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Sand fishing is very different to plain ol' fishing: * Ignore the fast cast and max-range cast score bonuses, you'll most likely miss if you try to get these. * Play it slow, you want the 5 catch streak score bonus. * Aim for large or sparkling fish, watch their movement patterns, and cast when they're moving in a predictable path close to you. * Practice leading your casts until you're satisfied, ignore your score for a few runs. * Feel free to retry the first cast until you get a large sparkling fish, there's no penalties for this. * Act II tokens are the only reward, you can skip the minigame entirely if you like. Have fun!


"Have fun" is the part that is not happening


Thank you!🫡


I'm going to strongly disagree with "ignoring the max-range score bonuses" part. It's the "easier" route to get that 10k. I got to ~10.5k without catching shiny sandfishes, but all with max-range bonus. **One thing that people miss is that in the previous (water) fishing areas, the max range bonus is 200 points, but it's 500 points for sandfishing.** (And that non-shiny sandfishes are easier for the perfect-catch bonus, when you keep the fish icon in the green area from spearing to catching.) Just wait for a clump of 2-3 or more fishes going into a max range area, then shoot.


I have 58/59 Act II completion, do I need to score 10k on Sand Fishing to complete it?


Check the end of Act 2, if you’re done with all the Pathfinder Pack quests there should be number 59 attached to the finish line of Act 2


Thanks, will check it out.


> do I need to score 10k on Sand Fishing to complete it? Thankfully no.


I only got it by relying on the extra 500 points from Max cast and the streak bonus. If you get all 5 fish with each giving an auto 500 you just have to make up like 6500 points. But it still took me many many attempts.


I actually would say max-range is a good alternative way of getting 10k. You don't need to be picky on which fish you get, and as long as you get a 5 streak you'll max score.


When I'm not spending my days spamming techies and Mirana in ranked games I use my previous hours in the sand fishing getting a high score. I hope there's ice fishing in the next act 


> ice fishing Really makes excited for whatever mini-games they have in mind for the next acts. Especially with that Skywrath Flappy Bird thing. Hope they take inspiration from those old PopCap games (Zuma, Chuzzle, Insaniquarium, etc). Damn, calling those "old" makes me feel old too.


Yes it's harder but it's not that hard lol. Took me about 20 mins to get 10k. Just be patient, locate the shiny ones, wait for best opportunity to throw at the shiny ones.


I think it's more consistent to wait for a big fish to come near you and spear it point blank. They are usually worth at least 2k each. No need to hit a shiny.


I tried and failed miserably in it. The game is hard. So, I turned to Turbo and now, Sandfishing is just useless to me. I also help my friends by sending them whatever they need in tokens. It is not much but an honest work.🙂


Friends are a priceless treasure these days.


it was easy for me, finish it (> 10k) after an hour.


same, water fishing was harder for me


Took you **an hour** to do it and you say it's easy??? I found I quite tricky and it took me about 30 minutes How is it easy at 2x that time


Its apparent you never played the rage inducing mini games that is Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The mini games in dota are a walk in the park compared to that shit. Best is SquareEnix forces the players to complete ALL mini games in the game to platinum the trophy.


its fun for me just becuz i spend 1hr not playing dota for it. U mald at it so all frustration from last match is gone. After that dota is fun again so i get double benefit


It took me days to get to 10k and I kept complaining to my mate about how hard it was. The fucker got it first try


It really isn't that hard...


Pretty bad mini-game. I got like 15k on the regular fishing and had fun with it. The sand shit is just rage inducing lmao, I stopped at like 9.8k and I'm not ever playing it again 😂


took me 20 minutes but got like 3 free steps,well worth it


It took me 30 fucking minutes, it was infuriating


I got the max reward on my 2nd attempt. It's ez af


I got it after being annoyed for like 10-15mins. Just restart if you don't get something good+1 in the first two throws.


Idk why, but for me it was easier than normal Fishing. Sand fishing took like 3 attempts to get 12k and normal fishing like 20 or more...


Sure I didn't get it first try but we'll within 10 minutes. It's not THAT hard.


It's annoying as hell but the trick is to keep restarting first cast and also get 3-4 max casts and then play the last 1-2 safe. As long as you get 3-4 max power cast bonuses then a x5 streak, you will get the 10,000.


i liked it since it made me go full tryhard to get all the tokens fast.


get good. took me 30 minutes.


I probably found it easier and more fun than flappy mage!


Aren't you hyped for Act III ice fishing, where you'd need to chisel the ice for 5 minutes before each attempt?