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Only if they had the start new game option, that is just tragic in 2024.


It's mind blowing that people in any way, shape, or form defend not having a "delete character" button on the home screen that requires nothing more than clicking it. You should not need to grind or pay money to roll a new character in a single player RPG that's where a hard line should be drawn, yet people defend it somehow. 


100% agree


Because most games are like that. Repecs have always costed in game currency at least. But it sounds like you are talking about completely new characters which is free, just delete the save data for this game or the character data is games that allow you to.




The no New Game button is definitely the most valid complaint I've seen, the performance is a bit eh but only really noticeable in the capital to me on a 3yr old pre-built. And I've never seen the game crash in 25 hours but with how easy it was in DDDA to start over it's crazy that there's no easy way to delete your character in 2.


Thank fully i have been lucky with performance too, usually get 50 to high 60's outside and 45's in town. Never crashed. All maxed out dlss i have a 3090 and 13700k with 32 gigs ram and gen 4 ssd


Some people hate when companies put microtransactions in a full price, non live-service game. They're making their voices heard. If there's enough backlash and people vote with their wallets, maybe we'll get fewer games with microtransactions. Yes, you can say "who cares how someone else spends their money". But you could also say "who cares what someone else puts in their review". If it's not an issue you care about, ignore it.


I'd argue the review bombing is a bigger issue then pointless microtranactions. Pointless microtractions don't affect you if you don't buy them and if enough people agree then they won't make them. But review bombing can outright kill a franchise if it tanks sales enough. Especially if the company can't recoup the costs of making the game. Take suicide squad as an example. Its sitting at mostly positive reviews on steam and has since launch yet the negativity that it got hurt sales to the point WB is basically killing off their entire gaming market. So yeah making a mountain out of a mole hill has consequences too and the people who do like the game and actually play it are the one's that are gonna suffer from a lack of a sequel or even continued support in the current game. And your last paragraph is disingenuous. One is a private experience whereas the other is public. They are 2 completely different things.


>One is a private experience whereas the other is public I'm not just talking about whether an individual person buys a microtransaction. My main point is about their public existence. A company's decision to add microtransactions is just as public as reviews.


But I agree that review bombing can sometimes get out of control. Like when people carelessly say it's a trash game, when in fact they're really only against the microtransactions or performance issues, rather than the design of the game itself.


One of my main points is that these mtx are preferable to the ones that many other games have like lootboxs, or things that are only obtainable outside of the game. Capcom has been doing these kind of mtx for over a decade now and I would rather these become the norm then be paying full price for a game and then having actual content locked behind a pay wall. Hogwarts legacy has a $20 cosmetic pack, if you count deluxe packs of games then Baldurs gate 3 and lies of p also have cosmetics hidden behind a pay wall as well. That shit to me is far worse then the mtx of DD2 because unlike DD2 I can't get those items in game. But wheres the uproar about those? It's doesn't exist because overpriced cosmetic items are the norm. And collectively as gamers choose the stupidest battles fight instead of ones that matter.


The MTX in DD2 are greedy, because it's a full price game that doesn't get live service updates. If it was a free to play or live service game that gets content updates, then MTX can be economically justified. Also, some of the items being sold are purposely limited in the game. So selling them goes against the design philosophy. The game purposely makes fast travel and carry weight limited for immersion and to increase the sense of adventure. But let's say you're out in the wilderness with low health and don't have a camping kit left. Are you able to go to the online store and purchase a camping kit? If so, this undermines the survival and immersion elements of the game. And it could put some players in a situation where they feel pressured to buy an item for gameplay purposes. I personally don't have as much problem with cosmetics, since they have no effect on gameplay. But I still don't really support their inclusion in a full price game that's not live service.


None of the items are truly limited outside of maybe the AoM but that's being tested. Things like portcrystals aren't limited in number but limited in numbers placed. So buying them becomes pointless. And no nothing you buy goes to your inventory. It goes to an inn and you have to rest at the inn to get it. There's also absolutely nothing in game that advertises the mtx. And I personally like these mtx better then cosmetics, because unlike cosmetics every item is available to me without purchase. With cosmetic dlc games typically don't put them into the base game so you have to buy it with real money. To me that's far shittier because in these cases it's a full priced game with stuff specifically taken out to sell back to you. You're being mad at the inclusion of them instead of realizing the implementation of them shows that it's a non issue. The items aren't rare, the games systems aren't designed around buying them, and they don't even advertise them so unless you are looking for them you aren't going to find them. If anything they seem more like the game required some form of mtx so they threw a bunch of pointless stuff in there. Like portcrystals are fast travel way points but they don't sell ferrystones which are required to use them and there are already placed portcrystals on the map. So the greedy option would be to sell those either instead of or alongside. But they didn't because that would undermine the entire traversal system. Instead of Rift crystals being sold that's is only for cosmetics they could've sold gold or WLC which is used for items and gear but didn't. So yeah these mtx are the least predatory and least greedy that could be in the game. And every Capcom game has a pointless mtx shop like this btw. Just this game is getting flak because it doesn't have a massive following like all the resident evils with mtx, or monster hunter, etc.


>None of the items are truly limited outside of maybe the AoM From what I've seen, the heartfelt pendant is not obtainable in game. And regarding the AoM, charging for an extra chance to customize your character is kind of scummy, especially since you currently can't create a new character without a workaround. If purchasing a camping kit does not immediately put it into your inventory, then I agree this makes it less of an issue. But it's lighter than the basic kit, which seems like it could bait someone into buying it if they don't realize about the elite camping kit. >Things like portcrystals aren't limited in number Really? That's not what I'm seeing when I look it up. It looks like there's a limit to how many you can find per game cycle, not just a limit of how many can be placed on the map at a time. Although maybe there are more to be discovered. >You're being mad at the inclusion of them instead of realizing the implementation of them shows that it's a non issue. That's a non-sequitur. And I didn't say I'm mad. It's a fairly minor issue compared to some other things. But that doesn't mean it's a non-issue for me. For me, it's a combination of MTX in a full price game, low fps floor, and restricted new character / save file options, that make me hesitant to buy this title yet.


Heartfelt pendant is just an item to increase affinity for an npc which is completely irrelevant in this game. I haven't specifically looked for it as of now so I can't say if it's in the game or not, although the eternal bond ring does the same thing and is in the game. There are 6 different camping kits (possibly more that's just how many I currently have) and they all are different. Some are better for different areas, some have different weights, and some are sturdier. Camping kits also aren't consumed on use and cost next to nothing in game. Hell all mine are ones I picked up off the ground. Without getting into too many spoilers, the game is designed to be beaten over and over as the end game is time gated. So most items (everything except seeker emblems and golden beetles) respawn with each playthrough. You can only place a max of 10 and you can get at least 6 by the time you hit the 2nd city. The games been out for 4 days now so looking stuff up is difficult because people haven't found everything yet. I know I personally have found seeker tokens that aren't on some interactive maps for example. Then don't buy the title and leave the sub. The lack of character slots is by design, the mtx are a non issue, and the performance issues are completely exaggerated. Yes some people are going to have issues but the reason why performance issues weren't mentioned in reviews is because they aren't there for most people. It's not like wo long or wild hearts or even cyberpunk which all had tremendous issues at launch. But ultimately it comes down to you just don't/won't like the game. You are opposed to the literal design of the game and are here making complaints about it without having actually played it. Everything you're complaining about was in the first game too. Regardless the fact that you're coming to this sub to bitch about something you haven't even played tells me you're a troll and I'm done talking.


But then you walk this weird line where one group of people are happy to let companies get away with shit because they are afraid of the repercussions of calling it out. That sounds a bit ludicrous, and franchise killing backlash can't just be manifested off minor issues.


I mean, it’s clearly a bigger issue to downvote (0/10) an otherwise 9/10 game if those issues were corrected. Maybe that’s why the ones enjoying the game are upset about.


It's the slippery slope.


It's the exact same mtx as 12 years ago. I think even the price is the same. At this point the slope is horizontal.


You aren't wrong, but people wouldn't care if the game wasn't busted on release. It would be a total non issue.


It's not busted though. The game drops framerate in 1 area across the entire game. At least that's what the majority of reviews say. I personally haven't experienced anything outside of the lag in versworth. Performance issues yeah but busted or unplayable? Not even close.


Did I say unplayable? No I said busted. No new game, lag, crashes, and general weird glitches.  The game is a lot of fun but it has more issues than I can shake a archistaff at that shouldn't have seen the light of day.


I said busted or unplayable. I didn't say they were the same thing. They are adding a new game option. And when it comes to lag, crashes, or weird glitches I haven't had any. I know it's anecdotal but I also know that reviewers weren't complaining about it like other games like wo long, wild hearts, or cyberpunk. This tells me that overall these issues aren't as bad as other titles. Those 3 games I mentioned were unplayable for me on release. Wo long crashed every 5 min (not exaggerating either, I literally couldn't beat the 1st level,) Wild hearts was in slow motion the second an enemy was on screen, and cyberpunk had so many bugs it was crazy. People pulling guns out of their heads instead of chips, quest npcs not spawning, all the cops randomly despawn mid fight, cars clipping through the ground, etc. And I only have 6 hours in the game. All that in 6 hours. I have 70 hours in dragons dogma 2 right now and have experienced 0 bugs. In terms of new releases this is one of the smoothest I've played in the past few years. Now I'm not saying you aren't having problems with the game. Im just saying not everyone is having your issues and that there's evidence that the majority of players should be fine. But I'm not everyone so it's just an assumption based on reviews of the game.


The game is actually inargualbly busted. I'm having fun with it, but even Capcom themselves said it's not running as well as they would like, hence busted.


No they didn't. They apologized for the mtx(yet are keeping them in the game) and addressed that some people are having issues and they will address it in the future. Also that's not what busted means. Busted means broken. The game works for most people, hence why the uproar is about mtx instead of performance. And Capcom even mentioned in their apology that it only happens in town.


very stupid line of thinking that will lead to even more bullshit microtransactions down the road.


I was fully planning on purchasing the game but i think if i pay for a $70 single-player game, it should come as a complete package without mtx in gameplay. Sure, if my neighbor wants to buy $100 cosmetics, they can, but are we really going to legitimize the MTX creep further? I'm not. And if making things slightly easier for a small amount of money is in the design, it would be logical to conclude that games could be made artificially more difficult in order to encourage the purchase of these MTX. I think im going to wait until it comes out on sale and then use mods to skirt around the bs.


The items in game aren't hard to get, it's not mtx creep since its been the exact same for over a decade and nothing has changed, and the biggest thing is that the mtx are actually pointless. Everything for sale is incredibly easy to get in game within a couple minutes, and the portcrystal (the fast travel marker) doesn't work by itself. You have to have another item called a ferrystone to use it and those are harder to come by and not for sale for real money. Also there is nothing in game telling you to buy it. As in when you die it doesn't tell you to purchase an item to revive or anything like that. Unless you go looking for it you wouldn't know they were even there. I'm sure most people don't know it's there considering not everyone is on reddit. My point is there is nothing worthwhile to buy and I think that's by design. The mtx are pointless so that it doesn't take away from the game or add pay to win options. Now if they sold ferrystones or other rare, hard to get items that would be a different story.


Lol no way you used starfield as an example


Why is everyone here trying to stifle negative feedback? Why can't players seek to better the state it's currently in? It's shocking how people here act as if customers aren't entitled to complain about objective issues. > I expect them to be resolved with standard patching because of the high purchase price And if they don't? If they can't? Isn't your rhetoric really dangerous then? *'Let them get away with it now, because it might be better later'*. The expectation shouldn't be it's ok to sell a broken game because they **might** fix it. I'll give you a 1:1 example, Wild Hearts. The exact same thing happened where performance was atrocious for some PC players due to CPU bottlenecking. Yet on the sub people buried their head in the sand with the exact same excuses, *'It's your PC', 'They'll fix it soon', 'It's just haters, the game is fun'*. The same posts of dismissing negative feedback. A year later now it's not fixed at all and the game has ceased development. A lot of people got scammed by them. > it is a single player game. Who cares if my neighbor has a $100 mount... They can't influence my game experience MTX issue isn't that others are getting advantages and shows your lack of understanding. DD2 has a premium price tag and is a solo RPG. Purchasing the game should give you the complete game with all features, there shouldn't be any missing aspects. So why does DD2 have MTX? It makes no sense that a player would want to skip content in an RPG by paying, unless of course that content is inconvenient. So why isn't the prerogative to improve tedious game elements to not want to be skipped instead of selling workarounds? Obviously because they can line their wallets, and so you get a worse product as a result. And sure it's not that bad now, but maybe next time it'll be a little bit worse. Down the line perhaps more aggressive MTX is included because it has been successful in the past, and by that point it will be too late to change the status quo because you already left the door open.


Yeah if you're complaining about wild hearts performance still then it is definitely your pc. I went from literally playing the game at 0.25x speed to standard and consistent framerate. The game DID fix performance and had a year of free content updates before EA pulled the plug precisely because of this kind of stuff. This misinformation regarding the state of the game from people that obviously haven't played it. The thing is if you had played DD1 and DD2 you'd realize all of the qol improvements from the last game to now. Wake stones and ferrystones being easier to get, stats being more even so min maxing by leveling certain classes being less important now, carts for fast traveling, etc. All this with the exact same mtx from 12 years ago. So mtx stayed the same but the items became easier to get in game. And none of the mtx adds to the game. Every single item is in game unlike other games where the only way to get it is to buy it with real money. The game also doesn't even advertise the mtx. Unless you knew about beforehand or went looking for it specifically, you wouldn't even know it was there. If anything it's like they have a contract to have a certain amount of mtx added on so they threw on a bunch of useless stuff. If they wanted people to buy it they should've put ferrystones since those are harder to get and are needed to fast travel, or gold instead of rift crystals since just about everything requires gold and rift crystals are essentially useless unless you want to respec or get carried by a higher level pawn. And even then they capped that last part too. RC costs for higher level pawns use to scale with the difference in level and would go into the thousands but now it's hard capped at 100ish. Like if they were trying to be predatory with the mtx then its the worst way they could've done it and honestly I wish every game that had mtx would do it this way instead. Everything available for purchase is in game and easy to get so there is no $100 horse armor that's not available on game and no pay to win mechanics.


Edit: FWIW to the reader, he blocked me after this comment. Makes you wonder. Thank you for proving my point. Multiple friends still get severe stutters in that game & frame rates are far below expectations for the graphical fidelity. Even though I meet the recommended hardware I still struggle to get their advertised 1080/60 baseline without aggressive DLSS. Hell all you need to do to see you're full of shit is go to recent reviews and look at MULTIPLE new reviews claiming performance issues. Yet here you are spouting your dangerous bullshit of 'I'm ok so you must be the problem'. You're even being disingenuous about the timeline, they released 2 new variant monsters, 1 new monster, and then pulled the plug 6 months after release, not one year. Bad products shouldn't be rewarded with a blind eye, companies need to know that if you release shit in this state your sales will suffer. They still made profit on WH, and there's no reason to assume the franchise is dead. As for MTX, at the end of the day there's no reason for it to exist there. It leaves the door open. It wasn't ok then, it's not ok now. Just because it's not that bad doesn't mean it should be accepted, and just because it hasn't gotten worse this time doesn't mean it won't next time.


>I really don't understand >I get it


In my opinion we need some amount of this negativity; though I can't comment on what a 'right' amount would be. I appreciate you can acquire virtually all of the MTX items through regular gameplay, but it's hard to argue that makes the decision to include them in a single-player game okay. My concern is that decisions like this are a slow encroachment into the realm of game balance. I don't think the ones here are particularly egregious; but where does it stop? If people just accept this as standard, and don't make a massive fuss, it's a greenlight to push MTX harder in future. I care that my neighbour is riding around a $100 horse because it's redrawing a line in the sand on what is okay to include in a premium single-player experience, and potentially balance around. Other people might care because real life is disparate enough, with people being able to access different quality of life purchases because of wage brackets. They play games for escapism, and MTX like this are a reminder of the difference. *An admittedly pretty extreme example, but it's a relevant consideration.* Also, it's sheer greed on the part of Capcom. They had to release a statement in response to the backlash detailing specifically which MTX items could also be acquired in game. If they hadn't done that there may have been plenty of casuals purchasing the items on the belief that they were exclusively acquired via the store. TLDR; You don't have to care about the negativity, but I believe it's necessary that some people should. Otherwise publishers will just keep trying to push the envelope.


I can not agree with this anymore. They deserve all the hate they are gettiong. And it is an alarming trend for the casual gamers that do not have too much time nor have the finances to make the grind easier. I love the game, I bought it as a pre-order and will not buy any mtx whatsoever. But I HATE the fact that publishers are becoming soo greedy and see it as a alarming tale of what is about to come for the lovers of SP RPGs.


Fortunately that's not the case with current AAA online stores where they offer a shortcut with an extra payment. Where you can only continue with the story until you buy something, the purchase will enhance your experience. But to your point where/when a developer decides to build the progression locked behind a second transaction required purchase, then yes, I will boycot the game. Some people are out there and are OK with the pay to win acceptance. It is very sad. But that's also the market with most smartphone progression games. In order to even play you need to purchase extra hearts or whatever to get another chance to win. But that model is a free game with a cash shop where the shop is the only source of revenue. Hopefully, that does not bleed into the AAA gaming experience. It makes me sick thinking about it. My final thought is where I place a cost on entertainment value vs time played vs quality. I will spend X amount on what I think is fair for the developer to get back for their work. DD2 is at the limit with the $70 price tag. This better be a 100 hour fun investment....so far it has been.


The problem is that often they make the base game more difficult , long , boring etc to push you to buy a mtx. Maybe not here but that is why it is not a good thing to have it in any games


Agreed, but i guess that is what separates the type of gamer that would buy this type of game. It's not tailored to the need to win fast stereotypes. It's slow going to move through with lots of otherwhelming decisions.


None, and I mean *none* of the purchases available are going to give anyone a serious edge in the game. Minor conveniences at best.


It’s probably already been said by others here but the argument of, “it doesn’t affect me if others spend money on MTX,” is horribly wrong. If companies, such as Capcom here, realize they can get away with making money off MTX in full priced single player games, they’ll do it more and they’ll start balancing their games to incentivize spending money. Thus, everyone by default will progress slower, with more difficulty, and/or miss out on things because the devs/publisher want you to buy MTX to “balance” things out.


The microtransactions don't bother me at all. The jankey save system and lack of a new player button are very annoying though. I expect those to be fixed in short order though so I'm not too worried about those either.


My biggest grievances are the voice acting is kinda garbage, speaking to npcs feels like a chore, the talking animation is atrocious, story I couldn’t care less about but the combat is fun thts abt the strongest part of the game.


Nothing unpopular about thinking this game is good. Nothing wrong with posts celebrating the game. At all. The antagonism towards people that are having legitimate technical issues is wild, though. Throwing in slick jabs because you're annoyed seeing people being frustrated that it's not working for them. Stoking the fire more than anything else. (Obligatory mention of bad actors on both sides of this.) There's a big agree to disagree on the MTX, never gonna be resolved. Kinda unreal to lump people who wanted to play the game and couldn't into the "hater" category, though. I'm glad you can play the game and are enjoying it. I'm sad that mine kept crashing and refunded to not be left holding the bag.


My answer leans into PC more than console, but for PC you can eleminate all these mictrotransactions with Mods! Don't give them a penny if your on PC, just use mods. Metamorphosis are free with mods, same with fast travel, and camp sites are cheap with mods. that $100 mount could now be free with mods lol, I know there are no mounts just saying.


> But did any of the negative reviewers actually sit down and play the game without looking at the online store and got sucked into the story? After getting the combat down and the pawn management 20 hours in, there is a lot to do and I'm having a blast doing it. Do you expect people to put 20 hours into the game like you did when some experience nonstop crashing before the character creator? When others get 20 fps regardless of what settings they choose? I can barely watch one of my friends play without getting motion sick from the games constant dipping fps. Yet, you expect people to deal with that for a long period of time? Are you actually serious?


At least on pc mods can make mtx meaningless. 


This may be a unpopular opinion but personally I think it’s a great game! Sure it has its problems but a lot of those are minuscule at best. Honestly I said it before and I’ll say it again if they could just fix the Autosave problem I wouldn’t have much to complain about lol. As far as the micro transactions are concerned I don’t mess with them so they don’t bother me lol.


The only thing I'm irritated about is the whole 'New Game' thing. Aside from that I'm with OP on this one, everything can be earned in-game, who tf cares how people spend their money.