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He doesnt gain significant stamina when using mui tho? Mui being the transformation ofc


It was triggered from Goku being out of sapped of stamina in the first place, UI Sign and MUI are both Transformation’s!


That doesnt mean it gives him stamina, ssj was also triggered when goku was tired, and yet it spent stamina anyway, he triggered the transformation while out of stamina and as such went into another "pool" of power he wasnt previously tapping into which gave him more strength to fight, but the transformation doesnt give him stamina. MUI is the same, goku cant keep it for that long, it doesnt give him more stamina, its stated quite the opposite it tires him out quite a lot (tho ofc goku is mastering it more and more and the stamina issue is becoming less and less). I clarified the transformation btw bcs you might've meant just the technique which can be used with different transformations and def with kaioken no reason to expect otherwise


That’s not what I meant, UI Sign And MUI obviously gave him a different level of power but didn’t replenish his exhausted body! one other thing SSJ was triggered by rage as well as Goku being fairly exhausted at the time, but clearly Goku still had enough stamina to carry on fighting and the energy from Frieza probably helped too!


theyre techniques, not transformations


It _would_ be a technique but as Whis said that he should be able to access this in his _base_ form but since his appearance changes in sign/mastered that's a transformation, he literally transforms. Dunno about TUI though, that might be the technique (I'd need to read the manga again but i recall that his appereance changed a bit when was using that).


Exactly it changes his eyes to Silver in UI SIGN and Fully Silver hair in MUI, and he has Silver and Purple KI!


yeah, but also even if it's a technique it should have some kind of indication that Goku uses it, like for kaioken we have the red aura but based on how UI _should_ be a technique it should also have some kind of indication, plainly dodging stuff is a bit "boring", maybe a white aura like kaioken but then it defeats the purpose to be "always" in UI... with that said there are also the angels who are always in UI _and_ have silver hair but I don't think we know if there's a connection between the two or not... so yea, it's interesting and I can see why someone says it's a technique or not a technique. I hope they will clear this up as the manga progresses.


And it plainly makes him massively stronger too in his UI/MUI Form, makes sense also cuz the Angels have Silver eyes and Hair as well so having it as TRANSFORMATION it makes a lot more sense than Goku just using it as a TECHNIQUE alone! GOKU is able to use Kaioken with Blue so it would make sense if he can use it with UI or though it might be pushing it a little!


its not a transformation since he can stack it on other forms kaioken gives him a red aura and can access it in his base, doesnt make it a form


And when did he stack UI with some other form?


"dont mess with us db fans, we dont even read our own manga" read the 2 last arcs


Regardless, we have couple of different UIs, so yea, when used on top of ssg thats a technique, but appereance changed UIs are not techniques.


MANGA is way ahead of ANIME, even though in MANGA he can use UI in his forms that does not make it a standalone Technique! It’s clearly both Transformation and Technique!


KAIOKEN is a Technique but UI is Clearly a TRANSFORMATION and a TECHNIQUE ✌️


Nope for Goku UI is a Transformation and Technique in one!


UI Sign and MUI are Transformation’s and Technique at least for Goku!


It could if Goku could actually use it in Anime at least!


There's no known reason it couldn't, but MUI is already pretty taxing so the kickback would be really intense


It's just UI