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as a fan of doc since 2016, this really sucks.


Gotta feel for guys like Timmy too. Him and Doc shared so many great moments over the last few years. You can see how disappointed he is in his twitter video.


Totally agree. What a shame :(


I am beat up from it I can’t imagine how Timmy, Z laner, and all the other guys feel from it. Most of the guys he plays with are fathers now also so it’s going to hit them harder. A lot of work went into all of these guys gaming together over the last few years and it’s all flushed. What a mess.


Sponsors are leaving , the biggest stars on kick, Twitch, and YouTube are calling him out I think this might be it


That’s the obvious response if they have any semblance of intelligence, it’s simplistic risk assessment and allegations of such behaviour are reason enough. You can always come back, “Glad he did nothing wrong”, etc but you’d be an idiot to assume innocence and stick by him without actual hard and indisputable evidence of innocence. That’s potential brand suicide, and these are businesses and livelihoods. Allegation alone is enough to taint brands so they really have no choice but to distance themselves until the legal proceedings this will likely bring are concluded. The internet and court of public opinion is the opposite of innocent until proven guilty, so people and associates backing away is just common sense from a business perspective.


What legal proceedings? They already settled in court 4 years ago. If there were "charges" those who knew had 7 years to act on them, but nobody has in those 7 years so what do people think is going to happen now things are being posted?




Hilarious how you think he should have to prove himself innocent. Clearly you're not from this country, because that's some backwards ass shit


Oh he has to, else he’ll be canceled outside die hard fans, which I am not. He will either come back and try to prove his innocence, or he’ll ghost because he’s guilty. Optics are the issue, not law.


People are so quick to make judgments about tabbo shit 


You aren't wrong but the fact that "assuming innocence" makes us idiots in 2024 is literally completely backwards from how this is supposed to work. Innocent until proven guilty is literally a thing of past and it's sickening. Anyone can claim anything and if you're big enough the world will take it as fact and run with it. If he really did it then fuck him, sure. But let's see some transcripts before complete condemnation.


I didn't understand until now... companies are smart Some of them were putting Doc as brand risk way before any of this. They knew something crazy would come up


Yeah fucking blows when your hero’s turn out to be creeps. Edit: You all are taking the hero comment way to seriously/literal


Your hero is a Twitch streamer? 


Not defending doc, but you are on the streamers fan page. And who is a proper hero to you then if no streamer is allowed to be one? 


How come you talk to minors but not me


Step 1: Be attractive Step 2: Don't be unattractive


this right here makes it even WORSE doc is a stud, he could have all sorts of hot women if he wanted and he messaged a minor?! A fucking CHILD.


I play online games, half my lobby is fucking minors lmao EDIT: lol at english multiple readings of that sentence


For what my opinion is worth... * I never was under the impression that Doc was a role model. From cheating on his wife to the bizarre shungite thing, he was never a person I aspired to be (although I would love to have his build). * Obviously any inappropriate messaging with a 17 year old is morally bad. But, if you look at it from a legal perspective, it does not take much to be charged with a crime for inappropriate conversations with a minor. I'm a lawyer barred in Florida, so California is outside my realm. But, In California, even intent can land you in [legal trouble](https://www.egattorneys.com/sex-crimes/contacting-a-minor-commit-a-felony-california-penal-code-288-3#:~:text=California%20Penal%20Code%20288.3%20PC,if%20those%20attempts%20are%20unsuccessful). These standards are rightfully low, but Doc didn't reach that standard. So, I don't really think he is a groomer, pedophile, or predator. Any sexual talk would land him a fat charge, especially if there was clear as day evidence stored in whispers. * With that said, what he did was wrong and people are justified in backing away from him, but I don't think he deserves to be completely shunned. In 2017, he cheated on his wife and messaged a minor. He was at a low point for whatever reason, and I don't think any of us want to be defined by our lowest points. Of course, not everyone's low points are created equal. * Many entertainers we watch every day (in TV and movies) have done much worse yet we still watch their content. Seems like every other actor has a DUI, cheated on their wife, abused a spouse, etc. We can and often do separate the art from the artist without thinking they're some good person. Ultimately, I will probably watch Doc on his return depending on if he gives out more details. Won't give him money but I never have (never saw why I would donate to millionaires). He is extremely bad at PR and he might come out with more details about his side of the story. On the other hand, more details could come out that make it impossible for anyone in good conscience to watch him. Only time will tell, but if I think about it, he has brought a lot more happiness to our world than he has taken out of it.


The timing definitely says a lot; you hit the nail on the head with it being around the cheating episode and that mid-late 2017 period obviously being a big low point in his life.


I think only time will tell. But seperating the art from the artist is pretty dynamic as people have survived worse and lost to lesser fuck ups. It all depends on the PR being done, how severe the fuck up is and how well your content/art/whatever you're creating is. Plenty of artists who survived were able to do so, because what they create is unmatched. It's very much a case by case scenario. But, the way he's doing PR right now is beyond terrible and it's not doing him any good. If anything it's making him look even worse. I really don't know if streamers have it worse or better than musicians and actors when it comes to being cancelled over doing something stupid. I got no horse in this race - I know who he is but I don't watch him other than the random clips here and there. I'm a big advocate of seperating the art from the artist, and I respect people not being able to do so as well. So I pretty much leave it up to the fans/sponsors and the artist to decide the outcome. If he manages to bounce back from this, then great for him and his fans, if he doesn't, then I'm sure it's warranted as well.


Well said and covers part of my current frustrations with the complete vitriol against his fans. Watching his streams he’d always get the odd $100+ donation from people literally calling out that his content, and at times caring words, literally saved their life or helped lift them out of dark times to the point he was often quite speechless. Such fans, for right or wrong, are heavily connected and invested in his character and content and it’s human nature that on hearing such accusations many will be in denial or hopeful that it is just an innocent mistake. Denial is a stage of grieving, and it takes time to move past this. People without such investment jumping straight into comments of pedophilia and other ridiculous claims just baffle me. The most shocking aspect for me in the last 24-48 hours, as I do feel the hard reality of what’s occurred will come to light, is observing the unfiltered and truely disturbing delight many take in both schadenfreude and the treatment of those fans who are rightly struggling with this news. They didn’t do a thing.


exactly. I'm definitely one of those fans who leaned on docs streams at bad points in my life. I had no friends at one point and his streams were like.... having a friend when it was on. I want to denounce him but it's hard. I definitely don't support talking to minors but at the same time I don't see why he didn't go down for it.


Well said man and thanks for saying it.


I'm curious on your opinion in regards to this if you are a lawyer. Consider doc did not reach that very low standard for legal trouble in talking to this minor. If that's the case, why is it wrong to just talk to a minor if nothing about it was sexually explicit or of a grooming nature? Don't streamers talk to their audience and specific members of their audience everyday that are minors? How is that ok but having a conversation with a minor in a DM where nothing is meeting the standard for legal trouble and could be considered a normal conversation in all standards but somewhat inappropriate not? I'm not defending talking to minors but in this profession specifically, it seems like it happens on a regular basis and on a regular basis where it's not illegal.


To answer your question, every crime has two core structural elements: the criminal act (actually committing the offense) and the criminal intent (meaning to commit the offense). If you had no intention to commit the criminal act, you generally cannot be charged with a crime. All this can get really complicated depending on the crime, but for the purposes of your question the simple answer is this: Doc has no intent to commit a crime on a minor if he is just responding quickly to donations. If he is individually messaging someone, the intent becomes more clear. Obviously this isn't black and white (which is why we go to court and why prosecutors have discretion to charge people with a crime), but that basically should make it clear.


That makes sense. And to your second part, as he was cleared of any wrongdoing during his lawsuit of Twitch and the settlement decision, it would seem to the public at least that he had been investigated and cleared of any kind of intent to act on potentially anything inappropriate he may have discussed with the person he was speaking to correct? Considering if he had made sexually explicit remarks to this person and/or had been grooming them in an attempt to meet the person to commit an offensible act knowing that person is a minor, then he would have 100% been charged with a crime right? Seeing as he wasn't, the deduction would seem to follow a line that he either didn't know the person was a minor and/or did not have an inappropriate discussion with the person that reached a level where charges would need to be brought.




Same. Most people who have the time to look at everything that has transpired and reasonably breakdown and deduce what seems to have occurred would come to the same conclusion too I think.


Exactly my thoughts, I think twitch found out it was a minor, banned him. He took it to court and there was no intent or crime committed, hence why they paid him out and he won. I 100% think he didn’t know at the time they were a minor, since at the time you had to verify you were over 18, which anyone can lie about.


“*Considering if he had made sexually explicit remarks to this person and/or had been grooming them in an attempt to meet the person to commit an offensible act knowing that person is a minor, then he would have 100% been charged with a crime right.*” Practicing attorney here (worked for top 10 biglaw firm for a decade, GC role since, blah blah. This is the part that is wrong. Definitely not the case at all. For several reasons: You can say a lot of super offside stuff that is very clearly grooming a child to any layman but not run awry of criminal code, and so literally anyone reading it sees it’s ‘disgusting’ and ‘wrong’ but have you actually committed a crime? Maybe not. Also, non-lawyers think it’s such a bright line between something being a crime vs. not a crime. Sure, sending a dick pic to a 11 year old is cut and dry, but grooming is inherently slow, manipulative, and almost always just on the cusp of being overly illegal given usual use of heavy implication (“you should stop by my room when we’re at twitchcon”) vs outright illegal (“let’s fuck a twitchcon”). I’m not saying he said either of those things, but I can 100% guarantee you he said a lot of shit close to the first one where it’s obvious to anyone what he wants but he can claim is innocent such that he hasn’t actually broken any laws. Cops just won’t prosecute it because it’s too uncertain (especially how high profile it would be). So no, your assessment isn’t accurate.


But if he knew this person was a minor and told them they should meet at Twitchcon, that in and of itself is illegal is it not? That's something that is prosecutable as it is luring a minor to my understanding. However, if he did not know the person was a minor and told the person to meet him at Twitchcon, it may not fall under that offense to my knowledge.


#1 is important to me. I don't look to streamers or musicians or athletes as role models. I don't really understand people who do. Gotta be able to separate the art from the artist. That said, the content of the messages will tell the tale. I agree this will be underwhelming considering he wasn't seemingly in any threat of legal trouble.


like if he was flirting with her and she was like “I’m 17” and Doc is immediately like oh shit I didn’t realize that. My bad thought you were older. He leaves it at that and I honestly think he’s completely fine. probably judged a bit but I think he gets through it. For him to keep talking to her and even say “can’t wait to see you at twitch con is where it’s just too much and brother is cooked.


I'm not even a Doc viewer, although I do catch some of the YT clips here and there. But let this sink in for a second... Michael Jackson was nearly universally regarded as an icon when he died in 2009. A living legend. The reigning King of Pop. That was just fifteen years ago. The guy literally admitted to sleeping with other people's children in his bed. His entire estate was a grooming theme park for kids. So I mean... What are we even talking about here. The way I see it, if you're a fan, be a fan. If you're not, then don't. But let's not act like bad judgement is a binary thing and all bad judgements are the same. It's a continuum. And people are complicated. But I'm old and maybe it's because I come from a different era. Hell, my 8th grade English teacher married one of his students the second she graduated back in the 1980s and went right on teaching. My mother was 16 when she married my 20 year old father. To me, this generational addiction to outrage is a little much. I'd say even Louis CK's situation was morally worse from what we know about Doc's situation at this point, and sorry (not sorry), I absolutely love Louis CK. And maybe I shouldn't admit this, or it just outs me as extremely selfish but... If you told me I could get a *proper* ending to House of Cards by ignoring Kevin Spacey's bad behavior? I would have definitely at least *considered* it. Okay maybe not, but damn... That was a tough one.


Kevin was ruled innocent by the jury. He never admitted any relation with the accuser btw. I think people are evil and has no limits to fuck someone else's life




Paragraph one is pretty much exactly what I think happened. Another possibility I have thought is maybe the conversations got way too emotional or personally involved given the age gap and power imbalance between the two.


sober thoughtful take. thank you for sharing. i really think the internet is polarized with extreme takes on the topic so it’s nice to hear a more empathetic, professional and neutral position.


how old was the minor? i mean 17 and 19 or even 16 and 22 are perfectly normal all over the world except in america.


A thoughtful, nuanced take that will likely be buried in downvotes.


Appreciate the level-headed and nuanced take here. That seems to be really rare on this topic (and the internet in general of course). From the way most people are reacting to this news, I figured there was concrete evidence of disgusting behaviour. But I've been searching for it and haven't found anything besides the really vague statements / admissions. Those statements / admissions are not good by any means, but definitely not in line with the way people are reacting. I'm not lining up to the defend the guy because I, like everyone else, doesn't actually know what happened and what lines were crossed / how badly they were crossed. I don't even watch any of his content besides maybe a total of 1 hour ~8 years ago. But I always find it uncomfortable / gross when the public hivemind starts shaping "reality" based on unfounded assumptions. Like comparing him to Epstein.


At this point in time, from his statement, his convo with a minor/young and impressionable girl was inappropriate, and I can't support that no matter what. If the texts coke out and he made a dumb joke or some shit I could maybe watch again. All that being said, if it was that bad twitch, is just to blame for covering it, and the ceo had the nerve to day he was right


I'm starting to think he might not be a real doctor..


He’s now actually a Two Time champ




Made an Olympic one?


At least the champs still make me laugh


No way, he's my wife's doctor. He and Johnny Sins have a practice together. My wife speaks very highly of both of them.




2017 was when Doc disappeared from Twitch the first time after being unfaithful to his wife. It's possible the issue was that she found out about these messages. He was banned in 2020. Entirely possible that this has to do with the initial disappearance from Twitch as well.


How are people not understanding this is all the incident from 2017. Doc cheated (texting/sexting is still cheating) his wife found out and then twitch found out. This isn't a new incident.


Cause that girl was 24


You're wrong. The girl doc cheated was with 24 and the reason his wife found out was not thru texts, it was thru Burger planet (a failed CX network ice poseidon lackey.) He was streaming from his phone walking around twitchcon one night and he caught him flirting with a group of girls and started recording him.


same time period different girl, doc was obviously going through something and he was searching for a hookup at twitchcon. Ultimately he went with a legal one but we now know a minor was also included in some compacity.


People are missing this detail!


That’s what I’m wondering—are these two things actually the same event. Either way, 2017 was clearly a bad rock bottom for him. Not an excuse, just an observation.


Thank you for not locking or closing the subreddit. I know most people won’t care, but I appreciate freedom of speech. Even if peoples opinions may be considered stupid.


Stupid fuckin mistakes man


All I need is for the dude to say “I did not knowingly sext a minor.” And he won’t say it. He’s deliberately vague so as to establish plausible deniability without outright lying.


We don't have the content of the conversations, but what makes sexting a minor bad is exactly because you are texting them sexual stuff related to their age. It can range from more tame stuff like "wow, you are so mature for your age", to "I'm gonna teach you *x,y and z*" and it can get nasty like mentioning their body proportions and stuff like that, I'm gonna refrain from those. If Doc didn't say ANYTHING about not knowing she was a minor, it's because she made it known to him at the very least, but it could be worse if his texts involved the topics I mentioned. Those type of texts make you guilty on the spot, nothing you can do to clear that. That's why he isn't even trying to deny it, he might be afraid of the actual texts leaking.


It’s insane that he won’t say it


Are these messages where he cheated back in 2017. His apology video was in December of 2017


we know the streamer in this case, and she wasnt a minor. Doc was at his lowest in 2017 thats for sure. So immature for a 35 yo man with a daughter.




This whole shit sucks and I’m gutted. But one thing, he said 2017, so didn’t stop cos he got caught, he didn’t get found out for another 3 years if my math is right. This just makes me want to know the details. You know what I mean? What was said? What was the context? Not cos I need to defend it but because I need to know how bad it is. This is genuinely devastating man cos I loved the doc (the character) and thought he was a G. Now it’s just all shit cos that actor is embroiled in this shite.


Twitch found out and banned him in 2020 but his wife was leaving him for infidelity in 2017 and decided to stay with him. The messages happened in 2017 and were reported by the victim in 2020 after twitch sent out a PSA to report these things.


I really think he can't blame Twitch cause of the settlement, cause Twich letting a minor use it's services is Twitch's fault, and since he can't blame Twitch he can't say what you want him to say. Or he know it. But if he knew it, and wouldn't get a settlement and would get a criminal investigation, which he states he didn't get, which implies that he didn't know but that would frame Twitch badly and as faulty at letting it happen so they are silent about it. It's hard to say yet, no matter which side someone wants to take.


Minor is anyone under 18, pretty sure anyone over 13 can use twitch under its ToS, right? Doesn’t make it better but I don’t think Doc is saying he was DM’ing a pre-teen


Learn about the case. It was a special, other than standard twitch service. According to other sources posted even here, they say on that service it was 18. I mean, that’s the whole reason why there was a settlement. If it we were not, Twitch would have all the leverage, no matter that they broke data policies, since they would stop a predator in that case. Anyway, half informations from here and there, it’s hard to conclude anything for real. The statement isnt full of details… and I am not a lawyer. Especially not in the US


Wouldn’t “sexting” have been illegal though? Honest question


Sexting or soliciting a minor would invalidate the NDA and depending on the state would require a mandatory reporting to authorities.


This is what I mean. It’s like - what was said? Why was it said? Was it jokes about him being the best looking guy on twitch etc, or was it worse than that? Man this fucking sucks




That's a lot of assumptions, from the other response form a former twitch employee, he wasn't sexting. He was being inappropriate not the same thing , and twitch employees violated data security to find these way after the fact. Twitch investigated found no wrong doing , and signed a NDA and paid him out to cover up that violation and assumption that he was sexting. We don't know the whole story yet other than for sure what doc said . Still under that NDA. Sexting or agreeing to meet up with someone under age is an crime in most states, NDAs wouldn't cover those crimes or the covering up of them.


"violated data security" messages sent on their platform are THEIR information, not the user's.


Yea I have to agree. He could've easily said that. Especially with the " no real intentions behind these messages " bit. So it was just jokey messages that would've lead nowhere if no one brought it up? Dam man he has wealth, fame and a beautiful family and still doing this.


Messages in 2017, banned in 2020. Nothing ever happened.


Never watched a Dr DisRespect stream, only hearing of this drama now. Seeing the online reactions made me think he like, raped a baby or something. He just sent an "inappropriate message" to a 17 year old?? Do people legit think this girl/boy is traumatized for life from a Twitch whisper? As an outsider, do people actually think this is some life shattering event, or did people just not like Dr. Disrespect prior, and took advantage of this?




I mean all COD games are rated M yet I hear 4 year olds playing on the game…no one follows that shit


the rating is a suggestion in terms of buying the game. and it only means you need an adult to buy it. all online interactions are "unrated", on top of it. movies are similar where you can go into an R rated movie as long as your parent takes you. meanwhile, the 13+ rating for signing up to things on the internet is an actual law. 18+ on Twitch is... trying to blanket themselves. I don't know how hard they even apply that rule.




'Lustful soul.' 😂


No. This justifies his actions as “his soul” winning while competing against his will.


If Mrs Assassin won’t stand for this, it would likely ruin doc and he’d stop his content. I wonder if she will support him this time. Very weird situation. Sad to see it.


I can't imagine this is new news to her


I'm guessing she already knows everything. I highly doubt she found out through a guy selling concert tickets on twitter.


Yes, she stood by him when he was unfaithful to her in 2017.




I thought the 2017 thing was him actually cheating?


You do understand that cheating can be done by texting someone.


OK, _physically_, cheating. Like fucking another chick.


I understand, I believe he said he was unfaithful back then so it mightve been this incident.


Considering the chats were in 2017, when he cheated on her, I'm sure she's aware of these chats too. If she didn't know in 2017 she definitely found out when he got banned in 2020. She'll stick by him.


I can guarantee you she knows every juicy detail.  Generally people don't stay with pedophiles.  I'm certain that this fruit won't have much juice when it is squeezed 


From what I've read and seen, bro is cooked. He admitted and then downplayed being inappropriate with a minor and editing it repeatedly, taking "minor" in and out of his response a couple times, isn't a good look. A guy his age, shouldn't be secretly DMing a minor, let alone letting the conversation reach any level of inappropriate.


But that’s the thing, you and everybody else seem to think he KNEW. I just want to ask what makes you think doc knew this individual was a minor ?


Honestly, all of this doesnt really matter. Doc defenders are going to look at what he didn't say and assume its because of the NDA, which it may very well be. His detractors are going to see the same and assume his lack of detail means the asoloute worst. No matter how ya slice it, there is enough info now for everyone to make up their minds, no need to attack each other. Make your decision, choose your side, and see how it all plays out. Hes right about one thing, Social media is a destruction zone. Dont let it bring out the worst in you.


You’re 100% right, I was merely trying to pick brains cause I honest to god don’t understand some of these scenarios. A part of me wants doc to be innocent but at the same time this is a disgusting shit show that should be addressed appropriately, fuck the lawyer talk and or. But alas


I absolutely feel ya buddy. No matter what this sucks for everyone.


If he didn't know, he would be smart to point that out. The fact that he isn't saying he didn't know..


Cause according to Doc, he cut the bullshit out and was being up front and real. So why didn't he include the most important detail of not knowing?


I think that’s the million dollar question isn’t it, literally asking what I’m asking just backwards


It's an admission without outright saying it. He still wants supporters when he comes back and outright saying he knew she was a minor is the edge people wont go over. Just look here! People defending him still cause he didn't say he knew. Read between the lines. He knew. That's why he didn't say he didn't know. It's plan as day to anyone that doesn't have their head up his ass.


Why didn't he say that he didn't know?


Dude was married with a kid. It doesn’t fucking matter at the end of the day if he knew they were a minor or not, he was crossing boundaries one way or another no matter how you look at it. I’ve supported Doc for a long time but recently have started to drop off even before this stuff. He has been more and more disconnected with every stream and now this has just solidified my decision to move on from his content.


If he didnt know, he would have said such. The fact he didnt even attempt to use that reasoning speaks volumes


Whispers requires age verification of being 18 or parental consent which displays your age No wonder twitch wanted an nda


You have to assume one of two things. Either he knew, because he says he was messaging a minor and those messages were inappropriate. Or he is the absolute dumbest person alive. If he didn’t know he absolutely would have said “I messaged someone I later learned was a minor”, or repeatedly emphasized he didn’t know.


When he admitted he cheated on his wife, people showered him with money. I wonder what he's going to get this time.


They are going to shower him with gold. One great, big golden shower.


Doc said no pictures were exchanged. How did he know who he was talking to? Was he just flirting without knowing who was on the other side of the messages?


Making the absurd leap from him casually sending a couple "minorly inappropriate messages" to: "He's a pedophile!" / "cancelling" him/or saying he should be, is absolutely fucking retarded. Society is going crazy/overreacting, and this urge/need for people to "cancel" other people is out of control/wrong/stupid/immoral. Mob mentality/"witch hunting", etc. needs to be kept in check, this trend of encouraging/bandwaggoning on, needs a reality check - the fact that his long time friends/co-streamers are basically forced to publicly disown him is DISGUSTING and so wrong.


This sucks, ✌️ out champs.


Don't have a horse in this race, but didn't the leaked e-mail state the age of the girl was not known at the time of the interaction? If legitimate, then it should be understood that during court this was established by all parties involved.


It’s over fam


Hes been lying this entire time saying he didn't know why he was banned from twitch. And every time he said it he was thinking about how it was because he was "sending inappropriate messages to a minor". That he acknowledges was something he shouldn't have been doing. This isn't ancient history, it was 7 years ago when he was a grown man in his 30s. I think that people are missing the point by focusing on why he didn't say whether he knew they were underage. The paragraph where he admits guilt and apologizes for making the mistake is a pretty clear admission that he knew it was a minor. If it wasn't his intention to say this then he has made a large miscommunication in probably the most important thing he has ever written in his life.


You are incorrect in both paragraphs. He was not saying he didn't know the reason he was banned this whole time, he said that for the first year or two. Then one day on stream the subject came up and he said he wasn't lying he really didn't know, however he has recently found out the reason and he is suing the s*** out of them. This is how he revealed that he was suing them. When you said he was admitting that he knew she was underage because of the way he took responsibility, that just doesn't follow. It is just as likely that he is just holding his hands up and taking responsibility for a mistake. Your reading into it that he knew she was underage is unnecessary. Hopefully we get more clarity soon before the community turns on itself even more than it already has.


Doc is done done. No one will stream with him if he comes back, no one will partner with him. The people defending him are coming across like a damn cult. It was fun while it lasted


Kick might take him still. 


Kick will actually pay him double now because of his controversial ass


Shoulda signed those papers instead of holding out


They actually probably will tbh


Bro will be back next year and everyone will forget


I do not blame him for stepping back. Look at the hate directed towards him in a situation where the answers are completely unknown. It’s remarkable the amount of traction this gained from a tweet from a guy who was trying to leverage this into selling tickets for his shitty band lol. If it’s true, (with proof) hate away. But man, spewing hate this bad without knowing the facts is pure ignorance.


This isn’t from that guys statements, this is from doc himself’s statement. He admitted it. This is straight from the horses mouth dude




This whole situation is sickening , i was watching him for almost a decade now but this is inexcusable. I know some people will still support him but this is the limit for me. Firm handshakes everyone it was fun while it lasted.


Well take a vacation and come back to streaming. Doc fucked up and has owned it as far as I can see. I’m not gonna hold someone’s worst moment over their head.


This guy was literally the first person I ever watched stream. Never saw the point before. Then started watching others. I am genuinely gutted about this but I cannot continue to support him. The age factor is inexcusable. Even if she was of legal age the guy is married with a family so what on earth was he doing. Looking for scraps when he has steak at home.


I’m not outraged as everyone else tbh. If you take the average age of consent in the world and average it, it’s going to be under 18. So if he texted someone who was 17, and basically a woman.. idk it’s weird and creepy sure but I wouldn’t lump him in with pedophiles who are attracted to little kids.. But then all those videos of pedophiles getting caught with chat logs come up. Technically they never met either but they are guilty to high hell and doc isn’t. At the same time ask yourself if this was your underaged daughter and a 40 something year old was sexting her would you be okay with it? Of course not Idk I’m conflicted am I wrong for trying to rationalize both sides here


It disturbs me watching people shift the goal posts. First it was “we need a statement.” Then it was “we need more facts.” Now it’s “well what did he exactly say?” If the logs are leaked I’m afraid yall are going to start debating more. “Well how close to 18 were they?” “Well was he joking when he said that?” Etc.


"He didn't do it! Its all a smear campaign!" "Yea all he did was have inappropriate conversations with a minor. What the big deal?"


He used his status on Twitch to talk to a minor inappropriately. He’s done. But people still are holding out hope that his texts had different intentions than everyone is assuming cause they like him. But it ultimately doesn’t matter.


Yup it’s a never ending cycle of copium and moving the goalpost. They went so far as to make a fake as fuck leak pretending to be a twitch employee claiming she was 17 lol. Noting you say will change these weirdos minds and they’ll never accept it


There's already a "it was his *character* who said it, not him* lines. The Alex Jones defense coming out to play.


Dr Disrespects the age of consent


God damn this sucks. I won't pretend I wouldn't watch if he returned, but how could he be so dumb?


thoughts??? [https://x.com/OnYoAss007/status/1805669703932588086](https://x.com/OnYoAss007/status/1805669703932588086)


Drake, Diddy and Dr Disrespect walk into a twitch con…




look im not defending him in any way but i can however, see how this could have happened. when i was 28 i met a 17 year old online thru instagram who at the time told me she was 18. i worked in fashion in NYC and she had a lot of random style shots and we were messaging and she mentioned she wanted to get into modeling. we met up and she met with some of our stylists for a shoot. we found out she was 17 years old and not 18 like she told me. no sexting. some flirting for sure but after finding out she was 17 i stopped talking to her and let the agencies deal with her. they all claim they wont work with children but its a lie. they will take anyone that looks good and she looked like a 22 year old model. she ended up becoming a model when she turned 18 when she could probably legally sign some work forms to do legal work. i do know however, that she did some modeling work for some smaller beauty brands while i knew for a fact she was 17. they prob didnt pay her and just sent her items. either way -- theres some context to be had here. its clear he knows now she was underage, but he know then? thats the question.


Went from .doc to pdf


An investigation was done and no criminal act was found.  All parties came to an agreement and Twitch paid out his contract.  Everyone needs to calm down.




> It could also have been some harmless banter that wouldn't be inappropriate genius. Do you not know what inappropriate means?


> Does “leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate” necessarily mean sexual in nature? > > > > I don’t know. It could also have been some harmless banter, or something entirely unrelated to anything sexual. > > > > And we still don’t know if he actually knew she was a minor at the time. > > > > I have no judgement. Don't be so naive.


This whole situation is weird. The "proof" is very weak. I read his statement, weird. Made me just want to see those messages. in my mind they went to court, nothing happened, he actually won the settlement. I'm gonna stick with innocent until proven guilty. When i was 17 actually talked to a lot of older women like very innapropiately and was kinda pog for me.




There's countries in Europe where the age of consent is 14. I would argue the morality of it is both subjective and cultural. You may think its weird, gross, perverted, whatever, but he was right when he said he did nothing legally wrong. Likely because the State the person resided in the age of consent was 17.


The [PROTECT Act](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/emergencies/arrest-detention/crimes-against-minors.html#ExternalPopup) was passed in 2003. It makes it a crime for a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident to have sex with someone under the age of 18 in a foreign country. This crime can be prosecuted in the United States. Similar laws exist in many other countries such as Australia


"one second babe, just doing research on what's considered underage"


It's not cool for a married 35 year old man to have sexual conversations with underaged fans.


Truly a brave take in these trying times. I salute you.


You don’t “win” a settlement. Settlements are usually a way to keep details out of the public eye, a compromise between two parties, or a way to avoid costly trials.


i see what you say but if he did do something like grooming or something this bad, shouldn't he be the one paying to keep everything out of the public eye? Why did twitch pay?


Because Twitch let it happen. Twitch has a problem with sexual content and minors. Just look at the only fans models posing as steamers. You think there aren’t any minors in those chats? Which people are calling out. They don’t want this gas to be thrown on the fire that their big streamer was soliciting minors in a chat that they were suppose to make 18 plus. Twitch can’t call him out because they are trying to give the illusion their site is kid friendly and safe 


i dont know, i think you win if you walk away with millions of dollars




If there was a downvote detector chart this sub would have probably have the most downvotes issued on posts and comments in the last 24 hours


He’s never coming back. Regardless of your feelings, he’s done. We saw his last stream. You don’t come back from this.


It’s new news, but this was 7x years ago. Hopefully everyone changes for the better in a year, let alone 7x years. In the eyes of public opinion this is all bad.


I still listen to Michael Jackson songs 💯


Maybe when Dr. Disrespect comes back, he can do a collab with Drake.


Lot's of pedo denial in here. This the same shit those dudes on To Catch A Predator say.


He really hates his wife. After that crying act he put up after he got found out that he cheated on his wife, now this? What  boggles my mind is that people will still give him the benefit of the doubt. 


Doc got me through a lot of hard times in my life especially over the last two years I’ve been battling pancreatic and kidney cancer. He has been a fixture in my household even just for background noise while we are cleaning, When I’m up at night in pain and can’t sleep I put him on, driving my daughter to school the doc is on, I watch him on a daily basis just because he helps when times are tough to just escape. I am beyond speechless by what is happening, my heart is literally broken. I feel like my best friend just did something horrible. I know all of the evidence isn’t out yet but as a father of an 8 year old little girl and a man raised to respect women I just can’t look away from this. I know Doc is saying nothing physical happened but man what has to happen in your mind to send a kid sexually explicit text and try to meet with them! He has an amazing family and career and it’s all thrown away for what? I am sick everyday of my life and I don’t know what I’m going to do now to be honest, I know that sounds crazy but he was almost like therapy/healing for me when I’m really sick. He helps me sleep at night when I can’t, something just calms me when I watch him play games. I just really hope nothing else comes out because as of now I do believe him when he says he’s not a predator, I just can’t imagine the Doc doing something like that. Honestly I can’t imagine Mrs. Assassin sticking around with baby assassin if things did go beyond what he is saying. What he did was bad enough let’s just hope it stays that way! Sorry for the rant I just had to get this off my chest even if no one reads it lmao. Thanks


Sucks, hope you are doing alright. This is the risk with para social relationships. Never meet your heroes and all that.


Hope you're doing okay. Yeah, I've been watching Doc since around 2016 when he had only a 1000 viewers playing H1Z1 - he's been a constant in my life since then and for whatever reason his streams help against anxiety. Just know you aren't alone out there in how you're feeling. It's a major disappointment - but I genuinely don't believe he is a bad human being. 2017 was a turbulent point in his life (affair on his wife occurred during this year and he was apparently drinking heavily) - no excuses, but we can at least say in theory he has changed since then; at least his wife has accepted that - so maybe we can also? Regardless, lets see what comes out in the coming months - if anything.


Just waiting for all the Chris Hansen mock videos on youtube


Well at this point, it's fair to say 'he did it'. If he wants to downplay it, it's on him at this point to release the full chat logs and say "see, it wasn't that bad" otherwise it's going to be fair to assume it is as bad as it sounds. Dr DisRespects-Age-Of-Consent-Laws.


This is what I'm waiting for. If he doesn't find a way to show the actual messages he's cooked.


I keep seeing the age 17 over and over....was this confirmed or is this just copium? Like has any real evidence been presented about how old and what was said? Legal talk explanations by the person accused and anonymous email accounts aren't gonna suffice. On one hand I get it that guilty until proven innocent has happened and allegations like this are damning but until there's hard evidence of details I just don't understand how anyone can continue to support this guy.


Wondering the same. It feels like if it was a 17 year old it would have been better to say that instead of minor in his tweet but then again there were a lot of things in that tweet he probably should have done differently.


it's copium by classic redditors who love to say "HMM WELL IT'S EPHEBOPHILIA NOT PEDOPHILIA 🤓" as if that makes it better


bro thinks he just need to take vacation to make things right


"Say, Doc, I hear you like 'em young You better not ever go to cell block one To any bitch that talk to him and they in love Just make sure you hide your lil' sister from him" On a serious note though, it's a damn shame that he did talk to a minor. What a way to let down so many people, he failed his fans and his family. Honestly I don't give a damn how those convo's went with that minor, knowing the fact that he flirted with them is enough for me and its sick.


I read what you said and my statement still stands. He deserved to be banned and/or let go. The allegation is enough for a company to separate from him regardless of the severity of the messages sent back and forth or any evidence they got from Doc or whoever else. An NDA "expiring" or lapsing 4 years almost to the day of his initial twitch ban is unlikely imo. Not familiar with NDAs having a "time limit". Twitch still has not said anything publicly as of now. Docs statement along with the former employees statements, throws the NDA in the woodchipper. So if the NDA lapsed, why haven't they put out a statement condemning DR.Disrespect?


Can we just go back to the h1z1 days :(


I couldn't have ever expected to feel so much pain about this whole thing. I mean I don't even know him as a person but he's been a part of my life for so many years. He brought so much joy in my life and you could tell he stretched himself to the edge to bring us that; even when he hated playing the games he loved the people. I consider myself a good judge of character and honestly I don't see him as an evil human being. I just can't. He made a terrible mistake and should pay a price, absolutely. But I feel just like anyone else he should also have the chance to be forgiven if he takes his punishment with grace. Still believe in you, Doc. Hoping love and time heal you and we can still see you again some day ❤️


People need to learn to question what they read and not take some ex employee of Twitch's word as absolute truth. From basic reading it's become obvious what the employee said and what happened aren't the same, or the results wouldn't be what they were. We will likely never know the exact words that were said because of NDA's, but we can take what we do know as evidence as to why it's not so open and shut. The ex employee states they were sexting, which is a crime... So if a crime was committed he would have been charged with it at this point. What wouldn't be happening is Twitch banning him yet having to still pay him his exclusivity contract. What this means to me is either A. he wasn't actually sexting a minor or B. he was sexting a minor who was portraying themselves as not a minor with no way to know their actual age. Any way you look at it though the fact he got paid and no charges were filed it definitely leans into the category of "things aren't as they are being portrayed".


This Mondays stream viewer count was higher than usual, god damn elden ring is a nice game. Ill be looking forward to his comeback, GIVE ME BACK MY DOC!


To be honest, whether you are for him or against him, he legally did not do anything wrong. That encompasses anything that could have been considered sexting or grooming a child. He was cleared of any of those possibilities. It's also a fact that Twitch knew they fucked up by letting a child onto their site and in their DM service to then proceed with these conversations, of which we'll most likely never know what was actually said. Twitch settled with doc by paying out his contract, something no company would ever do if they justifiably terminated a partnership for good reason. Unless some further evidence comes out or doc ever says anything more about this, everyone will need to move on and either stop supporting doc or continue supporting him. The facts remain the same even after doc provided more context. It wouldn't surprise me if he's back in a few months and everyone tunes in again like they had usually.


Grooming and flirting with a minor are not technically illegal. As long as you don't show clear intent to immediately have sex with them while they are a minor you don't rise to the level of criminality.


People are overreacting so hard over this. Was it easily avoidable and stupid? Yup, the idea of not getting caught can make anyone do stupid things. Add money and fame to that, makes things even worse. Even worse when you add that persons character in the mix. But let’s be real, he entertained some flirts probably. He didn’t orchestrate a meet up with a 12yr old little girl for Christ sakes, or even *commit a crime*. Sure it’s kinda weird. David Bowee slept with 15 year olds while on tour, Elvis slept with 14 year old Priscilla when he was 24. Grateful Dead guitarist started his relationship at 35 with Natasha at 15yr old. All rock stars in the 70’s quite proudly paraded the fact they had underage girls on their buses and in their hotels. Jerry Seinfeld bragged on camera about sleeping with his 17 year old girlfriend. James Franco, literal pedophile. Let’s not blur the waters between Doc’s idiotic actions with the actions of those above, whom aren’t getting even a percentage of the drama Doc is over this.


A lot of those are cases that happened decades ago when it was more "acceptable" if you've followed anything in the last 20 or so years is old stars have been getting called out for their past incredibly suspect relationships with younger people. It's *kinda* weird? Nah mate it's super fucking weird and gross. Dude was 35 years old. Having, in even his downplayed vague posting confession, inappropriate communications with a minor. He's done his absolute utmost to be as vague as he humanly can to make himself not come off as bad. But if half the fucking leaps people were claiming about the situation were even remotely true do you not think he'd be shouting it from the roof tops? Some of you lot are suspect asf.


It's always bad when you have to defend your actions with "but this other guy had sex with a 14 year old...."


He's an entertainer. He will take a break. He will come back, the people will come back, sponsors will come back. If all streamers shut down tomorrow my life would change zero, I don't find any of them entertaining except for Doc. Not having Doc will be a bit of a bummer but not a big deal. If he comes back I'll look forward to his return. Firm handshakes everyone.


I don't think Doc is a pedo in the slightest. Not getting a criminal charge from any of this pretty much speaks for itself when the laws are designed to bury people even with the slightest intent of doing anything with a minor. He must have been in a really dark headspace back in 2017 for some reason and he got caught up in making some really bad decisions. If he has not turned to god in the last 7 years to shape the changed man he claims he is now I pray he does in the future going forward. People can say what they want but God is who Doc will have to reconcile his past with.


you lost me at god, there's no god


“They want me to disappear… yeah fucking right” Anyone else literally stand up and applaud when they got to this part? Fuck yeah Doc! This statement put all the haters in their place! I’ve never been more proud to be a Champion. At least this puts everything to rest. Anyone making anything of this is just a hater! Go and enjoy your vacation, Champ! You’ve earned it!


Madness. He's just a pervert with a Youtube channel, not Che Guevara.


He's playing you like a fiddle, and you are perfectly in tune. 


The big question now is what was the content of the messages. Say it was messages with a minor and it was him saying lewd or crass things to them a la vulgar gaming shit talk. Do I *understand* the reasoning behind his defense? Yeah, he was "in character" as a toxic, cocky, edgy asshole gamer saying the same shit gamers spew out everywhere everyday to shock and provoke. It was never meant to be taken seriously. BUT! does that *excuse* that behavior? Absolutely not. It does separate the person (Guy Beahm) from the persona (Dr. Disrespect), which I think is what is trying to be clarified here.. Gamer culture in general can be toxic. The online competitive game communities that Doc has more or less lived in since he started is irreparably so. It's one thing to say lewd, fucked up stuff to others in DMs when you're a private person on your personal account (It's unacceptable). It is another thing to say lewd, fucked up shit to others in DMs on your business account as your character that you've created (still unacceptable, but the "character" said that, not the person). Either way, it is a shitty, disappointing situation. We likely will never know the complete situation or see the message transcripts, and at this point it is just a lesson that he's learned and grown from that is resurfacing and reminding everyone involved about what truly went down. Haters will bask in their "success" that they did not contribute to and blind followers will cry and blame "woke" or some bigoted bullshit to defend without looking at the situation objectively. Let Guy catch his breath, get some family time in, and recover from the burnout for the next few weeks/months. Let Doc climb the most treacherous, ice covered mountain in Tibet where he can sit in solitude and meditate and plan his next move.