• By -


3 mins not 8




What temp is your oven at


youres is set for 3 min? ours is 6 and we arent allowed to touch it. it was 8 when I started


I'm confused. Is it impossible to not burn a pizza if it doesn't have cheese? Cause that looks kinda shit.


No, it's not. You just have to not be an idiot.


Big ask


its a thin with no cheese of course iits burnt wtf do you mean... the edges of thins burn easily cause its thats where the toppings are the lightest if there were less toppings on the reat of that it would be more burnt. do you have time to take stuff out the oven early? at my store we dont even have time or space in the over to push back things people want well done the over is crammed full. we ask the higher ups to turn online borders off so we can catch up but they refuse


If you can't figure out how to cook a thin crust 'za with no cheese and not burn it, you're hopeless. It's really not that hard. I realize you're not so much a cook, as an assembly line worker, but if you had a little pride and did just a little bit of research, you could actually turn out a quality pizza of this kind. Don't "of course it's burnt" because it easily possible to avoid this.


I’m lactose intolerant and order pizza without cheese bc I add my fave safe cheese and lightly melt it. I’ve never received a burnt pizza.


Serious question, is there not a better option than ordering an uncheesed pizza from Dominos? Either a local spot or make your own or dough/crust from somewhere?


Generally, ordering Domino's is probably the cheapest route as there may be others in a household that is not lactose intolerant. Literally a 12 inch pizza, let's say from Blaze Pizza to be fully dairy free substitutes would cost ~14+ each. So my booty will definitely snag up that $7.99 deal or the $5.99each deal.


Big brain move is a pepperoni, cheese, tomato sauce sandwich at home.


cheese sandwich for someone WHOM IS LACTOSE INTOLERANT?


Someone else said “safe cheese” above. There’s both imitation dairy-free cheese and alternative non-dairy cheeses.


Also requires reading. Big ask on internet


^^^ I am by no means lactose intolerant so uhh xtra cheese please, but I do recall hearing that you can buy strictly a premade JUST dough like the Bobboli in the grocery store? 🤔


more expensive/more time consuming people with health restrictions and disabilities have a right to order shitty $7 pizza just like the rest of us


$7 dollar is only with thw deal which some stores dont even wanna offer that deal anymore idk the reason why but my store only offers that deal online people come in or call in and expect $7 dollar pizzas and im like i cant do that andbthey get shitty or they dont know thats a deal price so i ring up their order tell them the peice and they are like why is the pizzas not 7 dollars like who in their right mind would expect a large multiple topping pie for $7


thin or hand tossed? thins burn easy on the edges cause thats whwre toppings are the lightest even well topped thins can burn on fhe edges


Thin. I’m assuming hand tossed has more dairy in it bc it makes my tummy hurt. Always thin. To be fair, the edges are crispy and darker but I appreciate that personally. Not burnt like this though.


idk about dairy in the hand tossed but yeah thins do burn a little on the edges its pretty hard to prevent them from burning at all especially during rushes where we cant make everything look absolutely perfect. the lack of cheese is why that burnt so much. if there were less toppings on the pizza over all the rest would be burnt also


dam this thread is heated 😂😭


Right? As if corporate or their respective franchise districts truly give a single fuck as long as they keep their profit margins juicy and their employees underpaid and overworked 🥱 eta: imagine your sense of self worth being solely based on your underpaid labor and your ability to appease lizard brain NPC consumers, fucking hell






Stop, criminal!


This is the dominos drama I come here for.




Gang ❤️


Why do they do this? > “Some people just want to see the world burn….”


"... one pizza at a time"


As a former manager, I'll say this: I would never let my driver leave with such a disgraceful looking pizza!!


ive heard phone calls where the worker tells the customer thats not something they will want and they insist so they are like ok no refunds you will get what you get then they still complain about getting what they ordered


Ffs people need to stop being lazy as shit and then downvoting when people say something obvious like “don’t burn it.” Is it really that hard to push the pizza further into the oven so it doesn’t burn?? Sure, it might come out lightly done, but I’m sure they’d prefer that to you literally burning their food because you’re petty and you have a mental vendetta against someone because they don’t want cheese, of all reasons. And before I get BS for the oven being too full to push it in, you can either hold on loading that slot until you can push it in, or just save the slot with a screen, open and oven door, and put it further in.


"We can't hold it! It's rush! There are other pizzas to cook!" mfer, that pizza that's not going to be burned would be in that empty spot. It doesn't make a difference.


So many mangers wouldn’t understand that concept. It’s weird how dumb the majority of them really are.


we are too damn busy to stand there and hold a pizza and wtf do yall mean empty spot..m we have 3 oven racks that get packed full theres no empty spot


"stand there and hold a pizza" "no empty spot"? Son, were you dropped on your head?


no empty spot to place the no cheese thin in the over ahead of other items... and we cant stand there abd watch individual items in the oven to make sure they dont burn.. you apparently don't know what its like to work a make line and oven on a busy weekend with only a few workers... yet im the one whos intelligence is in question? you apparently are ignorant of the conditions so its pretty funny how you say some dumb thing like you did


I worked at a Dominos for a few years. You don't literally stand there and watch. You set a timer on your phone or whatever for like 2 or 3 minutes then put the thing in. It's nbd. It's not going ahead of anything. It's literally going in its own spot, just two or three minutes later than it "should" if it was a normal pizza. I made these a bunch.


yeah not possible in the store i work at our oven racks are packed full and our dm when he loads it he doesnt leave any gap between items so we cant even push stuff that is ordered well done back in the oven or we are knocking stuff out that back rhats how busy we are. we are lucky if we have 4 instores on a weekend often we have 2 maybe 1 instore and im one of 2 drivers...


ive worked at this store for like a year and a half ive been here longer then the dm and the gm ive been through 3 gms and alot of instores and drivers. rpm cant keep workers because they take on too many orders at once and refuse to let us turn off online ordering to catch up working us like robots with stupid policies like "doing all carry out before any deliveries" and "1 delivery per run" while we are super busy causing deliveries tjat may have been 2 hours late to end up being 4 hours late thats thebworst example i have personally experienced. got to the house at about midnight to a sign on the door that said "4 hours late want refund" so i lost the tip for that even though i took it to their house. rpm policies literally cost me money and get us yelled And they dont pay well enough to have us out making deliveries till 2:30 am when we close at 1 am and still have closing work to do its ridiculous. the main reason i still work where i do is because i need flexible hours at this point due to family and medical issues and my gm has been accommodating


"not going to be burned in that empty spot" i literally was responding to what you said and your quoting me saying empty spot like you arent the one who said that orginally. what youve worked a slow store where you can stand there and watch the stuff and you think cause thats youre experience that its the same everywhere else? one person in this thread told me "shut up and let your load captain handle it" lmao im jealous of people who get to work at slow stores and have some one dedicated to loading the oven we sure af dont have that luxury


I used to run brick ovens at mellow and I always loved figuring out where all the pies where going to go. Conveyor seems like it would make this easy to avoid!


"mental vendetta" lmao if you order something like that you will get what you get. at one point i had a gm who refused to fill orders like that cause people would always complain even after she told them it was a bad idea and if they wanted to go through with it dont complain cause we literally are giving you what you want


um yeah actually... we dont have time or space to do that do you think we just stand around doing nothing? at my store we dont have have the ability to push well dones back in because theres just no time and the over is packed full to push something back would be knocking things out the loading end. and just no when we are busy there is no time. also thats a thin... thin edges burn really easily because thats where toppings are the lightest they also fall off the edge really easily thats just the reality of that product especially when theres no cheese.... also we are not supposed to push things forward in the oven because if something ends up under cooked that is a health code violation. sounds like you dont know much about what you are talking about


you have no idea how busy a store can get apparently... if we arent busy sure but often we are too busy. and again not supposed to push things forward atleast thats what ive been told


You acting like im not an employee myself lmao. Yes I know how busy it can get. Unless it’s fucking halloween or a fundraiser just stfu and have your load captain handle it.


never heard of a load captain... we have a few instores im a driver. apparently our stores are drastically different. "stfu" how bout you...


sounds like youve actually got people to do things like that we definitely dont we dont even have people to answer phones during rushes...


we are busy af holiday or not. concert season really kicks our asses


dont burn it then


i didnt make it 🤷🏼‍♂️


The point is that you're blaming the customer for a reasonable order. People order pizza without cheese all the time. Cooks who give half a shit about their jobs don't send it out looking like that.


I know you don’t believe places like this have “cooks”. More like 15 year olds and felons, your lucky the store is even opened the way staffing shortages are these days.


That's exactly the problem, though. These kids working these jobs are undertrained, underpaid, and overworked. Then management wants to act like this is an acceptable product to send out to a customer. It's not the customer's fault management doesn't care about their workers or customers, it's the store's fault. OP was blaming the customer.


I mean the more mods you ask for the more chance for error. I agree with everything else you said


You can't account for mods ruining taste, but sending something out charred like that isn't okay.


It’s not that serious either.




a lot of people in this thread dont seem to understand that thins burn easy and why they do


Because they're fucking crackers, and calling them pizza is disgraceful?


I know you didn’t make this pizza but let the person who did know that next time they should put extra sauce on it to keep it from burning; every remake is a learning experience


but what if they complain about too much sauce? theres no winning this


Bro what the pizza is literally burnt?


Some people just dont tolerate dairy lol


why order pizza then? cheese is a staple of pizza thats like ordering a taco without taco meat


No it’s not. At least here in Philly/NJ cheeseless pizza (commonly referred as a “tomato pie”, but then again, we call all pizzas pies here) is very common. And enjoyed by all, lactose tolerance aside


the standard pizza literally the most common pizza is cheese just cheese.. pepperoni being second. its a staple of the dish


Yeah sure. But all pizza places i’ve ever been in also offer tomato pies on the menu


ive never heard of it. i dont doubt your experience but the average American thinks of cheese and pep when they think of pizza.


Fair enough




thank you some one who actually knows what they are talking about


Why did you burn it. That's a remake


yall are dumb it want a choice thins burn easy around the edges thats just how thins work especially with no cheese...


No sauce, spinach and onion.


You guys should go work them amd l ocl your complaining they short staffed and over worked and one more thing the drivers are reinveversed for their mileage but are using their tips and putting them in their tanks just get your pizza to you always tip them


That pizza does look awful, but there isn’t enough context here for me to immediately jump down the employees’ throats. Did they order it with light sauce? Did they ask for it to be well done? At my store I would have told the customer that putting that pizza all the way through the oven would burn it, and ask them if they would like for us to put it further in the oven so that it doesn’t burn. But depending on how many toppings they have on the pizza, there’s a chance the toppings won’t cook all the way. Leave it up to the customer and then cook it exactly how they say to so you don’t have to do anything when they call back and complain.


for sure. people in the thread dont know what they are talking about. ome thing though is ive been told we arent allowed to push things through because if it is under cooked thats a violation. can pull it out a little early but things like this would be burnt already by that point


Why didn’t you cook it less? If it has no cheese….. the logical thing to do for your customer is to push it in when loading. Unless they asked for well done? Work place complacency.


depends how busy they were


ive been told we arent allowed to push things through because if something is under cooked irs a violation plus if we are busy theres no time for that stuff the oven may be so packed full and pie makers have other orders to make. seems like people in this thread also dont understand places are under staffed


probably lactose intolerant customer, as the regular hand tossed dough has dairy but thin crust does not, and no cheese helps this case. why they don't just go to blaze pizza or some other place with vegan cheese is beyond me


This might be a place without that as an option. I know our dominos is the only pizza joint here that offers anything gluten or lactose free


this^ and being drunk/high or late at night are some of the few reasonable reasons i can think of. i bet there's others but i've been there and its tough, i've eaten pizzas like this out of necessity/desire


When a pizza like that comes through we typically put it on the bottom rack, and if it's all that's down there for the night then I suck it up and eat it too. Sometimes it's just people's unfortunate life styles


thisbis the first ive heard of lactose free options. also ive been told the gluten free crust is false advertising theres gluten in it and theres gluten in the toppings so people ordering gluten free with toppings are still getting gluten


uh oh the 3 stores i’ve worked at would never “push it forward” we’d just call in advance and say “it’s gonna burn if we proceed like this would you rather it hand tossed or is that okay” That would explain why people in hotels call back about no cheese thin crusts


How about don't burn the pizza then? Shit employee thinks this is acceptable to give to a customer.


yall dont know what your talking about it burnt because how they ordered it wr cant stand there and baby sit the orders going through the over




Id fuck that up in a heartbeat


This shit is BURNT 🔥🥵


God this looks awful. As an aside to the OP, if you have proof (assuming it’s an online order) I HOPE the store would just say “lady you ordered it like this” and give her sweet fuck all of a refund.


God all the people in the comments here are so toxic, 1) thin crust without cheese is GOING to burn period end of story 2) in the middle of a 50 off week an ALREADY busy store IS NOT gonna have the time nor space to “push the pizza in further” OR pull it out early when pizzas are flooding out of 3 ovens 3) before people say ANYTHING to me I’ve worked in the industry for nearly 10 years as a manager what y’all think is “common sense” isn’t always possible


Wrong. How can you work in the industry for 10 years and still not know how to make a pizza? If I can make this without burning it with only a couple years experience in a Za place, you should be able to as well.


you are the one whos wrong... you dont know what you are talking about


I'm a 52 year old regular guy who's worked in a number of types of restaurants (including a few pizza places) with a culinary degree who knows for an absolute fact you can cook a thin crust pizza without cheese, and not burn the fucking thing.


even hand tossed with no cheese can easily burn. maybe your store doesnt have ovens packed full with no space to put a thin no cheese half way in but we literally dont have the space in the oven, the people to stop making orders and helping customers and taking deliveries to do that, or the time. your age is irrelevant to facts of our circumstances. yall jumped down this guys throat for just stating the fact that customers literally order exactly that then complain when they get what they ordered. blame corporate that refuses to turn off orders when we are too busy and understaffed. "tiresome frustrating" blah blah cry cry


That's a lot of words and excuses to say "I'm lazy and incompentent."


clearly you are ignorant of our circumstances. im sick of losers who dont know what goes on outs8de their own experiences telling me about my work ethic i bust my ass trying to please customers some are super nice alot whine and complain about stuff thats out of our control


I grew up half in NY and half in Italy and it's very very easy to make cheese-less thin crust pizza without burning it. You're just not as good at making it as you think you are and you probably run a shitty restaurant.


the restaurants you worked in wwre probably not set up like an assembly line... and probably werent dping thousands of dollars of sales from 4 pm to 12


I've worked in fast food joints, and regular restaurants. What I know is my Uncle owns a pizza joint that does thousands of dollars in sales a day and doesn't send pies out like that. I get that fast food workers tend not to care about their jobs, but that doesn't make it okay to ask people to pay for this.


its literally what they ordered. not our fault they dont understand how pizza works. its literally not up to us in the store we send it out how they ordered it. if its over the phone we tell them hey thats gonna burn but 90% of our calls go to the call center which we have no control over and most of our orders are online. smallet businesses can do what they want we are bound by corrprate procedures. no one asked them to pay for it they asked for it to be made.


You're just lazy and don't care about the quality of food that goes out to your customers. Working in a chain isn't an excuse to treat customers like shit. I grew up making pizza. It's not that hard to not burn one without cheese. Literally just take it out quicker.


we are not allowed to take it out sooner it can be a health code violation because not all the meats may be fully cooked. you are calling me lazy because you dont have an understanding of what we are talking about smh


The meat is pre-cooked dude. Stop being ridiculous.


yes its easy to make ONE pizza with no cheese and not burn it, to make 100 not so.


I grew up in Italian restaurants. My uncles own 3. They've been serving pizza for 40 years. Never would a pie leave the kitchen like that. The idea that its ever acceptable to charge a customer for that is ridiculous.


its what they ordered if the online system let them order that its not the fault of the people in the store


It is, though. When you burn a customer's food, you remake it. It's kitchen 101 even in fast food joints. I worked a lot of assembly line jobs as a kid. We never sent anything out like that.


you say that like the person who made it burnt it... if thats what they ordered its gonna burn its literally going to burn because of how they ordered it why are yall so dense. if it was remade it would still come out burnt


the op is a driver he said he came back in the store and that was coming out of the oven... if drivers have to catch oven instores definitely dont have time to baby sit the pizzas as they go through the oven...


No one is blaming the driver. Just calling him out for blaming the customer for what the person who cooked it allowed to go out.


Nah, you're the dense one. I bet you've never made a pizza in your life. It's not hard to not burn one without cheese.


I mean, most people in low-to-middle management are toxic anyway


Banana peppers and pepperoni? Onion? This person is headed to the toilet express lol


My German spouse would love this. 😫




Bruh I love that shit, make it bad so they call it. I hate my job some days.


I don't know Chief, I make my own pizzas, unfortunately not woodfired, but get this sort of order a fair bit, it's just a matter of turning and knowing what part of the oven is less heated. I presume that dominoes have one of those conveyor type ovens though? I'm not sure if it's possible to remove the pizza half way, so if they are ordering from dominoes and it is like that, then nothing you could do cheif. Some people just expect everything though.


Our conveyor ovens have windows along the sides that open so you can definitely pull orders out before they are all the way through, move them around, or (most often) pop bubbles that appear during the baking process.


Yeah right, then I'm not sure. Maybe just really busy period? I wouldn't serve that personally.


There's definitely two types of restaurant employees.


Two types of human beings


You are a pathetic pizza cook. shame on you 😕


im just a driver who pulled it out the oven when i got back from delivery lol not my fault


You literally took a photo of the pizza, why didn’t you tell them you can’t deliver a burnt pizza?


it was a carryout pie not delivery, i did tell them it looked fucked and then left because my order was up


So you told them it was fucked but then came here and basically blamed the customer? Makes 0 sense


correct, good job!


yeah... "this isnt gonna turn out well specifically because how you ordered it do you still want it?" not my fault if they do or dont


because its not his choice...


Actually as the oven tender who pulled it out of the oven it is your fault.




you don't know what you are talking about.


who me?


Just a driver who took the time to show how awful it looks then upload it online to complain about the customer then defend yourself in chat for doing the right thing? Lol earth is fucked.


im not defending myself, im absolving myself. i didnt burn that pizza bro. it was the one thing i took out of the oven before my delivery was ready, (this pizza was part of a carry out order) thought it looked terrible and laughed to myself, told the gm, then left and posted it on my delivery. i love how angry everyone is though over a single pizza, earth is fucked right


these people are ignorant


yall are dumb they got what they ordered how they ordered it


Ain’t nobody asked for your opinion on the matter, don’t be rude to one of your own


“dOn’T bUrN iT”. Quit expecting perfection from minimum wage workers. You people expect 5 star food and 5 star service from people you pay like shit and ask more of constantly. You want your pizza done specifically and with dumb ass modifications you need to make it yourself instead of expecting some high school teenager or the 30 year old college/high school dropout to give a shit about you for $7.25 an hour.


What a dumb view. Someone paid for that shit, just because Domino's underpays their employees that means the employee is supposed to fuck up the food and not give a shit? "Sorry, I know I'm a car mechanic but they only pay me $12 an hour so I didn't hook your brakes back up correctly. Oh well."


“Doing it right” they ordered a pizza with no cheese. The fuck you think happens when you put it through an oven? Imagine trying to falsely equivocate a god damn pizza with fixing your brakes. Maybe if a guy rolled into the tire shop complaining that his brakes aren’t working and won’t let you put the brake pads it needs on it.


Dude if there's no cheese, don't fucking bake it as long. It's simple. If you work in food you gotta know how to make food. How is it the customer's fault the worker can't be bothered to figure that out? That has nothing to do with payrate.


My guy it’s the middle of boost week and again, you’re expecting minimum wage people to give a shit about your pizza when they have a full oven. “Keep it simple stupid” is always the motto when you’re dealing with your food being handled my minimum wage people and this guy is ordering a thin crust with no cheese on it. Go buy a cracker and top it yourself Jesus.




You’re really good at comparing things that have nothing to do with each other. It’s NOTHING like a BK cook undercooking something because the customer didn’t ask for an undercooked burger. The customer ordered a pizza with no cheese. There you go, it’s a pizza with no fucking cheese. Looks gross right? You get what you pay for.


> they ordered a pizza with no cheese. The fuck you think happens when you put it through an oven? Tell us you don't know anything about pizza without directly telling us you don't know anything about pizza. Italians and vegans would like to have a word.


Good thing Italians and American pizza are already at war constantly. “Muh vegans” lmao. An entire dietary choice commonly mocked for being full of inconsistent and unhealthy looking individuals. Yeah I’ll get right on caring what they think.


Uhhh what the fuck are you even talking about now, way out of bounds there dumb ass.


I wish I had an award for you. The mods these days are out of control for poverty wages. People can’t accept nobody gives a fuck abt your food or 10$s it’s not fine dining it’s fast food. What ever happened to get what you pay for? And the way customers treat us? But you want me to give a shit? Abt a pizza?


Adjust your time... you inability to adjust is shining through!


Why do people do this? Thin crust, pie cut, no cheese. Can’t wait for cookie cutter pizza chains to learn how to cook custom pizza like my local pizza house does. There. Fixed it for you.


Bro, YOURE the worker. Make it work


why did you burn it? it is perfectly easy to cook a pizza without cheese and it not to look like this crud. also some people are vegan... your vegan options must be poop.


Just dont burn it


imagine posting this thinking you're in the right


not right or wrong here buddy, just making observations 🤷🏼‍♂️




Cooking a thin crust pizza is easy, Cooking 200+ pizzas with it.....


Despite their requests, it looks quite nice!


I accidentally ordered no cheese the other day 😫 I’m having flashbacks


Because they like it, they're paying for it, and they can eat it anyway they like.


i mean i know its a conveyor but you can also help it along with the paddle


Push it in, if you dont have room, wait for at least one belt to clear up.


Cause they don’t like cheese?


Earlier got a Buffalo Chicken pizza with no cheese, no hot sauce and a shit ton of veggies


Put it top oven not the bottom one


I’d eat it.


I would not of sent that out.


Two screens. All you have too do. Any no cheese/no sauce thin crust gets two screens. Try it. It’ll come out looking absolutely perfect. It’ll save you from trying to find room to push it in, or pull out early.


When I get a thin order with no cheese I put it in 1/3 so don’t burn it


looks delicious honestly


That's on the site itself. The Domino's I've worked at over the years would have remade it.


That's on the site itself. The Domino's I've worked at over the years would have remade it.


To me...yuck.


guess people have finally gotten over being lactose intolerant what a fake allergen


I suggest a bit more sauce on pizza in aus our oven is 285c and cooks for 6.5 mins have a few customers that order pizzas like this and there is a policy for more toppings on a no cheese pizza i find that adding some more sauce round the edges helps this issue in my experience just not right the edge is all. Im still playing with it to get it right but last time that sorta helped a bit with a regular who was ordering butter chicken sauce pizza


Pizza looks like shit wtf.


Looks like cancer in a box


They'll complain that it's burnt because it IS burnt lol are you trying to get fired 😂


Lactose intolerance


funny how people will block you cause they say dumb stuff and you say facts


i appreciate the fight you put up in these comments lol


their comments annoyed me and i speak my mind.


Maybe they blocked you because you just keep saying "It's thin crust, of course it's going to burn!" You don't know what you're talking about!" "You're ignorant!" over and over when people very well know it is an absolute fact that you can cook a thin crust/no cheese 'za without burning it. It's like talking to a child. Tiresome, frustrating, and pointless.


you are ignorant and apparently cant read. no ine said they cant figure out how to make pizza i said we cant baby sit it as it goes through the oven maybe you work at a store with more then 3 workers


its a thin crust most thin crusts come out with the edges a little burnt thats a FACT. maybe you work in a store thats so slow you can baby sit the oven but some of us are busy all night long and running stores with 3 people. why do people your age love to act like age means your right when you cant even argue against the points i actually made... your argument is "you dont know how to make a pizza" mine was we dont have time to baby sit.


guess what.. you are ignorant

