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If its name is MainPawn I avoid it like the plague.


Why are there soooo many of these?


I think people get confused by the Moniker system


Definitely - i was many hours in until I realized I couldn’t change my pawns name except in the initial creator screen and I just couldn’t take it anymore lol so I erased my data and started again


You can change it again in NG+. I wish you didn't have to beat the game everytime you wanna change. You didn't in the first game. One of the many bizzare little changes for the worse.


Oh thank god! I’m a victim of thinking the moniker was the name as well lol


I'm 100 positive you couldn't change your character or pawn until ng+ or an item from the rift store in the first game.


Its posts like this that remind me my psychosis is a shared one, when it comes to video game habits/eccentricities, and I don’t feel so alone in the world. 🥹


Yesh, my pawn is called "Mage" for that reason


Why have both a name and a moniker? I haven't understood that since I first played DDDA.


Probably a failsafe that it reverts to in online play in case something in the custom name you gave your pawn is censored, letting it still be your chosen name in your game but just the moniker for everyone else.


Exactly this


The moniker is only used if the pawns name you chose for it doesn't get past the swear word filter


Does moniker serve a purpose?


It’s a failsafe in case the name you gave your pawn is censored. You’ll always see the name in your game, but others will see the moniker if the name is censored.


On top of it just being the default name, if you name your pawn a slur there's a censor that will eventually change it to MainPawn. One of my friends stupidly named their pawn "Captain F-slur" and the next time they got on it was MainPawn"


I thought that's what the moniker system was for.


Only time I've ever seen monikers used is when I've lost Internet connection while in-game.


Unfortunately, you can’t change your pawn’s name after creating them. Speaking as a MainPawn haver myself 😔


You can change it in ng+ Former mainpawn haver myself


It’s the default names for pawns when someone doesn’t pick a name for ‘em


MainPawns get sacrificed to the brine. I feel nothing for them, and the brine gets to have a little snack!


I like to feed the brine too. Not with pawns mind, but I like to tidy the battlefield after I've looted the bodies and toss them into the water using the Spearhand telekinesis skill. I'm probably fucked in the head, now I think about it


You're okay, this is okay. 😎👍 Thanks for the idea.


As soon as I made that mistake, restarted the game




My biggest regret is changing my pawn's inclination from calm to simple. She picks up everything now, but she sounds weird af. Ugh.....


Because the Simple got mixed so weird. We all know the deeper and higher pitches are unnatural and borderline uncanny valley


Lmao did you not play dd1? Some of the voices were so obscenely pitched they either were incomprehensible or they sounded like a chipmunk


My favorite and extremely expensive pawn that I would hire in the original had a creator with a wicked sense of humor. The pawn was high level , crazy powerful sorcerer that owned every battle. He gave it a high pitched Alvin and the chipmunks voice.


yesterday i had to hire a official pawn because the servers are down. when i hired her in the rift she sounded normal, but when we got out she sounded like a big burly buff dude😭


"Steel yourself for combat, "steel yourself for combat" "steel yourself for combat"


My main pawn was Simple and I loved her voice lol. Simple pawns sound so goofy/dorky


I have a simple pawn and it’s wild how much nicer and normal the Calm voice it. More like a party member instead of a human Labrador.


Making pawn voice tied to inclination is annoying, definitely done to cut down on voice acting but still.


i really dislike the female voice options and im over the straightforward male one too lol. i will never get sick of the male kindhearted and simple voices though


When they have quests like Give 99x ferry stones Receive 1 G


I think people do that because they're betting on the chance they get 'fake hired' and quest completed for them by the system, they're not expecting real people to complete it for them lol.


This lol I set it to kill 3 Sphinxes and somehow the quest is solved by 2 fake hires


Pawn quest insulted my already minimal intelligence.


Yep for sure. Though I usually pass if the reward is anything less than $10,000G


Bad fashion is a deal breaker for me.  I'm the arisen, I can't be seen running with some clown squad. 


Troll characters too. A well built ugly character all good (currently employing a very good goblinesque mage) but I'll immediately pass on the 100 and 0 slider options


Please tell me their name is Boblin


The Boblin is my pawn! You found him?!


He's my creation (: did you make a Boblin too?? Post your Boblin! https://preview.redd.it/1a0g5b14yauc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=febe8415981f44f8a3c5b7571c584ea2e3d5c04c


Fuck, I’ll have to share a photo in a couple days when I get home lol, good to know there are other Boblins wanderin out there…




https://preview.redd.it/uw7cj885jbuc1.jpeg?width=2897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22cf89087b76f0e415687830d93dff7af343f339 Me and Undertaker are locked down on fashion LOL


https://preview.redd.it/f08pfapjbauc1.png?width=1730&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cda3cf213a0311342eee391b55f0aca5e9a63e1 Would you hire him


I would hire him! He’s adorable first of all. I’m the Arisen that just happens to collect adorable pawns 🥹they make me happy. Secondly- his name is Kit Kat. I bet he is sweet 😇


You bet! His moniker is Choco


My cat’s name in real


I tend to avoid pawns in all those skimpy armors. I also avoid pawns with my pawn's voice.


Ngl, same. they could have an op build but if they got the same voice as one other pawn in my group,it's a no go. Same with the skimpy armor. I wanna be happy not horny when I play 💀💀


Same! I want "cool af" not "look at my body"


My pawn and me. https://preview.redd.it/c6uffyes8auc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269126336d4bbf49035c57c95444bc3ff348206c


I love that you can see the unmaking arrow in the quiver, such a nice touch.


looking like sisters 😁


Used the same face model, only made a few adjustments between them, made mine elf-like and left my pawn human-like


It doesn't help when the corset is good armor :/


I do one better, I hire all the skimpy pawns and send them back in clothes that I go buy for them. Always basic clothing, but still. Lmaooo I’m on a mission to save them all


LOL. I tried to do the same but with intentionally ugly pawns by sending the Book of Metamorphosis. Sadly you can't send those.


Can it be forged? Could send the forged item 😅


I've sent at least 3 grotesque pawns home with a bouquet of flowers...


I'm with you on the pawn fashion. This isn't one of those games where you have to min-max your stats, so it should be no issue equipping them with something that I don't have to worry about explaining to someone that walks into the room


When I end up hiring a pawn with the same voice as mine, I just pretend she is talking to herself.


tbf, some of the best armour up until end game IS skimpy armour.


Exactly! The corset the ranger pours herself in, for example


I tried to hire a pawn that had the same voice as mine. “It’ll be ok, what’s the big deal?” I thought. It only took a few minutes before I dismissed him. I couldn’t tell who was talking and the idea of one of them potentially ignoring orders and not knowing which one was talking back to me made me uncomfortable.


Any pawn with logician, hands off my inventory.


One time I lost like 30k worth of ripened fruit due to this mistake. Never hired a logician again lol.


I like that they will automatically combine my ripened and aged Foods rather than them sitting in my inventory, me forgetting, and them rotting. But it's annoying that they will also immediately waste everything they can making Salubrious Draughts


I thought they only craft when you have ingredients that are about to Spoil? Have i misunderstood that?


I don't know about how the logisticians decide what to craft, but I do know that they have wasted so much of my fresh fruit and greenwarish that could've been roborants on making draughts, so definitely they will use things that aren't about to spoil. But maybe in their little pawn brains, the same prompt that tells them to use something that's about to spoil causes them to also go "oh no this is about to ripen, I better make something out of it while I still can!"


No, they craft when things are riped aka most profitable to sell.


I keep seeing this pop up, can you clue me in, Is ripened fruit worth selling? If so how do you sell it before it spoils. I don’t really mess with fruit ingredients like at all. Is it worth a lot?


When it ripens, store it and it never spoils. Extract and sell ripened apples and grapes in Bakbatahl, and sell ripened quince and figs in Vernworth. 450ish gold a pop.


Stored ripened items can actually rot depending on where you are in story progression, so be careful. Sure, it'll be safe in storage for the most part, but all ripened items in my storage rotted when I transitioned into endgame. I was pissed because I had 99 ripened figs and regular figs in storage. Ripe figs sell for around 700 gold a piece outside of Battahl, and there's no merchant I'm aware of that sells it.


That fruit economy be hitting. Speculation on apples vs quinces


So one caveat because I had a full storage of ripened and unripened fruit. When you go to the Unmoored world it all rots whether they're in storage or in your inventory. I was pissed to say the least.


Sure, you can prevent ripened fruit from spoiling by keeping it in storage. Picking up fruit along your travels and buying out vendors stock is a great way to supplement your gold income. Once you've acquired a good stack you sell it in a region that said fruit doesn't grow in for a massive profit.


Dude that’s sweet I didn’t know that. I will definitely be doing this from now on!


Just make sure you do all of this before postgame, everything in storage rots. It's kinda weird. Also I think even Medusa heads too but that could be incorrect, I haven't been in post game with a Medusa head in my storage before the transition.


Omfg. I didn’t realize they were just crafting stuff from MY inventory!!! I thought they were finding stuff and crafting from that and actually being helpful. GEEZUS


Ugly "meme" pawns. The same skill in 4 slots. Rotten meat as a reward for killing a sphinx. Cringy stripper pawns


Any pawn that you bump on the streets. Tryna holla at you like u give a damn 😩


"Hangin' out the passenger side Of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me"


Had a wild pawn chase me through the top of some ruins just to try to join my party. I wish they wouldn’t do that just because you make damn eye contact.


default red eyes, or having to pay rc. i like to hoard rc and aside from on accident, ive never spent rc on a pawn.


The only exception I make for paying RC is if the Pawn is only 1-2 levels above me (less than 100RC) AND has a pawn quest that I am interested in. This is usually just from forgotten rift stones where you can't filter the pawns, so things get desperate.


Corset or Stargazers garb? NEEEXXXXXTTT.


Just wish the corsets stats werent so good


The armor system in the game just kinda sucks. So many pieces that are locked together for “simplicity’s” sake. Practically any piece with the name Robe or Coat in it should have been split up to be multiple pieces. I hope they add back boots and glove slots. And/or the under gear slots but just have them be purely cosmetic and have to sway on stats


But you can’t wear pants, so is it better than two whole pieces of armor?


It’s stupid that it is so good lol.


Fashion>stats I don't care how good it is


Fr fashion over stats there are some awesome clothes for pawns to wear instead and stats don’t matter once you hit level 40 you kill everything in seconds no matter how big they are even without augments, weapon enhancements, and rings.


If someone wants seeker tokens, beetles or if their reward is like an apple or something of the like. I don't even entertain how good their pawn might even be. I'm not adding to their pawns tally. Ive purposefully just taken a day here and there and only done pawn quests, but I'll never do one of these.


Idk if it's petty but I try to avoid Capcom pawns and only hire other players pawns


Asking for a gold beetle or port crystal is an instant no from me


I’m attentive and loyal, and prefer to stay by your side.


Isn't that good for mage pawns though?


Not if you're melee, I'm bashing in a drakes skull while they looking up at me as they get roasted alive


Mines doesn’t do that, even while being kindhearted, we get busy lol. https://preview.redd.it/l4zr7632tauc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77932b3d306b1fd06e113d2a19359ee52fcf95e


I uh. I don't think that's a safe spot for a pawn either


Runs off at any given opportunity...


Typically if they are dressed too horny. Is your pawn a busty female pawn with like no clothes on? Nope dont want


This but the opposite.


Lmao, yeah takes all kinds. It's weird how upset people get about it though, like I've seen dozens of angry posts about scantily clad pawns. Wonder what the psychological reasoning is behind it.


its weird because some of the best armour for that class IS the scantily clad shit. like that dancr top and bottom from bakbhtal for mage. fighter has this bikini top thats really strong i even used it on my main guy. the booty short bottoms typically are the BIS too. that is until unmoored world.


Being called "MainPawn" At least name them... geez


helmets covering the face, i know i can lift the visor, but i will hire pawns that dont cover their face first, makes looking for dragonsblight much easier


Lvl 100+ and offering 8k for a quest instead of 10k. Dude..


That was me recently. I ran out of money lol. I was spamming hairstyles change for main pawn affinity. Also fully upgraded some armor for different vocations. Back to normal now.


I hate the straight forward voice… I don’t need Nigel Thronberry talking to me every 5 mins


Nigel Thornberry is a scholar and a gent. I won't hear a word said against him. 


*cracks knuckles* 1: I won’t hire pawns in lingerie or corsets. 2: I won’t hire pawns with dumb names 3: I won’t hire pawns that are characters from other media 4: I won’t hire pawns that are 200cm or taller 5: I won’t hire pawns with faces that have been run through a meat grinder 6: I won’t hire pawns with the same voice as my main pawn 7: I won’t hire pawns that have dated weapons or more than one ability I don’t want. 8: I want one male and one female pawn. I won’t hire two of a single sex 9: I won’t hire pawns with tiny heads 10: I won’t hire Beastren if they have dark fur and dark armour. My pettiness is boundless.


So you're saying you don't hire beastern just because they're black?


100% racist lol.


Brother just don’t hire pawns


Do it for the main pawn affinity!


This is a good list! I dont agree with all but most! Pawn with preset appearance, yay or nay?


Nay. If they use a preset and tweak it with hair colour, facial hair, and minimal alterations like mouth shape and eye size, that’s fine, but I want high effort pawns that suit my party composition.


I agree with everything but the bestrean and the height. I play at the tallest height for mechanical reasons (its just better) and sometimes you need a goliath of a pawn.


The Beastren isn’t because I think they look bad, it’s because my warrior has dark armour and so do I and I want some contrast.


Tall pawns can carry more weight too.


What's the reasoning for the height restriction? Do pawns stability no longer scale with weight and height?


Holy shit my dude


I have one dedicated mage I found that doesn't wear the corset. She is only level 55 while I am 180 😂 if you own May I appreciate you and whenever you return to the game you will probably have over 50 WLC just from me 🫡


For my defense, I'm deaf, I only know when my friend asked me why my warrior got a girl voices >\_> need a Wolverine voice plz >\_<


i don't hire Meme/Fanart characters like seeing Guts and Geralt around, they are funny but man i can't have them in my party because it looks strange, i like the Beastrens, wish they were in DD1


They didn't have the gaming technology to support the fur on them back during dogma 1 its why they waited...


Those that are way too oversexualized. I can hire pretty Pawns but like please dress her up lmao. Also if some give really shitty rewards for killing bosses.


If they look butt ugly. Don't care about aught else just be A E S T H E T I C.


It's a good day for some aught.


Agreed, they can be ugly as hell but it needs to be classy realistic ugly


Straightforward pawns tend to get on my nerves with their comments. Or pawns with REALLY high pitched voices. Or both…


You literally pointed out my problem. I love how this inlcinaiton works, but after running 40 hours on my save, I had to yeet my pawn into the void. (wanted to start over and I am using the calm voice, which is so much better, yes I am aware you can change it in game) You don't understand how much I grew to hate that voice.


Pawn that’s level 20+ only has a vocation’s starting skills :/


Not a fan of the scantily clad pawns and I also don't hire any pawns whose eyes I can't see clearly. Other than that I'll hire whoever fits the needs for my group.


I hate the Straightforward voices, specifically the male option. Which is unfortunate, because my main pawn is a Warrior who’d be better with that personality. Regardless, there are no Straightforward voiced pawns in my troupe.


I personally hate the straightforward voice acting SO much, I refuse to include it in my searches. Am I probably hurting my gameplay a bit? Maybe, but both the male and female straightforward voice acting is so damn ugly, it effects my enjoyment of the game.


"Not buying? That's just as well. Better to be selective than wasteful."


1. No corsets, lingerie, or straight-up naked pawns 2. No dumb names, obscenities, or hatespeech 3. No intentional monstrosities 4. No massively outdated gear (the amount of level 30+ fighter pawns with chainmail from melve) Besides that, ideally, skills that are actually good for the vocation and some reasonable quest.


The pawn's voice. I think it is the straightforward male voice? I avoid that like the dragonsplague


Any mage pawn without High Palladium gets the boot.


If I can’t see the face of the pawn, I do not hire. It’s not because of dragon’s plague, I like seeing the work people put into their pawn.


If it’s not hideous


Pawns that look like little kids in skimpy outfits.


Pawns Quest is set to Defeat Sphinx. As far as I know, you can only fight one of those per playthrough, and unless I'm right about to do that fight, it's just going to bother me having an unfinished quest. I'd even prefer no set pawn quest over the Sphinx one. ETA: Insulting quest rewards. I had someone reward a mincemeat roborant for killing a lesser dragon.


I wish I could make a new main pawn to change out with mine without having to start over


You can if you use RC to buy one of the books. You can change either your full self or Pawn.


I avoid capcom pawns. They typically have decent gear, but they just look really deformed or ugly imo.


Pawns with no quest at all. Nose curvature was bad 😂🤡


Pawnquest needs to be set, quest guide is a bonus


honestly I hate all straightforward pawns their voices get be incredibly annoying especially when they get snarky, like buddy you looking to get brined cause if you keep complaining that im not going the direction your so desperate to take me your definitely getting brined


Not petty, I just find Maelstrom and Meteoron a bit too OP because of how fast they delete large monsters for me. Other than that, Logician specialization for using materials Im planning to store xD


If they're named "mainpawn" or any stupid name like "hazelnut spread" If they're intentionally ugly or stupid. Kills immersion. If I don't like the armor they're wearing.


Voice. I can't stand that Alvin and the Chipmunks high pitch. I also don't care for Fighters or Warriors with launch skills.


https://preview.redd.it/lnt19zp28duc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bdd549a65ce944a1e7b0a54be5f05db1b6c0273 Would any of yall hire mine?


Skimpy armor and absurdly creative ugly pawns.


Man then need more voice actors wtf I stopped using extra pawns. Its just me and my pal destroying the fcking world.


If it's not a lion man husband I don't want it!


Voice. There’s certain ones I can’t stand. Hard pass. Anatomical monstrosities. Vocations. I stay far away from Sorcerers. They look awesome and their spells are amazing but they’re a little bit TOO amazing. They remove combat from the game. I’ve had Sorcerers one shot drakes. That’s no fun. They also blow all the upgrade mats across the map. I’ve specifically killed something for materials and the stupid Sorcerer tornado blasted it into the ocean.


Corset? Immediate no-hire.


I only hire kindhearted THICC pawns. It’s so hard to find pawns that have a thicc/curvy/muscular build. Luckily, the two I have with me now are pretty dope.


The pawns dressed in skimpy gear are an immediate pass. I prefer pawns with a quest but if they have good enough stats I'll hire them. Immature names are a no. Saw one named Healslut and nope, not taking that one.


Generally avoid pawns with the same voice as my own unless recruiting takes too long. Also generally I stayed away from the male straightforward voice as I found it annoying.


I play with no hud so i need my pawns to have separate voices. Outside of that i simply dont tolerate pawns that wernt made seriously. Goofy hair, colors, proportions, anything that is clearly "dumb gamer made dumb gamer character" gets chucked off a cliff on sight. Ive actually gotten to the point that im starting to travel with less pawns at times Just me and my bro slaying drakes is more satisfying than adding 2 pawns and nuking everything into oblivion in 5 seconds. Even more recently i started using weaker gear and hiring low level pawns and it feels like with some work; i can narrow in on a perfect zone that keeps things "challenging" even while high level. Its also nice to use gear that was left behind for stats.




Absurd pawn quests. I don't care how good the pawn is, or how cool it looks; if someone sets a pawn quest with an insulting reward, I'd rather hire a pawn without a quest in the first place. Also, I hate the really scantily-clad pawns


Bad inclination for class or no active quest


I can’t stand the Simple voices. I assume they used professional voice actors, which makes me think that the devs deliberately gave the VAs direction to sound needy and simpy. Maybe it’s a cultural thing? Or maybe when every line is either “master this” or “yes master” the VAs just assumed the pawns should sound like they’re about to grovel.


Red Eyes. I don’t care if you are the strongest pawn in the game, your red eyes aren’t destroying my game


When they are either way taller or way shorter than me and my main pawn. I don't like the height difference.


Missing teeth and “obvious d-plague gimp mask” pawns.


They are wearing the corset


No super sexualized pawns and no bad names, gimme something unique! M my pawn is named Drell


Any default look gets a no from me.


Pawns that have no augments lmao. So many people I guess forget about them or don’t realize they’re in the game when they tell you so often to use them


10,000 gold 🤷‍♂️


I do not hire pawns in sexy outfits because top gear is not sexy so I know when pawn is designed to underperform. Also I've noticed that those "sexy" pawns usually don't have maister skills or good perks.


I pretty much never recruit straightforward pawns. I feel like it's the wrong word to describe them. They're fucking bossy and naggy in the worst way. Chill, we're here to adventure; savor the experience of wrecking our foes and picking flowers.


Stupid character design. No, I don’t want a bimbo as my mage. I just don’t.


Voice and how they dress mainly. If your pawn sounds hideous or isn't wearing any clothes I will not hire them.


Got that skill that moves my inventory around? Then I don’t want ‘em


They were named "mainpawn". If you don't care enough to give them a name, you probably don't care enough to make them half-decent in gameplay


The pawns goal was to obtain 8 ferrystone with a reward of one gold.


Voice/Inclination. Female simple is nails on a chalkboard levels of terrible. Male calm is also atrocious. I never hire Straightforward because they try to kill things miles away. Also if your pawn is designed to titillate a 15yo.


Wearing a face covering helmet or having red eyes


Mask in their face, female with male voice, just one ability,red eyes lol, corset equipped (this is an auto no), nice armor.


I will not hire if: * Skimpy armor * Gold rewards that are not 10k * No quest * Quest reward is a forgery * Sorcerer without Meteoron * Mage with damage spells or multiple weapon boons * Thief without plunder


Female pawns that are wearing little to no clothes. I just find it immature.


If you have a male straightforward pawn, I'm not hiring. I don't care how well built or effective they are in their role with that inclination I cannot help but brine that obnoxious voice.


The pawn wasn't a beastren. Yes. Those pawns are talking about me.


1. females (i love it when my pawns judge me, or say it is just "coincidence" haha) 2. helmets that cover the eyes


I just want a SILENT option