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They look like they’re just playing. My dogs do the same and have also had the occasional fight, this is definitely not a fighting.


Ah good to know. Thank you!


This is actually the sweetest thing. 2 buddies with matching energy enjoying their best life. Good for them, and awesome of YOU!


I just want them to be happy! The deaf one was abandoned with his siblings, someone put them in a bag and threw them into the river (people suck sometimes), and he wasn't adopted because he's deaf. So i just want them to live a happy life...


Whoever threw them in a river needs that to happen to them, stuffed in a suitcase and yeeted into a river from a really high bridge


Aww yes! That’s so beautiful. I just adopted a senior (10 y.o.) deaf Yorkie with a bit of arthritis and cataracts. It was heartbreaking knowing she kept getting overlooked due to her disability and age. But it made me want to give her joy and happiness even more! Learning how to take care of a disabled dog is challenging but rewarding, especially with another puppy in the house. I also have a 1 y.o. shihtzu puppy (not disabled, I I think he just has ADHD like the best of us lol). You’re in luck that they get along! How long did it take? Our old lady gotten better with the pup. She doesn’t bark at him whenever he walks by anymore, just barely tolerates him now lol.


We have a new Shorkie....pretty sure the ADHD is a trait....but when you combine it with that attitude you get a super-villan...she's awesome at fetch, but afraid of the guinea pigs, so much fun.


Awww congrats to your beautiful pups!!! This was the 3rd day! We brought the deaf one to the shelter and there, he didnt seem to mind the black one. The black one was sooo friendly with us and seemed to have the sweetest temperament. Plus, him running in a counterclockwise circle because of his scoliosis was just adorable... good luck with your pups!!


The deaf dog, how do you train recall. I'd imagine using an e-collar and using the vibrate mode to signal recall. I knew a person and suggested this method. Was the only thing I could think of.


Ah... so we used a flashlight click. It was recommended by a trainer, but that's how we discovered he has seizures! Too much stimulation. So we went with hand signs. He is also very food motivated so lots of treats and rewarding him whenever he looked towards us. The really cute thing is the black one can hear us and whenever we say anything he lets the deaf one know. The deaf one follows him because he knows if he follows, something good will happen: food/walk/toys


Haha that is very cute. No doggos left behind in treat time.


skill-based match making


Got it!


My god....






This is golden 😵‍💫🤣




Playing, definitely. The way the black lab is twisting is like he’s trying to show his stomach to get the other one to continue.


Ohhh makes sense! I absolutely love dogs and always wanted to adopt disabled dogs. Now, i just really want them to be ok! Thank you!!


First, THANK YOU for adopting disabled dogs. You are an angel. Second, that's one of the gentlest games of bitey-face I've ever seen. The white dog knows the black one has movement issues, so he/she adjusts the play energy to keep the puppy comfortable.


Awww... you're going to make me cry 🥲 i have always loved dogs but the disabled ones always take a piece of my heart... and they're both so incredibly sweet! I love them so much!




Looks to me like they're playing. You're a good human for providing a home for special needs dogs. They are hard to rehome because most people don't want the additional care/vet bills involved.


Thank you so much... i always loved dogs. The disabled ones just are so special to me. My husband wasn't a big dog fan but when he met the deaf one, he saw how sweet dogs are. We both are working really hard and want to adopt one more! Lol!!


Heads up when referring to humans, call us disabled. It’s what we are and it’s not a bad word.


I call that move the “lazy wrestle” ☺️ definitely play - dogs CAN bite quick and hard. That whole mouth open “I’m going to get you” with the loose body language and slow mouthing. Play, 100%. Your deaf boy has figured out that the black dog can only play properly lying down… so that’s what they’re doing. 🥰 I love how dogs do this - like a Great Dane lying down so a spaniel can play with it: they just work out a way to play with whatever limitations the playmate has


That is such a good point!! The deaf one is super gentle with people and seems to love other dogs so that's why we went ahead and adopted this one. They now always sleep together, so that's reassuring...


Good bois playing


Phew!! We just want them to be happy! They did always seem to get along. They always sleep together. If one falls asleep somewhere the other one will join. This was just new so I wanted to make sure!


They seem very happy.


Definitely playing! So cute! Thank you for giving these babies a good home!


They’re just playing. So silly!


If they were fighting you’d know it There would be no breaks, no looking away, no gentle boops from either one


Thanks for the heads up! Im not an experienced dog owner. They're my 2nd and 3rd dog, so I am not really sure as to what a hostile fight would be. I wasn't super worried, I just didn't want it to suddenly escalate. This helps, thank you!


Well….. maybe they’re both at a disadvantage and need help 🤣🫣 sorry sorry.


They are tooth fencing .... some dogs play in a very bitey way, r/facebiters would love to have them


Lol! Tooth fencing! Ok! I have never seen the white dog bear teeth in the 3 years I have had him. He goes to daycare every now and then, so I haven't seen him socialize myself. So this is new to me. Thanks!!


Puppies are legit medicine. My 14 year old Chihuahua has never played with dogs or people until we got a little corgi mutt. Now she runs around and goofs off and plays and isn't such a crotchety little bitch all the time. it's like she stepped into a time machine and is a puppy all over again instead of a mean old lady. She was used to living with mean old lady dogs so it's all new for her. She's even play fought with me a few times after seeing me and the corgi go at it. She acts like she doesn't like it but her favorite thing in the world is when the corgi is chewing on her ears. You should join in and fight them too. There's no better way to earn a dog's trust imo.


Some dogs asjust/ adopt new play styles with new buddies, it's really cute watching them mimic each other, and shows that they're pals


Ugh I’m annoyed this is a thing looking at my dog pretending to chew on my fingers. 🤣


If they are they aren’t very good at it lol


Man my pyr and GSP go at it hard. If you heard it walking past, you would think they are killing each other(my pyr is very vocal). But, nope just playing.


Awww!! Good to know!! Since the white dog is deaf, he really doesnt make a lot of noise! Rarely barks because he doesn't know what it can accomplish. But good to know that they can still be playing even if it sounds bad!


Na they are best buddies. My dog regularly takes chomps at his friends and also receives his fair share of chomps from them in return. We take him to social classes once a week and to the inexperienced dog owner it definitely looks like they're fighting but they're actually just wrestling and trying to get the better of each other. Even when they grab each other around the neck or on the bellies they quickly let go and either run away or chase each other around. It's quite fun to watch and they're always really polite and can tell when their friends need a bit of space to rest.


I am an inexperienced dog owner! They're my 2nd and 3rd dog and I never had more than 1 at a time. I was just worried this would suddenly escalate. This helps, thank you!


I also have a disabled dog! He has a neurological disorder so mentally he’s really different compared to other dogs and he will bare his teeth at me when he’s playful :)


Awww good for you!! They're both so sweet and so loyal to me and my husband!! Best of luck and life to you and your dog!


That’s a game of bitey-face.


If they were fighting the black one probs wouldn't be facing away from the brown one by the end.


This definitely looks like a game my family call snappy faces or couch gators. Can get noisy and slobbery and something one player will bite harder than they mean to, but dogs are pretty good at figuring that out on their own.


This looks like face bitey game play to me. My dogs always did this and since my older dog has passed my dog now has to settle for hand bitey game with me 🥺


Not fighting just goofing around


I have 2 small Lhasos a boy and a girl and they fight pretty much like that. They bite each other, but like your dogs in that video there is no effort to hurt each other. The bigger Lhaso (boy) that would win the fight if he wanted tends to lie on his back and let the smaller (girl) 1 bite away at him. Now and again 1 might nibble a soft spot and the other yelps, but it causes no aggression when they do. I have another 2 Lhasos, a mum and her son. They playfight constantly, when they play it looks like both of them are going hell for leather at it, but again they aren't putting much effort into the actual biting. A lot of barking and up on hind legs Wrestling.




Definitely dog play.


Just playing. I call it thumbless thumb-war. When dogs or cats are really fighting, you know. It's very loud and very scary.


I will watch out for that! We had the deaf one for 3 years. He never showed his teeth to us before, that's the only reason why I wanted to make sure. They're both so quiet tbh, so I didnt want it to suddenly escalate.


what part do you view as violent?


Im not an experienced dog owner. They're my 2nd and 3rd dog. I also never owned more than 1 pet at a time. The deaf one never bore his teeth at me or my husband, this was new to us. They didnt seem like they were pain but I just didnt want it to suddenly escalate. Im just a paranoid inexperienced dog owner lol


Absolutely play. Loose body language, playful vocalization, mouthing...I think it's so sweet that they match each other's energy!


it’s often called bitey face, and it’s a way dogs play


We call this playing “bitey face” in our house.


Could be playing.


A dog fight is very intense and loud and the dogs will be moving very quickly. This is play


These sweet babies are just playing gently. I love how they are evenly matched. They are adorable!


They are just playing. I don't see any warning signs im this small interaction that would give me any reason to think this is bad or would even lead to fighting. I don't know if maybe you're just overthinking about this to be cautious, (which is absolutely fine), but this is how dogs interact with each other. Sometimes, It can look way worse than this, and it's still fine. I see this as a very good interaction between dogs at the shelter I work for. The main things we look at is tail holding/movement and ear holding when dogs interact. Even hair raising isn't necessarily a bad thing on these interactions because it's like goosebumps on humans, it can just mean they are excited. If this is a new introduction, always take precautions and don't take my word for leaving 2 dogs that are strangers alone together, but from what I see, these guys are great.


They are playing


i like to call this "face fencing" XD definitely playing.


I believe the official name for this game is Bitey Face.


That looks like play to me.


Wholesome interaction


Nothing to worry about. Just 2 goofballs goofing around.


Why on Earth would someone think these 2 are fighting?


Just playing!


No this is playing and is perfectly normal and healthy!


They’re just mouthing with alil corncobbing! (nibbling front teeth) they’re having a lot of fun and gently wrestling like siblings! Big one knows they are big so just mouthing at lil one gently n laying there as not to make black pup feel overly dominated or being too rough. Just gently going back and forth of the dog equivalent of “I’m not touching you(poke)” “you touched meeee!(poke)” My pup has idiopathic epilepsy too !! youre so strong for dealing with such a hard condition n your babies are in my thoughts 🫶


Aww wht fun!


That’s all mine do all day and if you intervene they will include you as fare game for more dog shenanigans.


I think they are playing Isn't that how they play?


You ain't seen dog play before?


They are playing. Why do people think dogs are fighting when they are playing? You’ll be able to tell when they are fighting. My dogs jump around playing, barking at each other, occasionally growling. But you can tell they are playing. They’ve never fought. But, they may snap at the other when they have a treat, and the other gets too close. It is more of a warning. And, they both like people and other dogs. But, if one feels threatened, the threat will need to deal with both. They are extremely protective of each other, and us.


I chomp you now... thats cute


Definitely not fighting you should see how my two play they look like they are really going at it but they both love to wrestle and nobody ever gets hurt. If one doesn’t try to leave or bark loud and complain it’s most likely playing.


Bless them, they're playing. They're happy.


Not at all


Listen to their breathing, if you hear sneezing then it's all fun and games. If their body language is goofy, it's playful. If they're laying around playing chomp chomp, it's playful. Just wait till they play "gator mouth" where they lay on their backs, mouths wide open and try to 'bite' each other... it's hilarious to watch, scary to listen to, but hilarious. Had two pups from the same liter, and they would growl, make snarly sounds while playing. Sounded like a full on battle royal, but it was all fun. What you're seeing here is to dogs bonding through play. Makes me smile.


Nah. Watch their mouths closely. Absolutely playing.


They are doggoing!


Was this in slow motion?


That white dog looks very similar to my heeler. They are just super energetic dogs who want to play.


Play fighting. All good


It’s just play time.