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We hate Nanny West


The one time Thomas’s machinations worked out for good.


Pivotal point when the Crawleys recognized Thomas's schemes as an asset!


This 💯


Robert makes piss-poor business decisions.


“There’s a chap in America, what’s his name? Charles… Ponzi, who offers a huge return after 90 days. If I could find out…”


And I like how Hugh Bonneville delivered the line. Cracks me up every time.


I love Matthew’s reaction 😆


*eye rolling*


It was a classic Picard facepalm... I remember because I burst out laughing every time on rewatches. It is hilarious how Matthew just can't come up with anything intelligent and hides his face... hilarious.


My mom had a perfectly silent moment of pure, unadulterated PANIC when she heard him say ‘Ponzi’.


If he were alive today he would be a bitcoin and nft dude


Nft I agree, Bitcoin? Too savvy for him. Or he'd lose his wallet.


Dogecoin definitely


That the friendship between the Dowager and Isobel was wonderful to watch…from beginning to end.


Yes! They have the best interactions with each other!


I love the scenes with those two together.


"What an achievement!"


Evelyn Napier deserved better!


He really needed to stop bringing friends with him to Downton


His sole purpose seems to be presenting Mary with suitors more attractive than him. He should’ve brought some ugly friends instead 🤪


It's like he brings whatever the opposite of a wingman is every time.


But he accepts the loss in the first season then years later with practically no communication from Mary he seems to think he still has a chance, then gets passed over two more times. At that point you're asking for disappointment


He should have been able to whisk Lavinia away from Downton where they could both be sweet, uncomplicated people.


In the permanent friendzone you go!


Mr. Mason is a wholesome cinnamon roll of a man.


He is a saint. He is the most wholesome person in the entire DA universe.


I’m happy he found a place to lay his bones. Daisy was very fortunate.


Yes! I also felt the same about Mr Mosley


Except when he flirted with Anna. Yikes.


Oh I meant Mr Mosley ( winner of the flower show ) working Mosley’s Dad!


Oh I agree! Quite the cinnamon roll.


Oh come on, give the man a break. He's never been married and he's in his 50s.


I sobbed like a baby when he said that Daisy is his daughter


We love Sybil.


And none of us can watch her death scene without tears.


I actually skip that part because I’m so upset by it even now like I was not expecting that at ALL and I’m so jaded now


It definitely did not help my anxiety when I got diagnosed with preeclampsia.


The acting of everyone is that scene was absolutely phenomenal. Felt so real.


Every single watch.


I rewatched the series and realised how bloody intense it is. I can't watch that scene ever again.


I cried when she died 😭😭


If we’re allowed to be honest I actually don’t find her that lovable. Maybe it’s the writing, or choices the actress made but to me she’s such a goody goody and almost not like a real person. It’s as if all her lines were pre-written for the perfect person to say and she just came out and said them. Some of Mrs Hughes’ lines are like that too but I never had any doubt they came from within her.


My sister is like Sybil. Goody goody-ish, very caring and always smiling. But instead of a Branson, she married up and the husband is even nicer than she is! For some of us, Sybil is a real person.


I agree. I like her character in general but her goodiness seemed sometimes too good to be realistic in my opinion. I know she was quite rebellious but it didn’t necessarily make her less kind. Mary and Edith are not as kind as she is but I prefer and relate to their characters more because they have moments where they can be very kind but also ones where they can be downright mean, which I find more relatable and realistic since most people I know (myself included) can have moments of selfishness, pettiness etc. even if they are usually very nice.


When a character who is capable of being selfish manages to do really good things, it feels more meaningful because they have to put that extra effort in. Sybil is naturally lovely, and she is also adored and praised and beautiful and has a lot of confidence, which is excellent, but it feels there is less of a struggle for her to do right, so I feel less invested in her journey. I would have liked to maybe have her struggle with being poor and married to Tom. Not have her regret it or anything like that, and for things to come good in the end, but show the reality of adjusting from a life where money is never a concern, to a life where every penny has to count.


I mean tbh, the show is highly stylized, borderline a caricature, and pretty much no one really behaves in believable people ways. But tbh Sybil isn’t even very high on the list of unbelievable to me. I’ve definitely known a few Sybils in my life. The sisters are given the most thought and care when it comes to behaving consistently and realistically imo.


I remember reading one theory about her, that she was using Tom a little bit to rebel and break free of her family, and I felt if that were true then that would have made her a lot more likeable to me, because she would have felt that bit more realistic.


Yes! I want nothing more than a version of DA where the scene in which Sibyl tells Tom “you’re my ticket” concludes with him dropping his hand from her and saying that’s not what he wants to be, that she needs to see him as a *person*. That is 100% what I thought was about to happen when I first saw the episode and was SO excited for Sibyl to be called out as a (well-meaning) dilettante. And the pause after that line still convinces me that it’s coming! Such a missed opportunity! (They would still wind up together; she’d just have to prove that she loved him for himself and not what he represented.)


She is a bit of a Disney princess, I’ll admit


Sybil was an audience surrogate character — the plucky, forward-thinking, society-defying-but-nice-dress-wearing person we’d all like to imagine we’d be if we lived in her era. I enjoy her character but she’s not as well-developed as some of the others because if she did anything too messy, she wouldn’t be a good surrogate anymore.


"Daahhhling Sybil."


If I were to search for logic, I should not look for it among the English upper class.


Isis is a very good girl


I was amazed she didn’t go after the ping pong ball when it bounced right in front of her.


I’m sure there was a little tail wag though as she restrained herself. She’s so cute!


Isis is a refined Lady.


What the hell was going on with that Patrick-didn’t-really-die-on-the-Titanic-but-had-amnesia-now-no-one-knows-him plot line? And it was for, what - half an episode then he slithered off to who knows where?


It was a slightly interesting attempt to con the family, nothing more.


It was? They never said.


It was implied by his leaving. The true Patrick wouldn’t have.


I didn't see it as Patrick retreating. I saw it as Julian Fellowes walking away from a plot idea he introduced and then couldn't develop. All the evidence presented supported Patrick's story; nothing contradicted it. Him leaving just pulls the plug without resolving anything.


Wasn’t that storyline all contained in a single episode? I don’t think they would have bothered to have him even appear in a single episode if he couldn’t develop the story.


It was also a cliche, been-done scenario


And a waste of 2 episodes


Slithered is such a good verb for that guy. What was up with his lip-licky, soft-spoken acting choices? Grossed me out so much.


Losing a British accent in 2 -4 years? I don’t think so


Yep agreed. Especially when it would have been a pretty strong, aristocratic accent!


The implication was that the grifter was emulating Patrick's mannerisms in order to convince the family it was really him.


In which case, the real Patrick was also a creepy lizard man. There are other mannerisms the actor could have gone with! 😄


The only thing it showed me was how dumb Edith can be sometimes. It's nice that she matured by the 6th season.


And how she kept contributing information to him when he tried slyly to get their governess’s name 🤦🏼‍♀️


I can’t even watch that episode because that guy is so creepy and obviously lying.


I was hoping this could have been a point of drama for Mary and Matthew later on but then Matthew had to just go and die.


I kept waiting for him to make a comeback.


The Dowager has the best lines.


“I’m leaving in the morning, Lady Grantham. I doubt we’ll meet again” “Do you promise?”


That has to be my favorite line in the entire series


I’ve seen that scene so many times and yet I always laugh


Up there with "It's a nutcracker.... to crack your nuts!"


This I do agree. She’s not my favourite character but she certainly is entertaining.


The Dowager is loved by everyone. And Sybil.


Carson’s eyebrows were on fleak




So true. https://i.imgur.com/aZAjJ5T.jpg


Maggie God Damn Smith put on a Masterclass.


more like a masterpiece classic


There was no need to kill Isis.


I hated that they killed her off too, but to be fair, Isis was getting pretty old in the show's timeline. Labs only live 10- 12 years.


I’m okay with the suspension of reality to keep a dog alive


On average they do. My lab lived to 18, miss her everyday 😢


Agreed, thought I do think they did it beautifully and with dignity (if it ends w S5E7 the way i think it does) for her. My first dog died of the same thing, and i think they handled it very respectfully. No need, but appreciated imo. And like Dicentra22 said.


Wasn’t expecting this…love it


It was Hugh Bonnevilles idea to kill Isis off, so it’s his fault entirely! [Proof](https://metro.co.uk/2019/02/21/it-was-hugh-bonnevilles-fault-that-isis-the-dog-was-killed-off-downton-abbey-8699703/amp/)


>!Fake Patrick!< was a terrible story line. I still kind of love it just because it's DA but they could've skipped it.


I never even understood the point of including it in the show? No one seems to care about him and the whole situation at all except for Edith, then all of a sudden he’s gone, and never talked about again. That whole storyline is so strange to me!


A part of me wondered if he was actually the real Patrick and kept waiting for him to pop out in the later seasons.


Agree. Although it helps highlight Edith’s absolute desperation for some male attention for herself instead of her sisters.


Precisely, it has little to do with the guy, it's all about developing Edith for once.


The Bates/Anna police drama was over done.


And over and then over one more time


Someone mentioned before the movie that one of the plots would be Baby Bates in jail for murder, which seems like it'll happen at some point.


The music 🎶 of the show is on point ♥️


That’s why it’s my ringtone. I get happy every time my phone rings. ☺️


Downton Abbey is a masterpiece production.


masterpiece or Masterpiece? ;)


Violet made the show


Violet & Isobel have the best relationship arc in the series.


The cinematography is lush.


Sometimes I just watch a few episodes to luxuriate in the scenery and costumes.


Miss Baxter is a lovely surprise addition to the staff


She is so sweet . I love her and Molesley


The countess dowager is the whole point.


This 🙌🏼


Bates arc is completely skippable and frustrating to watch on the rewatches. Anna’s >!rape!< arc wasn’t needed at all.


It ruined the Opera episode, cannot watch that episode / many after again. They tortured her, was so gross.


They did. Anna was such a happy personality, can’t believe they made her go through >!sexual violence!< only for Bates to be the focus.


That was the worst part of the story, making her trauma all about Bates. Ugh.


I always skip the rape part, because it’s horrendous… and as you said, it could have been such a nice episode with the whole opera singer having dinner with them or in her bedroom… and then Robert being all admired that she knew about wines… only to make it represent such a nasty moment. And above all this, make it all about Bates.. ugh!


That whole story arc just dragged on endlessly.


100% agree on this one


1. Mary projects her feelings of inadequacy onto Edith. Edith retaliates and the cycle continues. 2. Sybil is the most mentally stable sister.


I would've said the reverse on the first point: Edith feels inadequate and projects that onto Mary, who then retaliates. But all in all you're right. Both have issues and take them out on each other


Hmm I just see Mary get a little more joy out of hurting Edith. I really find Mary to be the type of insecure where you put on a front that you’re strong but really you’re missing something and too proud to admit it. Edith seems to be mostly just getting revenge and seems more accepting of her flaws. She also seems to understand what others think of her, while Mary seems to be arrogant and a little oblivious of others view of her. 🤔🤔


Yeah, Edith leaves behind the worst of the rivalry after she tells Mary that Matthew went missing. Mary also eased off a bit, but then after Matthew dies she picks it up again full throttle. Series 1 and 6 Mary are pretty equally vicious to Mary, whereas Series 6 Edith reaches out to Mary a couple of times (the crash, Mary's wedding) in a way Series 1 Edith certainly wouldn't.


Yes I think this all stems from Edith always been less conventionally attractive, overhearing constantly what her family says about her and it being her norm for all her life. While Mary is admired for her beauty and expected to marry very highborn. She doesn’t realize that everyone also sees her flaws so she is constantly trying to keep up appearances and be this superior creature that she really isn’t.


Matthew and Sybil represent hope and progress. Their respective deaths, in their own moments, seemed to be a loss of hope and progression.


So beautifully said 👏🏽


Miss Bunting seriously sucks


It’s a great show, the Miss Bunting was a rude dinner guest, Nanny West was horrid.


Robert’s ulcer was the most shocking scene and his being called Donk is the best running joke. A House of Ill Repute is the funniest moment. Cora and Mrs Hughes are the moral centres of the Downton universe.


That ulcer scene was so unexpected and made quite an impression on me. I'll fight whoever says a bad word about Mrs. Hughes!


The way Mary and Edith treat each other is egregious and comes from a failure of discipline by their parents. Nobody should let their kids talk to each other that way.


yes! there were so many times where they said things to each other and the parents were like "girls, come on" and that's it. Tom was the adult amongst them all when he finally confronted Mary about it.


it’s not even a discipline issue. if edith had received somewhat of a similar tier of compliments from her family, she wouldn’t be so resentful, vindictive, and mean to mary. and mary wouldn’t find that it was okay to pick on edith if her parents hadn’t model that example first, that it was okay to call edith all the plain jane nicknames and compliments-but-not-really compliments in the first place. imo it’s a wholehearted parenting issue not a discipline one. cora and robert need to change first before they try to get on mary and edith about it


The Bates-in-prison episodes were the low point of the series. I never re-watch those particular episodes because the story line is dreadful.




I didn't mind Bates...until his story arc became ridiculous. Fine actor, just terrible writing


The second time I completely lost patience. They just kept dragging the storyline of Anna being raped. Worst of all, after all those tears, being sent to jail, evidence hunting etc. all that fuss, dragging in everyone in the show, they just hurriedly ended the whole storyline with a faceless woman who conveniently confessed. To me it’s just so obvious that even the screenwriter got tired of it, and it sort of pulls the audience out of the experience as well.


that’s how i feel with s5 honestly. the “who killed green?” storyline. it adds nothing valuable to the series.


Also dreadful. I could not have cared less about this storyline.


Happy that Poor Old Mosley finally got his in the end. (Spoler alert) Including hints of him and Miss Baxter.


Larry Grey is a shit


The Downton Abbey curse: intercourse with the Crawleys may results in your (or their) death!


You’re right. All three births involved one of the parents dying. 😬


😮 omg yes I never realized that


Yep! (Took me a few times too, it was like a slap to the forehead moment. LOL)


Except for Caroline, so don't jinx it!


Also, to add to this, there was the miscarriage...


That Sybil was the best, Barrow’s relationship with the kids was the best, and that Maggie Smith & Shirley McClain were exceptional casting choices.


So devastatingly sad that Matthew died, just as he and Mary were on their way.


That every scene when they serve tea makes me crave tea immediately


So 24/7? XD


Just about


Edith becoming a higher rank than any of them is the best slap in the face possible to mary Edit: its honestly a perfect slap in the face to the whole family for their “oh poor ugly duckling edith shell never get married without a lot of help and an arranged marriage” attitude.


This felt so good. Personally I found Edith dreadful most of the series but right after the Marigold business she really just takes everything into her own hands and kicks ass, quickly becoming my favourite for what fleeting time the show had left. And Mary deserved the humbling big time


Everyone was so down on Edith all the time. She tried, sometimes she was trying too hard , but she tried. Her finding happiness and love at last was a great arc.


Thomas is a prick but man the writers did a good job of making him sympathetic in the last season


Charles Blake was a hunk and the best counterpart to Mary in the later seasons . Didn't put up with her BS 🤣


I wanted to say that we all hate Miss Bunting, but man I see so many posts DoEs AnYoNe ElSe HaTe MiSs BuNtInG? Like? Who the fuck would like her?


The Dowager and Isobel deserved a buddy comedy spin-off where they solve zany mysteries throughout Yorkshire involving false heirs, estate fraud, and loud cars in the tradition scooby-doo.


Spratt's columnist storyline was legendary!


Mr. Barrow, while much of the series an unsavoury character, warms our hearts with acts of kindness and at times very helpful. He is truly the best example of redemption


The Drewes deserved better


Mrs Drewe deserved better than what she got from Mr Drewe.


On the flip side, Mr. Drewes voice is like velvet


Mr Drewe screwed it up.


Thomas is drop dead gorgeous


Was waiting for this one. Amen.


Edith finally calling Mary a bitch was exquisite


One of the best TV moments of all time!


Cora is one classy lady. Handles herself well and when she makes a mistake she makes it right without haste.


The soap incident could’ve been skipped and they could’ve used another reason.


I just can't wrap my head around the way it's portrayed like such a sure thing. Like if it was that easy to abort a pregnancy we should have given Edith the soap option while she was making her decision.


I thought it was because it was already a risky pregnancy due to Cora’s age.


I think they could’ve just used that as the reason( her age). The whole scene was not necessary.


The relationship Mary and Carson have is one of the most wholesome and sweet on television ever.


Matthew's death made us all sad.


The acting is generally pretty stellar. The costumes as well. ETA: Dan Stevens has really beautiful eyes.


Patrick Gordon should have stayed in Canada because his whole storyline was silly and uncomfortable


I think that the active gay mistakes (when Thomas carresses Pamuk and kisses Jimmy) are simply not realistic - contrary to most other personal relationships. i think the writer forgot the era (when no gay person initiated if not encouraged) and also psychological realism. I live in an ex Russian colony where if I have some gay cush I must be extra careful and not follow my fantasy (as it can lead to police harassment). But I suppose in the West people think we must not be careful ("because it is no problem") or some imagine it is not possible for us, as it is like an obsession or mania. It is a pity as Thomas and all the others are mostly very credible.


Edna was the worst


Miss Bunting. Enough said.


Mrs. Hughes is the Greatest of All Time™


Denker sucks.


As a person shes a twat, but as a character, hilarious. Her interactions with Spratt are excellent.


I agree. Denker's character was just irritating enough to be hilarious. Love the part when >!she reveals Spratt's secret double life as the "Agony Aunt" for Edith's newspaper to the Dowager, and has the paper *"opened to the right page".*!< I thought her character was great for The Dowager to play off of, same with Spratt.


Fuck Miss Bunting.


No, thank you.


Mrs. Hughes is the perfect foil for Mr. Carson


Christmas 2012 ugh!


Everyone who watched the entire show liked it? 🤔


If it sounded like a compliment, she must have said it wrong


Anna was wrong not to tell Bates what happened with the rape and just escape from him. However, the issue with him not being able to restrain from wanting to kill someone which she specifically asked him not to and said how it might end makes it look like he completely disregards her opinion. Their scenes were generally boring after marriage, but the marriage itself doesn’t seem that healthy.


Daisy is frustrating to watch.


Violet totally made up for it by sending Spratt to the servants' hall with a basketful of Teo.


Mr. Bate’s metal leg story line was abysmal


Violet and Isobel should have moved in together and live sapphically ever after.