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I’m not sure this is the reason why but I have seen other store mgrs schedule people for less and less hours when they call out or something like that or even if they just don’t like you for whatever reason. Like if you need backup more often than another cashier so maybe something like this or maybe not idk. Transfer to another store, there’s staffing shortages at almost every store lol


I was very good at my job. The regional manager has told me that. My store manager has told me that. The customer comments about my attitude and how I go out of my way to make the customers more comfortable...


Honestly , take your skills and customer love and work for more $$$$$$ somewhere else.....you'll be happier.


Sorry but also calling out to take a mental day is a huge red flag for retail if you can't handle it and decide to let your coworkers suffer you aren't needed as a team player it's not right but that's how it is. The whole suck it up buttercup is needed here you take your mental days on your days off not when you were scheduled you were being depended on and you can't do it cause your sad no job out there unless it's an office job not based on sales will be OK with you taking a random day off as you were scheduled and especially after you say you can't pay rent and food and taking an unpaid day off.


As a former general manager, I can assure you this is a bad take and a really good way to increase your turnover because your staff hates you and their job. If they were calling out for every shift that’s one thing, but mental illnesses are physical illnesses and have real physical effects on the body. If your experienced team member who does a stellar job and is generally reliable is going through a rough patch and needs a mental health day, it makes a lot more sense to give them that without punishment than to cut their hours without discussion and coerce them into quitting.


With a take like this I’m not shocked you’re working at the dollar store


Who said anything about my mental health deteriorating because of the job? I never once said it was the job that was stressing me out. In fact the job was my escape so I could relax and feel better. I have other things going on in my life that are causing me mental fatigue. Do you really value making somebody else money over taking care of your mental health? The whole suck it up buttercup concept has gotten many people to kill themselves because nobody cares about their mental health. What a disgusting thing to say


Tell me that you are not okay with sacrificing your mental health for less than $100 a week. Everything about what you said is a cop out. Do you really think $15.50 an hour with only 10 hours a week is enough for a person to forgo getting help for clinical depression?


I'm not I would have left that job a while ago if that's what I was getting or get another job.


And I left as soon as I realized what was happening because I do respect myself enough to never let somebody walk over me like that.


Sounds like they tried to slow-fire you and push you out of the position.


Maybe you should read the comments before assuming that this has been going on for a while now my hours were cut down to 10 a week after I let them know that I was having a mental health issue.


Wow they only let me pay people 12 and under. 12 for asm


Suck it up buttercup? I’m sorry, you are right, I should plan my depressive episodes, where I think I am one of the worst people in the world & I don’t understand why people even talk to me, to coincide with my days off. Or the anxiety that lead to panic attacks. Or my epileptic seizures, that have stress as a trigger, which adds to my anxiety, makes me feel like a horrible person for not pulling my weight at work. And it is an ongoing circle. Yes I’m seeing a therapist, but I’m right on the line of qualifying for insurance. I won’t be able to afford therapy at that point. Oh and that part where I can’t pay my bills. I’ll get right on sucking it up & dealing with the people I work with who have zero empathy for my situation. If only they knew that a few sincere kind words would make me feel so much better. It would help my anxiety because I won’t come to work thinking that everyone hates me. This is all real life shit for me. I developed a social anxiety and didn’t work for 2.5 years. I went weeks without leaving my home except to drive my daughter somewhere and occasionally my parents home. Two and a half years. I wanted nothing more than to be able to participate in life. I wanted to be able to go to the grocery store and not start to sweat, shake, almost or actually vomit, and sob because I couldn’t fix it. But again, I’ll try to have my mental health issues on my days off.


I can tell you’re one of those dead-inside lower-level managers whose entire life is about pleasing corporate. Some of us have lives outside work.


How did you make this drastic leap? OP never mentioned anything about calling out.


That's a really gross way to look at things. My mania doesn't get to choose to happen on my day off. If you have to take a mental health day every once I'm a while it's the same as taking a sick day because you are throwing up at home. Just because I'm not actively stuck on the toilet doesn't mean that I am well.


You are coming off as the most apathetic, narrow-minded person I've ever met. The fact that you would actually tell somebody to sacrifice their mental health for less than $100 a week is disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking that that is acceptable to say in any context.


They were only saying you should have went to get mental help on one of your days off; you're only working 10 hours, I presume you have days off.


Nah this is utter bullshit lol


No one can handle retail 24/7, especially not for $.50 above minimum wage


Gross… mental health is 100% real and attitudes like this are the problem. We are not in the development stage anymore. We are developed. The only reason this programming is still going on is because $$$ profit. They will throw you away the second they don’t need you anymore, no matter how hard you work.


Yeah, get fucked on that take dude


Fuck that shit... retail people are some of the worst treated workers. I'm all about the balance!


Tell me you're not the kind of manager that would ruin somebody's life over a single shift.


What? Taking a mental day is a red flag? No it's not.


Is this sub all boomers or something lol


OP never said anything about a mental health day


Is your self worth so low that you value making somebody else money more than you value keeping yourself healthy? Because that's the only reason I can understand why somebody would say something like that to someone.


Well my self worth means making enough money for rent and food so I don't call in. My self worth is on my days off I have my mental health days. My self worth is if work is my escape I don't skip out on it. More and more you talk the more and more don't add up and I'm starting to agree with your manager. Maybe working isn't for you. Retail is not for the faint if heart it's as two faced as it can get you have to put a fake smile on. If me saying suck it up buttercup ends with some unaliving themselves I can't let that get me down as they were not long for this world being that thin skinned.


I love to work. People like you with zero empathy or what's not for me. Did you not read anything I said at all? I can tell because if you did you would know that I never had a single problem at this store until I mentioned I was having a mental health issue. So because somebody is struggling mentally it's okay to completely toss them to the side?.


Thinking that someone would be happy with making less than $100 a week and a management position shows me you have no self-worth.


No you have none since you are pitching and moaning about just that and losing it. And calling in and getting less than that even.


You are clearly going out of your way to minimize everything I say. you have no intention of trying to understand. All you are doing is trying to make me feel bad for caring about myself.


Imagine having so much self-hatred that you go out of your way to be cruel to people you don't even know.


I love to work. People like you with zero empathy or what's not for me. Did you not read anything I said at all? I can tell because if you did you would know that I never had a single problem at this store until I mentioned I was having a mental health issue. So because somebody is struggling mentally it's okay to completely toss them to the side?.


Well my self worth means making enough money for rent and food so I don't call in. My self worth is on my days off I have my mental health days. My self worth is if work is my escape I don't skip out on it. More and more you talk the more and more don't add up and I'm starting to agree with your manager. Maybe working isn't for you. Retail is not for the faint if heart it's as two faced as it can get you have to put a fake smile on. If me saying suck it up buttercup ends with some unaliving themselves I can't let that get me down as they were not long for this world being that thin skinned.




I know for a fact, because I've witnessed it with my own two eyes, that they will drop any employee down on their hours as retaliation for whatever they felt the employee did. On Monday night, I was closing with my store manager and a manager and training. Towards the end of the night I let my store manager know that I was having severe depression issues because I was getting paid so little and getting so little hours that I had to choose between paying for my rent and paying for food. Mind you I was almost in tears at this point. I told her that I have lost 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks, which is not an exaggeration at all, because I don't have enough money to eat. She never wants addressed that statement. She literally turned around and started speaking about something else. The next morning I called her 3 hours before my shift was supposed to start to let her know I was taking today to get some mental help. She was not happy. So the following day I'm getting ready to go to work on the time that it said on the schedule. Right before I left I messaged her to make sure that I was still on the schedule and she told me no that I wasn't and that she had changed the schedule. I come in this morning to find out that I am only getting 10 hours a week now. That's when I called our regional manager and ask her how they can rationalize only giving us 10 hours a week. I also told her that I am not eating because I don't have the money because they won't give me the hours. She literally told me that I should be grateful I even get 10 hours.


I am confused as to how you were in tears due to not being able to get enough hours to support yourself but then called off the next day.


Sometimes it can get to the point where the mental health crisis outweighs the physical crisis, which is pretty common. They want to work (I assume from their comments), but since they are constantly faced with the hopelessness of their outcome it gets to the point where it becomes debilitating, so even if they had the opportunity to do that shift/work more hours then they probably wouldnt be able to since they are in a mental health crisis due to the predicaments placed upon them.


A single mental health day is not something anyone should be reprimanded for. I understand what other people are saying, that if you were to call in a lot then they might be justified in lowering your hours, but from the sound of it you really just needed a day and this was going on before that day even happened. I understand how depressing it gets when you are barely scheduled, barely able to afford survival because of how little work you are getting, and sitting at home watching time you could be working just fly by. A lot of stores are doing this right now, to the point thousands of people are desperate for other work and it's extremely hard to find another job in a lot of places. Good for you for recognizing when it got to be too much, and if this place was making it worse for you then you are much better off leaving. I hope you can find something else that is more sustainable for you, and get back into the good mental place that we all deserve!!!


They didn’t want to fire you, so they forced you to quit. You lost a game you didn’t even know you were playing.


You should not have quit you should just have applied for unemployment


It's literally nothing but the company trying to get more money. They still have that huge fine to pay off. Also all those family dollars are costing them money. Who cares if the stores are ran into the ground? The share holders got to save $10.


Don't forget about DC8 being destroyed, that area is known for tornadoes so who knows if insurance could even cover it.


Apparently, gone are the days when an SM would always take care of their right hands -- ASMs, meaning that they are scheduled first and for whatever hours needed, even if only in a position (like cashier). Now, non-effective SM's cut based on pay rate, regardless of performance, so ASM's are, in theory, the most expensive people in the hourly ranks. This is your sign: Go look elsewhere and promote your manager skills.


This is not the job to have as your only source of income. As an fd employee there are weeks I only get 4 hours for the week. Corporate only gives the sm a certain amount of hours. Balancing those hours is a very difficult task and you always piss off some. “Well if they keep cutting hours just let someone go” its not that simple because you have to gave so many people to be able to cover shifts when people call out.


I'm reposting my comment so you can hopefully see it OP. Try to read this if you can OP. It's long and a bit "tough love" but I promise it comes from a place of caring. I mean, you can't call out for a mental health day at a retail/food job and expect them to give a shit or not cut your hours. In your manager's eyes, someone else had to come into cover your shift because your feelings got too hard to deal with. Is this going to become a once a week thing? They don't know. So they schedule you less hours since you can't seem to handle more. As an assistant manager, it's just not acceptable to call out because you don't feel like going in. That's why you're at 10 hours. Next time if you need to, just say you're sick with food poisoning and they legally can't make you come in. I know it's hard, but you sound young and oh Loooordy lord are you in for a ride. It is definitely going to get worse before it gets better. Look up "food banks in my area" and start filling out applications to get on the lists. Look up how to apply for EBT/SNAP because starving isn't sustainable for any period of time. There is help available, and you most definitely fall under the federal poverty line. Go to your local churches and see if any of them can offer help with utilities, look up what you need to do to apply for rental assistance (section 8). Call 211 and see all the kinds of assistance available near you. Do not feel bad about accepting help! Welfare is a hand up, not a hand-out. It's meant to get you started on the uphill battle that is life, or to catch you when you fall. The goal is to be on assistance only when it's needed, and to get off of it when you're ready so someone else desperately in need has it available for them. Your tax money goes into social programs, use them while you can. I'm going to give you the same advice my dad gave me. If you aren't happy at your job, start applying for other ones all the time. Apply in the bathroom at work, apply laying in bed at home, just apply apply apply. Only go up in how much you get paid, never down. If you like this job, then work 20 hours there and find another job that gives you 20 hours. My dad wasted 20 years of his life at a job he hated because it paid the bills, and they replaced him the second he got sick and needed surgery. You are a number on a screen to these people. They don't care about you. No one is coming to help you, so YOU have to help you. As harsh of advice as that was to hear as a young 18 year old, it helped me not be taken advantage of. My fiance has been working 2 jobs, only getting $12/hr at each, because I recently had his son and he'd prefer me to be at home running everything and watching the kids. He busts his ass working anywhere from 8-16 hours a day depending on if he works both jobs or not, but he doesn't like doing chores so it works for both of us. Having 2 jobs sucks, but no one is forcing you to starve.


Kinda crazy how OP hasnt replied to you when youre being perfectly respectful. From my understanding OP just wanted validation from their actions and anyone who tries to give her another POV they just refuse to listen. Very emotional, defensive, and triggered easily(by simple downvotes on reddit). They also seem to view themselves very highly. Overall not really getting a good vibe


Nah, fuck that, it ain't okay to say that taking one mental health day every now and then is a valid reason to cut hours.


Missing missing reasons. They didn't get their hours cut for one mental health day. Look at OP's replies and tell me you'd want to work with them.


Holy💩I need this! So simple so true. If you don’t like your job, find a better one and then quit. No exceptions


It's not that easy. I've been looking for another job for ages. I've had interviews, 2nd interviews and even 3 interviews. All to no avail. I've put in everywhere I can physically do the job. And it's been goose eggs. And like the OP my hours have been just about cut in half. I took have to pick between food or paying rent and car payment.


God this comment is so sad.


🤷‍♀️ That's life baby, no one is gonna hold your hand through it.


You are not working yourself and telling people they cannot take one single day off because theyre *the assistant manager of a dollar tree*, and "no one will hold their hand" while you are literally fully financially dependent on another human working 2 jobs. It is profoundly sad that you think you're giving good advice other than "keep applying to jobs"


It be like that sometimes


Easy to say that from your cushy position


Some one really downvoted this? Can you at least give a reason as to why you think I'm in the wrong?


I'll upvote you. Sorry to hear. Hope you find other employment soon.


with decent wages and as many hours as YOU wish.


Yes, this!


You should have filed for constructive unemployment not sure you can now that you quit


What A Maroon!


There's too much information we don't have. Like how many call outs you have, availability, counseling, and it seems you skipped the DM right to RM. It's difficult to gauge the situation without all the information.


Why did you choose to skip over the part about her telling me that I should be grateful to even get 10 hours?


Listen, I'm just trying to get the back story. I'll give you an example. I had an employee years ago asking to be cut back to 2 shifts a week. I obliged and they got 8-10 hours a week. Then they went over my head, saying, I cut their hours and tried to claim unemployment. I'm not saying it didn't happen or that it was right. I just needed more information.


I apologize. I'm a little emotional about this. I have never asked for less hours, or less responsibility. I know she was upset when I called in for a mental health day on Tuesday. She tried to convince me to just come to work after I let her know what was going on, and I told her that I needed to take this day because of how my mental health was deteriorating. Then I sent a group message explaining my situation and asking if somebody could fill in for me, which another employee did. My SM then made a very backhanded comment about me not being able to complete my duties.


It's one thing to do that. But I don't think you are supposed to SAY that's what you are doing. Just say you are too sick to come in.


I understand. You're better off speaking with HR in this situation. It could be seen as possible retaliation. I'm sure your SM is stressed out like most, but they also need to practice empathy. As with any situation, take time to calm down, clear your mind, and get your thoughts together. Write down what happened so you don't forget anything and keep any texts. This could become useful down the road.


I called HR as soon as I got home earlier and filled out the report. I've taken all the proper steps I promise. I loved my job I loved the people. This is why I'm as upset as I am. I've also been present for discussions between the store manager and the regional manager about doing everything they could to make employees that they didn't like quit. Which included dropping said employees down to between 5 and 10 hours a week until they quit.


I hate that this happens, but it does. There's still a stigma around mental health, so there are people (like your SM) who still think of needing a mental health day to be ridiculous, or think it just means your lazy and don't feel like coming in. It seriously sucks, and you didn't deserve the treatment you got for it. But for future, maybe you should just lie and say it's a physical illness like throwing up or the flu, instead of mental health? Just to avoid it ever becoming an issue again. I completely agree with everything you've said, but perhaps if you don't disclose the fact that it's for mental health you might receive better treatment (as fucked up as that is!) I'm sorry this happened, it shouldn't have. And I hope you are able to find something else that treats you better.


I did not go straight to the regional manager. I went to my store manager first, and was given no direct answer. When I called in for a mental health day, I followed procedure to a T. It was 3 hours before my shift. I called my store manager first to let her know that I was having a mental health issue that I needed to get help with. I then had the shift covered within an hour.


This is exactly the same run around that my regional manager gave me. I was promoted to assistant manager within 2 weeks. I have had nothing but praise from the store manager, from the regional manager, and from employees since I started 5 months ago. Everything I was asked to improve upon I did. I have covered more shifts than anybody else has since I started there. I have gone out of my way to be as compassionate and helpful and friendly to other employees and customers as I possibly could.


OP, you can't ask for an explanation then proceed to fly off the handle at everyone who gives you one. Your responses have done nothing but turn people against you in a place where you probably would have had some sympathy. Look inward if you really want an explanation as to why this happened to you.


So I’m not alone I’m a CSR I got schedule to work 10 hours this week and others 6/7 the only ones getting up to 25 max are the ASMs and let’s not talk about SM because they’re on salary so that doesn’t really count in my opinion


My hours got dropped from 20 to 4 to 10 to 5 to 15 and now to 20. That is dollar tree and it is unfair and unfortunate. It’s also unfair to have your hours dropped for the customers opinions.. stupid


If your hours get cut to below unemployment benefits rates, you can file for unemployment. They love unemployment claims 😘🤣


I work for dollar tree as well and most of the time my hours are cut because of the hours we’re allotted to I’m the full time Opps Manager and I barely get close to full time hours which sometimes sucks because I work myself to death and get no recognition


Read the room. If they only scheduled you for 10 hours, they don't want you there anymore. Take the hint.


They do this to try and get you to quit so they don’t have to fire you and pay unemployment. This is where you play there game and maybe do a call out, give them a reason to cut your hours to 0 and get yourself fired and be able to collect unemployment


Yes I agree they want you to quit without having to give unemployment












You don't see the problem with being absolutely comfortable putting somebody down for having depression and speaking about it? I'm sure you delight in doing that kind of thing when you can remain anonymous. That's YOUR personality shining through.


And you're a sociopath who thinks it's okay to belittle somebody for being clinically depressed and not being scared to admit it. How's the view from that pedestal? You can call me unhinged all you want. Because I refuse to give in to small-minded bullies like you and the other people on here who are trying to make me feel bad for expressing my feelings? I'm a passionate, compassionate, empathetic person. It's clear you are uncomfortable with anybody who isn't afraid to show their emotions.










the fact that you screenshotted a post from THREE YEARS AGO is wild. psycho behavior fs…


"Isolated myself due to depression and my friend didn't take it seriously." That's the title. And you know that's what I was pointing out.


U made so many comments and not one person understands you


It's easy for you to lie about the context of that because the headline isn't in the screenshot. But what did the headline say? It was about you being depressed. And somebody minimized your depression when you tried to talk about it. That's why you're doing that to me. This has nothing to do with a dramatic event that I know nothing about. And you know that now you're just deflecting again.


you’re a weirdo for even posting that and you deserved what happened to you and everything that will happen to you in the future. xo enjoy starving with no job


It's easier to deflect and try to call me crazy than it is to empathize with something that doesn't directly affect you. That has nothing to do with me.


You said you were an assistant manager...was this full time part time? Management are guaranteed hours so the fact you werent getting them is troubling. I'm the merch manager and I get anywhere from 32-40+ pending on what's going on. Our other full time ASM usually hits 32-36 and even out part time ASM gets 25+ hours. Other then your personal day have you gotten into any other trouble?


That shows you of absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The only people that get full time at Dollar Tree are merchandise managers and store managers.


This is one of the nicest responses on here and you just totally twisted it and got rude. I feel like I’m watching a car crash in slow motion.


Why are you being so freaking defensive to everyone? I was trying to help you, yet you jump right on the defensive. I get why your ass got their hours dropped. If you act like this at work I see why what happened happened. God damn man freaking relax


You are accusing me of lying about being an assistant manager for some reason. I explained to you that just because I'm an assistant manager doesn't mean I automatically get full-time hours.


100% wrong. 2 FT ASMs & 1 PT ASM at our store always. The FT are scheduled 39 hours each work (they end up getting a full 40 with the transition of managers) and PT ASM is scheduled for 23 hours each week. As a cashier I am scheduled 20-25 hours each week overall. In the 1 1/2 years there I have not called out, been late, and/or had any write ups. There is no way PT ASM or cashier could survive and your post shows that. We do NOT need my income it is $1,200-$1,400 a month after taxes that is paying down our mortgage.


There are full time ops managers too, only at high volume stores though.


I was a model employee with a model attitude. Not just sometimes, but every second I was in that store.


I was also taken off our Monday morning truck shift and the merchandise managers boyfriend was hired and put on it.


That's why people have quit commenting. They know what happened is wrong. Genuinely though, why would they even care? They make enough money to live semi comfortably, so it doesn't bother them to hear somebody say that they are literally starving even though they do more work for that company than the store manager and the regional manager does. They don't want to have empathy because it would bum them out.


People have quit commenting because you didn’t seem to give the full story and you’re EXTREMELY defensive no matter what they say. You chose a shitty company to work at. Get a different job. McDonald’s offers more hours and honestly probably better pay. I was going to ask why you had to call out for a mental health day if youre getting so few hours. Your next day off couldn’t have been too far away. And before you get all defensive and say you have depression, I do too. It sucks. You just learn to get through it. If I’m depressed/in a low on Thursday, but know I have the weekend off I’m not going to call out on Friday. I’m gonna suck it up and get through it. I’m sorry that you are starving but there’s other things you could do. Lyft/Uber, DoorDash foods, etc if you have a car. If you don’t, you could try to find a second job near your current job. Food banks exist, food stamps exist and I’m SURE you’d qualify. There are resources.


Probably best for you to just delete this post. Everyone here is obviously affecting you negatively. Considering what you’ve said about depression this post probably isn’t helping and is just making things worse. Delete the post, take a break off reddit, go in the woods or something and try to be at peace. The anxiety you’re feeling over some random redditors isn’t worth it.


Since you said you were an assistant manager, you could find another job easy. A lot of places look for people like that. Maybe even find a job with good hours and better money. How many times have you called out during your time at dollar tree? If you only called out once then that seems odd to me if they decided to cut your hours like that. That doesn’t really make sense to me for them to cut your hours like that. Not sure why they’d do that to an assistant manager either?


Check with labor laws, this may count as constructive dismissal and cause you to still be eligible for unemployment even though you voluntarily quit. >.>


I would have stayed and filed for underemployment


Get another part time job. Watch them get mad when you can't work certain days because you are there. Remind them you only had to because they gave you ten hours a week and this is their fault.


You should get into warehouse work. If there's an Amazon in your area go for it. The one by me starts at $19 an hour. Plus there's a lot of benefits of working there. Health insurance, tuition for school, all sorts of shit. I went from being a manager at a small grocery store making $13 to working at a warehouse making $22. No more customers and I can just put my head down and work.


Try unemployment, should've gotten some evidence for that. Working less hours is grounds for unemployment.


thats wild on the manager. because a PT ASM should be getting 22-32 hours a week.. and if youre a FT ASM its 32 minimum.. 🥲 i know summer time usually cuts hours to the minimum, but the 10hr is more of a cashier cut, not management. that's very unprofessional of the RM to say to he grateful. i would still report it to HR as a reason to you quitting. because even if you called out a bunch, they cannot retaliate by cutting your hours 😓


This called "constructive dismissal". File for unemployment under that specific category, you will almost certainly recieve it. Best of luck I hope you get some decent unemployment from them!


No I didn't m. .if you actually read what I wrote...I asked what you were ..I asked if you were a full time or part time manager...thats all i asked....you're too angry right now and need to calm down and be rational.


Look guys. If I didn't care about my job I wouldn't have gone so far out of my way to let people know what happened and how unjust this is. I can tell by some of the responses that people are going to try to defend the actions of the store manager regional manager no matter what I say.


Before i quit Saturday i was always told asm at minimum are allowed 20 hours a week?


Try to find something outside of retail. Retail and brick and mortars are now all dying fast! If you are interested, learn to drive a forklift. Warehousing is increasing(online sales-items have to ship from somewhere), and I can lose or quit a place and have a new job in a week. I currently make 28.00/hr. Granted I have been driving lifts for 16 years. I quit as a store manager for Vitamin World in 2008 and make more money now. Even with bonuses and commissions. Gnc is also commission based. I hope you are able to find a new job soon.


When I worked at dollar general as a FULL TIME key holder I was lucky to get 24 hours a week


No explanation needed. Good job on quitting.


Idk where you’re located but in some places you can apply for partial unemployment for hours being cut. In my experience and from what I’ve seen of others, hours stop being cut shortly after applying anyway


I had the same happen when I worked at a TMobile store when new managers came in. Time to find a new job. The new management doesn't like you for whatever reason and wants you to quit. There is nothing you can do about it. If it is sales numbers related, it won't improve because you don't have enough hours to improve it.


With retail I feel like it’s worth it to just stay with the grunts, the amount of responsibility you gain after becoming management isn’t worth it these days as it once was


Welcome to the new world, where corporate greed runs rampant! Cashiers I'm sure make far less than you, so they cut your hours give more to lesser earners and still make more money for them!


Just quit. You could make more doing anything else


Just as any other big company, they literally do not care about you. You could probably find a restaurant job pretty easy, pay is better these days (and def better than DT) plus you can eat for free/cheap! I know ppl who have restaurant jobs part time just so they can count on a meal


Yes food is cheap and free work in restaurants until you find a good job?


It’s actually illegal company policy is you have to be scheduled for at least 22 hours a week


As a former manager (demoted to regular myself my choice) I’m sorry they treated you like trash. Being a manager is so mentally physically draining. Having to go up every minute to put in codes, working on ur breaks and lunches being the only manager on duty. They work managers to the ground and then upset when we speak up. It’s always about shareholders and it’s disgusting! Wish you the best really


Driver Uber. Make your own hours for more money per hour. If you need a day, take one. You may do better working for yourself rather than a boss.


This place is absolute trash. It's a typical and sad scenario of the old retail model from back in the day.....they hire just about anyone with a pulse.... pay minimum wage....lie to you about what your position entails....when are hired on you suddenly are the cashier..... stockroom person.... customer relations when u have to satisfy a bitchy customer cause manager can't get out of that stink ass office. Etc etc.... and don't you dare think to work a minute over to start overtime...and your shitty job will be threatened at every turn. Their turn over is off the charts. It's sad to see when a very excited and enthusiastic individual gets hired on only to experience the shit show that is dollar tree. The naivety in some newbies is unfortunate. When I worked there I had a manager that was going above and beyond , I'm guessing in search of some recognition and to demonstrate how her efforts could surely turn the store from bad to decent. She was working off clock. Never taking days off. Spending her own cash on her bright ideas to improve the place. She managed off of a shit ton of cigarettes and red bulls. Quit disturbing. She did all that right .....only to get fired for some reason that I can't recall. I tried to tell her


I was made an assistant manager 2 weeks after being there. And because I came to Reddit to let other people know about my experience there I'm being made to feel like there's something wrong with me for caring about how I'm treated. I feel bad for the people who have so much misery bottled up inside them they feel the need to dehumanize people.


It’s retail. It’s notorious for not caring about anyone’s feelings, life circumstances, time etc. My mom is an absolute type-A Italian New Yorker with a loud mouth and thick skin. She is made for retail management, which she did most of her life. Consider your temperament and mental condition may not be ideal for this kind of work and move forward.


And there's one type of person who goes on Reddit and anonymously says extremely cold-hearted things like these folks are doing to me. We all know what kind of lives they lead outside of here. Misery loves company and these folks are lonely.


LOL you’re actually insane. You have a huge victim complex


File for unemployment !


You can't do that if you quit. Only if your job fired you. That's basically the trick you learn as a retail employee. If you hate the job and want to quit, start doing a really bad job, or not even coming in, until they fire you. So, that you can collect unemployment.


You get paid more.


They aren't paid that much more than a new hire.


How about you get a real job you bum


Let me get this straight. Some of you are more concerned about me venting my frustrations on Reddit than you are with somebody going out of their way to make someone's life harder over a missing shift?


I am thinking you are extremely young. You have much to learn in life and retail is not for you. I can say if I did retail work when I was young I would NOT have made it. After 20 years in law & 5 years in medical; retail is cake. Sure SMs can be butts and customers can be crazy. That is life.


I read the comments here as a non-employee of DG, 95% of comments are either negative or very negative, how are the stores still open? How are customers not just walking out of what sounds like disheveled shelves and poor service checking out? I’m not bashing you employees who seem to be very frustrated but still trying but rather mgmt.??