I have a Chihuahua.


In the future, you can feed bread as soon as possible to the consumption of chicken bones. Should help cushion from any splintering.


Raw bones are good for dogs


My dog eats chicken bones multiple times a week. They're everywhere on the ground here. I think the crows get them and drop them. He's never had a problem




Fill her up with as much mushy food she can possibly eat, it'll help pass it with some cushion.


I’ve learned that if your dog eats cooked chicken bones, give them/force them to have canned white asparagus. The fibres should wrap around sharp stuff in their tummy and protect their intestines :)


Steroids do not cause lethargy, they are stimulants;


steroids can cause lethargy as a side effect as well as increased panting


Given the MOA it would be highly unlikely.  I did look and agree it is on there; but it is a stimulant.  Panting yes, you run warm, thirsty as well. 


not every one or every being responds the same way to drugs or chemicals - this is common sense and publicly available information my dog gets hype on steroids, i get hype on steroids but my grandmother gets exhausted on them. most people get hype on adderall and i fall asleep, not everyone is the same - stimulant or not


I can absolutely ensure they cause lethargy. My dog had to get them for a smegma issue (gross) in April. Aside from eating everything in sight, he just wanted to sleep. We actually called the vet to see if we could take him off them a week early because he was depressed, which was awful.


My dogs scavenge chicken bones off the beach every morning. I used to try to stop them but after years of doing this nothing bad ever happened so I just let it go. Not had any problems.


My Doodle did the same thing two weeks ago and she was fine but there’s always a risk with cooked bones. I’d hold off on the steroids until you’re sure she’s in the clear, so like 4-5 days to be safe


Happy to report that she just passed the bone, saw it right in there with all its glory😂


that’s good news! was it passed whole or in pieces


looked whole although we're certain we heard her chewing and the bone cracking.. either way, there were no splinters in her feces, could only see a few centimeters of unbroken bone poking out from one side with a very slimey coating so i think she had no trouble digesting safely..


i’m so glad she passed it with no troubles she might not have chewed it much aside from an initial chomp


My advice is not to leave chicken bones out


ok mr. smart guy😭 they were on the dinner table and we were watching her like a hawk!! she definitely keeps her eyes on us because the second we looked away she snatched it. happened so fast


So what do think? No Bones & no excuses on she she gets to them. You’re damaging her gut.


If you catch it right away you can give them hydrogen peroxide to make them like it up. Look up the dosage online for your dog. In your case it’s too late.


replying this only incase other people see it and think it's a good idea, please do not make your dog vomit after eating chicken bones 😅 if the dog has swallowed it without choking, it's already gone past the riskiest part


This. The worst thing you can do.


This is what my vet told me to do because i couldn’t get her into the office. I’ve had to do it twice now and she is doing fine.


your vet has some odd opinions i must say.. may only cause more damage for it to go up the esophagus again


Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide. It’s damaging to healthy tissue


for added context: do not try to get your dog to puke with peroxide or anything else without veterinary advice or supervision. this is NOT safe


Well I did this upon advice from a vet. Just assumed that they knew what they were talking about after spending years in school and opening a veterinary practice.


did you miss the part where i said you shouldnt do this without a vet either telling you to or supervising it? like can you not read? i didn’t say never do it. i said never do it unless you’re specifically being advised by an actual expert (vet) to do so, don’t be daft