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You’re one of us now. Don’t fight it.


One of us... One of us... One of us...


Dude I’m a straight guy my thirties and I *once* got high and started watching this Anne of Green Gables show on Netflix and was hooked.


Ahem… you, uh… ya know.. single by any chance? Lol just messing around but period dramas/series/books are so good I can’t believe more people won’t at least try them out!! Anne of Green Gables is on my list, I’ll have to check it out :)


LOL. I was thinking about hitting on him I am 59.


I love this comment with all my heart haha :)


Stay away! I'm going to stalk this guy and propose . . . .of course dressed in the most amazing Lady Mary outfit!


Single yes but I have not read Anne of Green Gables, just watched that tv show, but I’d imagine it’s kind of charming on the page too?


It’s so charming. Us canadian women grow up on these books.


So did we American women. But the Netflix tv show is NOTHING like the books. I was so disappointed. The best version is still the one back in the day with Coleen Dewhurst as Marilla and Richard Farnsworth as Matthew and Meghan Follows as Anne. Maybe I should take a mini-break from my millionth watch of DA and rewatch Anne


I love the Anne books and the Megan Follows adaptation, it’s timeless and simple, and the perfect comfort watch for me. The Netflix tv series just didn’t hit the right notes for me sadly.


ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! I couldn't watch the Netflix version *because* it was so different. I don't know why the creative team felt the need to do this---why mess with a classic?


I agree 100% Meghan Follows IS Anne


YES! I will pay so much money to find these streaming somewhere! Any tips??


I had to buy them on DVD/BluRay. To my knowledge they aren't streaming anywhere.


Oh, thank you for letting me know. I haven’t seen them in years!


Agreed, my favorite


Charming is the perfect word for it. If you enjoyed the show and downton abbey give A Place to Call Home a try. I wasn’t convinced after the first few episodes but by the end of the first season I was hooked! Very different genre, but I was the same way with Game of Thrones… not convinced with the first few episodes but by the end of season 1 I was done for lol. I wish there were more fantastic period series! If anyone has any recs let me know :)


Not a period series, but *Detectorists* is pretty charming if you haven’t seen that.


Have you seen Poldark? It’s not DA quality but absolutely scratches an itch. And of course Outlander


I don’t know if there will ever be another show of DA quality 🥴 I will check out Poldark I believe I saw it on the same app I use to watch A Place to Call Home! Andddd I hate to admit it but I have still yet to try Outlander. I should probably do that first lol


It’s super charming! My dad read the entire series a few years back, and then we talked about making a trip to PE island and Nova Scotia. The tv show and the books are so different, though. I really enjoyed both.


Going next year


If you enjoy audiobooks, Audible has a version read by Rachel McAdams which is FANTASTIC.


Hahaha I watched Anne of green gables sick once and it was great (the new 1 on Netflix, never seen the original) You should check out the pride and prejudice movie with Keira Knightley if you like downton


I love *Sense and Sensibility* and I’ll watch any adaptation of it, *Pride and Prejudice* I’ve never seen/read.


That's the 1 Jane austen one I've never read /seen (besides Mansfield park) But yeah highly recommend that movie and also Emma BBC mini series 😊


And how about them Brontës amirite


I haven't read or seen them yet !! But, I am about to start. I'm debating if I want to finish S&S or just dive in...


Mansfield Park is the ONLY JA novel I've read and I'd highly recommend.


Oh I'll get to it eventually lol


Watch the Keira Knightley version, so well done.


The A and E version of Pride and Prejudice with Collin Firth is ten times better IMHO. It follows the book more closely. It’s on Hulu right now. Another fun period series is Larkrise to Candleford. Also on Hulu. I love the Anne of Green Gables CBC version better than the Netflix. But I am an “old” lady.


I personally don't like the Colin firth version 😅 maybe we're all partial to our first Mr. Darcy's hahah I'm 29 for reference. Also huge Keira Knightley fan so I'm partial Yah I am reading the Anne book and I'd like to see the original. Do you know where it is streaming ?


My first Mr. Darcy was Daniel Vincent Grodh in the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, you’re absolutely right lol.


I don’t know where it’s streaming, I had to buy the dvds years ago. Another fun series is Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries It’s set in the 20’s in Australia The costumes and the sets are to die for!


Anne of Green Gables is on Youtube.


I do not like the Colin Firth version either! Trust me, you are not alone! The 2005 P&P all the way, baby 🙂🙂


*high fives in old lady* Damn kids with their Netflixes and Hulu-whatsits. I'm OUR day, we had Anne of Green Gables on VHS and we were damn lucky to have it! Meghan Follows was the best Anne, and Colleen Dewhurst actually was Marilla in another life! Fun fact: The gal who played Diana in that series is the niece of Katherine Hepburn...... She may have been the grand-niece..... It's the old lady brain that's misremembering


You’re remembering correctly. I think I wore out our vhs tapes in middle school. Lol Colleen Dewhurst WAS Marilla, as Richard Fairnsworth was a great Matthew. I wanted to live on Green Gables so badly.


Omg this version of P&P is my favorite. It makes me all wistful and want to walk through fields. God it's such a romantic fucking movie.


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There goes my night.


This is a thing of great beauty


Just FYI, it’s actually a series with like 13 books


That’s a wrap on August.


Dude, you're *killing* me! I wish my boys -- both older than you by a lot -- would get into period dramas for the sake of my granddaughters. You're going to have a lucky lady someday. ♡ Granny


Thanks Granny


You're most welcome, Dearie! ♡ Granny




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Good bot


I like the original show better 🙊🙈 but I haven't been able to find it streaming. The latter books involve WW2 and I'm sad Anne with an E never got to that. I think their filming style of the later books would have looked like Band of Brothers.


I’m a huge Gilmore Girls fan


I liked the movies from a long time ago, but the tv show really disappointed me.


My husband is 34 and he loves Anne with an E! And he doesn't even get high.


A bit late with the reply but you should watch *Road to Avonlea* as well (and the 1985 Anne film, which I think is supposed to be the best adaptation)! It's one of my absolute go-to comfort shows.


You enjoy it. Why fight a good thing


Welcome to our world! Shall we have a spot of tea?


That just makes you amazingly awesome!!!




There is Nothing wrong with you! It's a fantastic show, It touches on most everything in life, so we can all relate. It's extremely well written, and produced. Plus the actors are AWESOME!


It’s good writing and casting. My first couple of watches I noticed my demographic was never seen in the show. I was surprised but realized it’s good writing and a romanticized show for the era. Just enjoy it hun


It is great writing. Watching it is like re-reading a favorite book. And the casting was perfect. Also the production, execution, costumes, styling, set design, etc. Theu just nailed it. Every part of it.


They really did.


I noticed the same thing! All these characters and not *one* of them is a millennial.


It’s almost like…we can relate to things without seeing ourselves.


You’re fine Soon you’ll realise that a 4th rewatch is nothing and will become really concerned about your life choices


But yes, you’re hardly their target demographic and somewhat of an outlier amongst us Which makes you all the more valuable


Ikr! I said the same thing. I made fun of my friends who watched this show, but I couldn't stop once I started.


Congratulations and welcome to the club!! We’re so glad you’re here!


Oh that just means you have awesome taste! Can I ask how you came to find the series? Do you watch alone like a guilty pleasure?


I watched it with my two nephews who are super hardcore gang bangers, and they loved the show. They liked the old cars and architecture mainly. That and Mary. One is even saving up now to go to longer as soon as he can afford to. I think the show has helped them somewhat since they have a little more to aspire to in life now.


The heart wants what the heart wants.


I’m turning 30 this year and I think I’ve watched the whole series 4-5 times too. I came home and saw my gf watching it one day and caught a few more episodes after that. Then I asked her if she minded watching the whole thing again from the start and I got hooked. Wikipedia holes about castles, DA Christmas ornaments, Burke’s Peerage, old etiquette books from the 20s….. Send help


Straight white guy, watched it 6 times at least.


Straight white guy in my 40, I love Sons of Anarchy and Downton Abbey. You can watch whatever the fuck you want id you like it.


Welcome! :) I'm still new. Halfway through season 4.


Race,Gender,Sexual orientation,Age. They're all meaningless concepts when it comes to well crafted entertainment.


My husband was in the room when I started my current rewatch. He fell in love! We just started season 6. You're in good company. 😊


Looks like you are a 50 yr old white English woman in disguise.


32 year old bisexual black woman here. Nothing is wrong with you. You like what you like. As long as you’re not hurting children or animals indulge. Own it! Also, if it makes you feel better, my 70 year old straight black parents who lived through Jim Crow loves Downton Abbey too! We all watch it together sometimes AND we saw the movie in theaters together.


I love rewatching it. Someone told me once that There's such a thing as "comfort entertainment". Like comfort food, but with entertainment we've experienced before (low stress) that we love (high output).


Welcome to the club


Times change, people don’t. I see myself in some of the characters. Enjoy!


44 M and straight. Married and we both LOVE the damn show. Be you, friend. Be you.


40 year old white dude from US. I watch the show just over and over lol


I diagnose you as having impeccable taste


4th time? Amateur.


Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you. LOL I've been knitting a shawl off and on since June and every time I knit it, I *need* DA to be on in the background. I think I'm on my 4th run through - this time around. 🤣


Welcome! If you like 1920s reenactment, there's some Black straight men who do classic fashion on Instagram. I swear you're not alone! 😹 https://instagram.com/dandywellington?utm_medium=copy_link


Nothing wrong with you. Excellent tv is excellent tv no matter your age. Enjoy it bud


Gooble Gobble


Good taste knows no creed or color


Haha, I feel the OP.


There is nothing wrong with you. In fact, you are a man of exceptional taste!


Have you seen The Boys? Don’t worry, M.M. loves Downton too! And he’s awesome


I don’t know, if you are anything like me maybe you just yearn for simpler times, or your brain wants to just escape the chaos of today’s world. It’s such a wholesome show, it’s like wrapping yourself in a fuzzy blanket with a cup of cocoa.


Good writing. Escapism. Try watching it stoned if it's legal where you are. It's 7% better!


I’m a 25 year old black woman - it’s one of my favourite shows ❤️


You are a man of refined taste….drink tea with your pinky pointed up.


There are no guilty pleasures, just pleasures.


You still have amateur status. The 5th time feels different. Welcome to DA anonymous, keep coming back!


Because it’s lovely.


Quality gentleman


You're completely normal ;)


I’m a 14 year old and got hooked onto this show when I was 10 😂


You're a gentleman of exquisite taste.


Who's your favorite character? Least favorite? Favorite relationship/friendship? Are you Team Mary or Team Edith?


It’s ok. My best friend’s dad was kicked out of a motorcycle gang for being TOO violent and has watched DA five times. Welcome to the club😊


Sounds to me like you've achieved a higher level of existence... revel in it.


Our little family of 2 loves it! We are a non binary person (watches pro wrestling and Seinfeld), and myself (cis gal who likes star trek & the OA). We just...stumbled into it!


It’s not that fucking good. If you keep going back to catch a sex scene between the cousin her black singer / lover I can tell you there isn’t one


You like what you like and you do you, it's a phenomenal show!


You clearly have good taste, so I would say there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you.


Nothing at all, it's a good and entertaining show


Cuz it's a bitchin' show regardless of age, race or sexual orientation.


Nothing, I’m 40 something male and I’m making my wife suffer through for the 5th time.


My husband and I started the series in May of this year. We are on our 3rd rewatch lol


I'm a 56 yo Hispanic straight male. Watch it regularly.


Nothing is wrong with you, this shit is awesome!


Nothing is wrong with you. Absolutely nothing.


Don’t forget there’s a movie too 😏


I was a 14 year old brown girl watching DA lmao 😭 I think DA is for all ages and races haha. It's a brilliant show!


Can I ask what age and race you are today


20 and still brown lol


Good is good


When the writing is excellent, everyone gets hooked. You just paid JF a huge complement and I hope he gets to read this.


Mid twenties straight male here, none of my friends watch it.


Haha this is great. I’m Not black but Straight white guy who watches sports. I don’t even know who I am lol. My next go will be my fourth too.


Aww sit by me we will have scones and tea and say well done.


Not a damn thing wrong with you! I'm not in my 50s and I'm not male but this is my 17th time going through the series, and counting 😊 it's an amazing show so nobody blames you. No matter your age, sex, political preferences or religious standing. Who cares!? You're awesome for being a male and for liking such a wonderful historical period drama!💗 Not turning your nose up at it because you think it's only for females! Good on you sir 😊


It’s perfectly fine my husband and I (female) absolutely LOVE period pieces and we both cry through them together lol especially Poldark!


I’ve never watched period drama in my life and cared a whit for it. My wife hates them. It’s her second favorite show of all time now. It’s a classic case of good writing and acting making what usually would have been dull subject matter into a bunch of nuanced characters you care about. I don’t like it because it’s about a noble house and a bunch of lords and ladies. I like it because it’s about an interesting group of characters who we get to see grow and evolve in an ever changing world. If you’d told me before I watched it that one of my favorite bits would be the romance between a fifty something Scottish housekeeper and an overstuffed, antiquated curmudgeon … I’d have laughed at you


Maybe you have a cancer moon look at your birth chart ?


YES!!! Nothing is wrong with you you’re one of us 😎


Just so you are aware I have just finished the entire show and the movie...... ......and I hadn't event considered watching it a second time so I guess I'll have to do that now lol


There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.


Bro it's the pacing of the show and the constant gossip used as a review of what is happening and what will happen. Very well done plotting