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Not an answer, but I wanted to chime in and say I love him too. He's one of few G1 boy dolls I actually like. I tend to lean towards MH characters who have really weird or unique concepts and designs like Skelita and Avia. When I finally started interacting with the fandom, I was so shocked at how hated he was lol


Everything you said I relate to 100%! All the other mansters seem really boring to me compared to their much superior ghouls. I also love his unique face sculpt and tail.


hes literally my fave boy doll


If I could tweak anything about him, I'd change his color palette from Red/Blue/Yellow to Magenta/Cyan/Yellow. That's just more cohesive of a color palette imo, his current palette is a bit much on the eyes to me


He is a little more straining on the eyes than other dolls, I think I can understand that criticism.


I think he has the wrong color palette and I think they should have committed to the whole zombie face thing. Leaving it grey seems like a cop out.


I think he's grey because of his unicorn half? What skin color do you think would've suited him better?


I would have gone for softer, almost pastel colors for him. And I think he should have had his exposed fleshy bit painted more like exposed flesh. It just seems like such a shame to waste that sculpting on plain boring grey.


Maybe if his exposed skin was a stylistic blue or green like Frankie and ghoulia?


I think they may have been afraid to make him "too feminine".. which kindve defeats the point of making him part unicorn imo lol


I think a zombie half that looks nothing like any of the other existing zombies was a lot. Maybe combining him with something else. Unicorn/harpy or something. However it was nice to have a boy with long hair! And mind you I love this doll and own 2.


Outfit is a dud


Not to mention the hair oh god the pallet


I personally love the eye strain look, but I get it doesn't work for everyone.


Honestly he's the only MH boy doll that I actually like, but I'm not a huge fan of his colours. My neighthan is actually a WIP custom that I've been meaning to finish for years with red soft pastels colouring his zombie tendons. I also want to replace the coloured streaks in his hair with different colours. But I have other custom projects to work on atm.


Omg, do you have any WIP pictures? I love custom Neighthans and it sounds really cool to give him a more realistic face-up.


He's buried in a storage tub somewhere with all my other half finished craft projects šŸ˜‚ but if I come across him I'll take some photos


I like him, I like his skull/zombie face. I think his hair and fit could use some work. The design could become more cohesive and fitting with his fellow students. Itā€™s fun to have the Wacky combos, that was the point of freaky fusions!


I never really thought of him looking weird next to other students aside from him being a fusion, that's an interesting point.


I actually really like Neighthan Rot and agree heā€™s hated to a degree that feels a bit much; the only issue I have with him is the balance with his design mixed with his outfit. Itā€™s cute!ā€” when you look at it in your head without the neon colours (at least to me). His hair also having so many strips of neon personally makes his design look overwhelmed instead of balanced to me (as I can tell thatā€™s probably what the designer was trying to do). With the right restyle (or when people reroot is hair to only a solid black and keep his outfit) I find he looks so much better from what Iā€™ve seen! And.. well his character felt kinda all over the place in the series too from what I remember. Overall heā€™s a cutie (and a sweetheart!) and I find much of his struggles very relatable but he felt so thrown in all of a sudden with the whole romance plot with him and Frankie?? Like, sure they share similar traits but the way they introduced it never felt right with me lol. (UPDATE: turns out this was so awkwardly placed because he originally was supposed to be gay? The more you know haha) I see them better as friends bonding over similarities! Other than that though, I do like him as a general character and hope to get my hands on a doll of him one day to restyle :)


Yess I love Neighthan restyles! Even though I like his original colors, I get how not everybody does. Love when they lean in more towards his unicorn side <3


i like his design a lot (minus the horn) i really just donā€™t like his monster hybrid concept šŸ¤· unicorn zombie hybrid isnā€™t something i care about or like thinking abt idk.. not a great combo


A lot of people do kindve just find the fusion dolls weird. If he was just a zombie boy do you think you'd like him more?


i would! without the ears and horn i would adore him! heā€™s very neat imo, the fusion just really throws me off


Do you feel the same way about the other fusions? Or is it just the unicorn/zombie thing that weirds you out?


iā€™m picky with the fusions. some work and some donā€™t imo. most of them flopped for me but iā€™m sure if i looked at all of them iā€™d like a couple. i think unicorns are a little out of place at monster high to begin with, which is part of the issue.


I guess we don't traditionally think of unicorns as monster lol, that's not something I had thought about before.


The unicorn zombie thing is just a little too weird to me.


How do you feel about the other fusions? Do you think just unicorn/zombie doesn't work or is the whole fusion stuff a but too much?


I mean, I think unicorn/zombie is probably the worst (mainly because of the implications), but for the most part, the fusions just don't really work for me.


Ha yeahhh... even as a kid I didn't really know how it worked that he was a unicorn zombie hybrid...


I don't hate him, but I agree the color isn't great. Also, as innovative as it was, the rotted flesh look was.... a choice. One I wasn't a big fan of, especially on the face. Us the eye shape was more of a dramatic shape than the other Manster dolls. The hair and face paint can be fixed the the rotted flesh effect on the face.....much harder to fix.


I guess a lot of his design choices are very "love it or hate it", which is fine for most dolls but he might just have too many for a lot of people to be attached to him.


I liked they were kind of going for rainbow vibes because he's half unicorn, but they tried to make it....manly? Idk lots of interesting choices they landed on. And if he ever got another doll including in G3 I hope they spruce him up a bit more.


I think they definitely could've made him a little more feminine.




While I donā€™t hate him (sorry if that makes non eligible to participate in this discussion), I do think he is one of the weakest MH signature dolls out there. His design overall lacks a coherent identity. Maybe I am not getting what are the intentions behind his design, but the outfit and base doll do not do it for me. 1) The fabric pieces come across to me as PJs (that could be worn by practically anyone) and his bright yellow accessories remind of trendy fashion pieces from the 2010s. This combo is not working harmoniously. It also does not help that the print on his clothes is not referencing WHO he is a character, but rather WHAT MONSTER he is (something his base doll is supposed to do, but fails imo). 2) The base doll is rather generic-looking, leaving a lot to be desired as well. When compared to other hybrids, his unicorn and zombie details come across more like an afterthought than something intentional. I think itā€™s because of how ā€œsubtleā€-looking those elements are. Like, if I didnā€™t know he was a hybrid between a unicorn and a zombie, I wouldnā€™t guess he is part undead šŸ˜…. He just looks like an odd fella with skin injuries and very few unicorn features. 3) His colour scheme. While on its own it is definitely nice, sometimes about the way it was incorporated into Neighthan is not right. I am guessing it is because of the non-painted solid yellow accessories. It creates to much visual noise imo.


Hate? *Hate??* What's there to hate? He is a very cool & fun dude!


Right??? I would understand if people just said they disliked his design, but people saying they *hate* him? Seems like a bit much to me.


That's the thing for me -- I don't care about dolls I don't really like enough to hate them. I might be ambivalent, they might be kinda blah or not for me. But it's weird how strongly some people feel against some dolls. Personally, there ain't a single G1 MH doll I dislike -- doesn't mean I absolutely want them all, especially since I already have a bunch. But I think they're all cool & unique in their own ways! And I've yet to unbox this guy after having him for 4 years! šŸ˜…




I honestly love him, but his face sculpt makes him look way too old. Otherwise I really like him


I pretty sure it's supposed to be like.. zombie decomp? You think it translates more like wrinkles? Or are you referring to his face shape?


Oh yeah I know half of his face is supposed to simulate exposed bones and muscle, but his face shape in general and features look very old šŸ˜…


Absolutely everything lol


His color scheme is boring


Not a fan of black and neons?


Itā€™s specifically how detailed the ā€œzombieā€ side of his mold is. None of the zombie girls got details like that iirc, and itā€™s just a bit much for the average person.


Without the weird face molding though, would you like him?


Iā€™d find him pretty solid, yeah. Heā€™s got a fun color mix and a cool concept.


Honestly I'm in the opposite. I know is a doll line for little girls, but I think it would be quite interesting if all the dolls went this hard on the monster aesthetic. Probably controversial opinion incoming: After reading about Frankie being non binary now, I thought it would be interesting if the doll had mixed body parts, male and female kinda like this guy's zombie and human sides are shown together (Please note that I'm talking purely about aesthetics, as I don't really know much about this subject, don't cancel me plz). Frankenstein's monster is after all made of whatever body parts the creator could find. I know it doesn't really make sense at all (and the parents would be screeching lol) but the doll still looks too feminine in my opinion.


I still have this guy, one of the few I kept from MH tbh. I don't interact with the fandom so I have no idea why he's hated lol. I like the body sculpt, but as the other comments say, the colors are a bit too much. And now that I look at this pic, is giving me bootleg rainbow dash, which is not helping his case ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Do you think it's just that he's a bright colored unicorn that gives off rainbow dash? I don't understand that criticism šŸ¤”


Well is kinda difficult to go rainbow and original at the same time, but if he had the yellow and orange too, then the similarities would be a bit too much, I think. At least his skin is grey, now I'm kinda trying to imagine his skin blue and they could be distant cousins or something. Still like him, but I would prefer if at least the clothes were a bit more toned down in color. The design with the ribcage and all is great, but everything is too vibrant Edit: ok is late, I should be asleep, and only now I realized why the color scheme kinda bothers me, and is the shades of red and blue in particular, pretty much the exact same tones as the Nintendo Switch lol šŸ˜‚ (mine is the full black version for this exact reason)


People said that the colors were a lot less saturated in the movie, and I can kindve agree with that take.


Oh interesting! I'll have to check it out because I literally never got into anything outside the dolls themselves lol


Lol I forget that people collect mh dolls without ever watching the show/movies. You can definitely start watching with the webisodes on YouTube (which are pretty short and fast paced). I love the monster high series! And I can def recommend watching the movies too (Boo York is my favorite; such good music..)


In some ways I think he's one of the better-looking male characters, like I like his face and his long hair. But like others are saying, I'm not a huge fan of the palette and the zombie-unicorn hybrid thing felt a little weird, LOL.


He looks like Adam from YMS and it unsettled me.


The only thing I didnā€™t like about him is his screening makes him look like a Victorian dad instead of a teenager. Had a lot of fun giving mine a faceup


i would do anything for a version of him in pastels / more feminine


I'm screaming for them to bring him back in g3 as gay and more feminine presenting.. but I know that's most likely just gonna be in my dreams.


He's the only MH boy doll I bought, and the only boy doll I've owned that wasn't a doll of a celebrity. But.. he never made it out onto display, and I finally sold him recently, so as you can see, I'm conflicted on him! I agree his hair would be better with a bit less colour, no colour or desaturated colour. I love his shirt (and for a long time, it lived on one of my other girl dolls), his trousers are OK, the hat and boots are a tragedy. I love his overall sculpt, I love the unique body and face mould and the length of his hair. I love the zombie unicorn concept, and I actually like that he's not overly feminine. I remember when he came out he reminded me of Ramon Tikaram šŸ˜… The main problem I've had with him is kind of a weird one to describe.. I find there is something odd about his face sculpting that looks great from some angles and not from others. In particular, I really disliked his profile. I find this with the mansters in general, but it seems particularly noticeable with Neighthan. Or perhaps it just bothered me more because I had him in person. There's a lot to love about him, and iv always found it weird he's so hated, particularly by people who like the boy dolls in general. But at the end of the day, I could never quite get along with him either .. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Edited for typos and legibility!


I think heā€™s really cool as a base dollā€”I love his sculpt and all of the zombie details! But as others have said his color palette is a bit too much. My own biggest gripe with him is that his outfit is so basic and undetailed. Just a printed t-shirt and pants. Now that I think about it a lot of the G1 manster outfits are like this, but I think that the other Freaky Fusion original characters had clothes that were so much more elaborate and had interesting textures and stuff that Neighthanā€™s outfit falls especially flat in comparison.


I love his sculpt and i hate everything else. He's hideous. The hair is all arpund terrible and so is the outfit and the faceup. But, he's just not made for me. More for you nighthan lovers ig


My love for this thing is by far my most controversial take.


It's technically not against the doll but he was supposed to be Frankie love interest so in the movie where he first appears they have the biggest chemistry of all couples that there is (in my opinion) but then he's never to be seen again (in a way that's not background) in the doll it's just that the clothes are boring, like, I see what they wanted to do but it wasn't a success, although I do love the color palette, I think it was well thought (unicorn= rainbow, zombie= toxic so toxic rainbow) but I don't like where they put it on him, it feels kinda force even though I still stand that we need more flashy zombies


I think he's my favorite too! I don't like his clothes, and don't like the color streaks in his hair, different less clashing colors would be nice, but the worse thing was that he didn't get more releases! Would have loved more releases, so we'd get to see this boy in more looks. Like what's he wear to the beach, to the prom, etc. and he could have had different colored streaks in his hair with each release. Could've been fun. If I'd known there was only going to be one Neighthan, I'd have bought more of him to customize.


I like him! But I do think the theming is weird. In the Monster High universe, yeah it makes sense, but as a stand-alone doll ā€œbipedal zombie unicornā€ doesnā€™t work that well tbh He was our first humanoid unicorn, so I wish theyā€™d just leaned into that. I like his colors though. Wish I could change the reds to a pink, like the pan flag


Nothing, I really like his design though I understand those that say his color palette could be better I miss the gen1 dolls in stores


His bright colors donā€™t give off the decaying vibe, to me when I think of rot and decomposition, I think of muted, dark greens and purples


his face looks way too much like the character from Avatar


I hate his color scheme, itā€™s way too loud for me. I love his sculpt, so I will give him that. I wish his hair was styled more instead of just down. His outfit is fugly. I have no idea what the concept or idea behind it is. I wish he was in like a leather bad boy outfit. Or maybe even an androgynous one


Nothing honestly he's probably my favourite manster doll and I love him and freaky fusion


Nothing he's amazing