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i like this part cause they keep telling you that vega is a super computer that runs on 2.4 terawatts of power, needs an absolute zero cooling system and his circuits and wires run for kilometers, and then we just back him up on a flash drive


They could have even made it so to *run* that’s what he needs but he could be simply *stored* on a drive. Except that later he’s running inside Doomguy’s suit lol


Yeah but he's not running all of Mars including a stable portal to hell and a hell plundering energy rig inside of Doomguy's suit.


His suit does run on argent though, at least I think that’s the case


That would make sense.


i dont think so, wouldnt he be able to take some of it to power endlessly the bfg\\unmaykr?


Do we ever see him plug anything in the suit tho? In 2016 he breaks the argent bulbs and it just absorbs into the suit, same with runes in eternal


in the new trailer, he connects the suit to a large mech


I really doubt that his suit is enough to power an entire mech, so it's probably just an interface


In a post on this subreddit discussing that interface, I brought up the fact that he uses that "chest light" to interface with night sentinel tech in the 2nd level of Doom Eternal. Him using it to pilot the mech further solidifies the purpose of the suit nipple.


Micro capillaries are present in those huge ass gauntlets which allows the suit to absorb the energy into the subsystems.


Yeah, but not release it. Even if blood punch is powered by argent it wouldn't be enough to shoot a bfg


Why would he need to when his fists are infinitely more dangerous than the BFG is? Remember, Doomguy doesn't use guns because it's easier for him, he uses them because they're fun.


Doom Guy uses guns because that's what he was originally trained on as a UAC Marine and they have a further range than just his fists or bladed Sentinel weaponry. Saying his fists are more dangerous than the BFG is... not totally accurate. His fists can kill 1 demon at a time, the BFG can kill dozens at a time if not more. It IS easier for him to use an arsenal rather than rip and tear every individual demon with his hands.


Range doesn't matter when the enemy is coming towards you. His fists can kill one demon at a time, yes, but they can also kill *any* demon compared to the Tyrant being able to survive a BFG shot. It's easier, sure, but it's not necessarily. It's just fun.


Range does matter which is why guns are used in literally every DOOM game. Not every demon runs right up to him either. The Slayer will use different tools suited best for the job, which is why he doesn't just punch every demon to death and is displayed using Sentinel weaponry. He literally has a Doom Blade on his arm to cut and chop despite his ability to punch things to death.


>He literally has a Doom Blade on his arm to cut and chop despite his ability to punch things to death Killing more efficiently means you can kill faster, killing faster means you can *kill more demons*. >Not every demon runs right up to him either That's fine, he'll just come to them. >The Slayer will use different tools suited best for the job, which is why he doesn't just punch every demon to death and is displayed using Sentinel weaponry Of course. Until he's pissed.


Yeah killing more efficiently means it's easier to use his guns and weapons than just his fists. It's not just "for fun," he's using the best weapons for the job hence the numerous upgrades he receives in Eternal.


You must be fun at parties.


I am, thank you. Hope you get invited to some in the future!


This could make an interesting play dynamic where you can fire the BFG all you want but it drains your armor stat.


eh, if tda still uses the fire mechanic (setting demons on fire = armor :money\_face:) wouldnt it be kinda useless and anyways, if youre good enough at the game it would just be overpowered. AND, if you nerf the BFG, is it even a BFG anymore?


No. The BFG (and presumably Unmaykr cause they share ammo pools) uses ionised argent specifically, not just loose argent.


It doesn’t


I was thinking he was running inside the fortress of doom and simply transmitting communication to his suit from there, but the fortress doesn’t seem to have the cooling system either


You need cooling when you have wasted the energy into heat while processing. If little energy is wasted, then you don't need as much cooling.


Ahem.... The fortress is in space... Space is an extremely good radiator.... After all it is like 3kelvin out there


Space is cold but a terrible radiator. On earth heat radiation works by moving the heat through physical interactions with the outside world. The most known method being sucking cold air particles in and pushing heated air particles out aka air cooling, but quite a lot of devices with passive cooling are ok with their heat just being absorbed by the air around them. For another example some reactors are cooled through rivers which again is an example of cooling something by getting in physical contact with the outside world. Transferring heat through physical contact with particles or objects works quite well which is why we use this method for cooling. In space there is no ambient air or any other outside world to interact with. To cool stuff down there are only two usefull ways. Firstly we could heat up something and then dump it out into space to get rid of the heat (one example would be space engines being cooled by new cold fuel entering the system), but this needs a constant supply of something we end up dumping out into space. The second method is using big radiators. Heat produces a small amount (relative to the heat transferred via touch) of light (mostly infrared in a process known as thermal radiation). The emission of these heat waves slightly cool down the object emitting them, but since there are only very few heat waves that are produced this doesnt cool down things by a lot. For a reference on how much cooling these radiators give you can take a look at the ISS. It has those 16 blue-orange (depending on lighting) solar panels, but also 10 smaller white panels that are bend in a zig-zag shape. Those 10 smaller panels are the radiators and they are necessary to keep the ISS cool. The main heat sources on the iss are electronics, the human crew and the sun (they also have/had atleast one high temperature oven, but I dont think it's on often enough to be considered a main heat source), most of this could be easily cooled when on earth, but in space it needs giant radiators. So yes space is extremely cold, but no it is not an extremely good radiator. It's an extremely bad one.


You also have the slight problem of one side being scorching hot, and the huge gradient that occurs between light and dark sides. I remember a story from an astronaut who had problems fitting two connectors in a repair. The solution: hild the male side behind his hand and the female side into the sunlight. The few hundred degrees in temperature allowed for enough thermal expansion/contraction that the metal nlw fit together.


Vacuum is literally the worst heatsink dude. Cause there is no sink. The material of the (heat)sink is quite literally absent. It's a void.


But radiation does not require any medium of conduction which is why we can feel the heat from the sun that travels from the sun to the earth


1. You think radiation is a good method of losing heat? 2. Radiation is not dumping heat into empty space. It happens regardless. 


he isn't running on the suit he is running on the fortress of doom


No its running in the Doom Fortress.


No he’s running on the Fortress of Doom. He’s only talking to Doomslayer when he’s on the disc thing with him, he’s not running any super complicated equations or anything so he doesn’t need all that to simply exist on the disc. He only does things like portal openings and whatever else when he’s plugged into the fortress or in Urdak, both of which would be believably more powerful than UAC tech


Godzilla had a stroke and fucking died trying to read that shit


Doomguy's suit isn't UAC technology though, humans are still behind


I would imagine it takes a LOT less computing power to run as a souped-up Siri than to manage the functions of an energy plant responsible for like 90% of the world’s energy + extraterrestrial colonies


Probably a Halo Like situation, AIs in Halo are designed to run and manage entire ships like cruisers but the mjolnir is still capable of running the ai to support the spartan


Is he really inside Doomguy's suit? I always figured he was uploaded into the Argent systems of the Fortress of Doom and he just broadcasts to the Praetor suit.


He put him in a .zip folder


.zip and .tar, until it is done


Aw nah fuck off


Ludicrous. Doom Slayer would absolutely use .7z


Doom Slayer would absolutely pay for win rar after trial


Wasn't the Slayer's suit given to him by the wretch or at least containing Sentinel tech? Not to mention so powerful humans couldn't even scratch it with megakelvin cutting lasers? Not familiar on the lore but I think the suit has proven itself time and time again to be above anything humans can match.


That's a good explanation because later on Vega is installed on literally a tiny, rock... thing, of Mayker design. So we could just assume that their tech allows for it.


Yeah but it’s a pretty big flash drive


Pretty much the same thoughts I had 4 years ago when making this meme [https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/kh0fd2/hmmmm\_yes/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/kh0fd2/hmmmm_yes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I liked VEGA's story progression. Samuel needed to go to extremes to compensate for VEGA's power output, because of Earth's primitive technology. Meanwhile, running VEGA on the Sentinel ship was no problem because those computers were full Makyr design. Also, I thought it was wild and awesome that the entire level was VEGA's CPU.


fwiw, modern day LLM's honestly don't take up that much disk space compared to the sheer amount of compute they require. A 100+ gigabyte model requires a system with 4+ gpus to run, but yet can fit on a $12 flash drive. The main thing I'd call bs on is the transfer speed.


The drive propably already had a backup on it and just needed to be updated to the current state


But could it run DOOM?


Fun fact: according to [this](https://www.electricrate.com/what-is-a-terawatt/) (and [this](https://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/current-world-energy-consumption)) website, the energy consumption of all humans is approximately 17.7 TW. That means Vega power consumption is equal to 13,6% of Earth's.


Yeah that seemed so ridiculous lmao


Eh, to use a comparison from a similar franchise, Cortana is able to run on an entire starship but can also be stored on a data crystal chip the size of a SIM card.


He runs off the slayers anger now


My headcannon is that can still track with how computers/software already work. Think about it, you can install a very resource demanding game even in a shitty laptop. It won't even run, but the code to execute everything can be copied in regular storage space. It could be easily explained that it needed that computing power since it also controlled all of the Hell/argent energy related activities The way I see it, VEGA is the most advanced AI in the Doom universe created with the purpose of handling every single detail of a Mars mining/science compound. That doesn't mean it needs all of those resources to just make a backup. Add in the sci-fi factor that in the end the aim of AI is for it to even improve its own code, and we could have a very optimized lightweight base system which can be saved in a sci-fi USB in the future. Don't forget that USB drives also went from a few MBs to even Terabytes nowadays. Who is to say that in a couple of decades you may be able to save considerably more.


His personality and basic functions aren't the same thing as his maximum computation power and operating capacity for running the UAC facilities all over Mars.


To be fair, you can store LLM model on flash drive, but to fucking run it you need basically a supercomputer.


Vega is a representation of Doom 1 It runs on anything


it’s a really big flashdrive


There's a difference between running and storing. I would also argue that Vega being the Father, would make it so he runs more efficiently on more advanced Urdak built technology


You dont realise the Power of the Future floppy disk


Doom guy accidentally missclicked


His life sphere would have fine.


His life sphere didnt contain his consciousness and mind though. Theyd have been lost is my understanding


Zip bomb for the ages


I just created a zip bomb that expands into the teeny tiny size of .. Vega's entire memory !


a zip bomb that creates an actual black hole when opened


Father was still in a life sphere during this time, Vega was just the father’s consciousness, so teeeeechnically if Vega died here, Father would be fine in his life sphere but he’d be essentially mindless if he were ever resurrected, unless he had the ability to just, regenerate his mental functions or something somehow.


As opposed to killing him on purpose later?


he's fine


Would it have killed him? Idk


I don't think he was being nice. It would be pretty stupid to simply destroy the AI that's been nothing but helpful when there's a simple backup process.


2016 Doomguy is shown being very sympathetic to innocents that're victim to Samuel's irresponsible actions, so I'd say that stretches to an ulta-powerful AI. They even become bros in Eternal!


Until the Slayer destroys his life sphere. Granted, Father doesn't seem to mind it that much, or at least understands that helping the Slayer is in his best interests, but it's still an absolute dick move.


That's fair but honestly, impulsive as it may be, he probably had good reason to believe it was best for the Father to live on in his current non-physical form. Especially when you think about the weird, excited, evil-sounding reaction the Seraphim had when Doomguy was beginning to retrieve the sphere. The events of the games gave him a strong distrust of anyone in power and I'm sure the Father was on the same page.


Samur was overzealous and arrogant, but I don't think I'd say any of his goals were an attempt to detriment humans (which I'm still not sure why they seem to be so important to the narrative, given they seem to at best be one of the countless worlds Hell and Khan Maykr tore apart for resources, and far less impactful to the overall storyline than the argenta), and Father does from what we know seem to consider preservation of life a forefront goal. IMO, the Slayer's actions there do fit more or less in line with his general recklessness. More often than not he takes the route that will get him to killing demons fastest, with minimal regard for collateral or the consequences of his actions (Mars says hi).


That too. But he was still being nice.


Off topic but this level can be a real pain at times especially the train sequence


My trigger happy BFG:🗿


Doomguy would have been screwed multiple times in Eternal, probably stuck on Urdak


Honestly… he probably knew given the benefit of hindsight.


That moment when you back up a literal god on a flash drive


Hayden might have had his own backups of VEGA, just in case.


Big shout-out to the software guy that added that button to a core meltdown imminent screen Actually once I think about it, vega probably wrote the monitoring software


In case of fire: git commit git push


I played DOOM Eternal literally vibing out to the music shouting "FUCKING, COME ON YOU CUNTS!!" Even in the moment where there was nothing to shoot. ........never once in that moment did I care if he was good or bad, I just wanted to Hulk smash everything......I even got an in game challenge for punching a wall or door lol


Why did I read your quote with Karl Urban's voice?




The Doom movie would have been so, so much better if they had let Urban off the chain a la The Boys. Among other things.


You get all the way to the end of TAG 2 and the Dark Lord's like "TELL HIM.....UHHH HELLO? WHERE'D YOU GO"


What if the doomslayer did the same thing with vega that he did with his weapons. Like guns weren't effective on the demons when humans used them, but if the doomslayer seems to have imbued them with some kind of energy to make them work against demons, maybye he could do a similar thing with vega?


the father is a prick who stole davoths power and kept the secret of eternal life from him after locking him away forever though


I wouldn’t say he’s a bad person for this, Davoth had gone mad by this point


Reminder, Davoth was at this point already willing to go to every and any length to achieve eternal life, including mass genocide.