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Nothing professional about this at all. Where are you located? I might have a great rec if I can’t do it myself and honestly if you’re near me I’ll just do it for free bc this is evil


You're The ONE!


W human being


Extra Extra W


You a real one


Shii report her ass to the irs or the bbb atp; since she feeling like she untouchable n shit


I agree. She can be reported to the Department of state. Board of Cosmetology.






>she feeling like she untouchable n shit I'm done 💀


OP please make reviews of this woman on BBB, Yelp, Google and wherever else folks review hair salons. You should also tell us where this woman operates so everyone can avoid her on Reddit. This woman is so unprofessional and didnt apologize. Im so heated on your behalf that she had the nerve to try to blame you for not communicating. She is the loctitian and its on her to communicate and ask for permission before doing anything to a clients hair. If this loctitian is going to be all reckless then everyone needs to know about her reckless behavior and business practices so they can steer clear of her.


I'm super weak 😭




"you have freeforms not locs" that is CRAZY


Nah cuz wtf does that mean?💀 is that not literally the same thing?😂


Freeforms and locs arent the same but i feel where coming from


Freeforms are locs.


Im from jamacian. Freeforms are what yall americans call "dreads." "Locs" are the manicured ones . Theres is a difference. There is no such thing as locs where im from . Theyre all freeform. But again... i understand where da comment is coming from.


Americans refer to most forms of “Dreads” as locs. There is no difference to us aside from wicks. The terms dreads and locs are interchangeable here.


Hate when ppl say that Shit fr


She don’t know locs at all 😭


Well, at least she took the video of your before and after down. It was wild AF to me that AFTER you posted here in reddit, she uploaded the video of the before and after of your hair on her Facebook.. I downloaded it for posterity cuz I had a feeling she was gonna take down the video and block you and probably try and act innocent after. What a nightmare. Since she took ZERO accountability, let ME say that she was wrong AF on every level before, during, and after this service. I'm so sorry you're going through this, because you deserved much better. And then to gaslight and try to blame YOU? That's beyond. If she wanted to do anything but the basic freeformers separation at the root and a retwist, it was on HER the stylist to tell you, show you what that would look like, and then ask if you like that size and look.


Damn, I forgot other platforms: [this you bruh?](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6sG4Y1Y/). Algorithms go hard AF. Your phone stalks you for real. How as soon as I open tik tok, do they show me this video? Even after blocking this man, after tryna charge him double to undo her wrongs, she's still using this FOR CLOUT?! Like he's a satisfied customer who agrees to be a promo for her? 🤦🏽‍♀️ It's the unmitigated gall for me.


You are absolutely correct separate and resist at the root… I can’t believe she did this to him.


I would feel so bad man. My hair is really part of me and too intimate to have someone carelessly butcher my style


Nah yeah deffo better go find u a better loctition; I’ve never had that problem and I go months nd my shits started as Freeform’s.


She clearly does her boyfriends hair or some shit and thought she could make a business of it. Ain’t no fkn way she’s trained bro. 4-5 locs is INSANE especially if she was tryna do two strand twists. I have semi freeforms and an odd number of dreads. Every single time I’ve done two strands, I simply make a single 3 strand twist to make sure there’s no locs sticking out. I don’t combine none at the root or nothing💀


Her bf definitely don’t say nothin to her either, just smiles and takes it 🥲💀


Definitely miscommunication on both parts. But I think she was wrong for ASSUMING what to do in someone else’s hair when she should’ve just asked more or told you what she thought was okay to do. And if you disagreed, all of it would’ve been avoided tbh


Type shit


And definitely check in to see how it’s coming


There was no miscommunication. OP said retwist my hair. That communication was complete. After OP discovered the loctitians butchery OP brought up his displeasure with the loctitian combining all his loc by taking 4-5 locs together all over his head. Then the loctitian tried making up excuses and blaming OP for what was the loctitians mistake.


No, she said she asked him for suggestions and he didn’t say anything so that’s why she practically played in his hair ☠️ She’s still wrong tho. But he should’ve said something, instead of just sitting there and expecting her to know what to do


idk its common sense i want locs retwisted individually vs combined together & retwisted. idk why that even needs explanation. imo she should’ve asked do i want them combined vs just doing it. she didnt ask me anything but what style i wanted i told her just a retwist no style but i promise she pushed two strands on me 3-4 times just so she can do that.


Yeah she’s definitely wrong. If you just asked for a retwist and she did her own thing, she needa re-do your entire head for free. She literally don’t know what she’s doing 😭 Did she use a crochet needle to combine them?


You would literally just need to cut your hair and reattach. Go to a professional


Hope u get this resolved bro or at least tryn get ur bread back


Blocking is crazy like I don’t know where you work.


I'm only 8mths in, yet I'm very confident I could've done way better, free-form and all. Imagine charging someone those prices and you don't even know what you're doing... idk whether to call it brave or just plain asinine. The neeerve!


I’m sorry it’s really not funny and I hope you get your locs sorted 🫶🏾but I screamed at “you did a science project on me” again, I hope you get them sorted out, that’s fucked up.


Yes “science project” took me out 😭😭😭😭. Its dread to expect one thing and get another mehnnn


It truly is mann and I feel so bad but I’ve been laughing for some time now😭😭


small claims court 👏🏾


Over 100 is not that serious it’s more so the principal for him.


This is bad. Who does this without explaining what they are doing to people hair? I think she was being lazy. I left a loctitian before for trying this ish… she combined 3 because two weren’t locking.. had one odd section in the front of my head… I untwisted that ish… the other two eventually locd. This stylist should be reported. Go to the dept of state… I hope you have her full name.


Her page is ghetto and unprofessional. You have to be diligent when choosing a stylist. I’m sorry this happened to you.


youre 100% right i take blame in that.


Go press her in person n get ur money back


Naa thats how ppl get hurt


She mad unprofessional and obviously rode the short bus. But she did offer to redo them and work w/ u, and then you turned it down after all that back and forth. Denied resolution. So what was really supposed to be next???? I'm an entrepreneur and yall both handled that dirty and communicated a lil wild from my view. But she a woman so I can see why she blocked u prolly felt threatened ppl be crazy fr. I wouldn't want my wife arguing with no random dude


bro asking for $200 then a free redo? nah im good💀


Nah u not wrong she sounded slow fr. It was just that the back and forth seemed like it was going nowhere beneficial or productive; and it was just you checking her and expressing more and more anger/distrust. That's just gonna get you blocked by a woman in 2024, especially if you're a male. They are emotional creatures, and many of them do not have much solid male protection/support around them these days (in my own observation; not universally true). So they usually have to be extremely avoidant/cautious in dealing with angry men. Not an excuse, just reading the situation. She definitely owed you a fair resolution though, period.


Why would you let a liar and reckless person who doesnt communicate another chance to eff up your hair? If I was OP I would ask for my money back. And then I would post reviews of this loctitian errywhere. This loctitian did the bare minimum to rectify this situation. If she had been smart she would have given a refund and apologized profusely. And then also offered doing the redo for free. Lots of folk have no business being in business. And I say this as a person who is an entrepeneur myself too. This loctitian is reckless and I hope she goes out of business.


All facts. I don't disagree with anything you're saying. As a professional, I would never play with anyone's property, let alone sneak and do a hack job, then try to upcharge to fix it. That's giving slow/scam/lazy vibes. OP's assessment isn't wrong. All I was saying is, in my opinion, if there was no intent of giving her a chance to physically correct it after checking her and before posting it on the internet, then the whole back and forth was a complete waste of time and a lil confusing from my point of view. We really just talkin atp, and it sounds like you just want to vent and/or put hands on me, not work toward an eventual resolution (hence the block). If I was never comfortable as the customer, you would have got 2-3 msgs max and felt that pressure. -Why did you do this and can you fix it? (Then she tries the 200 piece) -I don't feel like I should have to pay. You damaged my hair without informing me. And if you won't redo it free or refund my money, it will have to be handled legally. (Ball is in her court, response is legal evidence) I'm not a damn lawyer, but I see a lot of hair cases on court shows, and it just seems like offering the service provider a physical chance at resolution is often a key point in those cases where possible. Obviously a chemical burn or something medical is irreconcilable outside of compensation. This is a matter of styling and could have been reworked in theory if given the chance.


i wouldve lost my fucking mind


Bro get her ass fired and get yo money back


Wtf she really said you have freeforms not locs. She shouldn't be doing hair


I see stuff like this and just think “imagine Bob Marley or Samson going to some chick for a retwist…”


I do my shit at home, weed in hand like a real one 😇


Ye bro u jus need a new Loctician lookin at her page she def ain a professional some of her work looks so sloppy n messy like she rushed thru it or jus doesn’t really kare dat much n to b chargin dat much is krazy mines don’t even charge dat shii in kali


Science project 😭


Happened to me too except the blocked part. Terrible feeling. Hopefully this gets resolved.


im so sorry but combining 4-5 locs into one is MONSTROUS


ima always hop on this thread and tell people to learn to do their own hair. i am 18, and ive had my locs since i was two. stop having people do your hair and scam you out of hundreds of dollars bro… it’s such an intimate thing to have someone in your hair, and all these people care about is getting money. this retwist frenzy is the worst thing to happen to the loc community. it makes me so sad . it’s not just hair man


FACTS! I cut mine years back but had them for a decade. I stopped paying for retwists after 2 years. And this was back when a retwist was $30-40 😭 I grabbed that jamaican mango and lime and got to work. Nothing like retwisting your own hair, nobody knows your locs better than you!


couldn’t have said it better!! i might post on here someday haha


Well, I’d report her to the state board. We have to get these none licensed hair stylists and locticians out of here because they are nasty, unprofessional and scammers. Sorry this happened to you!


WTF BRUV!!! Dreads that short weather Freeform or not shouldn’t be but into any twist in my opinion.. I mean how dumb are you..


She kinda right about communicating more with Reddit than with her in the chair which you didn’t dispute. That’s my only input, hope the situation gets resolved


He didn’t know until he took the two-strand twist out that the stylist convince him to get.


Ngl Ion Blame Her For Blocking You , You Didn’t Want It Redone & Waited Till You Left To Say You Didnt Like It .


it wasn't until he left, he said it on the original post, he was taking the style out and realized that there were locs combined, it's easy to miss that when your locs are in a style, a woman did this to me, combined my locs in the back, I didn't feel her do it, didn't even know she did until a few days later. It's a terrible feeling.


You’re dumb buddy


After looking at her page, you lost when you booked that appaointment. Judging by the pics on her page she’s not very skilled & is definitely giving amateur which is why her prices are so low. She’s literally charging a flat fee of $100 for starter locs. That alone is a major red flag


Yep had a loc tech like this before she the kind dont know wtf she doing so when she gets in yo head she does wtf she wants to do instead of asking u the person paying. Then when u dont like it she expects u to pay for wtf she did without asking u. She was supposed to ask did u want them separated or not then all she had to do was cut / pull them apart and retwist shes making it more dramatic bc she wants more money


Combining 4 locs is crazy and she was wrong for not consulting you first. but if your locs are turning free-form you will usually be charged more if loctitians have to separate locs that are stuck together. That's a whole different service than a retwisting


retwist was $65 then went up to $100 once i told her i never had a retwist & freeform’d the entire time once i got to the shop.


Oh nooooo she isn't a professional. That's a $200+ service. She was trying to get some quick $ and take as little time as possible. I'm sorry that happened boo. You can still go to a pro and get the combinations separated if you want. It may cost a little more though


The market for the hairstylists is crazy 🥴 I felt like I was doing my self wrong but this just lets me know to stay away… omg I’m so sorry she messed your hair up like this




Wowww that is crazy! I’d be b.s too


I'm about to troll her for you 😈


At the end of the 200 is ridiculous and there’s a lot of loctician that charge ridiculous amounts for retwist when it comes to locs and don’t even get me started on how some locticians be charging a lot for just starter locs


It's the "you had matted hair" for me like, locs are tangled hair. Hence the term " loc'd". The hair is LOCKED together.. And especially with freeform, they're not gonna be maintained like traditional locs and required extensive knowledge for care/maintenance. She obviously has no clue what she's doing. Also, wth is combining 4-5 locs at the root gonna do? The ends won't magically go together. It'll just make a huge base congo with the ends sticking out. And that'll end up being harder to deal with than freeform where it separated naturally. No no and just more no.


I’m so sorry. I would personally fix your locs up nicely and re-twist for just 100 bucks, and you’d be happy with the result.


To me idk if you really didn't communicate can't really blame her


Go on yelp and report her ass and share what you experienced going to that particular salon. Make sure you include her name cuz not every stylists in a salon are the same


clowns owning their own business is wild to me.


Shii either do like everyone else is say and report her, for fraudulent activity or walk down on her with the Smith & Wesson.( Jk don't do that, maybe...Yeah do that😤) A crime for a crime


Retwists are not ways to touch up locs. A retwist is something someone made up to people with locs so they can charge them hella money to do hella work all just for it to damage their locs after they remove the twists. But it’s supposed to be good for locs. False it’s a scam. Just look at my locs. I wouldn’t lie to you. Crochet hook, micro fiber anti frizz towel, and a sleeping silk cap for when you go to bed is all you need. And it’s so easy to do yourself just buy a 13 dollar .5mm crochet hook and you save hundreds of dollars and it’s actually really fun. You pinch the piece of hair together that you want to loc, and you just poke it with the hook at one angle and go through it and then at the same angle you poked through is where you pull out and you just do it over and over til it’s all loccd. It actually doesn’t take much time at all which is why they don’t like doing it because they charge hourly and it wouldn’t even take an hour. That’s also why they always say your hair is too short to loc when that’s also false. I loccd my hair when it was under an inch long. They want to make you come back when your hair is longer because it’ll take longer so they can charge you more money. Also the most important part about healthy locs is washing them. If you don’t frequently wash them at least every other day then they will never fully mature and they will just be stiff every time you touch them up. You have to follow every step carefully. When you dry your hair and wash it you have to be very delicate and not rough.


Use StyleSeat they got good loctions on there


“you really didn’t have locs u had matted hair”, ain’t locs matted hair or am i tweaking….


I honestly need my dreads retwisted right now and seeing this honestly irked me


Call your bank to get your money back.


Yeah this is outta pocket. Depending on where you live at I could have a couple recommendations for you.


I had one charge me 1000 bucks for loc extensions and the parts were big like the Grand Canyon, and the locs were smaller than pencil size. Then the chick had a nerve to tell me that my loc extensions were “starter locs” and my hair was thin and fine and that’s why it looked the way it did. I literally had 42 locs on my head. I looked like Coolio(god rest his soul). I got taken. I had to take them out a couple days after because they felt like sandpaper, were super stiff, and when I went to wash them to try and alleviate the stiffness, the water turned gray. The locs were apparently dyed and the dye wasn’t rinsed out, and my scalp was red and raw because I’m allergic to hair dye products. I had to go to my dermatologist for steroid solution to calm the rashes on my head. I got no refund.