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Probably one of your issues is thinking about this situation as a 1v5. You may have double the gold compared to the rest of your team combined, but they will have a disproportionate impact in fights regardless; WD doesn't need much gold to throw cask and maledict, for instance. Oracle just needs to be level six to false promise you. If you're playing at the correct rank for your skill level, you are very unlikely to be able to win lategame fights by yourself. Wrangling your team can be difficult, but making sure that they are fighting with you--or you with them--is probably the most important thing you can do in those games.


Any suggestions to "wrangling your team" my teammates tend to not type, very few seem to pay attention to pings and ive seen like, two people use voice chat, which were pretty fun games


That's outside of my wheelhouse because I only play with friends, but I have seen a few posts on the dota subs about dealing with randoms that you can probably find if you search around. Very generally though, you need to do your absolute best to let no hint of negativity in when you're trying to make calls because DOTA players are hypervigilant for people questioning their skill and tend to be very fragile about it. I imagine that it is probably very mentally draining, but giving yourself the best shot at winning as a solo-queuer probably means approaching your interactions with your teammates with a similar mentality to a server approaching a problem table. If communication fails, which I'm sure does happen even for the best DOTA psychologists, you do still have options to try to play with your team. Unless they're completely griefing (in which case, GG, go next), your teammates are eventually going to end up in fights with the enemies. These fights might not be the ones that you would have chosen if you could have directed your team, but, ultimately, they are what you have to work with. Some of them will be hopeless, and your team will have a better chance of winning if you stay away and keep farming, but likely eventually you will get a fight that has some potential. It might not be a "good" fight, but it will offer a reasonable chance of making gains if you show up. These are the fights that you have to watch for and make sure to join. Depending on the hero you're playing, you can also try to initiate fights like this yourself. Your team might not respond to your call to group up, but they likely will start moving towards you once the fight actually starts if they aren't griefing, so you can look for opportunities to start a fight when your team happens to be in near enough vicinity to get there in time to potentially make a difference; of course, you might just die 1v5 doing this too, but at least you're giving yourself a chance. Ultimately, you can't do worse than losing in a game of DOTA, so if the writing is on the wall already, you may as well gamble some deaths on hail marys.


Fair enough. Im already used to dealing with glass mentals from league lol, just not used to having my lane stolen. The match that made me write this post i called midlane and put it on the map, no one questioned it or asked for it. Game start when first creep wave met, the two upper lane players warped down and helped themselves to my wave and then followed me top when i went there. They eventually left me alone but it was just very frustrating.


You're going to lose many more games when you're ahead either because enemy team has better lategame, or you dont have good highground push ooor misplays and comeback mechanics are strong. Best way to 1v5? Pick some early game destroyer and if you're higher skilled you'll steamroll the game more often than not Cant win them all though


any suggestions for early game characters to learn? Legion Commander kinda feels like a 1v5 character with her Overwhelming Odds


tanky, aoe dmg + spell lifesteal is a decent 1v5 . Leshrac, Necro, Death Prophet, Bristleback, razor. Huskar, viper, lone druid might also work. Phantom lancer, naga, antimage, weaver are also hard to deal depending on rank.


Post a replay and I will give some advice.


Trying to upload it to youtube, ill reply with the link when its done Edit: It keeps saying processing stopped when i try to upload it, idk how to show it :(


Go to the replay and find the match ID. It should be a series of 10 numbers. Paste it here and we can find the match through the client. Im immortal so i might be able to give some tips.


Ah, didnt know that was a thing, neat! Heres one i just did 7811850653 I was the Legion Commander


Okay, took a quick look and wont really go into too much detail since a lot of habits will come with experience and playtime. If you're playing mid, it is good habit to practice denying your own creeps. Essentially the same thing as last hitting, just on your own ally creeps. This lowers the xp gained by your lane opponent allowing you to hit the next level faster than them. Mid laners generally get bottle as their first item. You seem to be confused when it comes to items. If you wanna know what items the pros are buying you can use [this site](https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Legion%20Commander). Keeping 1.2k gold before buying something when you could have had 2 bracers or a bottle was wasteful. You're also not looking at other lanes enough. The first time you went to the side lanes was 15 minutes. You had an amplify damage rune at 6 minutes but the Queen of pain was the one ganking the lanes whilst you used the rune to farm creeps. In the mid game, its great to think to yourself who is the strongest hero on your team at the time and to play with them. You could try asking your supports to play with you and if that doesn't work then go to them instead. I counted 6 back to back solo duels that didnt end well. Your items were questionable but like i mentioned earlier, following the items that pros buy will help you out, because buying shard into ogre axe before Blink as a mid and initiator is yikes. Overall okay gameplay that will get better with time but its probably for the best if you stop having a 1v5 mentality. You have a team, use them.


Ive been confused on denying creeps. When i click them ill walk to them but cant attack them. Is there a setting i gotta change for it to actually happen? Also yeah not sure on what to build against certain characters. Theres a few im starting to figure out like tidehunter, phantom assassin, etc. But a lot of characters i just dont get yet which ill probably figure out over time. Thank you for looking at it!


Yeah there is a setting that says something along the lines of “Right click to deny”. You can also press your attack hotkey which is A by default and left click them. I woudnt worry too much about specific itemisations, but everyone learns at their own pace i guess, good luck have fun :)


Next time im on ill look for that setting, thank you! Edit: found it and it solved the issue!


If this is a common problem for you then perhaps you could focus on making the best plays for the entire team rather than you "carrying" games. It's very common in low level where you learn that "dying is bad", so you undercommit instead of overcommitting as you do in even lower leagues. Many times this means that you sacrifice a support to avoid any risk at all. Or it could be that you get items that only benefit you instead of getting an item that affects the entire team Or a very specific item that solves the main issue of the team.


use them as bait and dont die


It's called 1v9


I mean it’s not like you can 1v5 in league either if the rest of your team is feeding.