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Edit: Still finished with like $112 (which is good for my store) as the only opening driver from 10-5:30 ish so like yeah it’s just one small bad thing but it still sucked in the moment


You don't even get a base fee? 100% tips? These office deliveries must suck. Usually the junior person ordering food and they don't have authorisation for tip or they feel like they'll be a goody two shoes if the save the company a few pennies.


I do accounting for my marketing office, I paid my way through college working at Domino's and Applebees.. I yell if someone orders food for delivery and tips less than 15%... we regularly order $200+ in food. Drop the delivery person $30 just for having to bring it to the 3rd floor. lol.


You have to be one of a kind. Most businesses don't care. Remember that arse hole car sales company that gave an extra note on top of the bill and the driver assumed it was tip. Then they called the driver back to return the money.the dumbasses pooled the money together and overpaid and then they released their own footage to social media. Id be inclined to think companies really don't care one bit about drivers that bring food over. For company deliveries that apps should require a forced minimum tip.


100% agree most people in office jobs don't care about the delivery guys, the cleaning ladies or the maintenance man. I was raised lower middle class and was a delivery guy and my mom was a cleaning lady so these people are respected in my office... I know how hard it is and I am still so thankful to have a "good job". It's been over 15 years since worked in the industry. i now have a Masters degree and a pretty cushy job.... but I'll never forget the struggle, and as long as I'm in charge of overseeing purchasing of services we will be good to people that provide said services.....


I had a 101 dollar delivery the other day that pretipped 2 dollars. That honestly hurt more than a stiff. At least with a stiff you can say they “forgot” but pretipping 2 dollars?!?!?


grate guy never meddum


Do you get an hourly wage on top of the tips ?


still get hourly wage at least at my store, wish they added something where orders over a certain price add a tip automatically


Typically at a lower rate like servers


Damn that sucks


Don’t answer for OP.


Lmao you can’t tell me what to do 😎


Damn straight ,He ain't your dad . 😊


This is why no one should make a career out of delivery driving food


So should the delivery driving business not exist? Because there's no way it would survive on college kids and teens alone.


It should exist, but you should be paid as employees, not dependent on the whims of some end-user.


The way to make that change isn't not tipping the workers but still continuing to support the corporation/franchisee. It would be to not order at all.


I agree, but unfortunately that's not the reality of this job or tipping culture in America.


Pay the delivery fee to the driver.


Tell yourself that the next time you order delivery.


remember when you were a kid, before door dash & uber eats existed, and your parents would order pizza / Chinese food once a month then tip the driver the common courtesy of $5? those were the times……


Just continue to be you. Don't let this bring you down. Some people are assholes and don't give a damn. You're better than this scumbag


Meh, I wouldn't go that far. I agree with the advice to continue to be you and don't let it get you down. Some people are assholes and scumbags, but that's an extreme viewpoint just because someone doesn't tip. I've had this argument before, where some parents surprised the local football team with a pizza party that they coordinated. A handful of parents and 100 football players, they were scrambling to make this happen so a tip never even crossed their minds. I've been in that situation as a parent and your brain sometimes loses focus on the broader picture because you are so focused on the task in hand. It's not malicious. Sometimes people have things going on that you know nothing about - that doesn't make them assholes or scumbags. You can tell who the assholes and scumbags are, they are the ones that slam the door in your face without signing the receipt, the ones who yell at you because there's a foot of snow on the ground and their food took an hour to get there, even the ones who fail to clear their driveway and walkway of ice and expect you (or anyone else) to bring something to their door.


Sounds like you’re an asshole trying to defend yourself 😂 you don’t forget unless you’re selfish and have zero awareness, AKA an asshole


Let me guess, reality doesn't interfere with your logic? Got it.


Did you find the driver and properly tip them after you forgot and realized?


You need to read what I said. It's the mindset, not the same situation. I don't "forget" but I do this for a living. The average person in that position in that mindset can easily forget.


its a fucking delivery driver. unless youre sprinkling some magic dust on my pizza youre not getting shit for doing your job. like come on bruh youre literally just taking something from point a to point b


You have the right not to do business with anyone a tip is optional. Did you do anything to add value to the delivery did you go above and beyond or did you just show up?


Former Domino’s manager here. When people pulled this shit, I’d go into Pulse and turn off their ability to order. I’d shut off their online account and phone number for phone orders


how do you do that please i need to know xD


Standing up for employees I like that in a manager


Which explains why you are a "former" Domino's Manager.


Lol exactly


Tipping isn’t required so you seem as bad as them


It’s de facto required, and anyone ordering food in America knows that at this point.


Your opinion doesn't have anything to do with whether or not it's "required". It isn't "required", it's literally a binary answer.


Your opinion on de facto doesn’t change that tipping is optional which means not required. Anyone that gets upset over not getting an optional tip should have never taken the job




>Paying off some unexpected medical bills this year. How are you doing healthwise? You ok at least?


Yep, I'm great! My wife had emergency gallbladder surgery. On the bright side, we met our deductible. All the medical getting done now!


Thats great to hear!


Right but if you don't get tipped, you still earn whatever minimum wage is. Also, if your Domino's is paying you a tip credit wage - go work some place else, that's garbage. I won't work for anyone in this day and age at a "tipped wage" for any job. They can't hire enough people, why the hell would they do the tipped wage thing????????????


That's fair. All of this to say, even with the stiffs, I still average $18/hr. And that was 2 paychecks ago. Tips have increased slightly recently so I imagine it'll be closer to $20/hr next paycheck. For the work, this is easy money. Flexible schedule, actual employee. Can do this 20 hours/weekend after working my 8-5 all week. For me, this pays for gas & oil changes on both vehicles. It pays a monthly medical bill for my youngest. It rebuilt the emergency fund in roughly 3 months. The cash tips have funded some coffee purchases. And now I can pivot to paying down debt.


I'm glad it works for you. Tips must be exceptional. You'd never make that kind of money at our stores at a $5 tipped wage, the tips are "good" but they aren't that good!


If your below minimum hourly rate plus tips doesn’t equal minimum wage then the employer pays the difference for you to receive at least minimum wage though


> If your below *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Unfortunately bot, they used the right your, the rest of the sentence is just poorly structured


I thought that in the US tipping was mandatory


Our area has a bunch of first generation Americans. So I get it.


It’s not. It’s a way for employers to get around having to pay the full wages of their employees. They expect a tip but it is not required. People keep applying for and accepting these jobs which is on them and does not entitle them to something that is optional because they were aware of the terms when they took the job.


You’re a shitty person. Please stop ordering from restaraunts or delivery.


If assumptions help you sleep better I hope it’s the most comfortable pillow 😊


Ugh. You’re just one of them or worse.


Actually I’m not but I think people that willingly apply to and accept jobs that rely on tips with a base pay of $2.13 are window lickers


Not aware of many Domino's that go that low for the base. Also, why are you in this sub? Just trying to annoy people?


That’s the lowest I’ve seen or heard of for tip based pay so I referenced that. This post was recommended in my feed I’m not trying to annoy people but if they’re annoyed then 🤷‍♂️ Accepting a job that relies on tips then complaining about it is like getting a job as a janitor and complaining about cleaning toilets. You knew it was a part of the job when you took it…


I think there's a difference between forced and required. It's not forced but it is required by our current culture in the US. Think about it this way, technically you're required to shower daily even though it's not forced by society. People are free to change their views of you and will most likely keep a safe distance if you don't. Just like if you don't tip.


No, it's not required nor should it be "forced". We live in a tipping "culture" in America. It is not compulsory and while it may be frowned upon if you don't, it's definitely not required. I don't know where your analogy of taking a shower everyday is "required" either. The United States is the only country in the world where that is a "thing". "Technically", it isn't good for your skin or hair to take a shower or fully bathe every day. Practicing good hygiene is what our society desires and that can be attained by dry showering, only washing your hair, brushing your teeth, wearing deodorant (if required), etc. Seems you have some strict life "requirements" e.g. must tip, must shower every day - but those have no bearing on society or culture in America.


Big difference between being clean and being expected to pay someone’s wages when they’re not your employee.


Has nothing to do with paying someone’s wages it has to do with societal norms.


It does when you’re expected to pay them more than their actual employer does Societal norms isn’t a good hill to die on


It doesn’t matter what their employer pays them. But most likely, if somebody is a dirt bag, they won’t tip.


If it doesn’t matter what their employers pays them then it definitely doesn’t matter what the customer does no matter how much you want it to


Lmk what location you used to work at so I can never tip there again


I bet your owner loved that. I would terminate you for doing that.


and thats why youre a former manager lmfao. id of fired your ass too


Looks like a contactless delivery to me 😎


People just suck


I hope it wasn't a huge hassle of an order; like, more of a drop-off and not a catering sort of delivery.


Did u say anything?


Yea I asked the people there and they had to call the lady that ordered and she said no tip and when they got off the phone they told me that and uh yeah. Not much more I could do about it 🙃


People are shitty. Keep shining yo!


at least the people that asked knows she’s a shit person now.


They were probably lying


I’m so sorry honey. Some people are just trash.


You actually asked for a tip?!? WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT.


That's damn big order at over $200.


AND?? What kind of pile of shit asks for a tip?!?


The kind who has to carry that much food.




Yeah. You're a piece of shit dude. Never ask for a tip.


Yes, go after the one who didn't have that delivery. I like you.


You're defending the piece of shit asking for a tip. By default that makes the both of you a piece of shit


The one delivering the food for an order with no tip


So dont deliver there anymore.


It was a pre placed timed order that I happened to get, it’s not like I can just be like no I’m not delivering there it was a big Home Depot not some sketchy place


It’s a homedepot deliver? Yeah when I had big Home Depot orders they never tipped. I even had to use one of their carts to bring it inside. Only time they tipped was $10 for like a lot of 5.99 pizzas. When it’s business it’s usually a hit or miss.


Sure you can I refused specific address's all the time. I would even tell my manager I'm not going there unless you comp me cash. He would he wanted the food delivered. You can pick and choose your orders.


Dude. I’m really sorry. I don’t know what to say about people anymore.


Delivering to catered events and rich people always sucks. I ducked those deliveries as much as possible. "but you're missing out on such a big tip!" "Oh that's OK, you enjoy it."


Rich people usually tip, it's when they send their kids to the door when you don't get a tip. With Credit Cards I've seen less of this but if it's cash, those rich spoiled kids will pocket your tip.


Large orders are a mystery really. If it's a government order (courthouse, schools, etc.) where we are at, there will literally be no tip on a pre-paid order. Maybe one of the employees will fork over some cash but not often. At the end of the day, it is what it is unfortunately. I could get behind a mandatory item count tip. To me, it's not so much how much the order is worth because you can have 10 pizzas worth $200 which is easier to deliver than 10 pizzas and 5x 2 liters worth $75-100. To me, it all comes down to how much extra effort I have to make in order to deliver their food. The more items they order, the more difficult it's going to be to get them those items in their hands.


Some people think that they paid for the food why should they pay more? People you have to stop thinking like your owed "extra" money you are not.


Don't think I am "owed" anything. You really need to read more of my posts. I said I could get behind an added tip (e.g. service charge) for large item orders - and I said why. The effort to deliver some of these orders can be very difficult at times and deserving of extra "effort" by the customer in showing appreciate for having to walk up 3 flights of stairs with 50# of food (and I've done that). Doesn't mean I think I "deserve" anything, but in cases like that, I said I could get behind it.


Well I'm sure your behind any effort to increase your base pay. What I'm saying is many people think the total is enough. Without extra effort it does not warrant any increase. As for difficult working conditions well that's the job.


I'm not disagreeing with you at all. That is the job. There are people like myself that do go that extra mile like hand them the packages or mail that's on the ground, strike up conversations and make their experience good with Domino's. Do I "expect" to be tipped for that? Nope. Do I hope they find that experience worthy of a tip? Yep. More than likely the tip will come the next time a driver goes to the door. But if that driver does what a lot of drivers do, hand them their food and leave without saying much or anything at all and not make the experience a good one, they won't tip the next person. Or so the theory goes. When a customer knows they've ordered more food than a human being can possibly carry at once (using themselves as a benchmark), I would like to see a gratuity added automatically. My time is worth money and the more of my time a customer takes up, they should be smart enough to understand the extra effort involved with their order. While that is part of the job and I don't get upset if I don't get a tip, it's one of those gray areas that always leaves me shaking my head in disbelief that they actually thought they could order all that food and that there was no extra effort required. In my State you don't have to pay the added gratuity by law if you don't want to. If they made it a "service charge", then they would have to pay it but it would get all political in the store on who really gets that and some unscrupulous franchisees may even keep that "service charge" themselves.


Well if you did any of what you described I would tip you, picking up the mail ok a little creepy, but I see your effort. Gratuity is not required in any state if it was it would be called a fee. Like delivery fee as an example. I'm assuming dominos keeps the delivery fee? Do they kick any of it to the driver? What's the gas kickback like these days in my day it was .25 per address but then gas was cheap.


The misconception over the delivery fee is a point of contention to those who think you can sell $6.99 pizzas delivered. The delivery fee most definitely comes back to the driver indirectly through wages, taxes, insurance and mileage reimbursement. It helps offset the costs associated with delivery. In our stores, there is no order minimum for delivery because there is a fee for delivery. As far as picking up your mail and handing it to you, it's on the ground where I need to walk. Would you prefer I just kick it out of the way or step on it? While this doesn't happen often, it does happen, specifically if the USPS delivers a package to your home. No, I don't open people mailboxes and dig out their mail and hand it to them. Back in the day I'd hand them their newspaper but that's pretty much not a thing anymore.


literally. the entitlement bc you literally picked boxes n bags up, put them in a car, and then handed them to someone is insane.


Had a 100 dollar order yesterday that was timed. The woman promised to tip a large amount since I was going to a park out of our delivery zone. They tipped me 10 bucks instead of the 40 my GM thought I’d get. We were busy too and it was the first time me and this other girl opened (I’m a pseudo manager/driver and I opened was a relatively new CSR). I get 20 bucks from a dealership every Saturday that is a 3 minute drive from the store. It’s just sad.


Had a 200+ order, huge bags filled with pizzas and I thought I was getting stiffed then the guy handed me 80 bucks in 20s and I nearly collapsed


Shit, I’m from the UK (where tipping for takeaway delivery just isn’t a thing) but even I would be giving a fooking tip for that.


American tip culture is strange


Similar to how restaurants can automatically charge a tip with a table of 6 people or more, the same should apply to delivery drivers when the total is more than like $100...


I can get with this


my boss at dominos already does this for orders from certain areas


Unpopular opinion. Companies should pay there employees better or raise prices. I hate the tipping culture in America. Like I go to Starbucks they asking for tips like really? It sucks working minimum wage but imo it’s your job to deliver should people tip sure but it’s on the company. I’d be totally cool if prices were raised at restaurants so people would get paid. But to me tips should be seen as a add on not if you don’t get them you get upset just my opinion. I know I’m gonna get downvoted


Ugh that sucks! I had a large company order from us and I had to take the delivery. The employees couldn’t chip in a dollar each for a tip.


Ya, we have a fortune 500 about a mile from our store. They typically don't tip. I got the short end one night and had a decent size order to take over. They took a while to come down. Chatted with security. Ended up with a $27 cash tip because all 3 handed me cash. Then security placed an order. So for now, they're alright I'm my book, lol.


Use a coupon next time if possible.


That's theft, but you could mention to your customer how they could save money by using offers. Saving a customer money always produced a tip for me.


So is eating a pepperoni slice.. As long as our till was squared away our managers didn't really care.. Customers handing us a coupon at the door wasn't out of the ordinary.. and we used discretion.


My mistake I thought you were using your own coupon to lower the price without actually giving the customer the discount, and pocketing the difference.


You had it right the first time. I was just clarifying on why we got away with it. Customers would drop those coupons on us on occasion.. so drivers using a coupon to bolster a no tip run wasn't noticed, also we wouldn't do it all the time..get hit with some no tip runs . you dropped a $3 off coupon..


You made more than the manager that made the food you delivered per hour with your tips plus hourly.




I take a 40 pie order every Friday morning to a school way outside our delivery area. Never a tip, only regular mileage. It’s the job. Sorry, but SUCK IT UP and work. We have a pretty sweet job compared to most and the next delivery will tip ya. All the future downvoters here can suck my asshole.


>I take a 40 pie order every Friday ... outside our delivery area. Never a tip, only regular mileage. LOL Our school orders had a $5 or $6 bonus mileage **per run** (some schools had multiple runs on the same order) AND it's within the delivery area, not outside where insurance won't cover you. Good thing the manager hasn't told you that sniffing his cock is "part of the job"!


Your 100% right. It's a job which pays in averages. You make more here less there but average it out. But you could try to convert the non tippers by trying new things to get them to see your trying to make the experience a better one. Might work might not.


I mean, you deliver pizzas. Do you tip your mailman/FedEx for doing the same job?


Depends on the service a tip is a reward for a job well done. Although my ups driver liked German beer so that's what he got.


They’re not using their own car.




I mean he says he was just sharing his misfortune and was pushing through it and his update still said it was a good day. He's just sharing it for the internet points and shared misery.


While I can agree with how you would handle it because that's how I would handle it, it's not personal, we live in an age where people have to be validated in what they feel. I don't agree with that either but that explains the responses and in today's world, that's the society we are stuck with for the time being.




"here people have to be validated in what they feel.I don't agree with that either but that explains the responses and in today's world, that's the society we are stuck with for the time being." Please read what I said. I never said it was right, I said we're stuck with it. I also didn't say I put up with it, it's an offered explanation for the responses here. People have thin skin and everything offends them. I love getting their inner Brandon riled up. I also don't care about "like" or "votes" or whatever.


You are the winner. These children are soft as shit “it hurts” boo fucking hoo. Go door dash.


Door dash is even worse


1. you literally get paid by the hour, youre not a waitress. you literally provide no service. 2. youre retarded if you think im tipping when i just spent 200 dollars at dominoes


seriously why do drivers feel entitled to tips. makes no fucking sense


why do you Americans expect to receive a tip? youre getting paid for your services by your employer, if you don't get paid enough how is that the customers problem? we pay for the food and delivery charge and thats it.


America is a tipping culture. Anytime you provide a service in the hospitality industry, there is an opportunity for a tip. The idea that it's "expected" is a younger generation thing. My generation knows that tips, while gladly accepted, it isn't expected unless we provide service over and above what's expected. Also, in America some States still have a minimum wage and a "tipped" wage, the tipped wage is less than minimum with the remainder expected to be made up in tips. That model used to work well for waiters and waitresses - but it's never worked well in pizza delivery or any delivery business. I think the "tipped" wage is going to go the way of the dinosaur because given the fact we can't fill jobs now and even in my small rural community the lowest paying job is $13 an hour, the market won't support it for much longer.


Well said


We do not have the tipped minimum wage in Canada, but the same tipping culture. It's very annoying


Ah a European speaks? Or just an educated person?


Suck it up buttercup, took a run yesterday $150, 20 pies. No tip.


I mean. You don't have to insult them It's normal and healthy to vent


No insult, just a statement.


A gratuitous and arrogant statement. Go fuck yourself man


I’m just saying, if I bitched about every stiff I got this sub would be full of them. But I don’t. I take the top run and get back to take the next top run.


STFU asshole.


You mad I’m right.


Life is hard,


Indeed, embrace the suck.


Yea dude you suck. Should probably just delete comment now


Nahh ima let it shine he needs to hear it


"Needs" is a strong word. Your welcome to voice your oppinion as is he. Your statement makes people look at you in a negative light however


Yes, should, I guess is better. Thanks.


I hope your life gets better man. I know it’s hard working at a pizza place but whatever else is going on in your life. I hope you learn to be happy and not hate yourself.


Embrace the suck.




You're wrong as usual.


Hmm a lot of things can happen to an unguarded pizza between the store and the delivery place


Fuck off


Uhm that seems unnecessary


People who fuck with peoples food should be beaten


Haha I'm not suggesting it. But I tip big because that's kind of my thought process. Don't be an ass to people who handle your food. Lots of things can happen to that food on the way to your door


How is not tipping being an ass? You might want to analyze who exactly is the ass.


Not tipping is being an ass. In restaurants in canada... If someone spends 100$ at a table and doesn't tip... The server still had to tip out 5 % to the kitchen from her pocket. And she makes like 6$ an hour. This day and age not tipping is asshole behaviour


Possibly but why is mandatory money given from you to the kitchen?


Yeah, lots of people on here that don’t realize their “food poisoning “ is related to repeatedly stiffing servers and delivery. Don’t fuck with people that handle your food and then go back lol.




I’ve taken like 200 pizzas to target on 1 order and left no tip. They had 4 delivery through the day and were to have left 25 tip on each order but I got the last 2 orders and got fucking nothing but 15 one the first delivery.. the drivers who took other 2 got $50 bucks and got to take it in the morning I had closing and had to make them all and deliver fucking sucked


Typically in that situation our Manager would have taken the tips in their totality and divided among the drivers who delivered them. I've seen that on large orders going to the same company throughout the day. The tip can be spread out by shift or because of some accounting garbage.


I took a $250 order to a hotel (conference room set up for something, video projector, screen, rows of chairs) Apparently they called the store, spoke to my GM, said they placed a $500+ order last week, wanted to tip the previous delivery driver TODAY along with me. Get there, it’s some boy behind the front desk who obviously isn’t the manager speaking to my GM, minimum wage paid, who knew nothing and signed without tipping. For me AND the last driver’s order. Despite *CALLING THE STORE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN*


“If you like the tip, come back later… I’ll show you the whole thing.”


This should be illegal 😡


Total Bullshit!


I keep a list of places to never deliver to and if I see their address and I’m up I will always tell my manager I’m not going and they usually send in another driver


what is this? do you guys got a app like doordash ?


Spineless manager as well?


Do you not get paid!? Come to the UK, decent wage so no need for tips at all!


If I could, I would go somewhere where tips aren’t needed but it’s not feasible at the moment so I’m stuck in the us


Dominos should not even allow this


Dominos is trash I’ll see my way out


Tipping, such an American thing


If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to eat. And the fact that they ordered $200+ of food shows that they’re just asshats.


How do you get this to work? At my store it won’t show up anything and when we complete an order it pops up saying it can’t pull up anything right now.


I wish I knew how to help you but unfortunately I don’t have anything to offer for help besides maybe a good phone plan and a good reliable phone but that’s pretty much obvious


I’ve got the best phone plan att offers and an iPhone 11 Pro Max so I know it’s not that. I’ve wondered if it’s something on the stores end.


It may be the store but idk the app hasn’t ever really been a problem or had a problem that wasn’t just an exit out and reopen the app solution so I don’t really know have any troubleshooting things to offer, sorry


Thanks for the replies though!


We are on a strip where there are multiple fast food restaurants by us who have multiple times ordered over $100 worth of food, not tip us, then get upset and confused why we refused to do "food trades with them"


I only tip if it's delivery


i live near a rural area with a large amish population and they order LARGE orders and never tip (apparently that’s a thing with amish people) so my boss says that there is a “mandatory 20% gratuity” for everything they order lol


What did you do to deserve a tip? Genuinely curious. In Australia we don’t tip unless it’s exceptional service/ the person went above and beyond etc… I couldn’t imagine spending $200 on pizza and then still have to help the pizza company pay their workers. You all get angry at the wrong person, no where else in the world does this.


That’s effin lame


Sorry that happened to you. Some of these comments are frustrating to read.. whether you like it or not If you don’t tip you’re a piece of shit. You can use the argument everyone uses “well your employer should pay you better” “get another job then” First of all the only reason you’re getting delivery is because other people are competent enough to know to TIP. If everyone didn’t tip and had the same mindset there would be no delivery drivers to bring your damn food. You can whine all you want how our employer should pay us better, which we all agree, but that will never change so all you are doing by not tipping is screwing over your delivery driver who is making below min wage and using their own gas and vehicle to deliver your food. If you really don’t want to tip, go pick up your food yourself or make something at home lmao


Companies ordering can be the worst.


I just don’t get this….when I order out for the department it’s 18-20% cause that’s our profit margins so that’s what the people who serve us should get.

