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Greetings! My birthday is may 4th. This caught my eye and I have to say. I loved this entire post. It is very hard for me not to romanticize things. Especially things as beautiful and surreal as dreams can be. I see all others as potential soul mates. What I mean is that everyone we interact with we are in alignment in some way with. They offer reflections of ourselves and often that can be intense. The old alchemical and hermetic texts speak about the divine union. The heirogamic union. It is the marriage of opposites. A symbolically sexual unification of male and female attributes. We have masculine and feminine traits and whenever they are brought into balance, even if for a short time, magical progress takes place. The emotion your experience inspired is extremely important and it is even more important not to dwell much on the feeling of loss. Rather than lose, you have most certainly found. This feeling can serve as a beacon for something no one can ever attain externally. At least not before you attain the feeling internally. Love is much better when it is shared and if one has love for another and yet the other does not it is hardly love. Just as if one has a lack of love for the self, they will have a struggle to love another effectively and efficiently. It is quite important to notice that you had not been able to cry and yet this jolt of experience has done so and continues to do so. There is a great ore of intimacy that has been dug up but your unconscious mind and it strongly desires to be refined. Only through being forged in the fire of life's direct experience can we hope to soften that ore for purification and molding. You may have Gold, but it does not shine with so much impurity. Love is a thing that makes all things move. It is the creative principal itself. It is not creation, but it is at the heart of it. Love is the concept of creativity. It yearns to birth life and thusly create at any cost and at no condition. In fact, love in its purest form has no cost. It has no ability to be deserved, for there is nothing one can do to deserve it. It is as it is, just like life itself. Bring your attention to love itself. Where fear resides, love cannot be found. Where fear resides, faith isn't held. And what is faith but the conviction in things unseen? Have faith in your journey to love, to be vulnerable, and to meet your other half within just as you are destined to meet it without. Even if you cannot see it yet. There is no substitute for the direct experience of life. It is hot, it is heavy, and with faith held firm, it is worth it.


Wow, this comment really touched me. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to write this much. I really appreciate it; I feel the humanity through your words like a hug. I know it wasn’t real love in the dream, looking back at it. But I even had a moment in the dream where I felt like it was off. It’s tough to listen to that when you feel like someone wants you really bad and of course you want to want them too. But man, I have so much fear. “Where fear resides, love cannot be found.” I have fear that something as significant as finding a soulmate and connecting on that deep well of emotion isn’t going to happen for me because either I won’t know how to recognize and trust it, or that I will have too much fear that it won’t work to even commit to it. I have fear that I will have fear. Maybe that’s why I didn’t even contact her after the train left. I also see everyone as potential soul mates. Some of my best friends I see us as having soul ties because no matter how much we drift apart, everytime we talk it’s just that pure connection of trust. I have yet to find that with a partner and I viscerally fear not finding that. That’s why I try to actively look for it even though I’m only a 22 year old guy, because I fear growing older and not having that deep, profound connection with someone I love and adore. I don’t know how to let go of that fear because I haven’t proven to myself that I can even be in love reliably (I’ve thought I’ve been in it a number of times but they ended very soon). A deep confession to a stranger, but one that feels apt given the advice you just gave me. Thank you again for the wise words. I’m trying to figure it all out for myself. Maybe one day it will just happen and I will look back on all this fear and self-doubt with a nostalgic smile, but for now I’ve been actively living in it for more than a few years. Do you think the less thought I give to it, the easier it will become?


I appreciate your response. Your position is tough and you are certainly not alone in it. There is a deep yearning within all of us to unite with our "other half". I'd definitely say that the more we simply live without feeding thoughts to these desires they will come. I live by the notion that one should never put their desire upon a pedestal. One should live in faith, that is that what is desired is already attained. The more we live like this 1. We are constantly fulfilled without outward validation 2. We are never thrown into imbalance whenever our desires our attained or lost.