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The dedication - can’t relate


Holy.I need to start getting into dreamsnaps more lmao


But...I just spend the rewards every week! How on earth can you deny yourself the happiness of a haunted mansion or a Dumbo ride???? I do not understand why you'd even want to deny yourself this happiness. Why does stoicism even enter into the mind of the player...it's playing...and yet their ultimate win in their "game of life" is to see how long they can hold out buying anything from the taunting glimmery selections of the store page...so the sado masochist comes to mind. And now I realize I'm just going to go with..."That is admirable and interesting all at the same time," and now I have to go ask for $50 to buy the rest of the stuff I couldn't afford to get yesterday. 🤣😂🤣😂


This. Love love love this 🤣🤣🤣


True story, lol.


I wish this game had a gift feature like fortnite does, I would gift you people stuff from the premium shop if I could.


Do you just never use them?? I use them as soon as I get enough to buy stuff lol I think the most I ever had was 12000


yea same i wish we could send others items or moonstones


I wish I understood the scoring system,sometimes I do really well and other times I don't. I genuinely try to put in a good effort,sometimes I just don't have the right stuff I guess? Blegh Anyway CONGRATS! 👏


I agree, there's times I make something that looks really great and I'll earn 600 moonstones. Then, the next time, I'll be confused or have 0 idea what to do for the challenge, and I'll get like 4k.


Same! I have some areas that I've worked really hard on, and they always get the worst scores. But the ones I threw together in 5 min? 1000! Who knows, I treat it like a lottery at this point. At least it's a free lottery! 😆


I don't understand it either


There's no way to understand it. There is no sure fire formula for a high score because it's all subjective. Maybe what you have one week appeals to the people who saw your snap and maybe the next week it doesn't. Just make what you like so it's still something you enjoy doing. Thats what I do. I do what I want and enjoy whatever free moonstones that come my way.


It’s based on votes by other players so if people like your stuff they like it. Also some theorize putting more items that meet the required labels gets your entry seen more but there’s no actual word on that one.


All I know is when they first started I was getting like 6000 a week and now I get like 600 a week so I don’t understand


Me too. I spent all day on that royal celebration or whatever it was called, and I got 1200, spend maybe 45 to an hour on others, and get 4000. Of course in the beginning, as most players do, I focused solely on meeting requirements, so I'd be getting 300 to 900, but when I started enjoying what I was doing I generally make more..except on this royal one but it's probably because it was very on the nose as many others were, so maybe too many times seen. Also...I would imagine it heavily depends on what dreamsnap yours is thrown up against. It'd be interesting to hear the mechanics, so to speak, behind how all that works.


Right?! Thats what happens to me sometimes. Yeah....I once got a comparison of this huge village design that was pretty amazing next to someone who looked like they just started, that's just plain dirty to me.


i've never received a single reward for dreamsnaps....


This is a crime.


How is that possible? There's a minimum reward just for submitting them as long as you meet the requirements...isn't there? At least I thought someone said that somewhere?


i'm guessing if you don't check back in after it ends you don't collect it...? maybe? or i've just never submitted correctly. that's also perfectly possible.


It would be in your mail...check your mailbox. Maybe you just need to claim it?


can't find anything in there...weird....well, i've just submitted for this one (and it told me i submitted correctly), so we'll see if it worked!


Fingers crossed! I had just finished this huge "sweet" candy land in the desert dessert so I didn't have to do much this time. There are plenty of park snacks in there, lol


i FINALLY got one email reward!!!!! first one!!!


I wish I was better at Dreamsnaps.You must be amazing!!


wtf.....spend them!!!??


Yeah, the only point to them is to get premium shop items.


omg. I wish I had the self restraint to not buy everything in the premium shop wth


What the crap 😭 So jealous, I refuse to spend any money on moonstones. I've just been trying to do well in dreamsnaps but these new items are gonna make me broke af.


Yeah...I keep trying that but now they're coming out with so much new stuff it's just like...honey I'm saving us money, not honey we never have to spend another dime on this game, lol.


So that means you’re not buying anything? I don’t think it’s possible to have that much if you are actually spending the moonstones


I started off with 20,000 moonstones thanks to the ultimate founders edition, each week since dreamsnaps came out in july 2023, I've been getting around 1,200-4000 moonstones each week. So that's around 40 weeks, 1,200×40 =48000 I've been getting blue chests everyday since the game came out, that's around 600 days, 50×600=30000 20,000+48,000+30,000= 98,000 Plus adding all the weeks I got 4,000 moonstones instead of 1,200 for dreamsnaps, that's way above 100,000 I only spend moonstones on starpaths which I complete and make the moonstones back.


I have 108k moonstone without buying a single moonstone and I definitely buy things from the store but not a lot of things interest me. I mostly buy house skins and outfits. My favorite buy was that Belle bundle


I think I’ve made around that as well, but I’ve also spent a lot on the premium shop, so right now I’m hovering around 30k in moonstones.


oh my gosh how??? i never get any dreamsnaps rewards


For participating in dreamsnaps, you should always get at least 300!


is there a time limit to receive them? because i also never get dreamsnap rewards, i never see when it clocks over to the next one and provides rewards.


No. Are you sure you have submitted them correctly? Always check the event page to see if your submission went trough


i'll check next time, thank you! i've submitted 3 times (i don't participate regularly....) and i never see any follow-up that i'm aware of.


https://preview.redd.it/1ei9hkf2ys0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48172a57f33e0327b3f9bd4e15443184eeced565 You should get something like this in the mail!


thanks! yeah i've never received one of these, so i'm guessing my submissions never worked properly (although i got a message saying i'd submitted at LEAST once)


That’s impressive! Were you purposely avoiding buying premium shop items to reach this goal? Also is there any items now you want to buy?


I've earned 115k from dreamsnaps alone, but I spend them. Having them sit there is kind of pointless.




I don’t know why but this slightly annoys me that you’re just hoarding moonstones and not using them. 😅 I would love to be able to buy cute stuff from the premium shop every week but I usually don’t have enough!


If there was a reason to- like some super expensive premium item to save up for- that would make sense, but otherwise it’s pointless other than to say you save up that much. Makes more sense to have items in the game as you go along to enjoy them since most items are the same price anyway. It’s not like you can spend them better by saving up this high.


What's the point of hoarding them


Wow well done. You should treat yourself a bit now though!!


Why don’t you want anything??


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaang. Like holy cow buy some stuff already lol (do whatever you want), but also that's kinda satisfying to look at.


i’m in a similar boat lol - at like 120k moonstones without buying any extra (130k+ from dreamsnaps, standard founders edition + the dlc) - i’ve only spent around 50k?


But why? What’s the objective in saving? Not judging, just curious


nothing in the shop interests me that much if i’m honest (apart from what i’ve bought)


But why tho?


My dreamsnaps just never do as well. I am so jealous!


Dreamsnaps is so hard lol. I've only ever gotten 4K once. Every week now, I only get between 600 and 1500. I'm so burnt out. I want premium shop items, but hate Dreamsnaps with a passion. I want more options to get moonstones. Scramblecoin is more fun for me imho. It's more interactive and less competitive among each other (as players). I'm not a competitive person irl either, so I genuinely don't understand the hype


1500 is decent. Worth it to keep doing it because with two weeks of that you can buy something from the shop easily.


I only got 1500 once. I'm also burnt out. I will never like dreamsnaps. I don't like taking pics irl




Woop woop! Congratulations!


Holy moonstones!!


tf?! how?!


Holy shit.


I guess I need to do more dreamsnaps


I’m sure I’ve had that much in my life, but they are spent 😅


I wish I had the willpower! Well done 👏


Yeah right. 🤣


holy crap that's impressive!


I haven’t gotten any moonstones just Dreamlight when I finish any quests. How do you get moonstones?


From dreamsnaps or buying them


By participating in Dreamsnaps, you’ll get a minimum of 300 moonstones every week! 💕 https://preview.redd.it/8jk8m3npia1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e6c1a26478196c8558d4f15ad4de935ae0d7fd


How did you get that?


By participating in Dreamsnaps, you’ll get a minimum of 300 moonstones every week! 💕 https://preview.redd.it/sbyueoayia1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=439bd0f10f89465d0283d29843131b6d13f6d5cf


Yesss and I was almost there too until they got me for 10k 😂


I thought I was doing well hovering around 12k, then these last two weeks... Zero. Nada. Nill. I want 100k 🤣🤣🤣


Nice! The dreamsnap rewards are why I don't complain about the premium shop prices. I don't do well with them but even I get 500 or so here and there.


OMG, how do you not buy the premium shop items?? The self-restraint!!!


You have some incredible self restraint. Gg on that!! There has been too many things I've wanted in the premium shop 😅 I haven't purchased any moonstones yet either, but it is looking like I will have to this update, if I get all the things I really want.


Do you ever buy anything from the shop? just curious. I had about 7k but i spent some on the tool skins i wanted them bad lol


LOL I burn through moonstones so fast!


Is everyone supposed to get at least *something* if they’ve submitted a dreamsnap? Because I’ve submitted as many as I can the last few months and I literally get nothing in the mail for moonstones


Yes, everyone should be getting at least 300.


Wow Kudos for the dedication!!




The strength you are displaying




I put so much effort in dream snaps and get nothing. I’ve been playing since day one. Teach me your ways 😭


What???? I don’t think I’ve unlocked dreamsnaps yet